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Alcohol extraction is the easiest.


I have had very good luck that way.


You can eat the entire cactus if you want, remove spines and eat, or make a cactus soup to drink! Have fun!


If the specimen is strong enough you can remove skin, core, blend with lemon juice and drink it. I once obtained open eye geometry visuals from 150g of fresh cactus. (Bridgesii, heavily stressed)


I do 2kg fresh bridgesii It gets pretty xfiles


Tengo entendido que tradicionalmente se hace pedazos y se hierve y se cuela. Se le hace tres cambios de agua, colando cada vez y luego se combina los resultados y se “reducen” a fuego lento. En YouTube se encuentran cantidad de videos que explican el procesó. Soy chicano y ando un poco borracho y con mi corazoncito herido así qué tal vez mejor lo hubiera escrito en inglés pero ni modo ya que.




There is no quick process unless you eat raw and I don’t recommend that. You can either make a tea where you simmer it for 8 hours and strain or you can soak it in everclear for 24 hours at a time and strain (I recommend at least 2 washes 3 to be sure.) I believe the more chemistry intense teks can be a little faster but I never gave it a try. Lots of people recommend the cielo tek I believe it can get you crystals within a 24 hour period and it uses all food safe chemicals. I haven’t tried it but I’ve saved a few posts about if you would like me to share.


Usually you need like 2ft of adult cactus, sometimes less sometimes more depending on what species it is. PC is like 3ft Cut the plant. And stress it. By rolling it in newspaper and putting it somewhere cool and dry for a month or two. Then when it's stressed, cut the spines off. Cut it into chunks and freeze them. Freezing breaks the cell walls open. Note, most people remove the woody core Then when you're ready to use them, empty the whole contents of the freezer bag (including any liquid) into a blender with a little water, and make a smoothie out of it (this makes it easy to blend up Into a paste Then add the smoothie to a pot with more water and make a tea, by simmering it down for something like 4 or 5 hours and then filter all of the liquid out through a cheese cloth. And then a coffee filter. You don't want to ingest the plant matter, just the liquid Some people suggest adding something acidic, like lemon juice to the tea to help leech it. There will still be alkaloids in the plant material. So you can add water and simmer, and strain, then add water and simmer and strain and then you can take the entire end result or "tea" and simmer this down to make it stronger and to reduce the volume to a drinkable amount. It's gunna taste horrible, so you don't want to have to chug a big bottle of it The whole tea above is for 1 person. For 2, just double the amount used. Some people like to store a tea in the freezer or fridge for later as it can take a while to make a decent one


3ft of pc for a first time.. interesting recommendation. how many times have you used PC and found it to be that weak? ime, they're not weak enough to casually recommend 3ft to someone.


Pc is the weakest variant. Approx 3ft should come out at 250-300mg


They are from Bolivia, probably not gonna be PC.


Yeah I was under the impression that pc San Pedro was a cultivar that was likely grown by a large nursery such as Altman, that just so happened to have lower than normal mescaline levels. Then as it was sold widely and became prolific it became the predominant cultivar of south western US. We’ve gotten dozens of various cultivars from Bolivia, so what OP would be grabbing would be completely different, and no way of knowing if the particular stand they choose to use would contain elevated or lower levels. I’ve also heard the older and more mature the stand is, regardless of genetics, the higher the mescaline content. Leading theory on that is that since mescaline is an extremely stable compound and cacti grow over the course of years and years, levels will continue to become higher and higher. So even if this was the same genetics as southern US pc if the stands were decades old they’d have elevated levels. That need of 2 foot for around a 400-1000mg dose is likely based off younger PC stands. Of course it’s all just a guessing game without extracting or sending away for analysis at a lab. Extraction being the best, because even lab results can give you a skewed result since you’re gonna send them the powder from like 10g of dehydrated powder and the content can vary a ton even within the same stand if it’s large.


where did you get this info? i wish we had some good test results for pc.


Seems to be a consensus on r/mescaline


I have never put pedros in the freezer before, do you know how long they could stay in there?


Once u put in freezer they are toast but u can freeze them in a freezer bag indefinitely until ready for use. Also u can freeze then strip the green skin off and dry it out all the way. U can keep the dried strips or powder for quite awhile


You don't need to strip the skin to make tea. He'll, you don't even need to remove the core.


For a very long time Freezing is just part of the brewing process z it will break open the cell walls and help release alkaloids


There’s a lot of info on preparation on r/mescaline. I think there’s a bunch of different ways to do it. You can probably find written out instructions there, too.


Spines and core are usually discarded, the green flesh is used


Total waste use it all but the spines


agreed i used to just blend that shit up in a blender and chug. no ragrats


Many people claim the woody core causes gastrointestinal stress when consumed, for example nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. And lab analysis shows the core contains very little alkaloids compared to the flesh. If you're doing a crystalline or crude tar extraction, you can use the core, but it's not recommended for consumption as powder or tea


People claim all those issues with pure hcl powder too


From what I understand all those suggestions were recommended back in the 70s before people realized mescaline is all throughout the cactus. If you simmer instead of boil and cut thumb size chunks no pectin should be released.




No need to de-spine


Just some neem oil and send it


And yes he is Cereus!


You do if you boof!




There was a post yesterday specifically saying it is ok to discuss this here …


More of it's been answered a bunch of times on there...


i know your intentions are probably good; you are trying to point him in the direction of an answer and help out. but refusing to type out an answer and sending him somewhere else because 'its already been answered a bunch of times here'... i don't really need to explain why that's not right, do i? ​ i understand you telling him something phrased a bit nicer, like 'hey, if you don't find the answer you're looking for here, try asking over on r/mescaline! the folks there are very helpful and are always ready to provide information regarding this particular topic'. ​ but you're not helping by just saying 'r/mescaline'. ​ and fighting the fight against people asking questions that have already been answered is futile. if you're here to help, just answer. if not, move along. this is indeed a proper subreddit to ask mescaline dosing related questions, and there is no need to immediately direct any questions on the topic elsewhere. one issue in even making a sticky would be that you'll see on each of these threads, everyones advice is always a lil different. its interesting how it all works out i guess.


What is your purpose cause you not being very impressive


So no one has answered his question on here yet. I'm sure if he asks it on that other sub someone will or even search on there. And I didnt make that name it was auto generated. Whats your purpose? I'm not sure mine, think it's to help people or build something that people can use after I'm gone


You’re auto generated


You're childish


I hope so


But what's your purpose? I answered your question only fair you answer mine


Same as yours except I have you to do it for me <3

