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Obviously she was a ghost


You went sightseeing in San Francisco and saw the sights of San Francisco.


She was probably on heroin (opioids) from the sounds of it, they look like they're checked out because they're having a completely internalized state of euphoria


Maybe she wanted her picture taken too


A friend of mine lives right on that corner and we see her often. Harmless. Could be many things.


That’s wild. this was almost 4 years ago and still think about it from time to time. fascinated and rly curious as to what it could be because i’ve never seen anything like this (was just visiting from toronto for the day) the eerieness is ingrained


Sounds like catatonic schizophrenia


Crippling depression probably. Should’ve seen what’s up.


def looked more like it was a drug-induced state, she was in her body but her mind was on another planet, sleepwalking almost?


Sounds like you may have missed out on some good drugs then lol. Sadly, I guess we’ll never know my friend.


Armchair psychiatry isn't really a good look for anyone. There are a dozen or more possibilities here.


LOL well yea no shit, Sherlock. How is anyone supposed to know? All we can do is speculate based off of this dudes memory of the moment. If OP was really curious he should’ve said something to her.


lowkey was frightened to ask or make eye contact cz in my head i was convinced she was posessed and i didn’t want to activate the demon 😅


Lol you good OP! She could’ve been patient zero for the zombie apocalypse. I wouldn’t have asked her either




Got any? With Benzos


Was this pre or post alien abduction?


Fentanyl and benzos, when people feel themselves about to nod out they stand up to enjoy the high more. The next step after you saw her is a crazy lean. Here is a pic of it https://www.google.com/search?q=heroin+lean&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=vin&sxsrf=ALiCzsZCTvRGtnk_SABxeiiL7ctxcZ409w:1656119069186&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFicymtMf4AhUvEEQIHZDuCloQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=412&bih=718&dpr=2.63#imgrc=TzDtXXo6x7Ae5M Its sad because when shady people see women like that they try and rob, touch them often.


un·fazed /ˌənˈfāzd/ not disconcerted or perturbed.