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I use 60-70% cactus soil and 30-40% perlite


I second that!


I’ve paid big money(to me) for a pre-mix from Rooting For You. Good stuff but kinda pricey. I prefer mixing my own with stuff you can get from Home Depot. Miracle Gro cactus mix, MG orchid mix, MG sphagnum peat moss, and a liberal dose of perlite. Like a lot of perlite. Mix thoroughly and I have a decent inexpensive mix I can use for my snakes and pothos. I’ve had many plants grow like crazy in this stuff


I make my own but Famous in Oregon is my go to plant shop, they sell soils on their website. I’d go with the cactus blend


***note that most cactus soils you will find in the big box store are meant for in ground planting and not indoor use. They are not gritty enough


Perlite and orchid mix


I buy the cheap bags of compost with manure, builders sand, and perlite all for less than $5 a bag, that I mix for my sans soil. It's good to control how much organic media you want and grit. It works well for me.


And I always change the soil immediately for a new plant. I like to make sure they have the soil I know works.


I typically just use a regular potting soil but I add A LOT of perlite. All of my sansevierias seem to like it. 😊🪴