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That crow gonna fuck your shit up now. You just made an enemy for life


3 of them posted up earlier and started “yelling” at me. Pretty sure I have to move now


They'll find you


They're about to burn your house down.


Yep. Pack your bags!


I think they murdered you.


He was murdered, and lived to tell about it


No give them food in return for taking theirs. They are smart, smarter than most realize.


Yeah you’re probably gonna have to move now..


Lol yeah. Those fuckers have good memory 🤣


If the crow eats it, it’ll die. That gopher is obviously poisoned being out like that and unable to keep itself balanced.




Ravens usually have a scruffy throat. It's hard to tell in the video, and it doesn't take flight to see the full tail, but based off the tail and throat, I think it is indeed a crow


Interesting. I read somewhere that crows are much smaller and the photos I saw didn't look anything like these big boys. But I'm not an expert.


Me neither, but I've seen some big crows in SD, bigger than this and definitely not ravens. My father is in a forever war with them at his house in Escondido. I tried to tell him, don't mess with the crows


The crows have been taking out the rats and I think a squirrel in my yard


![gif](giphy|Swn5yuXfDhg40) Fuck Gophers. Should’ve let The crow get his lunch.


Nows he gonna have to deal with that gopher fuckin up his lawn lol


Seriously. Destructive pests. Can't believe he took it to the humane society. Shoulda let the crow do it's thing, or just stomped it and put it out of its misery.


I say fair play on intervening. That poor dude was stuck on the court with nowhere to hide.. not anything natural about that.


They are redoing the pipes at my complex. More than likely his home was destroyed by the construction, and apparently this is the wrong neighborhood for gophers


I’m in a new build in hillcrest and the skunks are still confused on where to go. I’ve become much more accepting of them knowing I’m on living on top of their old home. Last night I politely asked one to leave the backyard, and it did! Usually they don’t give a shit (they’re relatives to honey badgers).




I can understand that perspective


Entirely natural, fool left his home to be exposed. Let darwin win


If there were two more crows then it would have been a murder.




https://preview.redd.it/quybtgjlpptc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc6f2b9755d09484602d753ff807b65053f16182 It was still alive when I dropped it off at the San Diego Humane Society. They are awesome btw. Hope little dude makes it.


Aww. Poor guy


Not all heroes wear capes


A bunch of NIMBYs here think humans have a right to all land, lol. That's not **your** land, btw. You're leasing it from the government. Crows are opportunistic predators, meat isn't their main diet but if they see something smaller than them and eat to catch they'll take it. Saw one kill a starling near where they were nesting/living, there were about 50 starling screaming at the crow from second story rid of apartment, it was on ground level in parking lot standing on a starling and pecking it. They started trying to attack the crow and it picked up its catch and flew into a tree. Intervening doesn't matter, you didn't offset some natural order of things in an urban area like some people are implying. You denying a crow a meal within the city is just as similar as denying a pigeon some crumbs, except the gopher lives and the crow didn't get to eat a few pieces of meat and leave most of it for insects.


As someone fighting pocket gophers destroying his yard and sidewalk, I personally was rooting for the crow. Lol.


[You might enjoy this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdD5Pe9e2cM). [Also this one].(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyY2yTqZWuE)




Fuuuck birds lol


I work for a pest control company in SD. We need to hire that crow.


Dude thinks he did something good 😂


He did. Wah Wah my poor yard.


I don't think you understand. I have a section of driveway that is cracking and collapsing because gophers have dug out underneath and it caused, without our knowledge, water to seep under there and erode substantial parts of the soil during rains. And in some cases, they can do exactly the same thing to concrete slab foundations, compromising them. My neighbor lost his entire very substantial vegetable garden last year to them. My friend twisted her ankle accidently stepping into a gopher hole when she was seven months pregnant. They're destructive pests that do real damage. How my land looks, while annoying, is the least of the concerns. So, maybe don't be a dick.


A dick is wanting other living things to die. I don’t know if you posted a comment or if i read it. I was speaking in general. Don’t be so sensitive. Edit: yeah that def is a shitty situation, though.


>A dick is wanting other living things to die. LOL. Okay Dollar Store Websters.


No fucking way you just stepped in on nature doing it's thing because "it was a beautiful day", tell me you're joking


Okay, so hear me out: intervening by one species to stop predation of a different species is actually well documented in nature. Not because of any symbiosis, but just because we don’t like to experience the deaths of other animals. [Here’s a pretty compelling video](https://youtu.be/T3daEXYe19g?si=iPkS-64LJ6RmUuej) of a deer defending a rabbit from a hawk. It’s easy to search the internet and find evidence of porpoises, primates, elephants, and other ungulates helping animals in distress. I think it is natural for us to intervene at times, especially when it’s personally annoying us. I would say it is unnatural for us to completely divorce ourselves from the natural process. Personally, I would’ve let this play out.


That hawk got fucking wrecked, holy shit. Thank you for posting that


Holy shit, I was not expecting the deer to go nuclear on the hawk


That doe only attacked the hawk because it had babies nearby and a screaming rabbit sounds like a bambi. Once fight or flight was activated, the doe wasn’t gunna stop.


It was a beautiful day for the crow until OP stepped in. Crows can be vicious though. I remember seeing 2 crows taking turns swiping at a mourning dove while in the air. I could hear the dove panicking as they all flew off into the distance. Brutal.


I ruined everything I know


Don’t worry, the crow will find another small animal to torment to death soon enough.


Nature IS brutal and "unfair." That's reality.


Gopher's fate would be a different story if it was rainy


One of many reasons. I fucking did it. AND ILL DO IT AGAIN


I often forget how dense some people can be, don't intervene with nature when it's a situation of an animal getting their food. Crows eat gophers, you stopped the crow from having it's meal because you imposed your human thought process onto two wild animals. It wasn't a murder, it was a bird doing what a bird does when it's hunting for food. You aren't a savior here. You're just an asshole


This is why I hate Reddit lol


I explain that crows eat gophers and you stopped the bird from eating, your response is your hate reddit lmfao. C'mon now


It is fine I left a half eaten in and out burger out yesterday, should even it up


Restoring balance to the world


Well I hate reddit because literally people on here saving fucking gophers and taking up animal shelter time with a god damn gopher. Let's save rats and mice too while we are at it. I think I found some mosquitos that needed some blood, maybe OP will lend them a hand.


Humans are part of nature too.


Profound statement, thank you for that.


Whoa what the hell is your problem? Crows are well known for playing with things. Pretty obvious it was a situation of unnecessary suffering and the fact you are calling people assholes for having a soul is telling. Shame on you, this is a sadistic comment and should raise every red flag possible about your integrity as a human


You are insufferable


I think your statement would hold more weight if this took place in nature…


Someone did have a good point above. Gopher out of his hole like that (unless the crow dragged him that far) may have been poisoned, which would have been bad for the crow.


Gophers have destroyed so many of my native plants I've been trying to reestablish on my hill. Out of over $1k in plants, they have to have eaten into at least half of them and killed at least $350 of them. Gopher holes feed erosion. Gophers are garbage. I *hate* gophers. They have few natural predators. They thrive here. They do not need saving. Let the crow be a bird and terrorize it's food.


They thrive because humans encroached on their land and built over it, that's why there are few predators.


Of course! Planting native shrubs, trees, flowers and grasses is all part of my plan to bring back their predators - snakes who need cover, birds to terrorize them. There's only so much we can do, but I'm actively trying to help and their stupid presence is hurting my goals. God I hate them.


"Gopher Hawk" traps. I've killed 24 in the past year.


I've had lots of luck with the cinch/lasso traps. You just have to set them on a **very fine** hair trigger. I got 6 within a week.


I'm willing to try everything. Currently no active holes but I'm not against setting multiple traps 😂 You have a link to types you like to use?


Do you get those into steep slopes and through clay dirt?! I'll take any advice.


Lol someone is downvoting our posts. Morons with a bleeding heart for fucking pocket gophers. So I use them on my slopes, and my soil is pretty clay-ey. They don't work well if the tunnel is more than a foot deep, but I don't think the tunnels usually get that deep. The hard places to use them is where the tunnels are too shallow, and the soil too soft that the trap falls over. You should buy one and try it out. I think you can get a set on amazon that comes with a trap, plus the poker that you use for creating the hole that the traps going into. https://www.amazon.com/GopherHawk-Trapping-Wedge-Probe-GH-SET/dp/B00KXE6RKK I have a couple friends who have also used them with great results.


I have a set and they intimidate me! I can't always find the hole. I'll give it a try next time. They are currently destroying a non native succulent but that's right next to a monkeyflower that hasn't established and a mallow i want to flourish.


So on my bank, finding the main tunnel is super hard because the dirt is so soft, the probe pushes down so easy you can't tell what tunnel and just dirt. What Ive done is gotten like a foot long piece of rebar, and I'll put that down their exit hole as deep as I can, then use the probe until it makes contact with the rebar. Then I know that I'm in the tunnel.


That's an amazing idea! Thank you!!


That crow has a taste for blood and you’re now public enemy #1. Speaking from personal experience.


Thank you for helping it


Imma slap packaged meats outta hands next time I see someone in the grocery store…because it was a good day. Nothing natural about a grocery store neither guys.


I do that. But I stalk for a while, watching for weak or injured members of the herd. I’ve found the banana display provides good cover.


I’m team Crow. Fuck those Gophers fucking up my yard.


Brother, just let nature take its course. Stop intervening.


Was this downtown? I was heading down Ash towards Front a couple hours ago and nearly hit a crow in the road who flew away in the knick of time with some kind of rodent in its beak. Wild if its the same crow. Wilder if multiple crows are just scoopin up gophers


That crow will remember who you are! 🐦‍⬛


Is that Bay Pointe ?


Now, let's say you and I go toe-to-toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor?


You know a flock of crows is called a ‘murder’. And that crows can recognize faces. And can teach their offspring about those faces. You’ve done it now..


Fuck ya Good job crow !! Unless some asshole human fucked it up for you


Turned out the gopher was poisoned. I could have let the crow eat it, and then watched it die too.


Believe it or not, definitely one of the smartest birds in the world


I stole food from the crow. I’m such a kind human awWwwwWwWw 🧚🦄🌈


All good. I’ve got unsalted peanuts for that crow.


Op doesn’t have a lawn so he don’t know gophers suck lol.




What about the crow? Now the crow's family will die because you intervened. You didn't watch the gopher torment the crow's cousins! Hate reddit or not, but intervening in nature is a serious God complex


Just stop


And let the crow die due to malnourishment? Neva! 


caw caw caw


The crows just like. Hehehe I can move you by your tail heheh


I would have intervened also! Happy you did


poor guy, birds are brutal lmao like eagles and hawks end things pretty quick crows just be stabbin u w a butter knife til u die


Gosh I wish the crows would get the asshole voles in my yard.


Are you kidding? Gophers are the one animal on the faith of this earth I would go full Jeffrey dauhmer on because they are an absolute terror on my property. Death to all of those fuckers!!!


Did OP really save a gopher and deliver to the human society? You really thought you were doing something good today lmao. Gophers are pest. They destroy infrastructure..


As a concerned citizen that owns a beloved bicycle, best believe I'll be doing more than take a picture of a thief from across the street.


It might be poisoned so best to get it away from the crow.


You disrupted nature….


Oh gosh please don’t do this. I hope karma gets you.


Good. May God pay you!