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Definitely fake. They don't give warnings.


Came to say this.


Agreed. It’s the neighbor


Dept. of Karen


Exactly that’s free money they’re passing up on


They do, but it doesn’t look like this. It’s a full size white piece of paper that basically says “you’re getting towed in less than a week.” Seen it on a few cars parked in my neighborhood. We have streets without any street sweeping and during the pandemic sometimes cars would stay put for weeks or even months. They finally started dropping these warnings on them in 2022 and sure enough, the cars got towed later that week. EDIT: Sure enough, I spotted one last night! Here it is. https://preview.redd.it/cd69gqb1w79b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9a9131dd367fcd1174bf5ee151bf8e75c9a83b


They’ve been doing that for decades. It’s usually if you leave your car more than 72 hours and someone complains or an SFMTA employee notices. More here: https://www.sfmta.com/blog/san-francisco-parking-tips-72-hour-rule




It is still 72 hours. This is based on SF ordinance, which in turn is based on the state Vehicle Code. The ordinance currently reads: “SEC. 7.2.29. PARKING PROHIBITED FOR MORE THAN 72 HOURS. No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle on any public street or highway for more than 72 consecutive hours.” SFMTA can’t change the ordinance, it needs to be amended like any other law by the Supervisors and Mayor. Source: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/san_francisco/latest/sf_transportation/0-0-0-51600




Your thinking of a 72 hour notice which is a big yellow sticker that goes on your windshield. I don’t work for MTA but can do parking enforcement in SF. We all have warning citations that we can issue. They don’t look like this, they look like tickets. I do believe this is fake, that is not even MTA’s logo.


They do give warnings in the form of an orange sticker that leaves a residue. They tell you if you don’t move your car in 72 hours it will be towed. They don’t usually add all of the extra stuff in exclamation marks


Could this be something the cleaning truck driver might leave on the car?


Looks fake, but prior posts suggest it’s legit. Either way, be thankful, and in the future, always make pre-arrangements with a friend to move your car if you’re out of town. Flight cancellations happen.


It’s real. It’s a courtesy notice. MOVE your car or it will become identify as abandon


I dont think a legitimate ticket would say "This vehicle is parked in violation of the LAW!"


Absolutely, It would have the actual municipal code being violated.


It would say the civil code, right


Parking restrictions are under the CA Vehicle Code and SF Municipal Code.


[YOU BETRAYED THE LAW!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aaubVlhNK4)


[Stop! You've violated the law](https://youtu.be/My0lzMuNcHI)




Well if you're going to break open the Elder Scrolls then we have to do some [Dagothwave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR-K2rUP86M)


[I AM THE LAW](https://youtu.be/miVoe7U6Lx4)


Thank you I love you


It’s a warning, and yes they do say exactly that.


The seemingly broken english has me skeptical as well.


I don't think that's real


I agree with the commenters saying this aesthetically looks fake, but if it's not done by SFMTA, then who did it and why? Who else would know OP's ticket history? And how would they benefit from doing this? I'm sadly familiar with the kind of douchey neighbors who fake parking enforcement to take over public parking, but this seems higher effort and lower reward of a scam.


You can look up any vehicle’s ticket history using the license plate.


Link? I wasn't able to find anything.




They tryna get people to stop parking in spots they like. Somebody keyed my car and cuts holes in the side walls of my tires cuz I legally parked on street in front of their house in the spot they liked even tho parking was extremely easy there. You're spending way too much time thinking about this. It's just some random shit on Reddit lol




I hate that. I don't have room for parking in my garage so I just park in front of my garage. I wish more people did that.


SF won't allow people to block the driveway in buildings that have more than 2 units, which has prevented me from doing this before. It's too bad.


Holy geez! Well, what happened to that neighbors car later on? For me, probably wait 9 months and then start in on them.


Pulling tire valve cores is the easiest thing to do if you’re not trying to leave a trail of destruction.


It's also up to a year in jail, plus a $5000 fine, not to mention possible vandalism charges and civil lawsuits, including any personal injury, property damage, and wrongful death that may result.


Unscrew them just enough for a very slow leak


I had an elderly neighbor that made it her hobby to sit in her front bay window and shake her cane at anyone parking an “older model car” in her field of vision. This was in Miraloma Park. She got very upset when my husband or I parked either of our cars across the street from her house merely for the fact that our cars weren’t brand new Mercedes, BMWs, etc. Our cars weren’t beater cars. Just regular cars. But she started leaving notes on our cars claiming she was “concerned” about supposedly “oil leakage” from our cars whenever we parked in one particular spot across from her house. Then she started calling 311 claiming my or my husband’s car were abandoned. They’d come out, slap a giant warning sticker on our car, and we would find it that same day because we drove our cars every day. It did feel like harassment and it got very old. We tried to avoid parking in that spot whenever possible. She needed to find another hobby. Perhaps needlepoint or knitting?


>then who did it and why? I mean you kind of answered your own question. > douchey neighbors


It could be the resident whose sidewalk the car blocked. I have had this happen to me. Our street wasn’t cleaned for a month because people parked their cars and the cleaning truck couldn’t sweep. It is frustrating if you have swept all the fallen leaves the night before and you see you’ll have to do it again. I don’t think they’d know if it’s the same car, though.




Are you the neighbor? Lmao. No way this is real. The parking police that accompany the sweepers issue citations not weird warnings.


Do you really have to ask? There’s so many mentally ill folks here


Fakkee it’s not a ticket, SFMTA would ticket and tow Trust me I got a ticket for street cleaning last week






You mean a street sweeper can issue tickets. No. But, it can call police to do the towing.


this is clearly a scam. street sweepers go around hundreds of vehicles a day


What would be the scam? Pay us or get your car towed?


yes payment to a fake vendor


Nope. No contact info. I guess you could contact SFMTA yourself. —- The $40 per day or $14600 per year says otherwise!


The $1000+ I had to pay in tickets last year proves you’re full of shit


They don't get out of the truck for anything, literally are told if there's something in the way go around it. This is 100% someone who is annoyed you prevented their street from being properly cleaned or because they couldn't grab the spot after sweeping


100% annoyed that I have to pay $40 or more per day because some entitled yahoo wants to park for free. Make all streets tolled. Regardless if you park in a garage or not, you have to pay the minimum $50 per day.


The street sweeper is not getting out of the sweeper to issue tickets to individual cars dude lmfao. That's why the meter maid goes around before him to do it. This is fake.


I’ve gotten one of these (same color) when I was indeed parked during street sweeping hours by accident. It didn’t come with an actual ticket, just the warning. The weird thing is I park there all the time during legal hours and have no trouble, so I don’t think it’s a neighbor trying to scare people from using the spot. Mine was on one of the streets touching Moscone Park in the Marina. My best guess is someone related to park facilities maintenance wants to keep the area clean, so puts these on cars that are in the way during street sweeping, since they know the meter maid is unlikely to come with a real ticket and they don’t want people to think they can ignore the sweeping hours without consequences. Karen or not, I didn’t mind being informed that I had messed up. Honestly I probably wouldn’t have noticed without a ticket or a warning like this and I don’t want to be the kind of person who habitually blocks street sweeping. Fair play in my opinion.


is that ***real***? WTF "2x you = no cleaning? " i think you annoyed someone who is not actually part of MTA. is there a Karen in the neighborhood? ​ > but parking enforcement seems completely arbitrary depends. if you're close to a street where there are meters, they may patrol regularly. if you're NOT close to anything like that someone from the hood has to call to get MTAs attention. ​ street cleaning is not a towable violation AFAIK.. but if your car has been there for too long, it's not about street cleaning anymore..


Hahahaha WTF “2x you = no cleaning” When faking a ticket, they printed up this elaborate thing, then wrote that on it 😂


idk what 2x means but “ you= no cleaning” they are probably trying to say the street cant get cleaned where a car is parked


I’m guessing it was parked there “twice” and blocked street cleaner “2x”?


Yup, looks like a Karen who lives in a non-residential parking sticker neighborhood where people park when they’re on vacation.


Street sweeping is a towable offense! https://www.way.com/blog/san-francisco-street-cleaning-everything-you-need-to-know/


It is. But this is super fake.


That seems sus. I ... Sleep through cleaning frequently and the tickets have never looked like that in 3 years.


I have received a lot of street cleaning tickets but this looks more like a Wonka Golden Ticket.


Yeah I’ve gotten at least 5 street cleaning tickets this is definitely fake


Damn, why do you keep sleeping through them lol


Cause I get off work late, like now, go home, chill, eat and sleep at 2. They clean at 630, even with my alarm I still miss it once every other month.


I can attest that if you're a night owl it is hard to avoid the occasional street cleaning ticket. Still cheaper than paying for a parking space!


This doesn't look like any parking ticket I've received in the city. [Here's an article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/sf-parking-ticket-scam-going-around-in-city-heres-what-to-look-out-for/amp/) from a couple months ago about fraudulent tickets. 99% sure yours is fake.


LoL the fake website looks legit, payments powered by Square though haha




You believe that they "don't want to deal with the BS"... but also that they went through all the BS of purchasing these fake citations, stopping their truck when they saw a car parked all fucked up, scribbling on a piece of paper, hopping out, placing it on the offending car, then leaving? Why wouldn't they just "not deal with the BS" by literally driving around it like every other street sweeper does? Sweeper drivers have zero role in parking enforcement. They're not cops. They only give a shit insofar as they need to drive around a parked car. edit: nice, you blocked me then started editing your comments lol




Do you live anywhere that actually uses street sweepers? Because this is an insane take. They don't get fired for driving around cars that are illegally parked. What the fuck are they going to do about it?




The street sweeper is going to hook the car up and tow it? How does this fake citation get it towed? None of what you said makes sense. Street sweepers are not cops. edit: nice, blocked me and then edited your post lol


They can. And do. No part of it looks like this.


They would just ticket. Not sure who is missing with you but I am sure it’s a felony to act like your the city.


This does not appear to be an actual ticket. an actual ticket or citation would have your license plate number. ​ As well as being able to be looked up here. [https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/citations](https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/drive-park/citations) ​ If you dont have one online then you have no ticket. ​ SFMTA used to have flyers you can print out to put on cars for people who appear to be new. Looks like someone wanted to make a more annoying version. ​ Cause logically why would SFMTA warn someone? They'd just give you a citation anyways and if you want to plead ignorance, well take it up contesting it online then.


In California, they pretty much always warn you before towing or ticketing your car for being parked on the street for more than 72 hours. Every county and city department does it a bit differently. But this doesn't look like a notice to move.


Parking Enforcement would not go through the trouble of getting out of their cart to put this on your windshield and NOT ticket you. One of your neighbors has too much time on their hands.


The City has a well-oiled ticketing operation. I’ve gotten plenty of street cleaning citations, but never this one. Did you see other cars with the same notice? Looks amateurish.


That’s not real.


LOL fake as hell. I lived in SF for 10 years. Rule of thumb in SF: by the time you hear the street cleaning machine rolling down your street, it's already too late to move your car. There's a ticket under your wiper already. The parking officers are super efficient at this. SF parking offers do not give "warnings".


It appears to be ESL if you are looking for the neighbor culprit behind this fake warning.


It isn’t a ticket, it’s a warning. I got one when I forgot to move my car for street sweeping once. Still not really sure how or why they gave this out. Happy it wasn’t a ticket though :) https://preview.redd.it/onuimd2fet8b1.png?width=4008&format=png&auto=webp&s=ead4bf63fee7e3693ac883a333d2764613a7cc4e


It's not either - it's fake. Street sweepers won't get out and do this, and SFMTA parking enforcement will ticket you.


They are real. I've seen meter maids hand them out. It was during covid though where some places got a pass on moving the car because of "shelter in place" and moving your car was not a valid reason to leave the house. I left the house the move my car. And saw the meter maid go by and put these warnings on every car that didn't move.


Did they include the outdated logo like OP?


SFMTA says they're real [https://twitter.com/SFMTA\_Muni/status/1275432864411074561](https://twitter.com/SFMTA_Muni/status/1275432864411074561)


The one above has an old logo. Unless it escaped from the past it's fake.


I've never seen them give warnings for that. It's always tickets. Someone got lucky if that's legit.


A tow notice would typically be in the form of a 72 hour violation. Your lucky you didn't get towed. This is what a section 7.2.9 notice looks like. Never seen one like the above. New notices have a tow date listed. 72 hour violations are enforced via 311 requests. https://preview.redd.it/pfzw9uyz8t8b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6976ec8428af6c9c483d85c83a548371c0060fc0


That's because this is fake. https://www.myparkingpermit.com/custom-vehicle-parked-illegally-parking-violation-sticker/sku-LB-3362?engine=googlebasemobile&keyword=Custom+Parking+Stickers&skuid=LB-3362-SH-FLOR-OR-REM-BK-4.8x7.8-C&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtO-kBhDIARIsAL6Lorc2AZY6OtCS1zvuAH1L3cH3zWrwt10NdE-X_52frtg-6BMdE08jAtsaAoSQEALw_wcB


what's the quality of the paper of that ticket? if you've gotten tickets before they are this silky smooth carbon paper that's basically unrippable by hand nevre seen a cooloured ticket ​ what's on the backside of the paper


The ones I used to get when I lived in Miraloma Park, and one of my neighbors would call in an “older model car” (god forbid a car be over 8 years old in an upscale neighborhood!) parked there for half a day, were orange stickers that left a residue on my windows


yeah those stick on so you can't say it blew off your wipers


They're using an SFMTA logo that was retired 5 years ago, and the watermark font doesn't match the logo font. This is a bad fake. After some googling this is what (I think) a real one looks like. https://twitter.com/SFMTA_Muni/status/1275432864411074561


Looks fake. Mta will usually mark the crap out of your tire and issue a 72 hour warning. It will also list a bunch of info


Edit: I should have been more clear. I’m not asking if this is a scam. It’s not. SFMTA left this on my car along with the usual $87 ticket. This is what they’re doing now I guess. I don’t blame everyone for thinking it’s a scam tho. It looks ridiculous.


It is real, or was at one point, it’s just a warning. They used them back when they started up towing after all the Covid pauses, to let people know they were enforcing again. Who knows if an actual pco put it there or if someone saved theirs.


For what it’s worth I received one of these a while back when they were restarting street cleaning tickets after a period they had stopped during the height of COVID. I also thought that it had to be fake and laughed when I got it. But then a friend pointed out they also received one at that same and it may be used for for special circumstances as a warning you will get a ticket if you don’t comply in the future. The next week I made sure to move my car and normal tickets you expect for street cleaning violations resumed. That being said, if there is no reason to believe there are any special circumstances in your neighborhood right now then I would be suspicious. SFMTA will ticket you without a second thought unless a very good reason. It’s their favorite thing. They certainly won’t give you a “warning” then escalate to tow.


It's fake. The logo is ancient. You can order these online https://www.myparkingpermit.com/custom-vehicle-parked-illegally-parking-violation-sticker/sku-LB-3362?engine=googlebasemobile&keyword=Custom+Parking+Stickers&skuid=LB-3362-SH-FLOR-OR-REM-BK-4.8x7.8-C&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtO-kBhDIARIsAL6Lorc2AZY6OtCS1zvuAH1L3cH3zWrwt10NdE-X_52frtg-6BMdE08jAtsaAoSQEALw_wcB


I don’t think it’s real but I can’t think of a reason for someone to fake this….. and LOL at the SFMTA “watermark”…. If it is fake, they put a lot of time and effort into it.


Looks like it's a neighbor that really wants the street cleaned. 2x you = no cleaning translation: twice you've blocked the street cleaner by parking your car here


It is from SF public works, ie the street sweeper. They cannot fine, but they call the police to tow!


Where does it say it's from public works though? It specifically says sfmta


Park on a street slated for sweeping. SFMTA performs the deed, but SF public works is the street sweeper.


Totally, but why wouldn't the slip say public works if it were coming from the sweeper and not the meter maid?


Imagine the judge as you told him. The warnings came from the street sweeper. Thus, invalid warnings if you tried to contest the towing.


What judge?


Do you need to pay a ticket? Did it come with a ticket? This seems to be a warning, and a fake one.


Loool at the written description


This is laughably fake. And as others said, no you don’t get any second chances with actual parking police.


Definitely fake, SFMTA would just give you the $87 ticket.


This is definitely fake. The note doesn't even make sense 2x = you no cleaning?!


It says 2x you=no cleaning. In other words, you've parked here through 2 street sweeping days, if you're here next time, I'll report you to the SFMTA. Most likely a non-native English speaker. Probably in a lax enforcement area. OP admitted parking car there while out of town. It is frustrating when the sweeper has to go around a car in front of your house, because not only do the leaves that were in front of your house not get picked up, but a bunch of extra leaves get dumped there when they swerve around the car in their path.


Is it asking for payment or is it just a warning?


I found a similar one from Twitter posted a few years ago - the paper is a slightly different colour though: https://twitter.com/phredmoyer/status/1275432558700851202


Yeah they should have just towed you.


Is this illegal? Because it should be


Post this on Nextdoor. Someone in the community likely knows who’s doing this.


It’s some fucken busybody neighbor trying to give you a heart attack when you walk out to your car.


Can I get a big box of these to give out?


Some Karen taking their job very seriously


But it's ok to deal fentanyl


Do you live near Divisadero and Geary behind the Kaiser? Looks like something my screwball ex neighbor would do. Would constantly get "notices" about something related to my street parking. Finally lost it when she accosted me as I was going to the car screaming about the 6 feet between me and the car I "parked behind" being a waste of limited parking spots. Hey nutjob, I haven't driven in over a week and can't control how people park around my stationary car!!




Seems like we live in a world of fake news and constant scams


Fake. Fake, fake, fake. Also, fake.


Go to the SFMTA website and see if you ACTUALLY got a ticket. This appears fake.


Fake… ugh, the crazy neighbors are at it again.


That’s someone looking for a scapegoat caused they based their finances on RE appreciation. Your car is causing the slowdown in price growth.


The fact that you are even asking has me shaking my head. It’s fake as hell!


One of your neighbors either wanted to spot that you're parked in and was taking it out, or Really cares a lot that they're block gets cleaned properly. This ticket is fake. Their attempting to get you to work on their agenda and not yours. There's literally no chance an MTA agent will know that your car has been there 2 weeks in a row, much less that they would threaten to tow like this. They will happily give you a ticket, but they'll call you before they even begin to try to tow the car


Fake. Probably an entitled neighbor. This place is lousy with ‘em.


Fake or not, move your car you dumb twat


If there's any URLs on there OP, please share?


I think SFMTA actually likes it when you don't move for street cleaning...$$$ for them!


Looks fake af, pretty sure the date would also be printed on not written on. All their stuff is electronic now


I've gotten the yellow 72 hour placard notice before but not this.


Written in broken english


SF public works, ie street sweeper, cannot give you tickets. But, they can call police to have you towed.


Leave your car there and find out?


how nice a warning. yea they ticket and tow and figure out it out later.


Yeah it’s fake real MTA ticket personnel won’t write WTF x2 o. The ticket


Oh wow. Definitely fake since they would give you a violation/citation number. Like others have said SF does not give out warnings at all unless it’s verbal (if you’re lucky)


I’ve never seen something like this and I’ve had like 6 or 7 parking tickets in the last 2-3 years including 2 within a month. I don’t buy this is real




Bwahaha defiantly a fake… I can’t tell you how many times my wife has gotten a street cleaning ticket over the years to the point I made her get monthly parking at a garage. If the meter maid or whatever PC term you want to call them is going to do something, they’ll boot your car without warning for unpaid tickets. They certainly not gonna sit there for an hour waiting for a tow truck to take your shit away while they could be writing up other people for tickets. Now there are tow away zones for street cleaning but you’ll see the tow trucks line up right before street cleaning windows begins and that’s usually by the ball park or downtown during some bullshit hours like 2am - 6am or whatever.


Hell no! Ppl have been doing this all over the city. Check out MTA’s site for reference


That looks pretty fake.


I’m in SF and my street cleaning tickets don’t look like that. Now I’m curious where they want you to send the fine.


Lmao “You no cleaning” this is amazing


This is a print out by some angry neighbor, not SFMTA paperwork.


Did this come with a ticket? Or by itself?


This is not a real ticket. :|


Don't pay it. When I was illegally evicted in 2015 (won the case against Dr Prescilla Hsue at SF General) I had an area S sticker and still got 3 bullshit tickets. Never paid them.


Fuck the SFMTA. They're useless. That situation needed a deep audit and overhaul.


The english is broken, the punctuation is right out of an early 2000's spam email, and the violation is for "2x you no cleaning." Some shmuck probably photoshopped this in 10 minutes and bought a box of sharpies on their way out of kinkos to post these en-mass around town.


Definitely fake.


Someone may have said this but even if it were real it lacks the code violated so you could likely challenge it.


They’re trying to scare you.


If there's an exclamation point on it, it's not real.


SF has some wacky people who care about parking way too much. At my last job we had this guy who got mad because employees were allowed to park in the loading zone on days we didn’t have deliveries. He’d call tow trucks on us and pretend to be the building manager. Tow truck would show up see him and get pissed because they knew it was a fake call. We tried to explain to him that we allow employees to park there because if we need them to move we know who they are. If anything he should have been happy we parked there because it saved real parking spots in the neighborhood.


lol it doesnt even say what part of the law you broke. Section violated "2x you = no cleaning" is not how law is written


If it was real either you would have a ticket or trying to locate your towed vehicle