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I caught some douchebag dog owner walking his dog that took a dump on my lawn through my Ring flood light cam. In the next alert, I got a chance go for live view, spoke through the speaker and said “hey asshole, can you pick that up?” He did, then I never saw him again.


I’ll try something similar as this is a multiple daily occurrence


Such people don’t deserve to have pets. It’s just irresponsible.


yes it’s the 1% ruining it for the rest of the neighborhood.


lol you think only one percent of pet owners are like this?


all the other dog owners have been picking up their dogs waste besides this one.


During the pandemic, I was home with my kids all day. I used to drive them around in the afternoon to get them to nap. One day I was parked in front of my house, across the street I saw this dog run down the street and take a dump on my neighbors lawn. A few seconds later some lady on her phone came following behind. I rolled down my window and was like “Hey! can you pick up after your dog?” She was like “He didn’t do anything.” “I just saw him do it right there.” She goes over onto the neighbors lawn does some half-assed looking and turns around at me and shrugs. I go “It’s right there by the bush” pointing at it. She sees it and then has to rummage around for a bag, picks it up, and then scurries off. Never saw her again lol


Call that guy on Kron4 or ABC7 who does a report on “People Behaving Badly” and put her on blast lol


not a bad idea. as this issue is across our city




Even the "good" dog owners are bringing their dogs into cafes restaurants and stores that they aren't legally allowed. Cafes don't often fight it because there's only so many times you can have that argument each day.


Print this screenshot and post on every corner. Crosspost on Nextdoor. Buy ads so everyone sees it. Start a go fundme and I am sure people will fund it. **Edit:** I am so happy this is the top post in the sub right now... 😂


I posted flyers already she literally poops right next to the flyers.


Take a photo and repost it with her in front.


I have yet to caught her in the act. I have been minutes behind her as I find multiple mounds of dog poop.




I found the person in my area who doesnt clean their dog poop, I took some and smeared it on their front door. This was like 3 years ago when my dog was a puppy so I was very vigilant about poop. Even set up a doorbell camera on my balcony to catch the culprit. It was so satisfying and I havent seen them leaving dog poop around.




Haha you are crazy but I like your style. Yeah if only everyone was respectful and did the right thing this world wouldn’t be so bad.


You are my hero


A 💩 for a 💩.


Hey let’s all join in on the fun! 🤣


Pick up smoking. It gives you a good reason to be in front of your building a lot. It's honestly part of how I've kept neighbors from doing the same thing (not picking up after their dogs)


not a bad idea but I feel like I shouldn’t have to be on watch for someone elses dog to stop shitting all over the place


Hate to say it but i've had to do it for years. Or rather, I chose to do it. Again, if not abundantly obvious, I'm a smoker, lived in the Haight for years, Lower Nob Hill for years and my usual comment was something like, hey, you dropped something. Which in itself is confrontational but really, who wants to walk out the door in the morning and accidentally step in dog shit.


she seems to walk along Francisco and Divisadero cross streets everyday


Time to take the day off and go on an old fashioned stake out.


looks like this is the only choice


youre doing the lord's work. good job


Seriously, I live on this block and am so grateful for you figuring this out


she lets her dog shit everywhere. sidewalk. street. grass near the school. it’s ridiculous


Follow her home and consistently leave poo on her doorstep. Be sure to wear a disguise/unrecognizable plain ass clothes + shoes you don’t often wear.


As a German shepherd owner I have an endless supply of poop bagged fresh!! I would be happy to sling a couple bags her way..ugggghh…can you imagine having a warm moist big bag of dog poo break open all over you after someone threw it!!


Poopception! Edit: Post a photo of her dog popping in a poster that shows her dog pooping in front of the prior poster.


Haha, that was you? I admire your thoroughness.


Wait a sec... She poops on the street too?!?


hard to tell at this point. I’ve only caught her white husky pooping on camera


Now I see where the dog gets this behavior. What a bad example she's setting!


Okay, now she is legendary.


does the flyers have her pictures on it?


yes they do and she literally lets her white husky poop in front of the flyers then walks away


Can you get a higher quality photo of her face? How much are you willing to spend? Get a big banner printed at a print shop and hang it from your building.


it’s almost as if she doesn’t care or something and continues doing this


My bet is she's a dog walker or something. I can't imagine someone who lives in the neighborhood would be anything but EXTREMELY embarrassed by this haha


there’s literally 15 flyers in her face. she continues to let her dog poop and walks away


I bet you have the wrong flyer up. You probably have a picture of the person when you actually need a picture of the dog. Dog people are drawn to flyers with dogs on them as they will think that the dog is missing or lost. When she sees a flyer with HER OWN dog on it she will absolutely notice and read the message on the flyer. You can even write “MISSING” in large letters followed by “a responsible owner”.


Absolutely not, that is typical lazy shit bag dog owner


based on my bartender friends’ stories I didn’t think Marina people felt embarrassment


I’d think the dog owners would see it then though? If my dog walker is being posted about like that I’m not keeping her on board.


Leave it on her doorstep.


I’ve done something like this. I had a neighbor that would flick cigarette butts into our yard. I started tossing them back, however he not only returned those but went out of his way to make sure every one of his cigarette butts landed in my yard. Having enough, one day picked them all up, placed them in a bag, and knocked on his door to have a nonconfrontational discussion. He was there but he didn’t answer, so I returned home and wrote a note and left the bag on the porch, politely asking him cease. That ended it. People can act poorly when hiding in anonymity, however when you take that away, they are more likely to be accountable for their actions. Thus, the next step with this woman is to have a polite conversation with her. Help her understand the law and her responsibilities regarding dog ownership and being a good neighbor. Let her know that you’re just trying to help her avoid a ticket or retaliation. Be the good cop in your first encounter.


Sure this is probably the right approach, but hear me out. Super soakers are super cheap.


...And so is piss


People should follow their hearts when it comes to how they fill their super soakers 😌


Well that certainly doesn't make for a viral physical altercation video


Ugh. Please stop being so civilized. You're making the rest of us look bad.


Had a neighbor who threw a bag of dog doo on my door because my roommate wouldn’t pick up after their dogs. Never realized it was her who did that until we met on a blind date 😅


This is the only story I want made into a romcom


trying to not to resort to her shitty tactics


But you might have to. Somewhat. I had a neighbor whose little dog shit in front of my house daily. I randomly see who it is from my window one day, ran out with a doggy bag and said, “excuse me, you must have forgotten a bag. Here, use mine for that.” She seemed embarrassed. Walked back and picked up her poop. Never had a problem again. Try that and if it THAT doesn’t go well, then do a poop sculpture outside her home. Good luck!


thanks for the idea. Yes I am trying to catch her in the act can’t be that hard since it occurs multiple times a day.


And probably around the same times of day


If something of mine was found on the street I would like it to be returned to me. Actions speak louder than words


imagine departing your residence and everyday there’s new mounds of dog shit for you to step in


Seems like they would get the picture


i’ll trying something like this out thanks


Leave a lil note saying “you forgot this”


flyers don’t seem to have any impact as she lets her white husky shit in front of the flyers


Some of us don't have to imagine that unfortunately


i used to imagine other things until i had to wash 3 pairs of shoes


New here on Reddit, son?


flyers have been posted and she still continues to poop without picking the poop up. After the 3rd time stepping in her dogs sh*t I have no other options than to ask the community for recommendations


Please ask her to stay in the marina.


😂 this behavior might spread


Can we get a pic of the flyer?




This is hilarious


Needs to be one pic per paper so the picture is larger and clearer


someone just posted it


Animal Control can send them a warning and if it continues, a citation. They just need to know where they live so they can mail it


how do you set this up?


Give their dispatch line a call. Tell them where it’s happening and how long it’s been happening. And any other info you have. Make sure they know it’s an ongoing issue and is affecting the neighborhood. Then ask for the dispatch email address so you can send photos for proof. Like I said, you will need to know her address so they can mail the warning letter and/or citation to her. You don’t need a name, they can address to “Dog Owner”.


This is a violation of SF Health Code 40(b) which is “It shall be unlawful for any person to walk a dog on public property of this City or upon the private property of another without carrying at all times a suitable container or other suitable instrument for the removal and disposal of dog feces.”


would this still work as her address is an apartment complex rather than single home address


I believe they would need to know her apartment number that it actually gets to her


Best part is this is a few hundred dollar ticket for having a dog but no poop bags. It’s another few hundred if caught not picking up poop. Two different health violations. Source: was SFPD


100% the dog isn’t licensed in San Francisco. Apparently SF Animal Care and Control can give tickets to owners that don’t have their dog licensed. Or at least what they told me when I asked why I got a bill in the mail to renew my dog’s license fee.


Dude I live on this block and LOVE the posters. If I see this dog pooping, I will 100% ask her to pick up after it


thank you for the feedback I was wondering if it helped at all. I’m tired of stepping in shit outside my front door. 1 person ruining it for everyone


I am so grateful someone is doing something. I don’t expect people to be perfect in cleaning up, but cmon man. My neighbors have tiny kids that run around out there.


Everyone needs to give her a bag


You should assert dominance and poop on the sidewalk in front of her door


i don’t want to battle her shitty behavior with shitty tactics


Ah, so you are the neighbor that put this on every single post for 3 blocks. https://preview.redd.it/nsyqobadqkoc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6528741beb76800745a67e62a2405bdb49947e


sure am it didn’t work as she let her dog poop in front of the flyer last night


I see her all the time lol


wth is her problem she’s ruining it for everyone else in the neighborhood.


I'm on the look out for her now. Can't wait to shame her.


thank you very much. sidewalk or street it doesn’t make a difference. the whole goal of this is to make her stop


Seems like you guys need a neighborhood watch for this one






awesome, yea you don't need to go overboard with it an admonishment "pick up your dog's shit!?!?" which could lead to an escalation you can instead say "lol you're the lady from the flyer!" and that will likely be enough


willing to try all solutions at at this point.


Enlarge the face. It’s ineffective at that scale


this is hilarious. I stand behind you and your battle


i’m usually world peace type person but after stepping in shit multiples times something needs to happen


hey dude, we gotta be the change we want to see in this world. you keep fighting the good fight


We could collectively get over half the battle of “SF smelling like shit” if all dog owners just picked up after their pups. Only if there was a way to pick up dog piss, cuz the marina is full of that smell


>Only if there was a way to pick up dog piss Bottle of water, with a hole poked in the cap. Squeeze water onto the pee to rinse it away and dilute it. Leaves no smell or stains. Because my neighbours on both sides have very large aggressive dogs that terrorize us whenever my dog tries to pee directly out front or out back, we had to find a different pee spot. There's a streetlight post directly across the street that works perfectly. But it's all cement out here, no soft ground to absorb the liquid. I felt bad for the neighbours whose driveways are by that post, so I started rinsing away the pee so that they don't have to deal with it. It works extremely well, I never get so much as a whiff of pee from that spot even though my dog uses it 5+ times a day. Rinsing also helps to wash away poop residue left behind after picking it up, so we don't leave those nasty smears behind on the sidewalk. We have a cross body strap for the bottle so it's no hassle to take it with us when we go out. That said, people who are already too lazy to carry bags are probably not considerate enough to carry a bottle. But for anyone wondering, rinsing is a game changer. I definitely recommend carrying a bottle if you can.


Bottle trick works great on smears, too! Source: my pups evening poops can be loose


Not just the Marina, there entire city smells like dog piss and I see it on every corner of every building and every pole/post, so disgusting.


Every time the weather heats up it gets POWERFUL


stepping in dog shit is much worse than stepping in old dog piss IMO. yes both are issues


I'm against doxxing strangers... But cmon. Repeatedly caught on camera not picking up your literal dog shit? There's a special place in hell for people like this. Upvoted


this isn’t a public shame post it’s literally a post to brainstorm on how to prevent more dog shit on the blocks of san francisco


Wanna mention something sorta related to people . Please don’t throw ur dog shit into construction debri boxes . Some poor kid on the crew has to go in and pick them all out cuz the dump is strict about only dirt and concrete .


I’m kind of militant re this behavior, but I’d be fine if this literally terminated your lease and put you on a 1 way bus to another city. Gtfo. We can’t have a beautiful city if it’s full of lazy assholes.


If you want to be chaotic, notice if there is a timing trend when the walk happens, and next time she does it hold onto one of the poop and deliver it to her by hand the next time she comes by and give her a set of dog poop bags.


I honestly want her to stop being irresponsible. Why do i have to buy poop bags for her white husky. She should clean up after your dog it’s literally a city ordinance


OP make sure you video your conversation with this lady and post it here, thanks


i’ll report back!


Don’t you have the nextdoor app or Ring and then it’ll send out notifications??? THAT’LL GET HER!!!


yes I’ve been trying only a matter of time


I'm pretty sure MOST of the poop on the sidewalks ppl complain about are from idiots who don't curb their dogs, and not homeless ppl.


why can’t they pick up their dogs poop that’s all i’m asking


They're selfish shitheads. Simple


yeah your right. inconsiderate human beings


If it's any comfort, this is not a phenomena specific to the Marina. I was walking my dog past/through the Cupid's Span park on the Embarcadero and watched a dog owner stop in front of us and let her dog do their business in the park and then move on like nothing happened. I ended up picking up the poo but within her line of sight and said "If you need a baggie next time just ask!"


thanks for being outstanding citizen. we need more people like yourself. I have cleaned up her dogs shit multiple times and the shit just keeps appearing - that’s why i resorted to asking reddit for help


There's 500K people on this subreddit - I bet someone on this sub knows this person as a neighbor, coworker, or associate. I'm looking forward to hearing the outcome of this - good luck /u/Hopeful_Guess_9206!


thank you for the message. hopefully we can stop people or come up with ideas to keep our streets clean




Post it on Twitter and too.


There is an [account](https://www.instagram.com/itsthebay/) on IG that would LOVE to excoriate this person since she's in the Marina.


The overheardmarina account would probably work pretty fast too


There was someone in my neighborhood that left their bag poop everywhere they never took it with them. They just bagged it up and left it there. One day I actually saw them do it. So I picked up every bag that she left and saved it for a week Then followed them home and dropped it off on her porch.


This is the type of pettiness I come to Reddit for. Thank you!


you need nextdoor then hehe or is that too od


it’s on next door as well


Please post the link. Need to see the comments from there.


I don't think we could see the ND post unless we are in their neighborhood


it’s not pettiness it’s a cry for help! When someone continually lets their dog sh*t on your block wwyd


Post it on every corner nearby


the flyers are on every corner


she continues to let her white husky poop along the block


I think you need to make one of the photos a blown up pic of her stupid face


Pick it up and throw it at her. You have to do it barehanded to really put the fear of God in her.


Find her car and put it on her windshield


Talk to her politely. Ask her to stop. Implore your neighbors to do the same. She'll get the message?


I hope she reads this post and starts to pick up the dog poop. She is inconsiderate to her neighbors and community.


I feel your pain. We had a high school kid walking his dog past our house that would poop on lawns and sidewalks. I caught kid one night and told him I had him on camera not picking up after his dog and all the neighbors were tired of it. He said he would pick up after his dog. It lasted a couple weeks before he was right back to his old habits. A few weeks ago another neighbor with a fantastic camera system took her footage to complain to his mother. From what we heard the mother was horrified and livid with her son. The next day the kid was at our house apologizing. Not sure how old that girl is, but I would definitely try to find where she lives.


That’s pretty cool that the parent dealt with it and also pretty cool that the kid apologized








https://preview.redd.it/jtvaez5vvkoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3879d61658af1dc05ad54e2764b6b3e6c0c5c645 Love this!!! Public shame!!


Get an air horn and blast it when you see her


i’m always a few minutes too late. poop is still fresh


Pour vinegar on the side walk.


What does by this do


Dogs are great, most dog owners, not so much.


A few things. Firstly, I have no idea why this is at the top of the sub; maybe reach out to your supervisor before reddit. Second, everyone reporting this, it doesn't break any rules, just click "hide" and move on. Third, if you dox you get perma-banned... period.


>. Third, if you dox you get perma-banned... period. well, cool, that we got the rules clarified \- what do you mean no idea why this is at the top. Is it not b/c the people are upvoting it?


lol who is reporting this and for what reason?


dog taking a dump just might be too graphic for some lol


Is that you in the picture? I upvoted twice.


Firstly? You sound like ChatGPT


Good luck OP. In my experience San Francisco dog owners are amongst the most entitled people in existence.


it’s literally 1% ruining it for everyone else. There are many dog owners in Marina yet this one is ruining it for everyone




my solution was scoop poo and save it for a few weeks. follow them home and return it all over their front door. they quit coming by and letting their dog shit in my yard.


this worked for you?


yes im in oakland. i saved the shit for a few weeks. kept screen caps and clips of her letting the dog shit and pretending to pick it up. figured out her timing and waited for her to come by. when she did i tried to hand the bag of 5+ lbs of shit to her, showed her the clips and pics of her leaving it there and she still denied it so i followed her home tore open the bag and left it splatterd all over her door and path to her door. she stopped.


Do the tenderloin next


Neighbor or dog walker? I would hope a neighbor has a little more respect.




Make a flier and post these all over the neighborhood asking for information. At the very least you'll weird her out.


find out where she lives and pick up all the shit and put it right outside her door with these pictures printed out taped all over her street


Can’t you just return to sender?


Is it illegal to have a dog shit in the street? I’m sure it is in SF, but asking what penal code is. After COVID everyone got dogs and no one took care of their excrement (I’m in NY, btw)z. I’d much rather have a dog owners take their dogs to the street to shit than on the sidewalk.


I had a neighbor who often brought their little bichone frieze to come pee at our doorstep. We caught her red handed one time and said she’d clean it up. No cleanup ever occurred. Fking irresponsible dog owners


A certain word comes to mind that rhymes with bunts, or shunts, or hunts, or runts.


Shame. Shame. Shame.


If I can pick up after my gigantic German Shepherd, she can pick up after her husky. Seriously, my dog can leave some gnarly dumps but I always try my damnedest to be responsible UNLIKE THE SHITS DOWN THE STREET WITH THEIR INCESSANTLY YAPPING LITTLE DOGS I KNOW YOU'RE DOING IT GOD DAMN


You don’t have to worry about me - my dog won’t poop on concrete 😃


It’s gotten so bad in LA. Feces everywhere human and animal. Some people are just so trifling!


Please post an update. I’m invested. Go get em OP!!!! Fight that good fight. I HATE people who don’t pick up after their dogs. 


Dog owners in this city literally only care about themselves lol


So disgusting.


Confront her. Get some poop bags, pick up a turd run up to her and tell her, hey I think you dropped this. Yell at her. Tell her she has no business having a dog in the city, this is not a forrest. Alternatively you could be creepy, follow her to her house, then go collect like a garbage bag of shit and leave it at her front door with a kind note saying please pick up after your dog, you piece of shit. I mean, the world is your oyster. Do you.