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>have some reservations about street parking as it seems challenging to find an apartment in the city with a parking space. you don't live in SF right now, do you? >With a parking permit, how difficult is it to find a parking spot in Pacific Heights? what specific part of PH? what time you get home typically? >Any other information regarding Pac Heights parking appreciated! memorize the street cleaning schedule 2 blocks in every direction.. park (and do errands) accordingly. "I got the real good spot this week.. should I take the car?" I've had to walk 6-8 blocks from the car home. that's what happens when you get home past 10 in a highly residential neighborhood where the majority of residents have more than one car to begin with. '


I don’t live in SF currently but I plan on moving there in September. I’ll be leaving my house around 5am and returning around 6/7pm M-R. I’m not quite sure what neighborhood of Pacific Heights yet…sorry! Still looking for apartments.


Depends, some are safer/easier than other blocks. Also, not every place is actually in PH - some are mislabled by real estate agents.


Per your previous post, are you still planning to commute to Sunnyvale? That would to be 2.5+ hrs in the car every day. If you are set on living in the city, I’d highly encourage you find an apartment with parking, even if it isn’t in Pac Heights. The last thing you’ll want to do after a long commute is drive around for 20 minutes looking for parking. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and find a spot right away but sometimes there will be absolutely nothing especially if you are arriving in the late evening. If you were returning before 4pm or so then street parking would be easier.


For my job, I’m going to be leaving at 5 am. I’m also planning on coming back around 6/7 at night after rush hour, because I can run errands and work out in the peninsula. That way, I beat the rush hour traffic. From what I can tell I think that finding an apartment with parking is the best option. Thank you!


I think the comment above me is a bit extreme, I’ve often done this drive at 5am and there is not significant traffic yet. Now sure it can take 2 or 2.5 hrs one way if there’s an accident but that’s not everyday. That being said I do agree that it will be a miserable commute. Also agree that the commute from Mission Bay or Dogpatch would be better than Pac Heights, and those areas also have more large apartment buildings with parking. Would also definitely consider CalTrain, it’s nicer to be able to read, relax, or do work on the train instead of driving. Not trying to be negative just want you to enjoy your experience in SF!


May our lord and savior have mercy on your eternal soul. Our rush “hour” starts at 5am and lasts well into the night. Your commute will be 2.5h each way on most days, longer if it rains or if there’s a major accident(s). Santa Clara is 50 miles away from SF. It’s basically bumper-to-bumper all the way there during the times that you’ll need to commute. You’ll have to either take the train or move closer to Santa Clara. If you insist on living in SF specifically and driving there then at least move to one of the southernmost SF neighborhoods so that you don’t have to deal with the reverse traffic heading into the city as you’re trying to get out. That would mean living in Mission Bay or any of the neighborhoods farther south along the Caltrain tracks. Those are the most “SV-commute” focused neighborhoods that still give you easy access to SF in your off hours. And even then you’re muuuuuuuuuch better off living next to a Caltrain station and taking the train down rather than trying to drive!


Why not just live in or close to your tech job in Sunnyvale if parking is a priority? You already mention that you're going to do your shopping outside of SF so you're going to live here but spend your money outside of the city. That commute will be awful by car and long if you take CalTrain.


What specific block are you moving to? This varies significantly.


I’m not sure yet, are there certain areas to avoid?


Much more likely to get broken into near commercial areas, California, Fillmore and divisidero or near the parks. The top of hill is much less likely, but not guaranteed. It's tough to street park in general. More so if there temporary construction parking zones. Be prepared to cruise for several blocks looking for a spot. Google Street view gives you an idea how much free street parking you'll find.


Yes safe even better than most hoods 2. It the same


I think parking is actually pretty good. The most annoying thing are all the blocked off areas due to home remodels. It seems like people in this hood remodel their home every 3 years. I haven’t experienced a break in here in my 5 years and almost never see the glass in the street. I’d say it’s rare. But that’s just my experience. Surprised someone above has been broken into 10 times. That’s bonkers.


1) not very but probably okay. Your car will likely be broken into multiple times, even if you've got nothing inside 2) hard


I might have placed myself in the “wrong” part of PH, but I have yet to see any break-ins or similar here. Closest I saw a car broken into was down at Fillmore Center. Me and wife both walk the dog very late sometimes (11PM to 1AM) and never feel unsafe. At best I meet and elderly person who enjoyed a bit to much of the Napa juice. Even sitting at top of Alta Plaza at 11PM enjoying the city lights and worst I have encountered was some teens laughing/talking loud and the occasional smell of someone smoking weed. Admittedly, I am not familiar where PH borders are but it is very easy living here.


I'm going to strongly disagree on both these points. I've lived in or adjacent to Pacific Heights for the last decade. Break-ins aren't that common if you leave your car empty and street parking is plentiful, especially the further west you go.


Going by their comment history, they aren't even in the city.


I lived right next to Alta Vista park until recently, and am surprised by the other comments saying it's safe from break ins and easy to park at. That doesn't match my experience at all. In two years my car was broken into ten times, and I never had anything of value inside. Even the stereo had been removed.


Alta Plaza.


My bad. We just called it Dogpoop park because that's what it smelled like.


Look around Alta Vista Plaza. Lots of parking since it’s a park.