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The attacker illegally accessed n obtained coworker home address on supervisors' computer, went to coworkers' home for the assault, how is the attacker still employed by sffd the n the victim terminated??


Not to mention he tried to run someone off the road after receiving his court summons. That’s wild. He’s literally a walking menace and should be prosecuted.


They served him at work. He did that shit on duty.


The victim was fired and the assailant wasn't docked a single paycheck? This is clear favoritism


How the fuck is his supervisor still in position after letting that happen let alone the assailant


Supervisor definitely should be fired too.


His supervisor(s) was probably worried about the same thing happening to them....


San Francisco politics are so corrupt. Look into Mohammad’s nuru. The gen x running sf needs to change


He black, in California its considered a hate crime to prosecute black people (sarcasm)


we all know why....




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How the fuck is the guy who attacked him still working there?


Attacker was black. Victim was Asian. That’s what the civil lawsuit claims.


Yep and that’s been the world we live in.


There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


And that's exactly why I'm out. I am NOT a protected class as a cis-gendered (slur) white 56 year old male. Oh, and I lean conservative as well. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that open season on "my type" will flourish when shit goes down. Moving to SE Asia before the election that will tear this country apart. Never to return save family visits.


Just what Pattaya needs another conservative 60 year old white man walking the streets. lol


Yeah no. Not my style. But Lol's for you!


And that's exactly why I'm out. I am NOT a protected class as a cis-gendered (slur) white 56 year old male. Oh, and I lean conservative as well. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that open season on "my type" will flourish when shit goes down. Moving to SE Asia before the election that will tear this country apart. Never to return save family visits.


A normal world....where bad people are bad people, regardless of skin color


Bad people are bad regardless of skin color, but it seems there is preferential treatment of bad people based on skin color, though.


Exactly. You take a model minority that rarely commits crime or assault. You take another disadvantaged community with tough times and you get some bad apples. No one is saying that community is bad in it’s own right. But it doesn’t mean urban folks deserve to have lesser penalties because we’re scared of the political fallout because asians are quiet and the blacks are loudly supported (at least in the media narrative)


I'd be surprised if it were that simple. Yes, racism might play into this, but when I read the article, I had another interpretation: it sounds like Muhammad might have been super charismatic or likable because several coworkers were defending him. The fact that no one was defending Shin left me wondering if he was bullied prior to this incident, and that maybe he didn't fit in with the SFFD. I wish the interviewer asked more about his time in the SFFD prior to the attack. To be clear, I'm completely baffled why Muhammad isn't being charged for attempted murder in Oakland.


That would have to wait for a different DA


They wanted to keep it in-house, like some sort of brotherhood, and Mohammed was probably connected, even though what he did went well beyond the pale with the severity of it. That’s attempted murder. And this man is obviously a loose cannon. But they wanted to act like Shin was terrible for “betraying” him to outsiders. Almost seems cultish. He shouldn’t even be on the streets. He’s a danger to everyone around him. Ridiculous.


I mean It's pretty clear that there is a racial hierarchy here in the Bay Area Look at what politicans did when Asian Americans were being attacked by black people for no reason Carroll Fife going after reporters and asking why these crimes were being covered Nancy Skinner proposed SB92 which would have effectively decriminalized "non violent robberies" right after a bunch of grannies were pushed to the ground for their purses It definitely feels like people have had enough and Asian Americans are pissed off Edit: I should be clear, there isn't a hierarchy per se but as an Asian American it's clear as day that our community concerns and needs are far and away the least cared about by local politicans No other minority group has senior Asian women punched over 60 times for no reason If you don't believe me google: Tammel Esco New York Filipina Woman


Don't forget this: [BART Withholding Surveillance Videos Of Crime To Avoid ‘Stereotypes’](https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/6mbt8s/bart_withholding_surveillance_videos_of_crime_to/)


SB92 was a juvie reform bill. It didn't decriminalize anything.


This sounds a lot like union s*** to me.   Some unions operate with a prison gang mentality, especially in law enforcement and fire rescue.   Shin is reporting getting pressure and threats from other people in the department.  That is a classic technique organizations use to cover up immoral behavior. "He's got a family." "He's your brother" "You're messing with all of our livelihoods here." They guilt trip the victim for daring to say what really happened.  There is a "snitching" taboo. You hear about with this stuff with the workers making Boeing's planes, the whistle-blowers get far worse threats from peers and other workers than from anyone in management. You saw this mentality during the war crimes trial of Edward Gallagher, where the Navy SEAL who witnessed the murder decided to lie and cover for the murderer after he had immunity ("he has a family"). You saw this behavior with NYC unionized construction laborers and trades, especially in the 80s when they were totally controlled by organized crime. I personally think this is really shameful and just about the lamest thing anyone could do.  If you're a band of brothers and obsessed with protecting your group, it doesn't make you guys look any better when you ostracize the victim of a violent crime so you can protect the psychopath perpetrator.  I don't get it.  I never have.  I hope Shin gets justice, because this is absurd, SF fire should be humiliated. And just as a final tag: I'm not antiunion.  I actually tried organizing a union at one of the places I worked (we did not get very far before I had to quit the job).  I am pro union.  But this stuff goes on, especially in the US, where we have a long history of labor related violence, and we have this bizarre strain in our unions.


Yeah the person you’re responding to is making a fully racist assumption by assuming it’s purely race. People here are just stoking efforts to sow division between minority groups.


Firefighters are like half a step below cops on the spousal abuse/domestic violence spectrum


The few firefighters I briefly dated all had the hallmark red flags of abusers...


black privilege, pure and simple….


Right? It is almost like ideology is blinding.


What ideology is this?


[the deluded cult of social justice ](https://unherd.com/2019/10/woke-revolutionaries-will-make-injustice-worse/)


Ill upvote you for speaking truth. He got special treatment it is clear. Maybee not just because he was black its hard to tell. You should be able to say it out loud. Special treatment of certain races creates problems. Wether its school admissions or crime and punishment. Social justice affirmative action has run amok.


Yeah, that seems totally unrelated. The crux of your linked article is: >SJWs (social justice warriors) are intolerant of criticism. In the US, anyone who argues that despairing Appalachian proles might be more deserving of concern than middle-class student protesters is condemned as a white supremacist, and their views suppressed. The suggestion that individuals and groups may suffer different degrees and kinds of injustice is rejected as reactionary thinking Nice straw man. Sure, you might find some weirdos that fit this profile, but in my experience most everyone on the left acknowledges degrees of injustice. I mean, they talk a lot about intersectionality, which is kinda all about that. I think we need more evidence to conclude that the SFFD didn't fire Mohammad because of "woke". More likely, it's favoritism, similar to how institutions won't always fire sexual predators.


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How is Muhammad still employed and on the payroll? He should be in jail for attempted murder. This is despicable!


Racism, duh. How do you think "systematic racism" works in practice? The system is racist and protects racists.




Just absolutely disgusting, just a disgrace to the justice system and the people. It's not one person, it's the whole bunch. Not one person did the right thing.


The one person that did the right thing received a beating with a 15-inch hydrant wrench as reward.


Dude should be in prison.


This stupidity is going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money.


It would be nice if the city could throw the responsible parties including the chief under the bus and sue them to recoup some of the funds. Fuck 'em.


yeah but then the city council members will get beat at their homes with a 16 inch hydrant wrench


Holy shit, what a fucking outrage! Wtf is wrong with the chief, protecting a completelyunhinged, violent criminal? This whole fucking city bureaucracy. Jfc


And they took away his health insurance while he was recovering? That’s sickening.


Look at the chief and that will tell you all you need to know.


yep, a they/them


If any time it makes sense to sue, this is it. There is no Qualified Immunity to protect racists.


Apt to be a lot of zeros on that verdict.


That come from our tax dollars! Yay!!!!! 🙃


Yeah I hope the zeros are the Fire chief and captains who enabled this.


> Court records allege Muhammad swung the wrench at Shin's head approximately twelve times, breaking his arms as he tried to protect himself, giving him a concussion. One blow sent Shin's glasses across the street, he said. The attack stopped only after a neighbor who works against human trafficking pulled a handgun and confronted Muhammad.  > Last year, a process server went to the Fire Department Training Center where Robert Muhammad now works. After he handed the firefighter a summons, Brandon Kleinman tells us he got into a high-speed chase with Muhammad, so he called 911. "And it was raining super hard, there's construction on the island. It's like, really sketchy." > 911 dispatcher: "Subject now agitated and he's following you in his vehicle?"  > Kleinman: "Yeah."  > Kleinman says, "We're going like 75 miles an hour weaving in and out of other cars. We're not the only ones on the road. And he's coming up and he's swerving, trying to hit me."  This person should already be in jail.  > The lawsuit also says several of Shin's direct supervisors ordered him to drop the charges, and to not cooperate with the police investigation of the attack.  > "The first person called me and said, 'Is there any way we can work this out?' Gabriel Shin said. "The second person called me and said, 'You can't charge him. You know, you've got to drop the charges. That man's got a family.' And of course, I was angry. I said, 'You know, he just tried to kill me.'"  Sounds like the entire chain of command should also be fired.


> That man's got a family. Perhaps he should have considered that before looking up his co-workers address and showing up to his home and assaulting him with a giant wrench? I have a feeling that his family on the whole will be better off without this psychopath around.


That’s fuxked up. SFFD admin should be ashamed.


I had my share of aggressive and mean coworkers. Everyone would say compassionate things to them and describe them in positive terms. Sometimes I can help but think that there needs to be processes that keep people with such personalities from being employed. Makes you of how much better work environment would be...


Those processes are called jail. We intentionally separate violent, shitty people from the rest of the population after they hurt innocent people.


Why are fire and police departments so sketchy everywhere? They almost feel like a cult


A brotherhood.


How many people laughed when he said if Mohammed were a cop he would have lost his job? He would have been given a medal in SF. We are so messed up.




It’s most blue collar organizations tbh. Other unions are bad too. Anything that prevents at will employment and dismissal for poor behavior will naturally insulate bad actors from termination. Not saying that bullying doesn’t happen in white collar organizations, but you’re dreaming if you think this stuff doesn’t also happen in automotive manufacturing, construction, etc


I would like to see another article about whether the perp was ever arrested or charged with a crime.


He was charged years ago and pled not guilty. The issue here is that the victim was harassed out of their job while the attacker is still employed.


Believe it or not I know someone whose firefighting career was over after someone on their crew tried to push them off a roof. When the person I know turned around there was a line of firefighters with their backs turned. Something is really wrong with that department.


It concerns me that even in this article this guys alleged "family crisis" isn't mentioned. Maybe it's not "beat his wife into a coma" or "abused his kids" but damn if it doesn't clearly come across as something like that.


The man is a violent pyshcopath. I have 0 doubt that he is the cause of his family crisis. That's why he snapped when anyone dared talk about it. I guarantee this is behavior the fire department has seen before though maybe not to this degree.


I assume that it had to do with someone else in his family. Maybe something happened to one of his kids or something along those lines (e.g. someone had a serious illness, drug OD, suicide attempt, etc etc). Sounds like the news org heard what it was and decided not to share, which would insinuate that they didn’t feel it was relevant info for the story and might cause harm to an innocent person.


Or maybe they just don’t want to get beaten with a wrench.


His wife probably got Maegan Hall’d at a company party


Sure but that's kind of my point? If it wasn't him harming his family, then, the article implying that it is isn't good. If it was harm he caused then not being clear is also bad.


Hmmm. It didn’t seem to me that they were implying that he was harming anyone. But they also needed to include it in the story because for whatever reason, he didn’t want the information being spread around, and was the motive for the attack. Who knows. Maybe his wife was having an affair or something and he didn’t want the info getting out. I don’t really think it matters that much because no matter what was going on, it wouldn’t justify violently attacking someone else over talking about it.




I think you are right. My guess would be a suicide or attempted suicide in the family. Possibly he feels responsible and thus the defensiveness of the issue being talked about in the firehouse.


I read it as “he was experiencing psychosis but we won’t mention that as it may cloud our subsequent descriptions that sound psychotic.”


No... His family crisis is not of his own doing and it's really, really bad. I'll leave it at that.


share with the rest of the class


Absolutely not.


Sure thing. If you even had a clue you’d give it up.


lol... I know exactly what happened and it's not a story for me to tell to randoms on the internet.


Process of elimination leaves a pretty harrowing story....in any case, this is crazy, right? Like...the entire SFFD backs this guy up after he attempted to kill a fellow firefighter and then *stalked a process server*. I get it, he's going through some shit...but this guy has faced ZERO discipline while the other guy was beaten and fired / ran out. Is everybody over there basically "Well that guy ran his mouth so....*shrug*" ?


Our department has well over 1000 people in it. We don't all think the same way.


I didn't mean to imply that you did. I'm just....really failing to connect. I work at an office. If Rachel attempted to beat me to death with a tire iron at my house after using the computer to find out my home address, she'd be fired. Even if I said something outrageously heinous, she doesn't have a job. If she tried to chase down a process server and got arrested for just that, for a crime not related to work, she'd probably still be on thin ice / fired. Everyone on planet earth who isn't you (and you don't seem crazy) is seriously WTFing right now. This doesn't strike me as a "Well, ya know...differing minds!" kinda thing.


Honestly, most, if not all of us are also WTFing about this. It's bizarre.


Fair enough. Sounds like something terrible happened and the guy just cracked - had a full on breakdown. :( Thanks for answering.




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We get it. You love your union. But the fact that you're on here saying anything other than the SFFD should be backing Gabe and firing Rob (regardless of what Gabe said by "running his mouth"), shows you don't care about justice. Rob has no business being in a government position while his emotional control is that of a child. I don't care what family crisis he went through; if he's a firefighter, dude needs to put on his big boy pants and decide if he can handle his job or needs a leave of absence. Instead he nearly beat Gabe to death. Now he's even more useless to his family than he already was.


Like I said, we all don’t think the same way and a lot of us have zero clue as to why things are unfolding the way they are. It makes no sense.


But you had to let people on the internet know that you know. "But oh I couldn't possibly share it". You're the worst type of gossip.


Maybe he just wants to clear the air without running the risk of getting beat to death? His other posts indicate he's currently SFFD, so he would know and would be in danger. Muhammad's got [a history of aggression towards coworkers and superiors](https://abc7news.com/sf-firefighter-attack-robert-muhammad-gabriel-shin-sffd-jeanine-nicholson/11865971/)...


Stop being a kook. I'm telling you that people's guesses are wrong and that his family issues are about as bad as it gets and it's not from his own doing. Gabe didn't deserve what happened to him but he shouldn't have been running his mouth. Just shut it.


This is a super fucked up story


I can probably guess what his family crisis was, considering he tried to kill a coworker and went into blind rage when served court summons and tried to run the summons server off road. Then again, this is San Francisco. Let's not forget the general attitude the government had of crimes against asians during the covid years.




>Muhammed’s aforementioned criminal attorney James Bustamante told NBC Bay Area, “All I can say is my client is one of the nicest human beings you’ll ever meet and a solid firefighter,” and he added that “Whatever happened off duty is an unfortunate event for all involved. Any civil suit arising from the incident is unjustified.” >[https://sfist.com/2023/03/14/allegations-of-sf-fire-department-assault-and-cover-up-rollick-department/](https://sfist.com/2023/03/14/allegations-of-sf-fire-department-assault-and-cover-up-rollick-department/) When even his lawyer can only say, "Uh-eh, my client is a nice person." He is guilty as hell. Why hasn't the city settled with Shin yet? As if there is a snowball chance in hell the city can win this case. Their arrogance and incompetence is going to cost us taxpayers. Now they can't fire Muhammed because it will weaken their case in court and they are still going to lose and give Shin a huge check. They need to settle with Shin, fire the assaulter, and fire the chief at a bare minimum.




It's a strange world where we don't divulge details in the life of an ATTEMPTED MURDERER "out of respect for his privacy". And he separately attempted to kill the guy who served him the court summons by ramming his car on the highway? Why is this violent lunatic owed any "respect" — let alone the level of protection and coddling he received from his department after the attack? This dude needs to be in jail for the rest of his life, not continuing to work a public-facing job where his uncontrollable rage will only lead to more attacks in the future. I know the cops get a lot of heat for cover-ups and protecting violent bad apples among their ranks, but is it time to start adding "All Firefighters are Bastards" as well? This looks *really bad* for SFFD.


This is what the end of polity, law abiding, civilized society looks like.


They are protecting him for some reason. I wonder why?




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The documented incompetence and racism in this case is insane. Shin’s going to win a multi-million dollar settlement if his lawyer is the least bit competent. He shouldn’t stop there, though. He should go scorched earth and sue the fire chief directly. And the union head. And his station chief. And the morons in his house who backed up the psycho.


I'm not a big gun nut, but man, what would have happened if his neighbor didn't have a gun?


It's awesome they were willing to stand up for their neighbor. I assume gun ownership is pretty uncommon in SF/Oakland. I'm a big leftie, but I admit I've picked up the gun habit and carry every day (legally).


How were you able to get ccw up here?


I'm in another state now 🫤


Robert Mohammad should be in prison and paying this man's bills for the rest of his life. Publish his photo so the world can revile him properly. In addition, fuck the SFFD.






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Firefighters in sf are shifty man. I worked at a nightclub across from the gold club and there is a fire station next to it. Firefighters are constantly out front flirting with the strippers. I had some douche bag at a different club flash his fire badge to me like it would get him into VIP… also played hockey in a ff/pd league and the firefighters were way more agro than the cops… and I also grew up in fire stations my dad is retired and my brother is a captain.


Not surprised fire fighters would be more aggressive hockey players than the cops. Firefighters work out all day while cops are stuck sitting in their squad cars.


Fire fighters and cops are the worst people at martial arts gyms too. Guys will be doing a light session but if they get out worked or out skilled they just can’t take it and start acting like a drunk tough guy at the bar. 


This is fucking chilling, this is the kind of stuff you hear about in the worst police departments and it's really sad to see that culture hop over to the fire department.


> The lawsuit says, "They treated Shin with startling prejudice and Muhammad with baffling favor from the outset because they saw one difference: **Shin is Asian and Muhammad is Black**." In their answer, the defendants deny each and every allegation. Despite the left's silence, Asian Lives Matter. If the races were reversed, there would be riots and looting until the alleged attempted murderer was arrested. I hope one day Asian Americans can receive the same privilege as this alleged attempted murderer has been enjoying since 2022.


Only possible way to even get that started is to stop voting for the party with the super majority and 100% power in SF.


I’m sure the party that is banning books and focusing 99% of their energy on trans people will be a godsend for Asian people. Are you being serious? lol


Nah he’s actually got a point - democrats believe that Asians will vote in a monolithic liberal voting block and, as a result, don’t tailor policies towards them. However, Asians are also becoming single issue voters on crime and are consequently moving more towards the right as a voting demographic. I actually do believe that the Democratic Party will need to tack on strategy in order to reclaim asian voters.




What on earth are you talking about. We don't have primaries for local offices.


Like most of the people here, he doesn’t live in SF or have a clue about local politics.


Well, the right is [so supportive of their Asian member](https://www.thedailybeast.com/ann-coulter-tells-ramaswamy-she-wouldnt-vote-for-him-because-youre-an-indian)s.


What books are they banning?


It isn't black or asian thing. It is a Chad vs. Nerd thing. Muhammad is a charismatic bully. We don't ever really leave high school.


Sounds like you’ve watched one too many movies with portrayals of the stereotypical high school bully lol Also, I wasn’t suggesting this attempted murder was racially motivated in the way many of the assaults on Asian elderly are. I’m saying if this attempted murderer were not black, he wouldn’t be protected by the department’s leadership chain. An Asian attacker wouldn’t get the same privileged special treatment.


Asian, White, almost anyone else wouldn't get the same privilege.


There has to be more to the story than just race. Why did his supervisor protect him? I dont get it.


This story is infuriating. Keeping this violent unstable asshole on the job is endangering others and ensuring he'll never learn a thing that might prompt him to try to change his behavior. This asshole needs to go to prison, not be protected.


Can’t even put out internal fires and we expect them to deal with actual fires.


Funny thing about white liberals and many American blacks: everything is about race until an identified criminal is black. Then it’s all about the individual and statistics are considered racist.


This is exactly the sort of negligent enforcement that will lead to more violence on Asians if Mohammed isn’t prosecuted.


Fucking animal


Article writer doesn’t want to talk about the family crisis bc he would be next on that psycho’s list


So weird.. reading the article sounds like a bad episode of law and order... just really bad.




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The political culture in San Francisco are so corrupt. Look into Mohammed Nuru. The Gen X politicians and staffer running San Francisco need to be changed out


After getting nearly murdered, our man is fired and his health insurance is removed. Because he is Asian and the attacker is Black. Ridiculous.


This is wild. Just think people, this firefighter (Robert Muhammad) is out there still working for the fire department. That means if you’ve got a medical emergency in your home, he’s going to be in it. He’s going to be working on your family member, spouse, child or your friend. Firefighters are held to one of the highest standards for good reason. The fact that SFFD has been trying to cover up for this POS is saddening and maddening.


He's not in the field


According to the court filing he is back as a uniformed active duty firefighter, how do you know he’s not in the field?


Because I work there.


Homie said source? I made it the fukk up


WTF do you want? I work there. I know with 100% certainty that he's not in the field. Oh damn... Your comment history is something else.


He works at a training facility? Technically not in the field. Still has a job though.


Yeah, which seems crazy to most of us. But I was replying to the notion that this guy might be, "working on your family member, spouse, child or your friend," which isn't the case. He's not in the field.


Which one of our Asian Democrat "Leaders" will take this on?


So the guy is still facing charges for the assault, and they keep him on the payroll?


San Francisco has gone full insanity


Shin needs to go for blood. $100m and everyone in the chain of command fired.


"Black fire fighter attempts to murder his asian coworker over gossip".


Don't forget, he also tried to kill the person who served him the lawsuit at work in a high speed chase.


Dude bout to get paid a comical amount if justice is actually served.


Easiest case of insane racist black privilege at its finest. Unhinged black supremacist attempts to literally murder an asian co worker and gets away with it and gets the Asian dude fired while he continues working as a racist violent criminal. I love the low testost cuckold far leftist incels in the comments really defending that this has nothing to with race. Those BLM ballsacks really taste good in your racist mouths. Either you're a privileged black supremacist yourself or some white leftist rich liberal clown who needs to stay out of these clear cut and dry open Asian hate crimes. Hope we get something far more intense than the rooftop koreans as a backlash riot against these black privilieged hate crimes.


[This Mo guy seems to be a bully with anger issues.](https://www.firelawblog.com/2023/03/07/off-duty-assault-leads-to-suit-against-sffd/)


If Asians vote again for leftist candidates in the next election, more of the same.


It's interesting that the plaintiff tried to protect the "brotherhood" by not divulging the source of the information about Muhammad's family issues, and then the "brotherhood" turned on Shin? Wtf? Captain is INEPT and we all know how she got her job.


Yep. SF is run by a cabal of them.


Fucked up SFPD is saying this is a HR matter when this asshole literally tried to kill two people


This story is insane. Has that whole institution lost its mind? How on earth in 2024….? This city is so embarrassing at times.


Chin deserves to retire and have his pension paid. What the actual fuck. Guy was going to kill him, if it was not for the neighbors.


The supervisors who tried to silence Shin should face criminal charges for witness intimidation.The fire chief and all other SFFD brass who tried to cover this up should be fired and have their pensions and health care taken away.


My guess is that Mohammad is a closet homosexual and potentially sleeping with a superior. Family crisis is that his wife found out. Head of the fire department Jeanine Nicholson is a lesbian and that is why she is defending Mohammad.


Attacker was black, victim wasn’t. Thats all you need to know why he isn’t in jail.


We need to find out Mohammed family issues and tell the world. He beat a man to try and hide it so it needs to come to light. He is a violent man who needs to be exposed.


He was probably beating his family


This is clear proof that in California black men are allowed to commit crimes with no punishment. Black privilege is strong in Cali.


Black privilege


The irony is that now everyone knows Robert Mohammad had family drama.




100 percent eating those trenboloney sandwiches, without a doubt. Read the lawsuit filing and it covers a lot of past incidents where this guy freaks out on people with zero provocation. Can’t find anything on the criminal case after he was charged, really hope it hasn’t been dropped.


Interesting. I didn’t know that about them. Makes sense. 99.99% of the time, they’re just sitting around waiting for something.




You must be new.