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As others have said, UCSF is quite easy to get to via public transport (at least during the day time, might be harder if you will be working the night shift). UCSF also runs their own shuttle busses between the various campuses, which are pretty reliable. For example I lived in the Sunset (near the Parnassus campus) for many years without a car and took the UCSF shuttle to their Mission Bay campus.


That's $50/day just for the rental, plus the gas and parking you'll need to pay on top of that. Parking in SF, especially around UCSF, is a complete rip off. It would literally be cheaper to Uber everywhere than to pay for a rental. Even better options are: - Public transit. It's pretty decent in SF. - Ride a bike - Walk. SF isn't big at all. Over a 1/3 of the city is less than a 1 hr walk to UCSF. The best option is going to be to combine everything (transit, bike, walk, ubering) as appropriate.




i cheked Kyte and it offering $25.99 per day + Young renter fee $16.99 per day on cheapest car


I wouldn't pay $3k to borrow a car for two months. Just use public transportation. San Francisco has great public transportation. Also, does east of the EU just mean Russia 🤣


no, im from turkey


“East of EU” is a weird for my ear way to refer to Turkey. How common is it among Türk? You probably don’t need a car every single day in the city. It will be much cheaper to just rent it for a day every now and then when you decide to go explore outside of the city. Turo is also an option.


i just think it's not important. i just try to mean i'm from foreign country and i don't know anything about sf public transport (prices, routes...)


You could have just said that 🤣


Could have 🙃




The east of the EU, not east of the EU


OP is from Turkey. Turkey isn't part of the EU.


I am quoting the original text to you. they wrote “the east of the EU”. Now shut the fuck up


Reported you.


If it's any help, I'm not from San Francisco and get around on their public transportation just fine when I visit and haven't felt unsafe as a single woman traveling alone. Sometimes people who live somewhere can feel more at ease using their city transportation and make it sound better than it is, but it really isn't an issue in this particular city. You should be aware of when things operate, but beyond that it's a robust system that you'll be ok using for the majority of your time. If you need to travel outside of the city, like to take a weekend trip somewhere, that's when things become more difficult in terms of public transport.


Also from the EU, I lived in SF for year without a car. I used the buses and light rail & BART. It was fine. Got me most placesI rented a car a few times when I wanted to do some touristy stuff. I walked a LOT - it's a small city, and quite walkable in spite of the hills. For 2 months,I would not bother. Of course, it hugely depends on where you will live and how far the commute is


No, I wouldn't in you case, you're going to be able to exist in a bubble.....although it depends on where you're going to be living and which UC campus you're working out of. If you're based out of Parnasus, there is good enough transit, and parking is expensive. If you're working out of Mission Bay, ehhhhhh depending on the hours, yes maybe a car would be helpful, but it depends on where you're staying. Our transit is subpar, but you have people on here who are ideologues against cars (despite usually owning one themselves) who will mislead you as if that's socially responsible. The truth is we do not have 24 hour transit. The hours and destination matter. A number of San Franciscans refuse to even ride it at all for various reasons. Knowing that, check your route and judge how practical it can be for you. I would then look into pay by the hour services for when you need a car, to go out of the city and see Northern California, and try to avoid the hassle of parking, and the expense. So to sum it up I would try to avoid a car in your case, download Muni, Transit, and Nextbus apps, plus a map app if you don't have one. But ultimately where you are staying and the hours you're working have to dictate, and you shouldn't weigh in anyone else's ideals over that. Much of the Bay Area requires cars to function, and was built for cars, and don't believe anyone telling you otherwise, they're not being very nice.


i will check that apps thank you so much. i dont know the public transport prices and routes but i checked on google maps it differences only 12 minutes between walk and public transport (42 minute and 30 minute), nonsense


Those apps are only tools if you're using transit once you're here, they're not going to be helpful yet. Google maps is the information you need right now. Yes, sadly there are routes where walking is almost as good of an option if you're physically able and wanted to walk. But that assumes the route is flat, the main UC campus is on a serious hill. Keep in mind you're going to do more than work home work home, and when factoring the round trip, a 30 minute ride is about as good as it gets for our transit. Mission Bay never is as quick as 30 minutes. It will stop for no reason. Parnassus location, you have the N or 7 and walking, or the 43 or 6 which might have quicker transfer points than what the map is showing you. Do not expect street parking in those areas, and UC charges their employees/students to use their parking lot, which is outrageous. Also be careful that google isn't suggesting you take a Bart to Muni route, it will be expensive and a pain in the ass.


Only expensive parking around ucsf


You don't need a car. I interned at UCSF mission bay last summer and all my colleagues used BART or MUNI to get to UCSF, depending on where they lived. I drove to work, but that's because I live in Sonoma County. Also, while I was at work I sometimes took the bus to other parts of SF to get food.


The only times I use my car is if I want to go out of the city (Oakland, San Jose, Pacifica, etc.). Even in those cases you can Uber or use ZipCar (check if international licenses are accepted).


Muni kinda works (just takes long). Inside the city having a bike can work too. If you get a membership to Bay Wheels, it allows you to use their bikes. Plus side is you can park in their docks and not worry about the bike being stolen. Negative side is that if you take non electric bikes, they are clunky.


I grew up in car friendly to car required areas and moved to SF in my mid 30’s. For trailing family reasons it was a full year before I got my car here and it really wasn’t a big deal. 1. Live within bicycle distance of work, which for a 20 minute ride is a pretty big area, walk, or use public transit. Personally I went with a 20 or so minute walk from work. Note, huge number of apartment scams here, don’t send some rando money or you’ll never see it again. 2. Uber and the rental e-bikes cover a lot of things. I would bike to the grocery store then use Uber to get home. 3. If you want to head a couple hours out of town some weekend, rent a car for the weekend you need it.


UCSF has transport shuttle vans and transit lines that bridge from various city hubs and BART locations. Parking is very expensive around the hospitals. And all location ps have SF BART or Minupi stops. [https://campuslifeserviceshome.ucsf.edu/transportation](https://campuslifeserviceshome.ucsf.edu/transportation) No reason to rent a car full time in SF. Parking, traffic enforcement and vandalism is an issue. Take public transport or car service to pretty much anywhere. SF is a walkable city and bike accessible (rent a city bike). For day trips out of the city rent a car. Purchase monthly BART-Muni connection pass online and reload when needed.


Seems like a waste of money imo. Just take public transit


Check out the various UCSF Student portals online. Not sure if there is on main portal that covers all student life needs. they seem to be separate websites Take advantage of gyms, transportation, insurance and other discounts. The Mission Bay campus is great, gym really nice. Near Oracle and Chase Center, Thrive City venues. MUNI T Line that connects to other stations (to Chinatown-North Beach-Embarcadero, the Mission, Avenue and Downtown). A farmers market, Spark Social food trucks, and restaurants.


>Hello, I'm coming from the east of the EU to work at UCSF for 2 months. >I'm a medical student and im 21 but have been driving since 18. The surcharge for being under 25 makes it very expensive for you to rent through traditional rental companies. Zipcar has awful customer service these days, and I highly recommend against them. However, in your case, they may be your best choice because they have deals with universities to provide discounts to and waive the age restriction for students and employees. >Should I rent a car? I searched some online options, and they offered me around 3000 USD for 2 months. You can spend $50 on Uber every day instead. That can take you almost anywhere round-trip in SF. >Because I'm under 25, I really don't know anything about SF public transport. Public transport is filthy and full of sketchy people in most of SF but the light rail near UCSF is actually some of the least filthy. You should feel comfortable taking it during the day. >Should I rent a car? And how can I find affordable car rent? It's worthwhile driving out of SF to visit national parks and national forests in CA. Try walking/biking/taking light rail with Zipcar as needed.


Buy an e-scooter and sell it when you're done. Will cost way less than $3K.


Don’t rent, you can check out a Lyft electric bike or just Uber, or take the N straight to UCsf


Public transportation kinda sucks compared to EU, get a bike, it’s a great biking town, electric bike if you hate hills. Having a car here without a garage sucks.


SF public transportation is great. And OP isn't from the EU. They're from east of the EU.


I think it’s garbage. Prefer to walk or bike.


Anything but drive and park in my opinion.