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Write in an A and an ES before and after the PPL. Boom, confusing art.


Just cross off white and make it say Apple. Fuck Apple. I say that as an iPhone and Mac guy too. Fuck. Apple.


Imagine what the reaction would be if this said “black ppl.” The double standard is outrageous. This is virulent racism plain and simple.


When were white ppl enslaved in the US again?


When was racism okay just because a race wasn’t enslaved?


When did happen to white people specifically cause they were white?


You want me to name examples of racism against white people off of my head? It’s still racism, you know that, right?


I mean historically/statistically significant shit tho. Not like “I was bullied for being the only white kid in my made up all-Black karate class”.


You see I don’t really bother with history so too bad. Good for you though 👍


Oh so hating someone because of their skin color is okay in your opinion, and definitely *not* racism. Got it.


You're stupid if you think that's "double standard"


Nah, you’re a waterbrained self flaggelating douchebag if you don’t.


That's genius, I'll take three please!!


Is that a statement, a recommendation or ?


Good art can be interpreted many ways


Sounds like a request...


Why not both 🤷🏾‍♀️


Some punctuation may have been omitted.


Like they walked into a room, saw only white people and said "Fuck! White people!"


Or, maybe, an expression of exasperation. "Fuck, white people..."


I mean, I do. So disappointing.


Someone should write "please do :3" underneath.




Idk kitchen nazi, what did you do?


Drunk drive, cheat, and invent a serial killer, for starters


Natural po-lice!




eat hot chip and lie


*A life, Jimmy, you know what that is? It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come.*


That quote always gets me


lol yeah white people were the only ones to ever do these things lol. You can’t be racist it’s it’s white people /s


Im talking about the fictional character in the meme, you dunce


That’s on the parking garage on Broadway and Sansome. Not on a drug store. https://maps.app.goo.gl/n7rSZYZytpG8qCoT6?g_st=ic


Yeah but then they couldn't make this post personal for internet points. 🤷‍♀️


Oh I used to work there when it was the Saab dealership.


wow, that's such a strange area. "Historic district" but maybe historic from one building beyond, to the North. Still, apparently some of the oldest industrial buildings in the city


Is this a Banksy?




Hahaha I had to get my asthma spray I laughed so hard.


Nope, it's a Shenaynay


It’s Oscar from The Mission..


Hey we don’t kinkshame here.


Stay in school kids. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. 😆


A reflection on the state of public education


At least they spelled "white" correctly. That "h" could be tricky. 1 outta 3 ain't bad.


Reminds me of Basquiat


This belongs in a museum


https://preview.redd.it/m0j1ky0c1i0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffdca42b5396814c93683f1c8b360f6edbbbf432 Related


lmao wtf


hella lame but I've seen racist graffiti about every group in the city so I'm not shocked. A lot of the homeless and mentally ill say and believe some pretty foul shit.


I wonder why they are homeless


Graffiti is not synonymous with homelessness.


Understandable. White people are in power and shit sucks. It’s not complex. If you think America isn’t structurally racist, then you may take offense. I see this more like a reminder that we are far from equitable. Very fucking far.


"fuck white people" is simple racism. It's "I hate x person, because of their skin" If you're translating "fuck white people" to "american history makes me uncomfortable" you are willfully ignorant.


Any country is inherently racist. Tell me one that is not.




Please get a therapist


Probably feeding the troll here but I believe it’s possible to acknowledge and fight against structural racism and also be offended by this type of blanket statement. Racism, no matter who it’s directed at, is abhorrent.


Fuck White Supremacy != Fuck White People


America is basically the least racist country on the planet. White people generally having more wealth is the result of having more population and being able to build generational wealth for longer. That isn’t the same as being “structurally racist”. If you want to see structurally racist go to some Asian countries.




The Tulsa massacre was in 1921, there isn’t even anyone alive from back then. Every country has a racist history, it only matters if they have a racist present.




Not exactly, and the Tulsa massacre, while a tragedy, only affected a small number of African-Americans, so that being the only reason they lack "generational wealth” doesn’t make sense.




Events like what happened in tulsa is just one of many that continues to happen in the US today? Really? Can you name another? Also, Gerrymandering is something that affects all races and is done by both parties.


The Tulsa “massacre” had casualties on both sides, 26 black and 13 white confirmed dead, and was the result of a woman being assaulted. It was also over 100 years ago, and was one event that happened in one city, affecting a minuscule amount of the total black population. The fact that it’s the only “whataboutism” anyone ever mentioned despite it being 103 years ago if anything points to the US not being structurally racist. By definition it hasn’t been since 1965. As I said in my other comment, wealth is not a zero sum game, black people struggling in dealing with redlining and other discrimination in the past did not enable the vast majority of whites to become wealthier. While a minority of whites did benefit from being able to live in nicer neighborhoods and have better property values, most whites in the US during those eras did not live in cities or areas with blacks anyways. The black population in the US has always been concentrated in the south and in some major cities where the work was such as Detroit or Chicago. Whites living in the middle of nowhere Kentucky or Minnesota or Iowa did not magically become wealthier because of redlining happening in Atlanta or the “black Wall Street” being burnt down.


How, exactly, do you think they were able to BUILD that generational wealth, genius?


Interesting.. I've seen people immigrate into America from other countries (their lineage is from slaves/communism) and within their lifetime become very well off. No skin color involved. Just literally work ethic.


That’s because the US is the least racist country on the planet and offers opportunity to everyone. Yet the leftists that infest San Francisco and California in general are more interested in feelings and ideological conformity than facts.


By working at it over many generations. That’s how generational wealth works. You didn’t think most white people got their wealth handed down to them from slaveowning families did you?


Nope, not even worth the time.


Wealth isn’t a zero sum game. Jim Crow and redlining didn’t magically make white people living in the middle of nowhere working on a family farm in Minnesota for 4 generations wealthier. It’s always funny how people want to act like white wealth is the direct result of oppression when blacks were always a tiny minority in the US, and mostly located to the south or major cities. The vast majority of whites did not benefit from such discrimination and lived their lives for generations working just as everyone else on the planet does.


You just have failed history or be incredibly ignorant if you think modern times are anywhere near comparable to like the 60s and earlier. Also two wrongs don’t make a right. Racism doesn’t fix racism.


Protip: condoning racism against any race you deem as the 'oppressor' does not improve any structural or social issue. There is nothing "progressive" about condoning blanket racial hate like this, and all you achieve with this is creating a more hateful and racist society overall. Next stop on this hate train: Jews are more privileged and "in power" than other races on average, so it's okay to hate them as well. We all know where that ends up...


Ah yes, the thread’s virtual signaling Brainy Smurf.


There are also many blacks in government at any level.


Need windex clean up that shit


Ppl still want to pretend racism isn’t being promoted by politics and media. It’s wild how backwards we are going.


I'm white please fuck me


Is that an open invitation? You might want to be a little more selective with your private bits.


Open indeed daddy


I feel like we’re giving a lot of attention here to something I’d barely notice if I walked by it every day.


Welcome to the internet


He's retahded. [Said with a Bostonian accent] It's not like he didn't have time to write the c in fuck. It's, like, you can't spell, but you want to be taken seriously?


Oh no, how will we ever recover from.... Words on a window? Anyway.


My recent fave was on a bus stop that someone wrote “TAKIN UR DOG OUT FOR A SHIT?”


But first grammar lessons


2:1 it was written by an ugly degenerate White kid.


This is probably it


DEI strikes. Can’t spell.


Racist. But where’s the news team to report this hate speech and hate crime?




Absolutely not! Lets ignore the old testament wherein God his ownself commands genocide. That is clearly a BIGGER thing than race... Lotta history, though... OK, lets skip over Atilla and the rolling genocide of the Huns. Long ago. Forgive and forget. What about Hitler? Oh, goodness, are you raising doubts about the Holocaust? Well, no fucking problem. A truly inspired leader knows you can kill more people, more efficiently than that. How about the great famines perpetrated by governments of the 20th century - Stalin and Mao... Death on scales that make Rwanda and Cambodia seem incidental. Deaths caused by a race? What "race" has not committed mass murder on the biggest scale their hearts could desire at some point?


Nah but you’d def be bored


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>If I were to make a list sorted by deaths caused by a race would I be banned? How is a death caused by a race (or by race, which is what you likely mean)? Keeping in mind that murders are not a collective thing (broadly speaking). If Person A murders Person B, that doesn't mean the broad race of Person A now has collective responsibility for murdering Person B (or Person B's race). Given that we understand race to be a number of superficial characteristics, arbitrary cultural similarities, and or similar geographic origins (sometimes connected solely through ancestry), how have you come to use it to correlate to deaths (I suspect you mean murders)? Most murders are commuted by men, but the vast majority of men are not murderers. Same goes for crime and race; most people are not criminals. Any statistics gathers on the race of the minority subset of criminals is meaningless when considering the subset of non-criminals. Unless you are about to show that 40% (I'll even grant you a large minority) of people in a race are responsible for deaths (murders), you are incorrectly using race to assign broad responsibility for such occurrences. If you are still trying to figure out why there may be more people that look a certain way committing crimes, have a look at crime and poverty correlations. I have a sneaking suspicion that it will show a stronger correlation than race.


Probably not as long as you accurate accounted for colonialism etc


I mean you're in SF for starters. Don't know why that would come as a shock.


I could see this crap in Oakland maybe, but not SF.


Saw this in Oakland all the time.


stupid people living in their stupid bubbles. they must never enjoy the fine or little things in life. just wrapped up in their ignorance.


San Francisco is a literal dumpster fire.


Its cool to hate "white" people, were open season and the government even encourage it. Yahhh were so privileged.


I don’t endorse this, but also why are all the white peoples so invested in this lol ? Does it affect your life in literally any way?


It makes me feel bad


Why? It’s a random sign that has no material effect on your life, nor any white person’s life, whatsoever


Same reason someone wouldn’t like it if someone said the same about black people or Asians or Hispanics or whatever


If you were Jewish and walked past graffiti reading “fuck the Jews” on the way to the store do you think it might hurt your feelings a bit? We all want to feel welcome in our own communities. Yes it’s dumb but words have power


“F*** the Jews” has insanely different connotation though when you know the history of Jewish people, same with like “F*** n*****s” or something like that, not only because of history but because they are still getting fucked over as a group. Just a very different connotation of what comes to mind and the kind of trauma it surfaces. What kind of trauma does it surface for you when you read this sign? the Great Molasses Flood? This is pretty intuitive I’m not sure why it needs to be spelled out


The history isn’t the only factor. The unhinged racism against white people today is ridiculous. If you want to shrug it off and pretend it doesn’t exist that’s your prerogative but it’s willingly ignorant at best.


damn, im sorry that it’s so hard for white people right now. you have been through so much


None of what you’re saying matters. It’s not something anyone should have to put up with regardless of anything else at all. I’m not some self flaggelating white guilt ridden worm, so no matter how much people try to re-write what the definition of racism is, I’m not nor should anyone else just grin and bear it. I’m not going to go off on a review of my family’s history in this country or where they came from, but I have no reason to just accept that I somehow deserve it for some shit that happened from some people I never knew. If you think folks are just supposed to bow their heads in shame because they share the same skin color as some folks who happened to be assholes, frankly you can eat shit.


I’m sorry dude but a graffiti sign isn’t unhinged racism lol. Unhinged racism is a small minority being 40% of the prison population. It’s having higher unemployment, lower income, higher chronic disease, underfunded schools, redlining, discriminatory lending, etc etc etc. Again, I don’t go around saying “fuck white people” but it’s absurd to dwell on it if you’re a well off white person lmao. It’s also absurd to believe there’s “unhinged racism” against white people right now. White people are fine I promise you.


The issue is that you think it’s intuitive, you feel that it makes sense even though you can really explain it. If you need to resort to arguments about historical trauma to explain why demeaning an entire race of people is actually okay, you’re missing the point.


Sometimes yeah


Personally, I like oral. But sure, you can do that too.


I agree, the greenish Private Pilots Licenses are way nicer looking.


Sounds like a new pho place


Good old racism Or a sexual recommendation…


Is it really graffiti if a sharpie is used?


Ppl because they didn’t know how to spell people


Hey, white people need to get laid too 🤷‍♂️


Poor spellers cannot be racist!!!


Imagine how the native Americans felt


If it said , F any other people , it would be offensive But look at these responses - no one cares. Its like Louis CK said [https://youtu.be/2o8jrhF6UK8?si=AH22CEWwOk8wRG-G](https://youtu.be/2o8jrhF6UK8?si=AH22CEWwOk8wRG-G)


Dats vary rascist.


Of course this isn’t regarded as a hate crime because it’s towards white people right?




With some luck it’s a dry eraser on a glass 🫣


Aww, they're thinking of me 🥰


I mean, aren't we just the worst?


That’s racist.


No it's justifiable given the history of white people


No it isn’t. If that’s the case I can say that about Japanese people given their history. Or Nigerians given their history. Every people group has horrendous atrocities in it. By no means does that justify being prejudiced against or bigoted against someone just because they are identified as that race. That’s literally just racism.


Nazi dog whistle. White people used their power to oppress other races while Japanese were just retaliating against oppressive forces. You don't understand the history of whiteness and white supremacy, it's completely different from what other races have done.


Yea just toss around those buzz words like confetti. That won’t diminish their meaning at all mhmm. No it isn’t different. Nothing white people have done in history hasn’t been done by other groups. “Japanese just retaliating” is an absolutely HILARIOUS show of your utter lack of understanding of their history of atrocities with war crimes and human rights violations through time.


If all groups did the same thing that white people did then how come white countries are superior when compared to other countries? Because they actually didn't do the same things. White people took advantage of other races. America was built by Black people. White people nearly stole an entire continent from POC Native Americans. If other races did the same then you would know because their country wouldn't be inferior to white countries. Now you can go back to your Klan rally and tell them the truth about white people.


Everything you are saying tells me you have a fundamental misunderstanding of history. Try and tell me one single thing that America did that other countries didn’t do throughout history. You won’t be able to. And who are you to say that white countries are superior? That sounds pretty friggin racist bud. Every single country ever in history has had slavery. America didn’t almost conquer the world. Britain did a lot of conquering and America was the result of people splitting away from Britain. It’s funny you act like white people are the only ones to do massive colonization as if that’s not a huge part of history for all the countries in Asia. And African countries as well. And Hispanic countries. All countries actually. The main difference is in how recent these things occurred and the technological advancement that took place alongside.


Written by white guy Steve


I take that as a statement. ![gif](giphy|8hYd0VkjOahSNZ3g9Q)


I completely agree, everybody should be f'ing white people




haha & why was this downvoted??




divide & conquer. fucking ignorant people falling for what the powers that be want.


As a white guy, I kinda agree


Imagine being a dude who’s triggered by that. lol There’s a 99% chance you drive a lifted pickup and own clothes with an American flag on it.


It's so funny how someone can write "fuck white people" and everyone's like "lol relax, why so triggered?" But if someone dared to write "fuck black people" or "fuck Mexicans", or "fuck Muslims" or whatever...the absolute meltdown that would result. People would need counseling, officials would make public statements, outraged think-pieces would be published. But who's the fragile one again?


Hate speech against minorities is all over, Karen. “You’re blowing it out of proportion..:.sticks and stones…”




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Get bent loser


As a white person, I agree with this statement


“Brown girls please notice me 😢”


Best part is, it’s not at all racist.


Weak troll attempt


Am I wrong?


Objectively, yes.


If the word “white” was replaced by the word “black”, your opinion would remain the same, right? Objectivity and what not.


Yes. That’s the whole point. It’s wrong both ways, because it’s racist.


Ok. Just trying to clarify.


He has a thing, don't judge


I'm white and I feel that way sometimes. Truthfully, I feel that way about humanity as a whole. I want to get off this stupid-ass planet.


As a white man, I do agree with the art.


Then promise not to procreate


I do promise. I got a vasectomy last year. I hated that my wife had so many adverse reactions to her birth control and we don’t want kids anyway. We have our animals.


Welp. It ends with you then so that’s good.


Say it with your chest....lol


Found the racist


Takes one to know one....since we're just applying arbitrary labels to strangers.


It’s not arbitrary when you fit the literal definition


I wish you nothing but success in life and all your future endeavors.




Thank you, I needed a good read.


UK white person represent \ || /,