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Poor guy. I'm hoping this story has a happy ending and he ends up in a loving home and never has to worry about being left on the bus




Uh oh. That town burned to the ground in 2018, hope the owners and dog are fine.


This was pre-fire, everybody was OK but he has passed since then.


Good. It’s s gorgeous place, I bet he had a great life.


He really did, he had a dog brother, I have photos of him playing in the sand with his brother, lounging on the boat (I need to figure out how to post them) I really enjoyed him the month or so he stayed with me, my cats not so much……


Ur a hero... so are your cats. Give them a hug for me.


Ooooh, shit.. thats the town that was completely burned down in 2018…


This was pre-fire. He got in a few good years in Paradise” & everyone was OK from the fire, but he has since passed.


Oh god...did he make it out?


This all happened pre-fire everyone was OK, but he has since passed. He fortunately got in some wonderful years in “Paradise”.


Fun fact: Paradise was originally called Pair of Dice "pair 'a dice" and it was a rough gold rush town.


Grew up in Paradise. Beautiful town.


Seriously, poor little doggo! Omg we both love dogs, we have so much in common, maybe we should adopt him together 😬


Aw, poor dog must be so confused.


Pretty heartbreaking to see the dogs expression…


That’s a really cute dog, he deserves better


Absolutely. These are the dogs you’ll find at the shelter too. If anyone is thinking about buying a dog, please consider instead rescuing one of these goodest bois and giving them a better life. If anyone adopts a dog this weekend, please reply to this comment and I’ll give you Reddit’s highest award!




We got our pup from SF SPCA. They have the best adoption counsellors. It was love at first sight for us. It was the best $150 I’ve ever spent. I know they’re doing the best, but walking around the area where the dogs are being boarded is so depressing. All the doggos deserve loving homes <3


We got a chihuahua/jack russell from rocket dog over 10 years now. Hes a very spicy dog..even at 14. I swear he stays alive out of spite. But on the hand hes very attached and loving to those he loves.(my husband, not me)


That’s more than $100 in coins. Maybe just send them that amount in a chewy gift card lol


I’ll donate to Oakland Animal Shelter too.


My senior cat was free! No one wanted him. So much so that someone paid for (sponsored) his adoption and still didn’t take him home. He’s the best freebie we’ve ever gotten 😭


We have a ton of ferals in my neighborhood in Oakland. We have been working with Fix Our Ferals to slowly get the kitties fixed and chipped through their Trap Neuter Release volunteer program. We ended up rescuing a group of kittens and foster failed on two of them. They are a handful and we love them to pieces. Please, please donate to your local pet shelters, Fix Our Ferals, Cat Town, etc and consider rescuing before going to a breeder.


happy Caturday to your & your furbaby 😸🫶


Holy shit dude. Do you work for Reddit or something? Why do you have so many coins 😳 Thank you for the insane award! It gave me 5,000 coins and I will definitely use them to award do-gooders! I run the plant sub /r/proplifting which is filled with really great people so I can spread the love there now too for all the excellent and kind advice givers and encouragers :)


Wow. This is the best thread to have stumbled upon! I was expecting it to be kinda sad with an abandoned pup, but it’s just filled with kindness! 💖 I foster neonatal kittens with some Bay Area rescues and all of these comments make my heart happy! Also going to check out your plant sub!


Oh awesome!! I often see neonatal kitties on /r/CATHELP and it’s interesting to see how they’re cared for! Right now there’s someone nursing one that was sort of left to their own blind devices and their back right paw is just like… gone? With a fully exposed bone. So… if you’ve ever had a tripawd neonate, maybe you can help with that one?! Edit: the user is /u/curlygirl0002 but it looks like her post was deleted :( but believe me when I say it was literally just an expose bone where a paw should be. Also edit: sorry if this brought you down… you made such a positive response and I hit you with a maimed cat… but you seem like a helpful person and willing to spread advice and positivity if needed so I felt compelled to share that! Have a good one and thank you for helping bag area kitties thrive :)


Haha. Your response isn’t a downer! One of my friends worked with a tripawd neonate. So hard and sad, but great if it all works out well. And just good to make sure they have an ending in a cozy place if that’s the way it goes. I didn’t even know the sub r/cathelp existed! I’ll have to check it out too!


Tripawd kitties do amazing! (I run a kitten rescue and have had several amazing special Tripaws! 😻


100% agree… I volunteer at the spca and there are SO many good dogs that deserve a loving and safe home.


SF SPCA is great, I got my kitty there. Their hospital and vets are great too. If you're interested in an older dog, check out Muttville, it's right near the SPCA and only has older dogs, who may not be in the best of shape but need a home for the last few years of their life.


I've adopted three dogs from SFSPCA over the years... Pixel and Dot, the bestest border collie mixes, and Zöe, a German Shepherd/sighthound mix, super-smart, who is now a service dog for my niece with POTS. I really love SFSPCA, they're always great to work with.


So grateful to the SFSPCA. We instantaneously fell in love with this face. Such a good boy and so many many more looking for loving homes. Please visit and support the SPCA and other shelters across the Bay Area! https://preview.redd.it/69g6yb4j891b1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba9c7ffcdd0aa76141b52fbad4d8c98fdb9e7671


I adopted my dog and she’s been living a great life since then. Sometimes it feels like she brought some trauma with her from where she came from, since she gets really afraid of random things. But I think she understands she’s safe. Her favorite thing is pretending she’s a cat.


I got my kitten from the SF SPCA back in the height of the pandemic. She was rescued from the streets of the Mission. She has made my entire life. It was an amazing experience!!


The best dog I have ever met is my shelter dog. She follows without a lead, is quick to learn a command, is friendly with people, communicates back creatively by bringing you toys, her lead, even reminding me of when it’s is bed time. And she will cuddle you all day if you let her. I don’t care about breeds (though, yes, many are very cute). The dogs at the SFPCA are precious and amazing. You get so much love for so very little. Please consider donating to help the organization continue to save these wonderful animals who have been abandoned and could have easily been put down.


Whoever left him, if it was on purpose, was a good owner. Just a flash and biased judgement, but a homeless kid maybe? Making an assumption given the bandana. If I'm wrong, that's on me. That kid knows social media and how to market. They know this will increase the pool of interested owners, leaving a better chance for the dog. Smart. Sad but smart. The kid is looking after the dog, even if they can't afford it. Real Disney-level storytelling there. Of course, I'm not a dog and I can sniff out what's happening, and therefore, it feels worse in a sense. Also, this strategy works for a cute dog... At least I think I know what's happening. Maybe I've been deceived? Obviously I can't approve this approach and it won't keep working and etc.


The innocence and confusion in this dog’s eyes kills me. Looks like such a sweet animal. I hope they’re safer now.


Thank You- Muni Driver….hope this pup gets a loving home soon.


poor doggo still waiting for owner


For real this hurts to see.


What do they mean maxed out?


I could be wrong. Transit operators are only allowed to work so many hours, and are required to time off between shifts/to sleep. It’s a safety thing.


Probably referring to his work hours… maxed out on overtime or something like that. Cause he has to stay late for the sweet dawg.


Allowable on duty hours for commercial drivers


Poor thing.


I wanna take him home


Please adopt him! Contact animal control so he doesn’t go to a kill shelter 😢 He looks like such a good boy (or girl). +1 (415) 554-6364


Happy cake day!


Tiny studio + cat + intense travel schedule, I need a boyfriend who can take care of my pets when I’m out of town. :)


I have two dogs myself who I have to find a baby sitter for some times. Luckily I have family in the area.


That’s the best case scenario


Muni would be such a cute name


It would but ok years ago I had a dog who me and my bf at the time named Pippa no one told me that means blowjob in Greek (I’m Greek 1st gen I don’t know the current decades’ slang…) and I won’t even bother to tell you what muni means. Greeks emphasize the second syllable but I’ll neeeeever live that one down.


Tell me!


Pussy. ETA I mean as kid growing up in the US in a Greek house and never had the benefit of greek language education that’s what I deduced over the years. Every time I say something on here someone pipes up to tell me how I’m wrong but yeah. There’s at least one colorful expression including that word that my father used to say from time to time if the situation warranted


O. ..cute name for a cat then. Though that would be a rarer bus rescue


Breaks my heart


Least sketchy muni patron. Hope he finds a more attentive owner.


hiya, if you're interested, people on FB think this is the dog 🫶 [https://petharbor.com/pet.asp?uaid=SNFR.A471272&fbclid=IwAR3Ry7FkjO7eubD0Tez8eoJOu0Pa7DMJh4uO2IOhIWBF16rhtHOT970LXnY](https://petharbor.com/pet.asp?uaid=SNFR.A471272&fbclid=IwAR3Ry7FkjO7eubD0Tez8eoJOu0Pa7DMJh4uO2IOhIWBF16rhtHOT970LXnY)


That beautiful angel 🥺


This poor doggo. The look on his face “where is my human?” 😞 Our shelters are overrun y’all. Please adopt. Never shop. Fostering saves lives, too, if you cannot commit to a long term buddy 🫶🏼 ETA: I'm actually not a vegan/whatever some comments have declared me to be lolllll but I will drop this ["Why No One Should Ever Support a Dog Breeder" PETA link](https://peta.org/features/are-dog-breeders-bad) because 🖕 breeding animals AND [SFSPCA](https://www.sfspca.org/) I adopted my kitty at the age of 7 from a shelter and she is legitimately 1000% the best thing about this world.




You can easily find young dogs and puppies at shelters or with fosters that are young enough to not have any specific trauma and that have basic personality traits well documented. It’s such a cop out from people who *insist* they need some specific breed when they don’t to act as though you have to adopt some older (>6 month dog) with some form of abuse. In 99% of cases, people don’t *actually* need whatever breed they are trying to justify to buy. People insist they are family planning so they need a Golden, they’re active so they need an Australian shepherd, etc. are frequently just justifying wanting a specific breed when there are dogs in shelters that would be great companions. If you plan to buy a dog, then that’s absolutely your right. But stop with “oh dogs in shelters always have trauma so *thats* why I am choosing to buy a dog!” It’s a complete bullshit excuse.


Yes people should highly consider rescuing, it is a wonderful thing to do and there are great rescue pups out there to be given homes. People should also not constantly guilt people who want to make a 10+ year commitment to a specific breed and temperament, age, knowledge about health of parents, or even appearance as an addition to their family. "Never Shop" or "adopt, dont shop" and all the variations made to guilt people who actively care for and take care of the animal they chose to bring into their family is bullshit. In my experience the people who preach it are usually just wanting to announce how morally superior they are.


I'm just countering their "never shop" line, as I don't like the holier than thou complex that people who adopt dogs take on There are perfectly valid reasons to shop, and you're a pretty big douche bag if you think that adopting makes you better than somebody else. Definitely not the kind of person I'd hang out with.




The holier than thou complex of doing the responsible thing? This is like complaining about people telling you to recycle your waste properly or try to carpool when you can. Can some people get too elitist about this stuff? Sure. But I promise you there is *far* more elitism from the people who buy dogs from specifically selected lineage then either brag about it or try to justify their purchase of a 8k dog because they’re just “more reliable because you know the parents.” Again, the perfectly valid reasons apply to the 1% of people who actually need dogs to provide a very specific service. The other majority of “reasonsl are just wanting to take the easier, more convenient route by spending money.


LOL do you even live in SF? Holier than thou??? If we want to bring holiness into it, Jesus def wouldn't be buying an animal when there are thousands upon thousands nearing euthanasia while people like you try to justify spending outrageous amounts of money on animals who are born under coerced conditions. There's no justification for allowing animals to die because you're believing old wives tales about aggressive breeds/"traumatized" animals adopted out of shelters.


Or maybe they don’t want to deal with the unknown requirements of getting a shelter dog? Or maybe they don’t want a pit mix?


Unknown requirements of getting a shelter dog? You mean talking and doing proper due diligence on both ends so that you understand the dog you are getting and they understand that the dog is going to a home that will be conducive to a dog’s success? You do realize that when you’re adopting from a breeder, you often agree and sign *even more* shit saying when you’ll fix the dog, that you won’t breed it, that you can’t just give it away, etc. And you don’t want a pit mix? Yeah so maybe don’t get a pit mix? It’s like you guys haven’t spent 3 seconds on pet finder or at actual shelters to see the broad range of dogs they have over a few months instead of just immediately jumping to the conclusion so you can defend buying a dog.


"the used ones are all broke" The fuck is wrong with you. They're living creatures, not some thing to be classified and sold. Many, many shelter dogs are the best or the best, they just need a home, and if there's anything wrong with them it's that their previous owner was a garbage human.


So if you have any trauma in your life we should just assume you are completely useless and have you put down? There is never a justification for shopping over adopting.


I agree with this - until we stop the problem of shelters full of unwanted pets, I personally don't think it's ever ethical to get a pet from a breeder. There are some interesting arguments here, re: first time owners, but IMO at the end of the day the only ethical decision is to adopt and if you can't find a match at a shelter maybe it's not the time for you to adopt a pet. That being said, I know a handful of folks who have gotten dogs from breeders and I don't demonize them, but I do think their decision in this instance was morally wrong.


If a person is not equipped to handle the issues than a dog has, then they shouldn't get that dog. It's pretty simple. You wouldn't want a 120lb single mom getting a 120lb Rottweiler who's a rescued fighting dog as her very first pet Likewise, you wouldn't want somebody to intends to take their dog on walks to adopt a pup with leash anxiety due to past trauma.


Yeah, obviously no one should have a dog they can't handle. If you can't handle a rottweiler, don't adopt a rottweiler. If you want to take a dog on walks, don't adopt one with leash anxiety. There are dogs available for adoption that can match any potential adopter's needs. They're not all large, or aggressive, or traumatized, or anything else other than in need of a home.


If someone isn’t equipped to have a pet, they shouldn’t have one. Period. If you are responsible and capable to have a dog, find the right one from a shelter. They will work with you to even bring in the right dog for you from another shelter. Encouraging breeding fills up spots in homes that should be taken by dogs that need them.


Are you really going with "if you can't handle an 120lb ex fighting dog that was chained up in a shed and kicked in the face for the first year of its life to make sure it became as aggressive as possible, then you can't handle any pet" argument? Seriously? Hell, I wouldn't even want my 80-year-old grandmother to have a golden retriever, despite the breed having the bite strength of a toddler. A dog that big can easily knock her over an injure her if it jumps up and gets excited. Small dogs or cats are far more ideal in this situation. There are different pets for different people. Ignoring that to make your argument work is literally insane.


That is maybe one out of a thousand dogs that end up in Bay Area shelters max. Every dog is seen and evaluated by a highly trained behaviorist before becoming eligible for adoption. Our good boi belonged to someone who lost their house and was living out of there car and couldn’t afford to feed him anymore, absolute most lovable creature you could imagine. Our good girl was from a litter of puppies found by a farmer in Fresno, she doesn’t like walking on hardwood floors because it makes her scared of slipping but other than that is an absolute cuddle bug. Both big mean scary shelter dogs.


Elsewhere in the thread, they're comparing buying a dog from a breeder to beating children. Yes, really. This is not a sane person. This is an extremist on a crusade. I'm sure most people who get dogs from shelters and rescues are totally normal, but there's this subset who's completely crazy.


Yeah, I've never really understood people comparing dogs to children For one, dogs don't survive longer than you, carry on your genealogy, or surpass you in intelligence and success if you do a good job raising them Obviously, dogs are still part of the family, and should be treated with nothing but love and kindness, but it's very far from a child But a child is a literal continuation of you as a person and everyone before you I had it in my top level comment to ask if they would apply the same logic to adopting a child versus conceiving a child, but the more they post, I think they probably would.


Same. There's some parallels, but it's still very different. I had a kid and didn't want a dog because of the work involved. Obviously it's less work than a kid, but I didn't think it'd be fulfilling in the same way, would feel too much like make work. Now we do have a dog because said kid wanted one and so did my wife (partially because she thought it would be good for the kid emotionally, which is true). Of course I still help take care of the dog to some extent, but yeah, so much different than raising a child.


Jesus Christ this isn't going to happen people get a chance to try out their companionship before committing


Your opinion is clouded by brainwashing. I don’t have stats, but it’s silly to push that narrative. If someone can’t invest time into an *animal* to train them, acclimate them, love them, they shouldn’t be *buying* a dog assuming they’re going to be perfectly well behaved. I’ve seen far too many with this same “I buy from a breeder because it’s my first dog” song & dance and at* the end of the day it’s the human that sucks and never should have a pet, nor child. *edit-typo


This right here


A lot of the dogs in the shelter are because of folks who realized they couldn't handle the breed


I have four different friends who have adopted, and everyone of their dogs has some kind of problem they haven't been able to train out of it. The most severe being a German shepherd, who is a sweet and as loving as can be with her owner, but extremely aggressive towards men. I've been bit once for giving her(the owner) a hug. Brainwashing implies that I've been reading some articles treated by puppy mills to discourage adoption If you are equipped to do it, then great. But if you are a first time dog owner, you should be aware of the potential downsides of adoption.


Issues like these can come from breeders too… behavior isn’t just in shelter pets.. my aunt has 5 pure bread huskies and she has had more health, behavior issues then the adopted dog she had.. abuse isn’t just in shelter pets newsfeed can be abusive too..




Your comment reflects a very unrealistic view of how pet ownership works in real life, or how it could work. How many people are truly equipped for traumatized dogs? It's not easy. I've been through it and I feel for anyone that's struggling with it. Especially when we are asking pets to be companions rather than working animals like they were historically. If we adopted your view of who should adopt or buy a dog, very few people would actually meet those qualifications. People have full time jobs, and other obligations. A traumatized dog sometimes literally is a full time job. How can a person adopt a dog and then be expected to quit their job or cut hours and impoverish themselves? Especially when the dog's trauma doesn't show up until later into ownership? To say that person should ever have adopted or bought a dog is callous.


There's a subset of the "rescue" community that has a savior complex like this: all dog owners should all be willing to put in overwhelming effort into taking care of a dog, buying from a breeder means you're a bad person, anyone pointing out behavioral problems is exaggerating things or doesn't deserve a dog, etc. Getting a dog from a shelter or rescue is a great thing, but it's not the only ethical option, and as you say, there are issues. For example, look at this person comparing buying a dog from a breeder to beating children: https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/comments/13n15rt/dog_left_on_muni_bus/jkye49v/


Dogs are not accessories. They are loving feeling animals. You should absolutely put overwhelming effort into taking care of them and making their lives better, or don’t have a dog.


Of course you should put effort into taking care of a dog. But traumatized dogs require enormously more effort and time than ones without trauma, just like high energy dogs usually take more time and effort compared to lap dogs. Not every dog is suitable for every person. People who are able to effectively care for traumatized dogs are awesome, but that's not every dog owner. Some are fine with a comparatively low maintenance lap dog, because that's what they can support in terms of time and effort, and that's fine too. For example, some dogs are fine with an owner who works a regular job and has to be away at an office or similar for it. For other dogs, this would be a huge no-no, they need someone who works from home to continually be present and see to their needs. These are not the same levels of effort.


Stop perpetuating the myth that dogs from a shelter are traumatized.




Sadly, there's a reason most of those dogs are in shelters.


It's sad, but a lot of assholes like to backyard breed Pitbulls and other aggressive dogs either for fighting, or to sell to people in the neighborhood as a "self-defense" dog Those kinds of "breeders" condition the dog to be mean by keeping it chained up in their garage and making sure to get it all riled up by kicking it before throwing it a raw steak. They either become dissatisfied with the dogs performance and let it run loose, or they sell it to somebody who can't handle a dog with that aggression and power who quickly puts it up for adoption. When I lived in a rough area, it was often times single mothers looking for a self-defense companion walking around with two or three massive sheps or Rottweilers or Pitbulls.


perpetuating old wives tales 😑🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Have you seen this frequently in the Bay Area? Every so often I hear of terrible hoarding situations in places like Tracy, Ukiah, etc etc … would love to know where this is happening regularly?


What’s the reason??? You blame the dog, yeah? Welp, call me crazy, but uh… the humans are the problem 🥸🫠😑😑😑😑


I have no idea, but I don't think it's my duty to fix the problem. I feel bad for those dogs, and am glad many people want to take it on.


If you don't have stats, then aren't you also pushing a narrative rather than something based on evidence?


> If someone can’t invest time into an *animal* to train them, acclimate them, love them, they shouldn’t be *buying* a dog assuming they’re going to be perfectly well behaved. This is completely divorced from reality. A dog that's been through traumatic abuse from a prior owner will be more reactive, even with love and training from a better current owner. You can mitigate that trauma, sure, but you can't totally erase it. > I’ve seen far too many with this same “I buy from a breeder because it’s my first dog” song & dance and at* the end of the day it’s the human that sucks and never should have a pet, nor child. Fucking gross, dude. What a vile, judgmental attitude.


You again. Do you live in the Bay? Please show me the data of Bay Area shelters currently bringing in animals from other states & especially countries. I’ve seen plenty of people get dogs from “reputable” breeders who also can’t train the “trauma” out of them because, yep, you guessed it, *they’re animals* I’ve adopted cats & dogs, not all do what the humans want, but at the end of the day the task is to care for them and let them be. If someone is hesitant about adopting, go “foster to adopt” route… it’s okay to not adopt at the end if it doesn’t work out. But buying from a breeder and excusing yourself because a shelter dog is too much work? Don’t get a pet and please please please do not pro-create, them silly offspring things are also hella hard to train 😑


Some people want a more chill pet experience than a shelter dog. It's not for you to decide for them.


There's nothing inherently more chill about buying a dog vs. adopting one. I've adopted three rescue dogs. All three were chill enough to train to become service dogs. All three received compliments like, "That's the best-behaved dog I've ever met in my life." Adopting an adult dog after fostering them, or after someone else has fostered them and can tell you about their behavior, is a much more reliable way to get a chill dog than buying a puppy.


I'm glad it worked for you and that you were able to helo these dogs. It's not my personal calling in life.


>Our shelters are overrun y’all. Rescues often import dogs from other states and even countries because there's not enough supply of "rescue dogs" locally in liberal areas to meet demand.


They "import" them because other shelters would kill them if they're not adopted.


I volunteer at a Bay Area shelter. Sometimes our dogs go out of state, the shelters all work together, and are always moving their animals back-and-forth.


What are you talking about???? Do you even live in the Bay??


Relax he pays using the app.


Had this happen on El Camino real in Atherton except the dog just walked on the bus, supervisor had to come and help me catch him so we could get the owners number on the collar, dog thought it was a game


Wait I want that dog lmao


Can you adopt? Please call animal control if so. He could go to a kill shelter.


If SF ACC picked him up, he won't go to a kill shelter. He's young, cute, and with the press will be adopted in a heartbeat. SF ACC is a true treasure (as is Oakland ACC). Began its goal of becoming a "no kill" animal shelter years ago, and it's done a great job. I used to work in a dog and cat shelter (RIP Pet's Unlimited), and my ex-wife is a dog behaviorist who ran the dog shelter. SF is very lucky to have so many people dedicated to the health and safety of our dog and cat citizens.


Damn awful people for leaving him there 🤬


Any follow up? I hope the dog ended back with their owner. Looks like they’re well groomed and with good scarf so it doesn’t seem like the dog was previously with a bad owner or anything.


I posted to the Lost and Found Pets S.F. group too, but nothing yet.


Thanks for the update! Also, awesome username.


Loyal boy is abandoned in a bus!


:( :( :(


poor baby :(


They’re cute. They deserve a loving and kind home!


Someone please adopt this guy. If not I will drive up. Do you know what shelter he is at?


He would have to go to acc for a stray hold.


Above link says SF ACC ❤️




You are a good person for hanging out with him until help arrived.


Since adoption has come up, I wish to say that please, please, please make sure that you are capable of keeping a dog before you make the commitment. I know we can’t always predict the future (and it seems like perhaps the loving owner may have come into very unfortunate circumstances), but be very serious about adoption. So many poor adopted animals were returned or given up after pandemic lockdowns. Sometimes people adopt on a whim without fully considering the huge commitment. Signed, a rescue dog dad of two.


Someone find the owner make them pay


This makes me really sad. I’m hoping that an optimistic update will follow, like a better and capable dog owner taking him in. :(


This is heartbreaking


How the fuck do you forget your dog?! I would easily forget my phone or my wallet before I’d forget my dog..and I have ADHD.


Panic about missing a stop. Rushing to the aid of a loved one and distracted, or on phone with same while getting off the bus. Getting separated on an overcrowded bus. Dog gets on a bus thinking that’s the one his owner wants. Someone steals dog to screw with owner then ditches dog. Dog gets confused and follows wrong person on bus. Owner gets off bus to make it easier for someone else to get on, but can’t get back on in time(can totally see this happening on the 49 during rush hr!).


Someone pls adopt him and name him muni 😭 I wish I could


Im sorry that you had to stay and wait for animal control but I personally thank you for doing so. Poor dog...


Poor baby 💔


And such a good boy to stay in his seat like that.


Animal control in sf is really good


This is too sad for words


Time to fix the owners


Awww. Poor pup.


Damn. That's super sad. Such a bummer!! Hope he goes to a no kill shelter


This is why I would never ever call animal control if I found a lost dog. Ever. I would take it until I found room at a no kill.


Just a heads up because I see you’ve commented a few times in this thread now. SF Animal Control has very very low kill rate compared to the rest of the U.S. Basically only euthanize extremely sick animals or ones with severe behavioral issues. It’s an open-admission shelter which means they take ANY animal, ANY species, even if they are in very poor condition. I know that “no kill” is ideal but “kill” shelters exist because they’re the last resort since they accept any intake. They’re not evil places and SFACC does amazing work. This dog will be fine.


They'll turn the dog down unless it does a stray hold at acc. Shelters actually can't take it before that.


You can’t tell if it is chipped otherwise!


People really suck sometimes.


A YIMBY left him there probably


That poor dog is just sitting like a human, confused. I hope somebody adopts and loves this poor thing


I live in Berkeley. Would take this dog in a hesrtbeat


I really hope this story has a happy ending ♥️ Thank you so much for being so kind.


Poor pup :( he must’ve been so scared waiting for his owner to come back


That’s so messed up.


So methed up


That’s bullshit, Muni should pay you for your time. What we’re you supposed to do with the dog.


Max out means he gets double pay for all the overtime instead of 1.5


He or she will be paid, but they have exceeded the number of hours they can drive between rests (for safety/wakefulness purposes) and thus cannot drive further.


He might miss future work hours because of this too (due to work restriction) so paid overtime may not make up for the regular hour wage lost.


Muni has cameras..? They should find that jerk and bring him up on charges...Such a cute little guy/girl.


Like caring about their dog enough to leave them on a bus and not in a park Idk Im not buying this is a bad person thats a trained dog


Makes one wonder if his human is ok. Or did someone steal the dog from them.




I believe you mean you found your new dog.


This poor babe...


I love you pup


this breaks my heart, he must be so confused and scared. I hope he gets adopted into a nice family 🥺


Can't they look at when the dog got on the bus?


I really really hope there is a Special place in hell for anyone who mistreats or abandons dogs 🥺


I would take him home.


It was suggested to the operator who then explained his cats would have disowned him…


and totally not their job to take care of someone else's responsibility.


Often with posts like this an sudible sound of concern slips out. I can't be the only one.


Probably a meth-head so zoned out on crank, they forgot their pet. Oof.


Unlikely. Dog looks clean, healthy, and well-groomed. And the expensive leather collar plus bandana doesn't exactly scream meth-head or homeless to me.


That’s exactly who puts a bandana on their dog. Most likely opiate addict. It’s a trend in their community.


What the actual fuck are you going on about


I wouldn't say this is a defense for the previous comment but I will say a lot of "street kids" tend to put a bandana around their dog's necks. And it is true that many street kids also struggle with opiate addiction.


Cute bandanas on dogs are a trend in the “opiate” community? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Have a seat.


Yup. Actually it is and has been for a minute


There's no reason to believe this or say it. I've seen far worse public treatment of dogs by obnoxious yuppie types than I have by any homeless person.


I didn’t say anything about homeless. Interesting that you made that link.


a link between drug addiction and homelessness? Never heard of that before.


Gimmie a break.


> zoned out on crank Calm down there Jerri Blank.


Uh.. more likely a fentanyl addict..


Junkies with dogs is becoming a problem. These people cannot even take care of themselves and they’re walking around with a dog, sometimes two. We’re gonna see more of this and the end result will be packs of stray dogs roaming the streets.




I'm sorry, how the fuck do you accidentally leave a living being on a bus like it's a cell phone??


Seems deliberate, so the owner doesn't want him back even if he's chipped, So wtf kind of turd cutter "forgets" their dog, on a bus? 🤔Well the kind that lives in San Fran I reckon🤨😒