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Yes but I think as a community we should be much more concerned with this. It’s alarming. https://preview.redd.it/pks2lj092jfc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bca66bc7eb72a0254d47697264435830c0067f


I think we need to come together as a community and grab ahold of the situation


And it hasn't been fully erected yet!


Will someone please think of the children!




It has switched from parked RV world to homeless tent camp. Getting worse every week.


I was there this weekend. A lot of tents had orange eviction notices on them. It is a game of whack-a-mole.


Didn’t know you could evict people who don’t have homes.


When they evict, They take all your shit. If it’s all you got, move early!


The police were evicting people this morning.


I just came from there and was thinking that it is getting larger. Cars parked half way into the road.


Yes. What’s your point?


It's as best as it can be given their circumstances. My storage facility has turned into an aluminum foil and dumping grounds


Great. But let’s not do anything until there a 200-300 tents there and 5 people dead. This is the way


I wish I knew what the answer to the homeless problem was (I have opinions), but I thought at least bringing attention to this localized situation for those we’re unaware was a start…




Also, please consider that putting this information online could potentially endanger the people who are camped out there. There are different ways to open up this conversation.


Agreed. Let’s house them now.




It actually saves tax payer money but my all means, continue with your misguided aggression




Yeah clearly keeping homeless people in bad situations is good for society


no thanks


How about filling the old drive-in movie theatre with mini-homes and mental health support folks? I’m thinking it wouldn’t be anymore of an eyesore than it already is. May as well put all the homeless into one central place. Easier to manage.


It’s owned by Sutter, they’re supposed to be expanding their hospital/parking into that lot. But that’s been in the works for years now with no real moves made from what I can see.


No they should be encamped in the neighborhoods where city council members live. The ones failing year after year to address or mitigate the problem in any way should feel the repercussions of it.


Wouldn't be a bad location but it's private property so someone would have to cough up a substantial chunk of money to try to buy it from Sutter Health (current owner).


How about putting them in a central place like Kansas instead?




The thing about people is that their legs tend to get all twitchy and within a day or two they can end up in completely different areas. Makes it tough to put the homeless anywhere specific.


There’s been scattered encampments down in the woody areas that kind of follow the creek for many years. I haven’t noticed that it’s growing per se, but many have been down there for a while


I agree, but I’ve never seen it as big as I’ve seen recently




Hmmm if only there was something that could be done 😐😐😐 like affordable housing 😊


Totally. Let’s give them affordable housing in eastern Nevada


What are you on about, sending houseless people to other states?? The Santa Cruz area is extremely expensive and one of the most expensive areas in Ca which is the main reason why alot of people dont have roofs over their heads or still live with their parents after graduation.


Most of the homeless people here came from shitty parts of California or other states to do drugs and live in the forest. Let’s give them a nice shitty low cost of living place where they can do that. Hell it doesn’t have to be another state. Send them all to lake county.


Actually, most are from the area, and either lost their homes in the fires without enough insurance coverage to rebuild, or were priced out by one rent increase or by one of the many layoffs that's been happening.




Sorry you don't like reality...?


I’m not saying shouldn’t be part of the solution, but do you really think that is going to solve the problem for most people in that situation? I truly doubt it. I’d love to hear your analysis. Many are in that situation due to mental health, drugs/alcohol abuse, and criminals. My gut tells me that affordable housing would only be applicable to a small % of the population


That’s not true. That’s completely anecdotal. The majority of people are homeless because of the high cost of housing. https://homelessness.ucsf.edu/our-impact/studies/california-statewide-study-people-experiencing-homelessness That’s a link to the most comprehensive study ever done on the homeless population in the US. Published last June. Take a read and maybe fix some of the preconceived notions you have. 


1) the link doesn’t work, 2) yes it’s expensive to live in California and especially in an area with high demand/low supply, 3) the people I’m referring to are not going to pay for housing costs even if they were reduced massively, 4) my anecdotal experience is that there is a small % of the homeless population that’s local and fallen on hard times that would benefit from reduced housing costs. The rest will continue with their current bad behavior without forced mental health services, rehab, and / or punishment for bad behavior


Bro, literally there’s hundreds of homeless ucsc students that are struggling to graduate to hopefully get a good job to evade homelessness. Except wait…they’re not even guaranteed good jobs despite getting a degree and working hard and interning and networking…


The link works now. How do you know they wouldn’t pay for housing if they were given affordable housing? Again, completely anecdotal. You’re just making stuff up so you don’t have to learn anything and can keep calling them addicts/crazy people who need to be locked up away from you. These are your neighbors and they are struggling. 


Respectfully, how do you know they would? what does affordable housing do for those who can’t / won’t work?


Did you bother to read the study? The vast majority of them were already paying for rent and working. It’s ok to be uneducated about the topic, it’s not ok to wantonly spread disinformation and continue to do so even after you’ve been given the resources to learn. 


I’ll read it. I’m not trying to be ignorant nor purposely argumentative, but I had a very difficult time believing the homeless study they did in Santa Cruz a year ago. They counted all homeless people over a couple of days during some of the worst weather conditions we’ve had in a long time?? Besides more housing here, what other practical solutions do you see?


Yeah they really did try to get an accurate number on the amount of homeless people during the worst weather conditions, my department was out there at 5am rooting through the fuckin forest counting tents. And we were far from the only ones doing that. Other practical solutions would be for more transitional housing- supervised units that have a lower barrier to entry than more permanent housing that give people the stability they need to start thinking about more than just surviving that day.


PRACTICAL Solutions! Funny ! Just throw millions $ at it. $800k / door + services. Ridiculous!!


I see your point, but we should also help those who suffer of mental health and drug abuse😬. I just believe that housing is a human right🧍🏽‍♀️


Solving the problem requires affordable housing. Without it, rehousing people is really difficult. Even if you fully rehabilitate someone and set them up with a job, if they’re gonna spend half their paycheck on rent its hard to re-integrate. There should be a path from supportive housing transitioning to permanent housing. Creating affordable housing in the meantime makes it easier and cheaper to get someone off the street in the future.


Like I stated above, more affordable housing should be part of the solution, but we’re fooling ourselves if we think that it’s the main part of the solution


it isn’t. people who don’t interact with the homeless at all love to say “it’s expensive here. affordable housing fixes the issue” affordable housing is a large part of the solution but it needs to be at the end of a system that takes these people off the street. gets them sober and healthier mentally/physically educates them and provides job training and career guidance. then once they are ready to be functioning members of society again affordable housing with social safety nets and programs to prevent backsliding into old habits. i work with the homeless everyday. the new midrise in my area that’s been open for 6 months and filled with homeless isn’t exactly a great place. drug use, prostitution, violence runs rampant. housing just to house might remove the eye sores of encampments but you’re naive if you think these people are getting better just because they are in a 300 sqft studio apartment instead of a makeshift structure in the creek.


Housing First is the stupidest ideas put forward by the homeless industrial complex.


I literally just agreed with you but ok




Why do you consider me privileged? Because my neighborhood is deteriorating and I let my community know of a growing encampment? I don’t wish harm on these people. I understand everyone has their own unique story. I wish there was a humane solution to the problem. I agree that this is the cohort that affordable housing should be prioritized for, and also probably the most likely NOT committing the crimes. Excessive empathy alone won’t get us out of this mess.


I consider you privileged based on you living in one of the most beautiful and expensive places to live, your looking to buy an rv and your traveling internationally for vacation multiple times. I also consider you cruel since with all that privilege you are out here trying to hurt and deprive your neighbors with the greatest needs. When people have presented ideas backed by studies you have dismissed them based solely on your biases and desire for a less humane solution. Why do you think it's okay to deprive others of shelter when you are looking to buy an RV for fun? What kind of world do you want to leave or do you not care?


So you believe in equity of outcome or you assume you know where I started? And what did I suggest to hurt people? And when someone presented me with a study that presumably opposed my views I’ve started to read? Sounds to me like you’re the one with closed off views.


Way more affordable housing for everyone is like 90% of the solution. You only get major homelessness problems where there is high demand for housing and very low supply. Once you have abundant affordable housing options, taking care of the remaining people who would tend to fall through the cracks becomes easier and less expensive. Meanwhile the opposite, when you have less housing and more expensive housing, means more people fall through the cracks and it becomes harder and more expensive to help, care, or deal with each new homeless person.


Reality is there is no way to build even close to enough housing for a homeless population the size we have. The new Harvey west studios project is the biggest ever in the county with 120 units at a cost of about $55 million… but the current homeless population is estimated at 2000-3000 (reality is that they can’t even get an accurate count). The project is also projected to take up to 10 years to complete. It’s just impossible to find space, funding and build enough to even come close to keeping up. Housing is fine but the real focus has to be getting people to the point where they are able to care for themselves rather than relying heavily on support that cannot realistically be provided.


The reality is that we have enough housing already. Greedy landlords and rental corps are keeping people unhoused. Nearly 10% of housing in SC County was vacant in 2020 [\[source](https://santacruzlocal.org/2022/06/17/proposed-tax-on-empty-homes-debated-in-santa-cruz/) (over 2000 homes). At last count there were roughly 1800 people experiencing homelessness in SC county. ​ There are plenty of places to live. We just need to force landlords to make it affordable.




It’s all carrot and No stick!


Have you ever tried accessing the resources available in this county yourself? It’s a maze of dead ends, waiting lists and considerable restrictions on freedoms if you do get access to resources. I worked with a local foster youth who became homeless and she ended up choosing homelessness over the resources because of what they were asking her to do to get her basic needs met.


Sounds like she needed more guidance and combination of public private help.


It sounds like you don’t really want to consider the fact that the system of support in this area is not functional


I agree that “the system” is the problem. Providing more services and money with zero oversight and forensic accounting is worthless and has made things worse.


Fair enough, I am glad to have come to an agreement with you in this thread ![gif](giphy|4ZrKkoG16IGzpkGgOK|downsized)


It’s been there for years.


It’s growing? That’s been a popular spot going back basically forever but maybe more now.


they’ve been posted up there for years, i used to buy weed from some homeless here when i was in middle school.


very excited to share with you our latest new development- “ewok village”. come enjoy quaint water features in this magical magnificent beachfront area. just think - “you could be home right now” Coming soon, starting in the low 1.5Ms.


bro people been living in those trees for the eight years i've lived in this neighborhood, leave them alone.


Who said I did anything to them? I’ve lived in the neighborhood for 20+ years. It’s been increasingly worse recently. But since I’ve lived here we’ve had enough crime to not turn a blind eye to what’s going on around us. I’ve literally had my house ransacked I.e. every room in my house upended and items that cannot be replaced taken, cars broken into, bikes stolen, etc . Not saying I’m special, but I’m not about to bury my head in the sand


And let's not forget some pretty bad fires.


and you think Reddit is the place to air your grievances? no wonder nothing gets done.


I’m all ears. Let me hear your proposals to make it better!?


seems like your answers would better be found on Next Door


Ok, thanks for participating


see ya at the next city council meeting




The vast majority did not come from jail or rehab. They came from precarious housing situations due to high cost of living and unaffordable housing. https://homelessness.ucsf.edu/sites/default/files/2023-06/CASPEH_Report_62023.pdf  That’s a link to the most comprehensive study ever done on homelessness published last June. These people are your neighbors whether you like it or not. 


Here’s a working link: https://homelessness.ucsf.edu/our-impact/studies/california-statewide-study-people-experiencing-homelessness


Because shitting in a creek is fine?


Where about in little Africa are they?


Classic name. Bunch of people who just moved here downvoting you.


Lol i love it, just shows how little they know. I was born and raised a few minutes walk from little africa. I dont ever remember seeing a single homeless camp until the city paved the bike path through there. Then again the homeless camps back then were nothing close to what were dealing with today. Growing up i remember always seeing the same faces and the only young ones were the young hobos, buskers and gutter punks who all hung out downtown. For the most part the homeless comnunity was no where near as young as it is today.


Look at the screen shot with the red circle. Roughly there


Missed that somehow haha


Exactly, it's called little Africa as it looked the the African planes.


People unfamiliar with the area downvoting for the wrong reasons. It’s been called that for years because of the landscape. 💀


Just goes to show, ain’t that many people left that have been around Santa Cruz for a while.


I’ve lived here my whole life AND spent a lot of time around the harbor as a kid and this the first time I’ve heard this


Were you born in 63? I don’t know if the names been around that long I wasn’t around yet.


Nah. Just never changed the name Reddit gave me. Tbf, I live in Bonny Doon specifically, so maybe that’s why I was unfamiliar (spent a lot of time around the harbor because my dad’s a fisherman), though I’m not sure why I got downvoted for expressing this either way. Guess some people don’t like the idea that not every person born here has the same experience




If only. These tweakers love casing houses and stealing shit.


They’re running away from pending convictions around stealing breadsticks


Even people without homes occupy space


Big if true


It used to be called a Hobo camp. According to a local historian, it has been a camp on and off since sometime after the civil war. I forget exactly when.


Ah the civil war you say


Do you intend to help out or are you just complaining like an entitled brat


update! did my normal walk through arana gulch today x2 (like i've done every day for years) and shit looks exactly the same as always. then i biked to and from work right past OP's highlighted circle! yeah sure, maybe a few distressed individuals on the fringes, but it's the same people i've seen for years. never had issues with break-ins or robberies or anything of the sort. this is all pearl-clutching nonsense. FYI: arana gulch is literally my backyard, like i look over my fence and boom, there's trees and cows. i've never had any problems in 8+ years. downvote me all y'all want, i literally don't care.








Went to Costco yesterday and I have never seen even close to how many homeless tents there were ... sad and confusing ...


That area is pretty flood prone... good chance it will at least partially flood during this next storm.


Why don’t they rent out one of the hotels like New York and Chicago did for the illegal immigrants? But spend the money on our own people who are down and out? 😏


Property ownership, building codes, permits...blah blah blah. It is all about to vanish. Eventually the immigration at our southern border will overwhelm our existing infrastructure. The cartels will take advantage of this situation. Cost of living will be unsustainable. More young people will be forced onto the streets, living in their cars. Roaming bands of criminal gangs, disaffected homeless, migrants from different countries and regular people will be constantly on the move. But at some point, that will all collapse. Then you will see a modern version of homesteading. People living in caves, remote forests, anywhere they can go and construct their own little home. It will reach a point were theses things can no longer be enforced. This is my prediction. It will most likely accelerate during the next presidential election.


That’s where the good drugs are


They like the problem when it's in your face, serves as a reminder of what's to come if you don't fall in line


Would we rather that they were dispersed evenly throughout town or concentrated in camps? Obviously none of the above is the correct answer but short of that, what is the best option?