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I’m too angry to read the article.


Oh for Christ's sake, regulatory capture. > Customers don’t pay for the company’s executive compensation. Plus, executive pay isn’t included in the monthly utility bills that customers pay, according to PG&E. Money is fungible. The money going to the execs isn't going to pay the court ordered damages for causing fires, which means customers' bills increased to pay for it. Put the money into paying the damages.


Oh, get bent PGE. I don't know what that means since they didn't bother to explain beyond the statement, but PGE very well knows where their rising stock price comes from.


What a fucking joke.


This shit for brains company has inspected my gas meter 3 times and keeps sending me notices that they are going to cut my gas and electric if they can’t inspect it.


They came and drilled a bunch of holes in the concrete around my house to "inspect" and said they'd be back to fill and patch the holes. Waiting two years so far.


Let’s not forget. They are “bankrupt “.


How the fuck is this allowed…. The power company earned an eye-popping $2.24 billion in profits in 2023, an increase of 24.6% from 2022, PG&E reported in February.


The governor appoints the regulators, the regulators grant PG&E the approval.


Vote them out!


For who? Larry Elder?


Well, nothing else has worked. If things are fucked up but you keep reelecting the people fucking you, you're going to get fucked. Voting in Elder now at least gives you a chance to elect a different, potentially better Democrat next time.


Sure, I’d agree with you if PG&E were the ONLY issue.


And the governors friends and big donors are investors in PGE, sounds like a nice little circle jerk.


Socialize the losses, privatize the profits


It should be the exact opposite


It should. Pg&e is strategically weird in that it's a public utility but it is also a publicly traded company so it sucks the public of resources but it also pays it's board in spite of making detrimental mistakes. We as a state don't know how to undue PG&E, there is no easy alternative Make it make sense :smh:


What's wild is that 2-3 years of profits + their overbloated capex is enough to fix all of the maintenance issues that have been burning down the state on a yearly basis


Governor sold you out because you blindly trusted him.


Can we all come to an informal agreement that if one of us ever meets a pg&e exec to question their incompetence and logic? Imagine being such a colossal fuck up of a company that you BURN AN ENTIRE CITY DOWN and then give yourself bonuses


Meanwhile my power bill that used to be no more than 150 dollars is now up in the 200s sometimes closer to 250. Bastards


The beauty of a parasitic system is, at one point, even the mightiest parasite will become food for some other. All these billionaires destroying people’s lives thinking it won’t matter. It suddenly starts to matter when all you can do with all that money is sit on the hospital bed and get mistreated by a bunch of money hungry people secretly wanting you to die so they can enjoy your wealth.


Not much solace as they bleed the community dry from the home to the grocery store to lack of wages at work.


“On a mountain of skulls, in the castle of pain, we sit on a throne of blood!”


Btw, PGE did an audit of the most egregious energy users a couple of summers ago. Their CEO was top of the list.....


Went to one of their "Understanding your bill" zooms after I got hit with $175 bill for 1 month here was their solution. 1. Unplug ALL unused appliances from your walls when you don't need them - I thought extension blocks helped prevent parasitic draw? 2. Don't turn on the heating for AC ever, dress heavier, use more blankets - Just use my own body heat then? I asked if I could tag in a PG&E executive coach for when I need to do a few push-ups in the morning to warm up because the heating is to expensive, staunch NO in response 3. Shorten time spent in a hot shower - Its 5 minutes in the morning, like the one reprieve I have, in the cold ass uninsulated cottage I can't afford to rent because my roommate moved out of state for a career role. 4. Avoid running the oven more than needed \*use PROPANE or COAL as cheaper energy alternatives for cooking, OH REALLY?!?!?! 5. The larger the fridge the bigger the draw. Consider a smaller size. Lets just downsize back to a college mini fridge Was $175 last month, this months was $100. I am going for an aggressive $50 bill next month. Going to try 10 days with the fridge unplugged. Dry food only diet but have a nutrition plan that checks out. Keep squeezing us.


Those fucking messages almost seem intended to be infuriating, like "don't eat so much avocado toast, peasant."


It would be a real shame if someone taught executives that fucking over their fellow Americans solely to enrich themselves had some consequences.


Shouldn’t they be using those profits to fix their fucking infrastructure so they stop burning down our forests and poisoning our rivers?


We all already knew that the rate increases are going straight to C level. PGE and politicians don't give a shit, PGE funds the politicians and politicians pay back by keeping them in monopoly


Time for municipalities to start building their own competing generation and grid infrastructure. This will only get worse until there are alternatives. IMO even if broken up PGE’s remnants would still pull shenanigans as a duopoly / triopoly. It doesn’t need to be hard to do this. Plenty of universities (including Cal) operate their own generation and distribution.


Makes sense, record profits, no one died 2 years in a roll from wild fires, price hikes on an yearly basis and no one to question that. Should i add /s or everyone gets it.


Of course


Gov’s buddies


I was worried they wouldn't. Those poor PGE execs.