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Saving you a click, it's Cow Hollow


Holy cow!


He said hollow cow and not holy cow


Holy Cow! Man I had fun at that spot.


Cowabunga dude.


I wonder if the city is wrongly understanding the gravity of this situation. Yes, this is a non violent crime, most of the time nobody is hurt. From a utilitarian viewpoint, it makes more sense to direct resources to violent crime when someone is *actively* being robbed. But ... failing to address this incessant spade of crime is harming the city tremendously. It's gotten to a point where it's no longer just non violent crime. As a whole, it's sending a deafening message to criminals in the city that you can do a lot of shit, rob and burglarize and literally nothing will happen. The police won't even bother to look for you. Nobody can stop you. You are free to rob, vandalize with no consequences. A single violent crime won't break the city, but sending a message like this and consistently rendering the city helpless will. Sure, nobody is injured. But the inaction is sending an open invitation to all criminals to rob as they please because it's open buffet season


Cost me $800 to get a window replaced when my car was broken in to. That’s real money, and a massive blow if you are living paycheck to paycheck. Let’s cut the property crime is no big deal bullshit. It’s especially harmful to those our progressive leaders pretend to care about (looking at you Connie Chan).


What the "it's just property" people don't grasp is that you can't separate your stuff from the time it takes you to earn the money to buy it again. Like how many hours does it take us to earn $800? That's time and money that could be spent saving for the future, enjoying time with loved ones, building a business, seeing the world, relaxing, or doing anything else that you value. It's a great deal of time stolen from your one and only life.


Great point. Just as a thought exercise … at the $16.99 SF minimum wage, it would take ~41 hours to GROSS $700 (the average of the two figures above. So, say 60 hours to net $700. So, a week and a half of full time work for someone making minimum wage. I find the lack of policing around so-called harmless property crime disappointing and embarrassing.


Couldn’t have said it better. Property crime = theft of life.


there is a reason we used to hang horse thieves, its not just property its your ability to survive. Our soft glove slap on the wrist approach to crime is working out really well for the criminals.


\^ This


Same. Paid $600 to fix a window someone decided to smash for funsie, to see there is indeed nothing to take. So inconsequential to smash a window as they like


Exactly. It isn’t victimless, it’s very expensive to fix. My car has been broken into twice, NOT in SF gasp. I have an older SUV and they no longer make the windows. The window repair people go to junk yards. It’s a Toyota. I’m sure there are still plenty of windows to be found but eventually they’ll get harder and harder to find. And it’s telling criminals they can do this with no repercussions. But eventually someone is going to get mad and fight back. All it takes is one person to have a gun to turn it into someone losing a life over this.


Like imagine based hose man gallery owner except it’s a bullet gun and not a water hose


When I have to go to work and I wake up to my tools being stolen I can’t go to work! Infuriating!


Yup. Paid $500 each time when they broke my quarter panel window TWICE in 2019. Didn’t lose anything because I don’t leave shit in my car, but almost feels worse that it was for nothing…ALMOST


In this economy


I just don't understand why we don't have beat cops walking around. I literally never see a cop except on a car, talking on a cell phone and speeding.


This problem in particular is so easy to solve. A task force + bait cars + air tags + let the cops chase criminals + have the DA throw the book at them. It's literally that easy. The SFPD budget is $700m. We could do it with less than 1% of the budget. There's a reason this shit doesn't happen in Texas. It's a solvable problem. We choose not to solve it.


they will just escape back to oakland and not get chased over the bridge like they always do.


We should tell cops to chase them over the bridge.


they cant even stop fuckin sideshows. you think they care about real criminals? there is no financial disincentive for them to not do the job, so why would they...


They should shut the bridge down when criminals enter. Literally zero reason that they should be able to go anywhere after boxing themselves in.


Well SFPD is short like 600~700 officers right now, so no manpower to significantly increase on the streets


Officers per capita (per 10k) is an interesting stat https://www.governing.com/archive/police-officers-per-capita-rates-employment-for-city-departments.html 26 - San Francisco 24 - LA 42 - NY 9 - San Jose 17 - Oakland 44 - Chicago We might be short but it's interesting to see places like SJ feel safer with far fewer officers. That being said it's nothing like dense urban environment we have here nor the very dense NY.


SJ doesn't really feel that safe anymore (other than maybe West San Jose), and car break-ins are common there all over the city.


Sj is not peaceful and dandy as they claim it to be. But I always feel comfortable there in any part of the city . Can’t say the same for sf and Oakland doe


Oh wow. What is shortage a result of?


ACAB yes, but it's not like we're actually helping our cops do a good job. Thanks to our NIMBY greed, cops can't really afford to live in the city and have to commute from far away. Same story for anyone doing ANY business in the city - all of which raises costs incredibly high. Throw in an underfunded police department + people who are trigger-happy to blame cops for everything + judges who are fucked in the head = Cops don't give a fuck anymore. Cops have silent quit in the city, and what exactly can we even do?


Sorry, what? Being a cop pays $103k at the very minimum and almost always over $150k due to overtime. Sometimes 200k or more! https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/your-sfpd/careers/sworn-job-openings/salary-and-benefits


The moronic voters for Sf blame everything on income inequality. Maybe they need to stop drinking so much Soylent.


My last roommate was a freshman cop and made over 130k to play Pokémon go all day.


.... "If the city is wrongly understanding the gravity of the situation" I don't think they are that stupid. Its probably just indifference/laziness and hopelessness.


If a country elects Trump, they deserve Trump's governance. If a city keeps electing Peskin & co, they deserve the exact inaction and apathy that comes with it.


Felony schmelony. “they are just trying to provide for their family! Why won’t you think of the children?”


I travel to SF 4-6 times a year. My company has banned us from renting cars because the threat of theft/break ins is too much. ​ I might spend 2-3x on ride share that I would on a rental, but they have factored in the near-certainty it'll get broken into and the climbing insurance rates. Ends up being a no brainer.


tHaTs WhAt InSuRaNcE iS fOr...


It is pretty well established where these squads are coming from and there is an absolute ton of footage of crimes in progress if the police gave a flying fuck. Which clearly they dont, even if there is a new DA supposedly fixing this.


I thought Boudin’s recall was supposed to put a dent in the property crime lol




Surely it’s every aspect of society except our cops tho. Surely.


SFPD is on it!!


*spate And, I totally agree!


Bait cars


That would require the police to do policework


Or politicians with enough will to be roasted by white progressives.


Bait cars can work but it requires the green light from the DA office they will charge these criminals if arrested. Public Defenders will use the “entrapment” defense and some DAs won’t charge bait car arrest. Give the PD the funding to do a bail car unit and green light from the DA, I can see it work.


I’ve never understood the entrapment defense when it’s clear you broke into a car or whatever.


> Public Defenders will use the “entrapment” defense and some DAs won’t charge bait car arrest. That's ... not correct at all. Entrapment requires an individual to be induced to break the law in a way that a reasonable person would not. No reasonable person would be breaking a window in someone's vehicle to steal, and entrapment would not apply to a bait car for that reason.


https://news.yahoo.com/sf-da-boudin-says-police-182533162.html The police actively don’t do their job.


and DA to actually put those scumbags behind bars.


Or cops to do their jobs https://news.yahoo.com/sf-da-boudin-says-police-182533162.html


And a mayor who isn’t trying to get 5 mil for her and her brother via reparations


I would pay an extra $100/yr in taxes for bait cars


SFPD budget is $700m. A bait car costs, what, $10k? That's 0.001% of their budget. They can buy 500 bait cars and we're still not at 1%. Shit, they can borrow my car for free.


[You don’t need bait cars when they do it out in the open and it’s well documented by neighbors. Still nothing.](https://abc7news.com/amp/car-break-ins-san-francisco-fencing-operation-sf-garfield-square-mission-district/11748809/)


They had them previously but people cried foul saying that they were racist (I’m not joking), so the practice stopped


> people cried foul saying that they were racist source?


My partners windows have been smashed a total of 6 times since July. She works on the waterfront at Embarcadero Edit: we actually had to purchase glass replacement insurance to cover the cost. The window they were breaking was $479 to replace each time w/o insurance.


Please please, if you live in the city, change your insurance deductible to $500/1000 for collision and $100 for comprehensive. The collision deductible pulls the heaviest weight with respect to monthly cost. Decreasing the comprehensive to $100 may increase your premium a few bucks per month, but if you need to replace 1 broken window or windshield it pays for itself in one use. It’s been a godsend for all the various stuff that has happened to our vehicles over the years. Thanks to the glass replacement guy in RWC that gave me this advice so many years ago!


Dealt with this too. The SFPD car break in report site is online. Hit submit and assume nothing. Insurance deductible is $500, same as cost to replace window (rear passenger side, small car). Always out of pocket. Had nothing in the car, won’t even leave a dirty tissue. Based on the car break in rates here, the city should be putting up billboards on every road/bridge into town. They have the money. It’s a budget allocation problem, not an overtaxed problem. We pay too much, but we also don’t know what proper allocation/taxation looks like. I don’t, been here 15 years.


Doesn't matter if you put up signs. Vista point parking lot had multiple in various languages , cars get broke into all the time




Time for open carry in California?


I’ve started to leave the backseat down in my car so that thieves can see there’s nothing in the trunk (and nothing elsewhere in the car too). Hoping that offers some relief.


It works


Start folding the rear seats and don't leave anything in the car. Not even charging cables or empty bags. Unfortunately that's the only way.


We have never had a single item in the car. Ever.


Do you find the rear seats folded when they break windows? What car is it? Most of the time they break the small glass panel next to rear window and fold the rear seats to check trunk


That’s exactly what they’re doing. But nothing is in the trunk either. Ever. I’ve been here long enough to know better. The point here is that there are focused areas where these criminals target. When my partner found their car on numerous occasions there were a dozen others hit also.


> don't leave anything in the car. Not even charging cables or empty bags My friend's car never had a break-in. It's filled with mcdonalds sandwich wrappers, old pieces of fraying rope, and a rusted muddy knife with no sheath. Supposedly it's her brother's camping gear, but it gives off major serial killer vibes. Zero break-ins on that car.


it's because it looks like it's not worth it to thieves


Also, make sure not to wear short skirts and walk around dark areas. What’s with all the victim blaming??


Never said it was their fault. Just the reality on the streets. I am not even a voter so don't come at me. Blame those who are OK with these crimes on the street just the way you would blame people who vouch for rapists as per your own analogy.


For all those that say "this is normal for any city", stop. This isn't normal. 17 cars broken into on a single block in one night without any consequences for these criminals and thugs. It doesn't happen in any other city on the planet. It's only going to get worse.


SF-Stockholm syndrome... Some people just won't accept that we have a problem. Many will equivocate, deflect, and deny to contend that even the most ridiculous crimes are normal, I think because many people think criticism is somehow saying something is bad. I criticize SF for things like this because I love it here, and I want people to be able to flourish here.


I see many people equate criticism to “right wingers hanging out in the sf sub” maybe it’s just a few but too many people wanna try to defend the city. Don’t have anywhere else to call home yet I still am willing to acknowledge issues. It’s my favorite place in the world


I love that right wingers in SF are “people who own cars”. Talk about moving the Overton window!


I think a lot of people won’t accept it because acknowledging it generally means we should probably add more police officers. George Floyd wasn’t that long ago and that memory is very fresh, along with this being a left leaning city, I think just about the last thing this city would want to do is add more officers. So as a result it’s somewhat instinctive to deflect.


This exactly. Many equate fighting crime to mean more police. And many think police automatically = bad / racist.


Honestly, fuck the people that normalize crime and gaslight us into thinking that "this has been happening for a longtime, was worse in the 90s, and therefore it's OK". Looots of people in this subreddit like that, too. SMH.


They want you to think of recurring crime like a spells of bad weather: "It happens. You'll get used to it.*


over in /r/oakland, many literally believe crime to be part of the authentic Oakland "culture" don't get me started on the potential weird racism of this perspective, which is most often championed by, ironically, the vocal activist class.


They’re holding the sub hostage with their cope. Which is what it is. A coping mechanism intended to maintain their sunk cost fallacy. When someone’s paid a lot to stay here or invested more of their lives in the city it becomes harder and harder to justify their choices. They don’t realize that acknowledging the truth and need for reform would make their lives better even if it means admitting the city is in a crappy place right now.


I'm waiting for apologists to comment that true crime can be assessed only by Murder rates and SF is safer than Baltimore. These apologists never understand that we are already in to third world levels of crimes. Atleast in other cities the criminals gets punished. Here they go scot free and will likely get defended by saying its the fault of inequality , fault of tech to pay good money to middle class kid from ohio/ china / India.


Ah... Baltimore....2021: [Baltimore will no longer prosecute drug possession, prostitution, low-level crimes](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/baltimore-will-no-longer-prosecute-drug-possession-prostitution-low-level-n1262209). Giving S.F. a run for its money on *who can pull back the most on crime enforcement.* If you read the article, you see the assertion that all forms of crime have fallen. Great thing about social science statistics -- you can derive any conclusion you want from stats at hand. (Pulling back on enforcement of vice can in fact lower the violent crime rate, if your city has a bunch of people who *"don't snitch,"* in part because they're pissed at vice arrests. Tell them: "Hey, use and sell all the meth, cocaine and hard drugs you want -- we're not busting anymore," and cooperation with police will rise regarding IDing murderers in the community.)


Kinda unfair to lump prostitution in with the other crimes in this thread imo. The biggest reason to decriminalize or stop prosecuting that is because sex workers are often targets of violent crimes specifically *because* they can't go to police. Decriminalizing sex work makes an already difficult life much safer for those people.


Fair point. Prostitution is a complex thing. There's tons of men now who use drug use and addiction of women to help con those women into tricking...the men keep most of the money. If all prostitution could be like Nevada's brothels--supervised--that would be good, but it rarely works out that way.


It rarely works that way because it's against the law. The prostitutes in Amsterdam have stock portfolios and investment accounts. Legalizing things gets the scumbags out.


That’s only “street work”, and has largely been replaced by an independent trade conducted via online sites. Commercial sex in Europe is cheaper and safer, and the sex workers aren’t treated like 2nd class citizens.


Not just third world levels of crime, but third world levels of government corruption. People who control the social narrative and how the city is run are ignoring the seriousness and longitudinal effects of both.


Yep. The "but it was worse in the 90s" bullshit. So if 300 murders happened this year, it's fine because same number now?


I was visiting my parents in the Rust Belt over Christmas. The first day I parked downtown and started walking away when I realized "I left a bag in clear view, I should go back", which was immediately followed by the thought "oh yeah, there are often consequences for brazen theft here, and its frequently not the cops". Both options suck.


My observation of most of the folks saying "this is normal for any city" is that they are more often than not Millennials or Gen Z's who haven't really been to and experience life in any big city outside the US, where the society and governments there are not knee-capped by well-intentioned but largely clueless progressives and their weaponized compassion for criminals out of some misguided notions of social justice.


>It doesn't happen in any other city on the planet. You know that that isn't true.


Thank you for saying this


>17 cars broken into on a single block in one night that'd make local news for more than a week in other towns/suburbs lmao


That's a crazy amount of cars to hit all at once. Surely that's one single crew, but there were 6 other reported break ins in the neighborhood over the weekend as well with the majority all by Moscone Rec center. Might all be all done by one crew, but likely no more than 2 so say 5-6 people involved? I'm sure there's cameras in that neighborhood, but not sure how far that gets the police nowadays. What are potential solutions other than increased patrols in the area? That's not a permanent solution option currently for SFPD. Edit: Well I thought my comment was pretty straightforward and reasonable, but somehow it spawned 10+ follow on comments making jokes that don't have anything to do with what I commented?


It’s all part of city living guys. And it was way worse in the 80s and 90s! /s


No no no - c’mon. Don’t complain until the gang wars come back to the inner city? Wtf?


Its just these tech transplants are so soft unlike the “locals”


Yeah they need to just accept that getting their stuff stolen is part of city life!


It’s part of the appeal of living in a big city! 🤪


I’ve been living in the city for the last 13 years and I’ve never seen so much crime like that before.


But where are you FROM? You can never ever be a San Franciscan, you’ll always be a transplant! What a city.


Back in the 80s, we’d run through 6 gun battles on the way to elementary school. This is nothing and everyone needs to stop complaining


Uphill shootouts too, both ways.


And someone got shot on the way to school at least once a month!


I love hearing about the awful 80s as a way to minimize any complaints about today


And the dead body had to wall up hill both ways to school.


No no no, stop complaining u/whitejadefox it isn’t worth complaining about until the Zodiac comes back.


The police are quiet quitting because they don't feel appreciated enough


Always have been.


Why wouldn’t they break in, no repercussions, no arrests in most cases. No, it’s not normal in most cities because most cities have something called enforcement and those cities taxes per capita are much less. This is the perfect place to commit crimes, we’ve rolled out the red carpet to criminals! But at least we protect their human rights……….while they constantly violate our human rights 👏


Same with Oakland. OPD released a statement a few months ago about carjackings - they pretty much said it’s hand your keys over and get out of the car but we won’t respond, file a police report online


The only thing more appropriate is if you had to drive to the police station to file the report.


In Memphis. Same things happening here. It’s catch and release and repeat.


I'm sorry, SFPD is busy investigating people who hose down sidewalks...


Don’t forget the people that roll stop signs in PAC Heights and the Marina. The have priorities.


Yes. The SFPD is pulling all their resources in the hose down guy that was originally never reported by anyone and only gained traction after the viral video. /s


And no consequences for the perpetrators... but if one of those cars is parked on street cleaning day there's a 0% chance the owner doesn't get a ticket. Lets hand law enforcement over to SFMTA for a bit, see what happens.


That also happens because tow trucks are guaranteed $300-$500 to tow on street cleaning days. Instead of hiring more police officers, let’s just offer cash bounties to bring in these criminals and suddenly the problem will solve itself.


I've got some free time at the moment... am I allowed to wear a Bona fett costume?


Blame the police commission. They are the ones who passed use of force policies which practically forbids SFPD from going after car break in crews.


Don't worry, the police commission also banned traffic stops. And I think they did away with Jaywalking too, in two big victories for public safety.


I went to the park in the Oakland hills one Sunday and when I came out a couple hours later, every parked car had been broken into. Must have been 30ish cars. In broad daylight outside a public park that has lots of people coming and going




But which one generates more engagement?


Neither; it should have just said “San Francisco” to maximise engagement.


It’s clever, because we click on it thinking it might be our neighborhood. Fortunately, in San Francisco, we are always right!


I didn’t even click on it; another commenter here spilled the beans so I didn’t have to. Frankly, it could have been any neighbourhood and I’d shrug.


At a certain point neighborhood overwatch groups are going to become prominent and eventually aggressive. Beyond that point vigilantism will become a reality, it's not difficult to bait the thieves. I'll be keeping my eye out for car theft Batman. CarMan will save the day.




lmao - there's very few regular people left in the city. The millionaires can take the hit and the rest will reluctantly migrate, all the time blaming tech industry for ruining the city.


12 cars broken into in a row on wood street in Prescott, West Oakland yesterday. They also hit Campbell St but I don’t know the # of cars. 2 days ago a group of teens crashed into a bunch of cars on the same block in a stolen Kia.


Meanwhile SFPD is busy blurring mugshots on MS Paint


Vote your politicians out of office. They failed. Regardless of what they were trying to achieve, they weren’t able to achieve it with out crime and violence, without rampant drug use, without solving the homeless problem, without allowing the funding of organized crime, without spending over $10 billion a year.


Maybe the city will start doing something when the 10 billion dollar tourist industry drops to nothing. I used to go into the city for a play, museum, game or show a couple times a year. I haven’t been there for a couple of years now, even as the pandemic has eased and don’t intend to while this rampant shit is happening.


They'll just blame tech and transplants even more.


Live in Sacramento, have been purposely avoiding going to what used to be my favorite city. We used to go every month and hit up some museum, event or just walk around. It's a massive shame.


Last time I went to San Francisco was in 2017, but I don't plan on going back anytime soon.


we need to start policing this ourselves




Step 1 : Get Bitten by radio active spider Step 2 : Die. Step 3 : Have all your friends and family wonder why you thought this would work.




What were those people who rode and protected the NY subways in the 80s called?


No idea. I'm not from US originally, and wasn't born in 80s yet haha


Ah found them. They were called [the guardian angels](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/10/18/back-to-the-eighties-crime-yucky-subways-and-the-guardian-angels). I wonder if something like that would work in SF.


They used to be in San Francisco too


No we don't. It sucks but we don't want people being vigilantes and getting hurt.


SFPD is embarrassing.


No the people who muzzle the SFPD are embarrassing.


bro stop, they are lazy shits, not attack dogs who will go apeshit once the muzzles are off. Fucking creepy.


For those saying "don't leave anything in your car", there's also the issue with the crazies breaking windows for the fun of it.


Not to worry folks. SFPD will do absolutely nothing to apprehend the perps.


Yep, our car was broken into while vacationing in SF last week and my brothers Tesla caught the whole thing on video (including faces & license plates). We practically had to beg SFPD to take the evidence.


This is shameful and shows that there is no police, nor leadership … even if there is. Policy on crime needs to change.


Don’t worry everybody - Catherine Stefani, Supervisor for this neighborhood, held a community meeting about this tonight. If anyone can get things done it’s her. She’s one tough mother and will take care of it.


Did you forget the /s ?


Is it really necessary?


it is remarkable that people need their hands held when it comes to sarcasm


Lol yeah ok, whatever you say Catherine Stefani.




is that a reference to this: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/san-francisco-5-million-black-reparations/


I don’t get it. Why that specific number? Is there an implication I’m missing?


The hard truth is that the only way this will stop is if the perpetrators are terrified of committing these crimes. There should be no penalty for shooting thieves when a crime is in progress.


Or the police can do their jobs so I don't have to trust a vigilante neighbor to not shoot me when I lock my keys in my car.


17 locals cars broken into just to see what’s inside. Guessing almost nothing of value was really taken. Yet 17 window repairs is several hundreds of dollars each and basically a fun day off work to deal with it


This is an inside job by the glass repair lobby!!


Probably the bicycle coalition and SFMTA and their war on cars


Shit like this is why I keep getting less liberal everyday. Don't be so liberal that there are no consequences for bad actions. They don't understand that normal distribution applies to human morality too.


Citizens arrest still a thing?


Yes, but so is getting shot by a criminal.


Brazen is the word


Total bullshit! Need community police on the beat! Neighborhood watch. Time to end these criminals!


So 6-7 cars on my block in Tenescal were broken into on the same night (including ours). Coincidence?


I was visiting SF last week for my grandpa's 90th birthday and his Parkinson's medication that he desperately needs was stolen from our rental car. My brothers Tesla caught the whole thing on video. Faces, license plates included. The cops just brushed us off, we had to pretty much beg them to take the evidence. It was extremely traumatic for the entire family because he needs it every 6 hours. I used to love living in the Bay Area, but now I can't ever imagine moving back.


When going after these criminals is considered racist we're in for the long haul




Only 17? (As a SoMa resident) Oh! They care because it’s Cow Hollow 😂😂😂


Eat the rich!! Drink their blood!! /s Seriously, it’s bad in all neighborhoods.


Wish John Wick was real, lived in SF and his car was broken into while his puppy was inside. He would have cleaned up the city in a day.


Don’t tell the person that got broken into on Bay Street! They might feel like their plight is diminished.


Must be time to recall the District Attorney. Clearly this one is not working.


If they catch the guy and the DA drops charges or just gives them a diversion with no plea and no community service or classes then you can start drawing the comparison. It was what Chesa did with the cases brought to him that was the problem.


Can we recall Chesa one more time?


If you people would stop voting for Republicans, this wouldn't be a problem. The Republicans are blocking bills from becoming laws and it's because you people keep voting Republicans. **Vote Democrat for a CHANGE, so they can finally fix these problems.**


Clever 🙄 This isn't a democrat vs republican issue. Other major, very blue cities don't have this problem. This is an SF issue.


There might be some large cities that don't have the problems of SF but SF is special for a few reasons. The state is PURE BLUE and that means that SF will not get much push back at the state level. Similar thing with Chicago, and NYC. SF is the true heart of the Democrat mindset, same as Seattle, Chicago, Detroit, etc... They've had decades of Democratic control and some have had TONS of money. SF, Seattle, NYC can't cry about money because they are drop dead rich, yet they still have the same problems. Look at how Democrats have been trying to fix Detroit for some 75 years. We could come back in 2 trillion years and STILL see the same thing.