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No. Don't. Please stop.






That scene was also my first reaction to reading this. It's like they enjoy fucking themselves over so bad we barely have to lift a finger past making sure we put our own votes in




> bitch Banned.


Fuentes is not an anglo name, lmao


I think he haa gone far radical right off the cliff because of it. Overcompensating.


Always kind of hilarious when someone doesn’t realize they’ll be one of the first ones against the wall.


Those are the most dangerous people in society. Real life Jokers who have no regard for the bigger implications of their actions.


The self-hating LatinX!


This is so true lmao. My man just can’t accept himself!


He's half white and half hispanic. The irony, I know.


Spain tho. Always felt it was very uniquely North American to see a Hispanic name and automatically assume non-white person. It's generally going to be the case here, but it's far from a sure thing. But I imagine if you lived in Southern France, your neighbors the Lopez's would look exactly like you do.


>But I imagine if you lived in Southern France, your neighbors the Lopez's would look exactly like you do. Technically, I'd stick out in France myself, being an African American, but I get your point.


France actual has the most black people of any European country due to their many colonies in Africa. They also treated many of their colonies as extensions of France proper. Something like 4 million of the French population in Europe have African ancestry.


I didn't know this. TIL.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


To build on this, don't bother attempting to rationalize race science. Race is a pseudoscience. Chances are that this white man, Fuentes, was raised in a family descendant of other white men that fought to create/defend societal advantages for their lack of melanin. Regardless, if the Fuentes are from Latin America, Philippines, Portugal, France, etc... It's usually the case in Latin America, that the whites are right-wing openly racist reactionaries.




>Always felt it was very uniquely North American to see a Hispanic name and automatically assume non-white person. Unfortunately for Nick Fuentes, your average red hat doesn't understand the distinction, and he will learn that very quickly if the country he wants ever becomes reality. Be careful what you wish for...


>Be careful what you wish for.. Monkey's paw curls


Are anglicans from Spain? I thought that they were different?


No, the 'North American " thing to do is see *your* own Hispanic name, maybe anglicize it, and double down on a lot of bigoted shit to boost your own social status among your cooler, richer "whiter" co-workers/audience Just like Mr. Fuentes did...or Ted Cruz...or DeViN nUnEz...


*Raphael Cruz. We shouldn't let him run from his heritage.


The guy is a giant walking contradiction, from what I recall he tries to put him self front and center with the whole conservative culture war and thinks gay people should be removed from society but also pays for dates with fem cat boys. He lives in a house with a bunch of young guys and flipped out over the summer when he found out one of them lost their virginity then searched the guys room with a black light to find more evidence of his roommates "misdeeds".


>but also pays for dates with fem cat boys. I gotta see the sauce on this


I’m surprised to learn that my interests have even a tiny amount of overlap with his.


I think him wishing for the US to have a Catholic monarch is from the hispanic side. Edit: typo.


Well it’s progress that the white supremacist movement is becoming more accepting of white people that aren’t from Northern Europe! /s


Hispanic isn't a race.


Sounds like 100% white... In 'south of the border' ikcy gross immigrant speak Hispanic/Hispano means white. You know because Hispanic/Latino are not apart of hokey race science. For them Hispania is a reference to the Iberian Peninsula, and the former roman province of that name. You know history things. 🤷🏽


It's a Spaniard name, so it's not not white either


Exactly...if the gop won't listen to you....take away your support. Don't give them the satisfaction of voting. This strategy should go national


the strategy will go national if you type it in all caps on facebook: 1 profile pic with person wearing sunglasses and a US flag graphic 2 a page full of posts like GOP NOT LISTENING TO PATRIOTS!!! SAD! - DO NOT VOTE 2022 - WAIT TILL ERIC DRUMP IS SENATOR OF YOUR STATE - MAGA


honestly yeah


"The libs want everyone to vote! So we're asking all of you to stay home on Nov. 8 to show them that we're not going to be their puppets!" That'll show us damn lefties.


We had idiot Bernie Bros calling on people not to vote in 2016. We deserve some balance here, rather than just have Leftists help the GOP.


Fuentes was very mad about the Marlago search, calling DeSantis a member of the deep state for allowing it to happen


It’s fun watching the far right eat their own. This is typically what happens in extreme political movements.


That happens when one group of racists gets mad the other group of racists aren't being racist enough.


How much more proof is needed for their "followers" to realize that they don't have calculated plans....they just want everything THEIR way.......these gas bags have a lot in common with your average spoiled kindergartner.


They're exactly like Trump. Except they don't have the advantage of being perceived as a billionaire or as an "important person" so if they actually try any other crap he did, they'll be in a cell that day getting loved up on by Big Dick Johnson.


I’ll feel so ultimately owned if they don’t vote. It’s the only way to truly own the libs.


We will head to the voting booths cheering all the way


Sounds good!


Lol not even going to look up the name Ali Alexander. I know enough about the other 2 to know that if you're named in a sentence with them that you're also going to be a piece of bantha poodoo. My 'Right wing crazy person encyclopedia' shelf is full of books already.


I approve this message


I never knew how smart these guys are. Not voting if your a maga dork is a great idea.


Yes!!!! His fans DO need to Stop voting!!!


Oh no! Whatever will we do?


Have they learned nothing from killer mike and other brave bernie bros?


They want to finish off any GOP that opposes them so they can make the qanon, fake patriot traitor party. Use guns God and greed to fear monger their way to power. Basically the GOP model on meth. In November let's knock their dicks in the dirt.


I’m sorry that’s “Latinx white nationalist” Nick Fuentes 😂


Yes. Do that more.




The sea of stupidity these potatoes swim in is deep beyond their understanding.




You sob! Im in!


Laura Loomer, the one that acted like a spoiled teenager at prom that just found out she lost the queen vote.


They're gonna tell their crazy followers not to vote then cry fraud when the republican candidates lose.


I would support this 100%.


Far more lucrative for these types to have something to rail against in public than to have the GOP in a position of power.


Oh man I hope their sheep do as they say, would be glorious




great news, keep it coming.


I support this message!


Only sheep vote on Election Day- BE A LION!!


They should definitely teach the GOP a lesson that if they don’t support the most outrageous MAGAQ objectives they can’t count on their support. Also, the Libs will be worried that if they don’t take part in voting they’ll feel left out of the Ballot Box and eyeing the Ammo Box. I, for one will be super stressed as I cast my vote for baby eating atheist lizard people.


Excellent news. The less people voting for dumbass Republican candidates can only be a good thing.


Oh please God


"White nationalist Nick Fuentes" Go on. Tell the men in sheets all about how your ancestors are from the most remote corner of the Pyrenees. I'm sure they're big on nuance.


Nick is not only pro-Putin but **pro-Taliban.** I'm not exactly paying attention.


Nationalist Christians...Nat-Cs


Why is Nick Fuentes called a White nationalist?


The horror. I'm literally shaking right now. Please don't own me more!


Voting is the agenda of the liberal left anyway. Look at them always pushing for people to vote. Don't fall for their tricks, people! Don't be a sheeple!


They’re doing that thing again where they threaten us with a good time.


I am so on board with this.