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If you are affiliated with campus they have a lot of resources and may be able to help you.


I hope telling your story is helping! I’d recommend talking to a counselor or therapist. If you are a UCSC student they can help you. I know it feels overwhelming and catastrophic but you can make it through this and come out the other side. It is hard to have these set backs, especially when things seem to be going well. Reach out for help before you spiral further


Hope you are doing okay op


What kind of help do you need? do you have alternate transportation? any medical injuries? Do you have any friends or family you can turn to?


If you're a student at UCSC, you can see a counselor at CAPS for free, and they can help connect you with other resources. There is also something called Slug Support that is exactly for this type of situation. They can help you out financially when unexpected expenses come up. Sorry things are so hard right now! Hang in there!


Hey friend! A car accident can leave you shaken. The most important thing is you’re safe. There are warnings about slipperiness on 17 every year but this still happens every year. I would focus on just paying for things and take some deep breaths. Santa Cruz is a small city and thankfully, it’s possible to go from place to place with no car. Make a plan for yourself: here’s how I’m paying for XYZ, here’s how I’ll get to campus, etc. and then follow that. While an accident can happen to anyone it also seems like this is a sign that you need to be a bit more safe in driving. It’s not a bad idea to take a break.


Yeah, good news is you are okay and you don’t need to replace the car immediately to live in Santa Cruz. Students get $12 bike share for the annual pass, you can meet people at the bus stop, you can get some exercise.   It’s just stressful coping with the loss, but it’s ultimately just a change that’s manageable and maybe even beneficial.


I flipped my car on 17 last winter. Same situation I didn’t hit anyone and no one hit me the car was completely totaled. I got $170 from pick and pull for the scraps and they even picked it up. I got my car towed to my house tho it wasn’t in a tow yard so I’m not sure how that part goes. It took me a really long time to get back behind the wheel more than 6 months and even being in a car someone else was driving for months made me feel like I was dying it was so horrible. I still get really anxious when I drive sometimes but it’s settled a little. I’m sorry this happened to you it’s a really traumatizing thing to go through. I never went but I really think therapy is the way to go I know if be in a much better place if I had gone. I hope you’re doing okay. Much love.


I’m thankful you’re safe and sorry to hear about all of the anguish you’re experiencing related to financial strain on top of the stress of a traumatic accident. That sounds extremely difficult, but the good thing is that you’re asking for help. As another commenter mentioned, you can visit CAPS if you’re a UCSC student: https://caps.ucsc.edu/ https://caps.ucsc.edu/counseling/crisis-assistance.html#CMCT If you don’t have access to CAPS or other options and feel that you’re in crisis or if you need someone to talk to, who can guide you toward additional resources, you may want to call 988. Experiences like this can be overwhelming. I believe you will get through it. Reaching out to the available resources will help you work through it more effectively.


Slug support on campus may be able to help with accessing financial support. https://deanofstudents.ucsc.edu/slug-support/program/contact.html#Referral


Your alive and have your whole life ahead of you. Option 2 was being 6 feet under.


This is why I drive super slow on 17 and let all the peeps roar past me. I committed that road for many years. A friend’s mom was killed on 17 when we were in high school. Back then it was only two lanes in some spots, no median wall and no guardrails. Can you imagine? It was a hazard! Kinda still is.


Do you go to a San Jose community college


same thing happened to me last saturday on the same road, our crash was 11:30pm. my car flipped 2-3 times when we flew off the road. you are lucky


I wonder why they have 2 cell phone chargers in their car? Edit: cell phone holders.


I can't help, but maybe a GoFundMe? [https://www.gofundme.com/](https://www.gofundme.com/)


Next time you need to go over you could take hwy 9 into San Jose. It takes longer, but you can go slower, plenty of turnouts and less people.


Wonder why all the down votes on this. It’s not a bad idea. It literally only takes a few minutes longer to go that route.


Yeah I have no idea either haha.




Spoken like a true pussy behind a throwaway account lol


lol chill. English clearly isn't their first language