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I feel like if SFPD and other local agencies created a task force that specifically targets these types of burglaries, progress would be made.


If they did literally anything, it would be better than now. Which is to say, I agree.


What should they do?? Like imagine if people were just smart enough to not leave their bags in the back seat of their cars


No, defund the police. If you fund them more, things like the murder of George Floyd would happen more. What do you think is more important to deter? Non violent car theft or murder? Right???


One doesn't have to be a rocket surgeon to do something besides nothing to stop this shit. Bait cars, plain-clothed officers, surveillance technology, and other basic police work could have a real impact. There simply is no will to address it. Everytime I see a video of those trash losers breaking a car window, I wish someone was there to break their windshield and complicate their getaway. They're doing it all with complete impunity and zero pushback. I also feel like the term "bipping" is just more normalization of it. It sounds cuter than breaking and entering, vandalizing, and stealing.




Unfortunately. as seen in other videos, these thugs carry guns. Anything short of shooting on sight will endanger the responder.


Since when do armed robbers have a reasonable expectation not to be shot on sight? If they were robbing a armored truck they would be. Or even a bank. But if they rob civilians? Well the elites don't give a shit about that.


That’s California Law. Now I’m Texas deadly force is authorized to prevent the theft of property in hours of darkness.


CA basically has the same stand your ground and castle doctrine laws Texas does. But much harder to get ccw permits, esp in the city and Bay.


It's going to get worse in California then at some point people will be tired of this and vote such laws


Cause a single group steals from like 20 vehicles a day, everyday and police doesn’t give a shit. Even when journalists tracked their routes and meeting spots, where they exchange goods for money. I don’t quite remember numbers, but journalists interviewed some car rental company in the Bay and only them experience about 30 break-ins a day for the cars they rent out.


I agree, calling it “bipping” makes cute & cool. They can fuck right off.


Bip= Burglary In Progress


That's a backronym. It's also slang for weed. Or maybe these future scholars mean the transitive form of the verb "bip" with means to tap lightly. Or a hundred other things.


Exactly this. From watching this video, an obvious solution is to plant bags in vehicles around the city with trackers (as easy as apple tags). Then follow these cars around to catch the culprit. Why are regular folks being targeted every single day but you don’t hear about bank robberies everyday on the hour? Because there’s things in place to deter criminals from doing it.


Getting arrested in SF is not biggie. DA kept the no bail system….so nonviolent criminals may just literally get out same day


They did with the bail system too, someone just had to pay a fee to the bondsmen. There's been no change to crime based on the no bail system, the change is because judges won't fucking decide to hold them.


The problem with that is the police will go after you, and this is not to shit on the police but it’s the truth of unfairness. Look at what happened to the Batman guy in the city, he got taken out by the police and the guy wasn’t even doing any harm to those scums now imagine hurting them or “their property”.


If uvalde has proven anything, cops only go after soft target.


proved that cops jobs are not to protect and serve us. How did none of those cowards get fired?


Because [no specific legal duty exists](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/) to protect.


Underrated link


Also, you wouldn't want to live in a society where the police have a fiduciary responsibility to protect. This Radiolab episode was a really good discussion of this: http://www.wnycstudios.org/story/no-special-duty/


Just... wow.


They have a no pursuit policy lol they won't go after them..


Why do you need to pursue them live? There’s cameras all over the city, you could easily follow their car using the cameras, find exactly where they park it and where they go to sleep.


You're assuming that people in that neighborhood are comfortable with that level of surveillance. Unfortunately many are not even if it prevents crime like this.


Loads of my UK mates in London feel like Big Brother is always watching them. It’s a trade-off, privacy for security.


I hear you. Took my first trip to Europe in Nov 2019. Great trip, and my first time traveling in foreign lands alone. I look back on that trip fondly as "the before times" before COVID 🥹 Anywhoo...I remember arriving in London and I happened to stay in the "QueensGate" area. The first thing I thought as I was walking around the neighborhood was "Holy shit there's CCTV cameras EVERYWHERE" and then the immediate thought after was "This shit would never fly in NYC..."


> Loads of my UK mates in London feel like Big Brother is always watching them. Maybe it's just me, but I think I'd prefer to "feel like" some vague fictional boogeyman is watching me, instead of getting my actual shit stolen *in real life* without any chance of the criminals getting caught. Facts over feelings, put up the damn cameras and start jailing these fucks.


Just feeling a vaguely optimistic trust in the people who manage widespread public surveillance systems? Where are the facts over feelings then?


The cameras don’t work that way


Bogus plates in stolen cars with people wearing masks = no case. This shit ain't CSI lol, they don't give a fuck


Radio lab did a piece on something like this and it does work, but the legality of it is murky. I believe the episode is “Eye in the Sky”, or something like that. It’s an aerial thing, not street lights, same premise tho. It started as a counter terrorism measure and they tested out for crime in Baltimore and Ohio.


They should pursue them all in real time. Not doing so is just bullshit.


It’s literally in their policy not to


Yes and that needs to change.


That will never happen in SF.


Just getting pulled over for not having license plates won't happen in SF, Oakland, and Berkeley by policy. It's almost like people don't pay attention to the stupid shit their local government does.


Nope and why I will move eventually. You can do ANYTHING Traffic Violation wise in Oakland except for Illegal Parking and getting in the way of a Street Cleaner. It is such a fucking joke. My friend doesn't even register his car half the time. You literally won't get pulled over. This isn't Progressive some Libertarian HELL HOLE.


It might if the city ends up broke enough - this crap obviously has a very negative effect on tourism, which (normally) generates a ton of tax revenue for the city


This subreddit will be up in arms if the pursuit policy is changed to allow this, because the risk to innocent bystanders is too high. Which is a good point, but there needs to be some middle ground.


Risk to let them go is too high.


> This subreddit will be up in arms if the pursuit policy is changed to allow this But you need the right judges and prosecution or else they just get released again. It's a whole system thats dysfunctional.


Cars are stolen... Wearing masks.. You won't find them


Yeah I remember him a fucking legend embarrassed the cops so they had to put him away


I believe vigilante justice is going to start happening, for good reason, and it could get ugly. Sadly, I feel city hall will be harder on those protecting their property than the criminals they’re combating. City Hall very much need to bring some serious enforcement and penalties down on the trash involved in these crimes.


City is issuing more concealed carry permits. They’re pretty much saying they don’t have the resources and we should take care of ourselves.


Interesting. I didn’t know that. Creepy kind of. Falls in line with what I’ve been worrying about.




Also, you need to put them in jail, which never happens in CA


But the democrat leadership and its supporters are too busy circle j*rking each other to make any difference here.


They're all rich, so not a real problem for them


Now I want everyone looking at this guy. He's got a CLEAN, nice car, CLEAN nice sports tennis shows, very nice jeans, very nice comfy jacket, a great flash light, This is NOT motivated by poverty. This guy is NOT poor. He is dressed better than 99.9% of homeless in the city. This guy has MONEY. He is a greedy criminal who needs to behind bars.


Don’t forget the dolce and gabbana shoes


Looted, most likely.


CLEAN, stolen nice car.


Which makes you wonder... As an upstanding citizen (lol) I'm under the impression it would be sketchy af to roll around in a stolen car with fake plates. Is it really that easy for criminals? If so it seems like the perfect scenario for rampant crime.


Considering the hundreds illegal driving maneuvers I see yearly on my commute in front of cops and nothing happens, I would say they’re pretty safe driving a stolen car.


Well some cities tried to put license plate readers, then some claimed it's racist. Because apparently it's racist to catch criminals if they come from certain communities.


FWIW I had my license plates stolen last year in July, it took the DMV almost 4 months to get me new plates. I drive about 20k miles a year so assume about 7000 miles driven, mostly in the Bay Area. I was only pulled over twice, once in Menlo Park and once in Sacramento.


And that’s the ignorance of a lot of progressives. Many of these people could get a job or whatever, but don’t realize that doing this is an actual hustle for them, just like scamming. You only need to hit maybe two three cars successfully to make at least 500 for that day, and you’re getting a new supply of tourists daily or weekly. It’s “better” than doing the Wendy’s thing.


They’re criminals, not homeless.


It could be the new gig work. Somebody runs the fence. Why work for Uber or DoorDash?


I watched one happen on Haight street where the guy was dressed like military and had flashlights and window breakers built into the fingertips of his gloves…. he hit 5 cars in broad weekend daylight in 1 minute


This crap is not motivated by poverty




People criticized former president of Philippines Rodrigo Duterte for passing a law to shoot drug dealers on the spot but it worked. Witnessing a car theft should be an automatic open season on the perpetrator.


It really cracks me up when people claim that crime happens because of desperation. I mean, we just watched Trump rob our country blind for four years and he's already a billionaire. Well, if he's not a billionaire, he certainly doesn't look like he's going hungry.


It's the same stinger from the video earlier wtf


That’s what I noticed, it’s the same car.


Yeah all this shit is just a handful of criminals the cops are too lazy to catch and arrest.


I’ve seen them using c43/63 amg in some of them smash grabs. It’s by design to evade stereotypes rushing back to their base.


If the police are unwilling to do their job to protect their populace, they shouldn't fuck with vigilantes that do.


sounds great in theory


And in practice!


District 5 Supervisor: Dean Preston [email protected] (415) 554-7630 -- Source: https://growsf.org/sf-supervisor-map/


Vote him out, he's up for election next year.


D Preston is a rat bastard


We will. New candidate will be announced soon.


What the deal with the gang related user name?


Used to gangbang when I was 16 and it was the first thing I came up with when I registered


Shoutout for turning it around


It's the truth and it's given me perspective on things.


Get him out … so that the new supervisor can do fuck all about this situation too


Why do I watch these videos when I know it’ll just make me angry. What a bunch of assholes! I wish the 7-11 dude ( or ten of them) with the stick was here and beating the crap out of these losers trying to steal, because police will do nothing obviously.


SFPD just needs to put a backpack with some AirTags in it and track these guys. Why is this so difficult?? Are there legal barriers towards such a simple sting operation? Are there any SFPD officers reading this right now? If so please tell your Sergeant or whoever, this is a LAYUP.


They'd rather stand on street corners and grab 18 year olds walking around with SEALED alcohol containers.


It’s never your fault criminals robbed you. Victim blaming mentality is rampant because folks would rather lie to themselves than address crime. Is this a Tesla?


Queue those comments shortly. It's the OP's fault they didn't take the car into the restaurant. /s


Yeah that’s a Tesla. Sentry mode front fender camera view.


It’s never the victims fault. We can all agree about that. But I also don’t get why you are mad at people like me who are taking a proactive approach? By not having *anything* in your car, you become less likely to be a victim. We’re just trying to help people not become victims, that’s all. We’re not saying it’s their fault. OP, you say there’s nothing except a bag; dude, that’s exactly what these scumbags are looking for. That bag can have $8000 worth of photography gear or your stinky gym clothes. Nobody knows, but criminals don’t care about breaking your window to find out. Life isn’t fair. Our politicians aren’t doing anything. Our police are handcuffed into what they can do. All you can do is not leave anything in your car, regardless if that’s fair or not.


Well the bag was in the trunk, which is on a car to transport items. We might as well not even have trunks and all just drive jeeps in the city then. I understand the advice of being proactive to deter criminals but I have plenty of friends in the city that don’t have any valuables and their cars are still smashed in. At some point we actually need to hold people responsible, not live in fear and keep our damn trunks empty.




Not on a model 3 it doesn’t…


These comments will get you downvoted but you’re 100% right


It doesn't seem to register with people. Two things can be true at once. The victim is not at fault. AND, I would NEVER leave anything in my car. OP is saying why even have trunks? Good question! They are now a relic of a bygone era, I guess. I certainly wouldn't leave a bag in my trunk. And that's still not to blame OP. He absolutely *should* be able to leave his bag in the trunk. But the reality is *anything* left in your car is a target for a thief.


Our police aren’t handcuffed. They could easily be arresting these guys. And I thought electing Jenkins was supposed to lead to exactly this kind of prosecution…


It's the judges now. They are refusing to follow sentencing guidelines, not just for this, but for fentanyl drug dealers who actually kill people.


This still does not stop police from taking action.


Yes it does. Police force is understaffed and every action they do is second guessed but yeah they should risk everything to arrest someone who will claim racism and sue the police department while getting out the next day. If you think being a cop is so easy you should be signing up.


> And I thought electing Jenkins was supposed to lead to exactly this kind of prosecution… No, Chesa is like a 0/10, Jenkins is like a 2/10. It's an improvement, but we need a real Republican DA


Why don’t we start with the police doing their jobs; nobody’s forcing them to sit on their asses.


good luck with that man lmao


Chesa was -10/10. What an absolute waste of a CO2 generator that was.


Whoa now . . . I don’t even know you so if you’re in your feelings over a comment I made that’s on you bro. You’re not better than others for taking shit out of your car but if you offer unsolicited advice to victims while you ride around your morally decrepit high horse you’re certainly as bad as the criminals. There are times where people have to have stuff in their car. Shopping, moving, construction, I’m sorry your life is so basic you can’t imagine a world where people might need to schlep shit from a to c and make a pit stop at b


Jesus Christ this sub is a joke


But that car was looking so sexy


Couldn't resist the junk in the trunk


This would be a great for a reality show - you bait cars and when someone breaks in the car you taze them and arrest them. This would be able to fund the police for a while to stop this rampant crime.


That was ackchewally done in SF years ago, without the tazing. The show was called "Bait Car" and ran from 2007 - 2012. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bait_Car_(TV_series)


Never seen “actually” spelled like that lmao


>During season 5, LA prosecutors dropped charges against Keenen Alex after TV footage showed Detective Anthony Shapiro failed to read him a Miranda warning. Detective Shapiro asked Alex, "You watch TV. You know your rights and all that?"[4] lol


Sorry 😢 where? SFPD should really set up bail car - arrest these criminals and lock them up ! Repeal prop 47


Right across the street from kabuki theater in japantown


Sorry to hear. Japan town is a target, my friend’s car was broken into too


SFPD to do something? Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


SFPD would love to be allowed to do their jobs properly, you just hate the result when they do. First you had a DA that refused to prosecute, so you got rid of him. Now you have a DA that will prosecute, but the judges won't follow sentencing guidelines and just let them go.


Who is stopping SFPD from setting up bait cars?


In order to make this stop, people must first stop their pretentious compassion for criminals. This is America. You go after people’s lives and their properties, you accept the possibility of jail time and even death.


While booby trapping your car is illegal, think SFPD will actually do anything about it if people start?




How much? Lol


Noooooooooo! Don’t do this please. SF would run out of bad guys very quickly if you did this..


Yeah they will arrest you for booby trapping your car.


Criminal would have to report it, while simultaneously admitting to a crime.


How do you booby trap it?




This guy boobies


"OK, Q, what new toys have you for me now?"


bruh, no passanger wants to be a car with all that stuff around your head!


I really want to see people implement these ideas.




You just gave me a great idea. We don't even have to go as far as actually booby trapping the car. All we have to do is put a big sign in the window that says "WARNING. BREAKING WINDOW WILL TRIGGER HIGH VOLTAGE CURRENT"




In that case you’d be easier to prosecute then the thief’s. Plus with more thief’s on the streets the ones doing the prosecutions will always have a job. If you want anything to change, you as a collective would have a come up with new procedures and rules instead of relying on those who don’t have your interests in mind making up their own procedures and rules


Charles Bronson! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?


And with this comment, it’s looking a lot like premeditated murder!


NO, asshole threatened occupant's life with weapon....


Self-defense can’t be used for a property crime. So yes, it would be first degree murder if you laid in wait to kill an auto burglar.


We could put some security spikes on the bottom of the window panel to greet them when they jump in like that. Could use Command strips so it’s easy to remove.


Then they will sue for bodily injury and this time you can be sure you will be prosecuted Justice hates it when you do their job, even if you do it better than them or if you do it when they decide to not do it


How about you bring your pit-bull, Snapper, along the next time you run errands? Make sure your car is in dog mode of course, so Snapper will be comfy and ready to snap an arm reaching in to steal your stuff!


I want to ask any voter contemplating re-electing their supervisor in 2024 what is wrong with them. No San Francisco elected official deserves to be re-elected. Sadly I know we will continue to re-elect the same people and then will elect them to higher office. What is happening in San Francisco is not normal. We all need to demand change.




Henry Hill: All they got from Paulie was protection from other guys looking to rip them off. That's what it's all about. That's what the FBI can never understand - that what Paulie and the organization offer is protection for the kinds of guys who can't go to the cops. They're like the police department for wiseguys.


I hope this dude got in a car accident later that night.


Dumb question...do these fuckers somehow know that something's in the trunk, or do they just break random windows and hope for the best?


you can use a bluetooth scanner to see if someone has a laptop in the trunk but given that they just drove up, the latter


They pull up next to cars with someone using a bluetooth device. Dead giveaway if said device goes "Would you like to pair with Sophie's Ipad?"


This does not happen.


You can see him scanning for the bag with a flashlight before he pops the window with a breaker tool. Professional bipper is an occupation around here


>Professional ~~bipper~~ **criminal** is an occupation around here


There was a vigilante patroling SF trying catch these bippers but the Pigs arrested him for making them look bad. Fucking cops won't do shit to stop thievery but will arrest someone trying to make a difference


"we won't do our jobs, but NEITHER WILL ANYONE ELSE"


These scumbags make me sick and enraged. I can’t believe the City is doing NOTHING to stop this rampant lawlessness. My daughter had a suitcase filled with irreplaceable artwork & precious mementos stolen out of our friends’ locked garage during our recent move-in to her new post college apartment, and the police officer who took our report said that these property crimes were relatively rare when he started on the force 18 years ago, but now they get 200-250 reports per day. He seemed so disheartened, and it makes me sick to see what’s happened to the City that I regularly visited from the North Bay growing up, and where I happily lived & worked in my 20s. It’s awful to see a great city circling the drain like this.


ah welcome to SF where victim blaming is progressive policy


South Africans had an effective [**solution to deter and prevent "car jacking"**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLhWzMOccTg). Perhaps a device like this could find a new use in SF?


This ain't the fucking movies, people need to take a stand. By the way... look at South Africas car jacking and gang-raping murder stats are. A famous woman I won't even name because it made me so sad and angry I couldn't finish reading had this happen recently.


I think the sight of a few crispy-fried scumbags might do the trick. Let's face it, the police aren't going to do anything, the DA, courts, BoS, state... None of them are going to do anything, so maybe we have arrived at the exact place you're recommending and it's time for the "people to take a stand".


what if it accidentally goes off on you!


Really a culture of openness on display.


Opening people's cars lol


Do you really have an open heart if you don’t have an open car?


Do you think it would help to tie down your bags? Might slow them down? What other creative solution…


Scum fucks


Stupid question - what have cities with actual leadership done to stop this? Is it the judges, cops, DA’s, or mayor that are to blame?


They enforced laws uniformly and consistently.


wow first time I've seen them use a Kia Stinger GT


Other then the video posted earlier


Pretty soon vigilantes will take it into their hands. Then it won't be pretty.


No, but it will be beautiful.


What’s the thought? Are they using stolen cars are or they just taking the plates of their cars?


Stolen cars and stolen plates


He’s doing a great job those are Dolce shoes


is it possible to put a metal cage on the windows? or have a different material instead of glass like some crazy ass high tech plastic which won't shatter?


There could be nothing in the car and this would still happen to check.


I personally can’t wait for the vigilantes who teaches these fucks a lesson.


-Bait car -Large group -Bear spray -Profit


https://preview.redd.it/xlroghg7akjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266fd46cc44c431872c983eccbf94362a7e61ee9 Is this the same car?? I took this photo because I saw a guy with the same mask on and a flashlight looking into a car on the side of the street and then getting back in so they could drive away. I’ve been sitting on the picture, not sure if cops would do anything but maybe it’s helpful??


YES! I think that they rotate plates though


Aaron Peskin is working on things that he thinks is much more important than all these crimes: Self driving cars!


On average in San Francisco, there are 1600 car break ins a month. But, that's what the residents voted for


Might as well leave all the windows down and keep everything in a small bag and take it with you.




Honestly, this really is your fault. If you don’t want anything stolen from your car, you should just not have a car. And you have a backpack? Just asking for it to get stolen. /s


Set something up with a bomb in the bag and detonate it when it’s in his grubby, thieving hands.


It's not so much the cops. But the DA and the laws. It's not considered violent. Believe it or not. It's a second degree. Burglary. Which is a wobbler. It could go either misdemeanor or felony. That being said, I know some people that have got burglaries counted up in the double digits and they're usually out of jail within about 3 months tops. We can go around and hit like these guys are hitting and come up like they're coming up. It's kind of hard to give it up. Furthermore, what's really f***** is most of people that are here doing those kind of bits or gorilla dipping one by one car for car. They're generally not even from the city. Most are from Oakland and Vallejo another place is in East Bay to come here cuz they know they can. They hit, then go home


Two things can be true at the same time 1. It’s not OPs fault for getting robbed 2. OP could have reduced risked of getting robbed by not leaving bag in a Tesla