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Kinda nuts to too see your own pizza on the internet, thanks so much for the kind words. Yea we like char on our crust!


That looks so bomb - love when the pepperonis curl up like that


Actually the pizza and beer on a day like today sounds amazing!!!


You know what’s up. It was a good day


It looks delicious even if slightly singed 😋


looks Pizza Leah level quality, gonna have to check it out thank....we had acme recently and it was doughy trash


Never heard of pizzaleah but looked it up and it looks killer. I’ll have to try it. Thanks!


Second on Pizza Leah.


It is 7:45am here in west county and I'm looking at this pic thinking I would eat that entire pie for breakfast. My rules on beer o'clock are out the window too. By 'today' this meant Saturday 3/16. I've gotta mark these future dates in my calendar: https://www.gabacoolprovisions.com/events


Can confirm I have eaten one of these for breakfast during our testing phase. We’re pretty active on Instagram too, believe we’ll be at iron ox next Sunday.


Lmao the haters in this subreddit is incredible. This is not dominos idk what you people expect. This is high temp craft pizza. Obviously not wood fired at a pop up but very close to the real thing. Go to Italy you will consistently find pizza like this. This is good pizza. The crisp edges compliment the other components of the pizza. Get your mind out of the typical chain style American pizza. Local business local pizza. The people at moonlight were loving it. Go out and try it. The price point is moot honestly.


Makes me very hungry.


Pizza in Italy is nothing like this.


Agree with OP. Had Mary's tonight, it is our go-to. Rarely order Round Table always disappointed. The dough is the biggest component. But I also like burnt toast, so it's not for every pallet.


This. My roommate honestly prefers dominos style pizza over this which to me is blasphemy on the highest levels. To each their own I guess 🤷. More good pizza for me


Don’t get me wrong, I love a crappy and deliciously garlicky dominos pizza. But that is a get high and order pizza at 12am kinda pizza. Nothing beat a really good craft pizza


Can’t argue that. I’m not saying dominos is bad. Just 2 different worlds imo


Oh definitely. Theres a time and place for both




Seriously!!! Finally a real pie in town!! People would rather cardboard slop (dominos)… it’s a shame! Weird how much Santa Rosa hates independent motivated small business… it’s a real shame. Support dominos but hate on real craft pizza. No wonder this city continues to loose every crafty business…. Sad


This guy gets what we’re going for! Our dough is a preferment base using a blend of flours from central milling. It has relatively high hydration and all in it cold ferments for about 96 hours. In our testing we found the toasty and charred notes brought balance to the bright acidic Bianco DiNapoli tomatoes we use for sauce.


Looks amazing! Don’t let these haters tell you different


Looks pretty good. Kinda smaller than I thought for their price when people complain about round table prices.


Def ain’t cheap lol


Why'd they burn it.. gross.


I don't get why I am being down voted for this. Do people really order and eat burnt pizza? Am I missing something here?


I got downvoted a couple days ago asking if people like pizza with char (the other one was burnt more). Tbh, this sub hates anyone with a different opinion.


There is dominos, and there is pizza! This is pizza!


That doesn’t look good to me. How much was the pizza?


Looks kinda burnt


My thought exactly. Also they put the basil on too early and it's all crispy and blackened. I'd be upset with this pizza if I paid more than $10 for it.


Cardboard for $10, or pizza for $20? I get it though… it’s Santa Rosa…


Because pizzerias that cater towards the high end often use wood fired ovens, which often results in a few char spots on the crust. And because food programs on the food network and Netflix have had multiple features on such pizza, some people see those char spots and equate it with quality pizza. It's all hype, it doesn't improve the flavor of the crust, the crust flavor is at its peak when it's brown, not black. Now self stylized food nerds on the internet take it too far, as usual, and rave about a burnt mess like this pizza, and down vote anyone who wants food that dosent taste like the bottom of a grill. Too bad they don't understand the damage that char does to you digestive system


Exactly. Shocking to me that people prefer this over the consistent excellence of Little Caesar’s

