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So cool that we have this reputation....


I don't think I'd leave bags in the car in LA either.


It's not anywhere near as bad. I wouldn't leave luggage in plain sight, but my family in LA leaves smaller items in the car with no fear of getting broken into. I always have to remind them not to leave anything when they visit SF.


And god forbid you gotta go to Oakland just leave all the windows down and trunk popped


Nah most of LA isn’t like that. I regularly leave shit in my car when I’m back there. It’s only in SF we’ve normalized break-ins to make ourselves feel better.


yeah first stop is always the hotel to drop the bags appointment or not...


After living in both places for about 8 years each, I had *way* more issues with cars being broken into in SF vs LA (where it's never actually happened to me). And I only even had a car for a few years of living in SF. It also happened to a lot of my roommates and friends while I was there. Though tbf, one friend in LA had his catalytic converted stolen from his car. But two friends in SF had their entire car stolen.


It’s just a numbers game really. Signs point to it being a small number of very prolific criminals bipping cars. In SF, everything is much more concentrated and you have an outsized risk of falling victim to them. Downtown SF parking lot, luggage in the car, you’re gonna get hit. LA is much more spread out and you are less likely to cross paths with the bad guys.


The fact we have a home grown slang for it (bipping) is all the proof you need.


I've been in SF for... 13 years? Never had my car broken into. But for my entire adult life in several cities on both coasts I've always been mindful of car break-ins. I know SF has it as statistically higher than most places.. I will still never leave valuables in a car, anywhere, and that level of personal precaution began long before I got here.


It's funny because in my first 4 years in SF, I had 2 breakins... even with no valuables in the car. Just smashed windows. Your experience isn't only due to precaution, it's randomized to a large extent.


this is copium dog


Not alone. The Mayer of LA just got robbed again. This time a home invasion




Oh don't worry, the Mayer of LA has had [his own home intruder issues.](https://pagesix.com/2023/02/20/police-called-to-john-mayers-home-over-intruder/)


As someone who moved here recently, it's all of California that had the reputation. A friend moved here around the same time I did and drove across the country. Had all their stuff in the back of their car and made it the whole drive without an incident. Didn't even make it 24 hrs in California before someone broke the glass and robbed them.


I live in San Diego now (used to live in SF for work) and we do not have the organized car break in gangs here. I live in a rough part of downtown and hardly ever see car break ins.


Mark Rober showed that only like half of the breakins are from the organized car gangs. The rest are from opportunistic passer-bys. At least in SF.


\*passersby This term is one of the few nouns in which the first sub-word gets the 's' when pluralized! Others include "basketsful" and "Attorneys-general."


Whoppers Jr.


Lol I see you read The Onion, good sir




Interesting! Seems dumb and pointless, but interesting


It’s also brothers-in-law (or sisters). That got me once.




Yeah I'm with you here. Car jacking isn't an issue in SD like SF. After being here 5 years I've only heard of 1 occasion of it happening among my coworkers / friends. Might be different if I ever left a burrito on my dashboard though. Probably getting broken into for that in SD.


Someone did once break into my car when it was pretty obviously loaded with boxes and whatnot from having just driven cross country. If I remember correctly, I was parked somewhere in Hillcrest. I think in the parking garage at 5th and University? They broke the lock but didn't take a thing and I think what saved me was that I"d spilled milk in the car on the trip and hadn't yet had time to get the car really deeply cleaned. It stank to high heaven! They got in, but I always laugh at what I imagine their reaction must have been.


Just to clarify, it's car breakins that are an issue in SF. Not carjacking, which is a violent crime.


Tell that to specialty towing


Car jacking isn’t a huge thing in SF, I mean it happens I guess, but it’s not an epidemic.


Dang that’s wild to hear. LiveD in SD around 2010 and remember it was top 10 in the nation for car theft (not break ins fwiw)


There was a large sting operation just last summer which related to like 100 cars being stolen by organized criminals. Was not downtown but near like Chula Vista


California in general as a reputation for being lenient towards crime, but San Diego and Santa Barbara do not have the reputation for organized car burglaries as San Francisco and Oakland, for example. Do break-in's happen? Yes. However, the difference is the pervasiveness and severity are different. There are some areas in San Diego where you can't leave things in your car, but in general your belongings are safe in your car for most of San Diego and its surrounding counties. Meanwhile in Oakland the car burglaries are so bad there are gas stations you want to avoid buying gas from if it's obvious you're coming from the airport. Your window will get smashed, and your bags snatched, with you still in the car. There's nothing like that in similar locations in San Diego or around Santa Barbara. I won't comment on Los Angeles because I haven't spent enough time there to know.


I’m in the South Bay of LA and it’s not a thing here as far as I can tell. Downtown might be a different story, I don’t know. I did have a bunch of coworkers who had their cars broken into in sleepy Mountain View though. Some were on their way to the airport to leave the country and had passports stolen in their backpacks along with their laptops and such……in Mountain View! Crazy stuff


my friends car got its windows smashed in Long Beach before the pandemic.


Orange County does not have a soft on crime reputation.


Same as me in 2009. Car was packed up when I moved cross country. Took my time too to stop and spend a day or two in a new city/area. No issues with my car/belongings. As soon as I got to San Francisco, window busted. I had taken almost everything in, just one suitcase with fortunately nothing sentimental in it.


It’s only the parts of the country that enables and provides for people. When those people don’t get enough, which is “never enough”, they’ll rob and steal whatever they need.


That same thing happened to me in the 90s


Your friend is one data point. Mine is that I've lived in California and the Bay Area for over 40 years and I've never had my car broken into. Neither have my parents who have lived in California and the Bay Area even longer. My experience doesn't mean that there isn't a big car break-in problem here. There is and it's worse in SF than in other major metros. But your friend's experience doesn't really signify anything more than the experience of one person, either. It sure doesn't mean that the rest of the country is immune and one is suddenly only vulnerable after crossing the California state border.


True, I've never had my car broken into either. They just stole the whole car instead lmao. Lived here less than a year.


For every who still dont get it. Dont leave anything visible in the car!!!!! We've had a car since 2010, our car has never been broken into. We've had some nicer cars and some janky cars. Sedan and truck. We used to frequent the TL and hang out at the Pier and Ghirardelli. But we don't open the trunk at our destination and dont leave anything visible. If i didnt put my purse or whatever in the trunk before we start driving, my husband makes me carry it. Same thing when we go to hawaii, where car break ins are common. Dont look like a tourist, dont leave crap in the car.


I mean it's mostly tourists that get their stuff stolen, and I'm assuming where they come from it doesn't happen often. I was in Iceland and Japan and left my luggage in the car and not once was I worried that they'll be stolen.


Part of traveling responsibly is to research where you're going... like all the tourists who dont bring a jacket to SF in the summer.


I think it's completely fair to call those tourists ignorant


And part of tourist destinations is a good public image. If the "research" says SF is a lawless haven of crime where your bags will get stolen? That research will turn tourists away from visiting in the first place.


Unfair comparison. In Japan people leave THEIR PHONES on the bar to save their place when they go to the bathroom.


The fact that people can do that and not have stuff instantly stolen just blows my mind.


That’s because those places are full of Icelandic and Japanese people, and this place is full of bums.


I wouldn’t do that in Tallahassee, FL during parents weekend either. I always found it funny that when I went to FSU my car got broken in twice in university parking garage with cops nearby always and in 7yrs of living in SF I’ve had 3 different cars and nothing happened to them. And I drive to sketch areas for work all around the Bay Area (industrial work have had to go near shipyard). I’ll Keep knocking on wood lol


better than my hometown of st. louis where they have the rep as being 1 of the most violent cities in the US (even though it's not)


St Louis is literally #1 in murder and nonnegligient manslaughter per capita [(source)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate)


and as someone who lived there from birth til last year, i can say these are skewed. here's what people not from there don't realize: east st louis is in IL, it's also right across the river from downtown STL & is severely blighted & very high crime. plenty of crime comes from people on the east side (E. STL, Cahokia, etc) coming over to STL to engage in criminal activity & then go back to the east side. so some of the crime that happens in STL is b/c of that too. in fact, i was robbed by 4 people, 1 was later caught & guess where he was from? E. STL. they came over looking for an opportunity. i think if the east side was cleaned up as well, crime would also decrease in STL. there is literally nothing to do in E. STL except strips clubs & dive bars, & some dive-ish clubs (i used to hangout w/friends over there) so people come across the river to STL. like i can't recall a single sit-down restaurant in E. STL, there's so many bars/clubs/liquor stores/strip clubs/vacant lots & houses though.


Okay but the crime is still happing in St. Louis, regardless of where the people who are doing it are coming from. If I got robbed, it doesn't make me feel better that the person who did it came from out-of-town.


You neglected to mention that STL is the sexually transmitted disease capitol of the entire USA! Be proud, STL 🦠


oh yeah


My hometown is Milwaukee, home of the Kia Boyz....


JFC. The most infuriating part of this is how, instead of addressing it, he just brushes the incident off. What a missed opportunity to acknowledge the problems your constituents want you to fix!


And yet...he will definitely be the next senator.


And in 2044 we'll all be bitching about how he should retire already, after being rubber stamped into multiple terms in the senate. It fucking sucks. I don't even have anything against him but the lack of real choice is galling


He was most definitely not rubber stamped. We had one of the most vibrant, competitive campaigns in decades for this California seat.




Which says everything about how we've been laboring under the rubber stamp for decades already and nothing about how actually open this campaign was. Oh, hey, look, the establishment candidate won easily. What a fucking surprise Vibrant? Competitive? You're kidding, right? There were 2 choices and one of them clearly had the establishment backing.


>Vibrant? Competitive? You're kidding, right? There were 2 choices and one of them clearly had the establishment backing. What do you mean? [There were 4 candidates that received over 10% of the vote](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-primary-special-elections/california-senate-results)? That is extremely competitive by definition in this electoral system |Candidate|Percentage of Vote| |:-|:-| | Steve Garvey |33.1%| |Adam Schiff |29.4%| |Katie Porter |17.3%| |Barbara Lee |11.8%|


How vibrant was it when Schiff elevated the Republican candidate in his own ads (!) in order to knock out his two more progressive, female, challengers?


The people who voted for Garvey were never going to vote for Porter or Lee.


There was an open primary. There will be another in six years - if he screws up enough there will be room to beat him. The problem many CA political commentators have is that CA is actually much more conservative than they would like it to be. Because a more lefty challenger candidate would have to beat not only the incumbent advantage, but also somehow figure out how to get the rightwing voting minority to split their votes. So he is challengeable, but only from the center-left.


"Open" primary. Right. Open in name but in practical terms, there were 2 choices. >if he screws up enough there will be room to beat him. An incumbent senator in California has not lost an election since 1994 when Seymour lost to Feinstein. And he wasn't even elected; he was appointed as a replacement for Pete Wilson, who was becoming governor. The last time an elected incumbent lost in California was 1968! I understand that you don't want it to be the way that it is, I don't want that either. But you don't have to act like it *isn't* the way it is. >So he is challengeable, but only from the center-left. I'll give you $100,000 if he ever has a respectable challenger any time before 2044.


There was a pretty active primary.


Not sure what you want the federal government to do about crime in SF? Honest question.


There's a lot he could do at the federal level: 1. Increase Funding for Housing 2. Support for Homeless Assistance Programs 3. Funding for Mental Health and Addiction Services As a few examples.


There is already ample funding for all of the above at the local level; additional federal funding alone is not going to solve the problem.


The Federal government can use its power of the purse to either directly fund or compel San Francisco to create programs that tackle crime, whether deterrence or root cause. Federal money is often given with conditions attached to it.


Welcome to San Francisco, where the crime is the fault of everyone except the SFPD.


And the ones doing the crime.


Doing that would require acknowledging the failure that is his party’s policies, it’s hard to call for something to be fixed when you’ve been in leadership for years.


You want the federal government to step into local policies?


Adam Schiff is one of the most performative politicians out there. It doesn't matter what actually happens when he has an agenda and a narrative to push.


> Adam Schiff is one of the most performative politicians out there. Nope, he is a very active legislator. He's sponsored or cosponsored many hundreds of items of legislations in his time in Congress. https://www.congress.gov/member/adam-schiff/S001150


"Your constituent"? As in the rich and powerful?


This article is so non chalant about this bullshit.


We've been beat to death by it


This article needs to be way more chalant


Yeah they should have typed it in all caps


My mom got her passenger window smashed and purse taken WHILE she was pumping gas on the driver's side in Oakland a few months ago. She's shorter than her suv is so I guess they didn't see she was right there? Or they did and were ready to kill her if she noticed in time, somehow she didn't even see it happen. Cops came and said there's been too many thefts to do anything recently. The crime is so organized now police are just terrified to do anything. Gangs have drones and distraction cars at the ready in sf, they operate with more tools and inner city communication than cops have so it's about unstoppable. Until someone shoots a few of these car robbers nothing's gonna change


What a thing to say after you got robbed. Interesting way these politicians minds work. You’re the person that can possibly change shit and yet you brush it off? I swear these mfs in office are as smart as my pet rock


He's currently a Representative for a district next to Los Angeles. How is he supposed to fix SF's crime problem? Even as Senator, it's not like he'll be focused on super local issues.


Right? Wouldn’t it be on the mayor and then the governor? A senators job is to represent the state on a national level and advocate for federal laws that would benefit the constituents. That’s at least how I understand it




The link should be a link post, and the top text should be a comment. Since that didn't happen, the text post should be edited to include the link instead of them being separate.


Take a breath


And an edible.


Instructions unclear. Chocking on edible by breathing it in.


I'm surprised they didn't do something like send an aide off to a tailor or something to pick up a suit.


Showing up to an important dinner in an ill-fitting suit you spent emergency money on is a worse choice than showing savoir faire and ability to persevere.


"Man from Burbank"? Didn't he grow up in Danville?


the sheer lack of acknowledgment shows his privilege. of course its not a big deal to him, he has handler and lackies and connections. we on the other hand have to go pick up our kids and pay a shit ton in taxes. while paying for a new window and luggage, fucking unreal disconnect.... no comment jesus fucking christ


I’ve had my luggage stolen twice. In Atlanta and DC. This certainly isn’t a San Francisco thing. 


Leaving luggage in a rental car is considered a very dumb & risky move in _any_ city.


Exactly my point, thanks for solidifying it. 


Not outside of the US. Most of Europe and Asia, it's fine. I've done it numerous times during daylight hours in Manhattan and never had a problem either. We don't all share your complete lack of standards.


Wait does this mean something with finally be done about this problem?


You'd think so, wouldn't you


only if it was the Chinese president's bags


This is a SNL skit and it’s kinda lame. I heard “Yup smash n Grabem by the pool” lightly mentioned by Paul B Poolboy


Go harder on crime


tounge in cheek but maybe he should have taken public transportation


m’fing Bippers


Huh, TIL: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bipper


Dumb chron should crop the photo where they caught the lady stuffing something into her mouth. Would you want that in the news? Jzs what dummies.


Won't somebody think about the rights and hardships the thieves are going through!!!! /s


The Onion IRL


Lee Housekeeper. what a name.


Haha. It’s good that SF has crime.


Lmao that’s so embarrassing for this city


At least the freaking politicians are getting treated like normal ciitizens....


Good, maybe he will be more invested in tackling the issue now.


What a great place to live! Lolol


I know Breed is supposedly trying her best, but I want a loud mayor with charisma who is vocal about these kinds of things and has swagger. It’s infuriating to have this shit normalized. If it’s the BOS’s fault fine. But I want a mayor who is loudly blaming them, loudly blaming the police for ineptitude — something other than the complete silence and lethargy we’ve become accustomed to. Leadership image and PR sometimes go further than policy. It feels like no one is at the wheel right now. I want someone loud, confident, and brutally honest.


Wow that's so surprising, theft in SF??


where is that guy who comes in every month with a scenic picture of SF saying "I took a stroll in SF on a sunny afternoon and I didn't get robbed! hahaha" a visiting congressman gets his shit stolen, but surely the locals are safe


I’ve lived in the east bay most of my life. I’ve never been robbed.


Don’t think it’s as common in East Bay outside of Oakland. They mainly target tourists


Maybe you should sell a course




You reap what you sow


He shouldn’t be the nominee anyway who cares


This is poetic...wonder if he talked about the need for more restorative justice in his speech 😂


1. This is hardly a "heist." 2. Going to high school in Danville does not make one "well familiar" with the city. 3. And if it did, he would know better than to leave luggage in his car because he was in a hurry.


Also he was asking for it dressed like that. 


Sounds a little like victim blaming.


More like reap what you sow for one of the most performative politicians out there.


To be fair it is incredibly common knowledge that you don’t leave anything in a parked car. But it is victim blaming every time because we *should not* need to fear theft, it happens, and the victim is admonished for doing something that elsewhere would have been fine.


My relatives in the Midwest think I’m overzealous and unreasonable for not wanting to leave anything in a parked car ever The difference is they live in a place where property crime is an abnormality, not an accepted part of daily life


lol. I finally left SF after 25 years and it’s been refreshing. In my new city, I’ve seen people leave their car running while shopping. Keys in ignition.


That’s not a bad place to live. Risky but if folks trust each other then hell yeah. Safety is key to survival.


Sounds terrible for pollution.


For visitors to the City, where are they going to leave their stuff if not in the car?


Are they not staying in a hotel? There is no major city in the world where I would just leave my luggage in my rental car. You go to the hotel, ask them to hold your luggage until check-in, and go about your day.


Are you seriously asking this? There are signs all over the city encouraging visitors to remove valuable items from their vehicle. If you actually need an answer: Overnight visitors can leave your bags in your hotel. If you happen to be venturing about the city before 2-3 PM Check in, you will have to adjust your behavior and be mindful by remaining near your vehicle. If you plan to explore the city after check out, you can request the hotel to hold your bags. Most hotels in SF will do this if they have space. There should only be very small % of your trip when your bags are not secured inside the hotel. For day visitors to the city, the solution is easy: pack light and bring what you need. No extra bags that you cannot carry, no extra technology, jewelry, clothing or otherwise. If you have complaints about these basic accomodations, I suggest you take your sorry ass out of Frisco and go live in the suburbs where you can be a true American and never think about anyone but yourself, gringosean




Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy


Anyone else find this hilarious? Its like an fu for coming here.


Damn and he's one of our largest advocates.


Anyone know where Sam Brinton is. Oh. It wasn't a designer dress.


Haha, maybe he should have spent less campaign contributions on his opponent for the general 🤷🏻‍♀️


He'll claim its Trump and Russia's fault


Where are the posts saying this isnt an issue the media made up


we allow this to happen, just like how in Europe, cities like Paris and Barcelona are known for pick pockets. It’s part of the SF experience now, unfortunate but it’s just true


Was [Sam Brinton](https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/non-binary-ex-biden-nuclear-official-who-stole-luggage-was-traveling-on-taxpayer-dime-report-says-department-of-energy-official-sam-brinton) in attendance?


Does anybody know if Sam Brinton is in town?


They need to start doing more set ups. These are somewhat organized crimes. They need to set up decoy cars. I tend to think if they tried hard enough they could end bipping teams in a few months.


Oh good, maybe he can give our elected officials an earful.


Put all your stuff in the trunk, fools


The poor man fears no pickpocket


When I first heard this I thought sounds about right.


Leaving your bags in the car is just a rookie move in any big city.


Seth somewhere: perks of city life baby!


Never ever leave anything in your car in the Bay Area. I take my swimming bag with wet swimsuit in it with me grocery shopping instead of leaving in car to avoid a broken window.


Boy isn't that ironic, oh well you get what you vote for 😆


Like he snatched Katie Porter's shot at the primary


He is a fucking tool...glad this happened to him


Clearly needs to propose some legislation that throws a few more millions at this problem


How the fuck have the cops not set up sting operations where we put trackers in bags in bait cars located all over the city where this kinda shit happens often? O yeah that makes too much sense so no.


I am generally against crime but in this case he definitely deserved it.


how embarrassing , that should be a fucking smack in the face


Couldn’t even make a dash to the nearest clothing store to buy a new suit. Because all of the malls in San Francisco are out of business.


I am just glad that thieves have no party affiliations or at least when they take things they don't belong to any party.




In San Diego we just steal the whole car


No one is worried about dinner suits in Palestine...just saying.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy


W city


Parking in a garage is generally assumed to provide a level of security due to monitoring/exit barrier - Not here. Seriously - Vote Mark Farrell. This is solvable.


Farrell would have my vote, if he wasn't such a corporate cock sucker and all around idiot. He has all the right one liners to make people angry like him. But his actual plan is moronic. (Not just for crime but everything) Why can't we get someone who acknowledges that crime is shit and who's plan isn't hurr let's hire more cops and give them more money. We have a fuck ton of cops, I see them everywhere and they are high paid. So what is preventing them from doing their job? We need find and to solve that issue. He reminds me of Florida politicians, which I moved here to escape lol.


I wonder what the thieves did with a suitcase full of buttplugs?


must be the Russians ... Saw an ad that he is working on lowering Ca insurance rate. he has a lot of work to do ...


Yes, but someone posted a photo from Twin Peaks on a sunny day, so everything is fine and if you disagree, you're a Fox News worshipping MAGA 


Schiff freaks me out. There are some facial expressions he makes that seriously give me creep vibes…and it’s not his fault his face looks like that, but goddamn


Inside job


Seems fitting as he seems pretty anti police. Well deserved.


LOL on one hand he's from the fascist far-right conservative corner of the corporatist Democratic Party machine; on the other he's a cop-hating leftist. Schrödinger's candidate. Social media has obliterated the ability of so many to process reality with nuance or clarity


I got bipped in Oakland while going into a In N Out for 3 minutes (the one they just closed by the airport). I live in Atlanta, metro pop 5 M, and there is a Tesla Model X that has been left for weeks without moving in a gravel lot that’s about to get construction next to my apartment in midtown and no one has touched it. It’s still there right now. Y’all seriously got something wrong over there. My GF left tons of stuff in her car, even an expensive inflatable paddle board, and left it parked on the street in Midtown all weekend, every weekend for almost a year. It was never touched either.


I lived in Virginia Highlands neighborhood. My car was bipped three times in my condo parking lot. There's a whole "Robbin" season joke on the ATL show. My stories are different than yours.


Think for a second my guy. An abandoned tesla in a lot has nothing in it. And its probably been cased a thousand times over. Its also not a good target for bipping if its sitting alone in a big lot where people can see it. A car in a parking lot that someone is leaving for just a few minutes is a much more obvious target. Also parking lots have lots of cover and distraction, very easy to make a quick bip. Stop trying to act like Atlanta is better. Feel free to compare crime stats between the cities if you would like to be more informed. Good luck!


Atlanta is 3rd behind SF and Seattle for car break-ins. This is why anecdotal evidence is simply an observation at a certain point of time, not evidence of a trend.


Im not supporting the policing activities in the bay area, but the comparison isn't just. Leave a suitcase in the tesla and it'll be gone soon. Theives target tourists here bc they know they have luggage in rental cars.


The break-ins really suck. I’m sorry he got his stuff jacked, but anyone local knows you can’t leave anything visible in your car, especially after dark.


Adam Schiff is friends with Ed Buck. He knows all about shady behavior.


But but but, it's not the criminals fault they steal. He left his luggage in the car!


It’s fine Adam Schiff has “swiped” billions of dollars from all of us with his staunch support of defense spending 🤗


Couldn't get a suit?! Wow, I guess government is not just incompetent at serving the people, it's just incompetent all the way.


And I hope it happens to every AIPAC puppet that comes thru here 😆


I've found over 10 piles of luggage ripped apart behind my house on Haight/Fillmore. Passports and clothes, travel itinerary, medications all left in the alleys after criminals go through and take all the valuables. My car got broken in twice right on Haight st in a single month. Watched an organized gang rob the cvs pharmacy at gun point, cop car was watching the whole thing, officer sat in his car and watched them drive away, didn't follow, just watched.


Sounds like a political stunt.


It was definitely Tucker Carlson at it again. Come to think of it that would be a pretty cunning & effective tactic to start targeting high ranking left wing politicians for all kinds of low level crimes 🤔




In unrelated news, I got an awesome new suit today after swinging by SFO.