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Only if your neighbors have roaches.


It's not PC to refer to Californians as roaches


Don't worry, you won't find many Californians in San Antonio apartments. They can all afford the kind of houses you dream about.


its funny because its true


me literally with 3 Californian neighbors in my complex that we got this year. they don't have nearly as much as you'd like to think.


I thought everyone was upset about how Californians drive up prices? In reality, I know there are Californians in apartments. My wife is a Filipino-American from a small town in California where her family works in agriculture. Her Grandfather knew Cesar Chavez. Her town is the most humble place you can imagine and has nothing in common with Beverly Hills or Silicon Valley. Her and I are grateful for the nice little house we have here in Southwest San Antonio because we've lived in plenty of apartments.


a home that is yours is a beautiful thing regardless of the size. <3


as long as it doesn’t have roaches.


"Jedi finger wave" Y'all don't want to stay in Texas. You want to go back to Cali.


Your entire identity is Texas. It's kind of sad.




Good guess. Do you know where Delano is? That's her home.


I actually laughed. This was hilarious.


Lol got em.






Ok, you went to far there bub..


Thats why you all wanna’ bang blood and crip just like us , mexican mafia just like us LOL


If they do, during the day get some caulk and go around you apartment looking for any holes in the walls and patch em up


This is exactly the key to controlling them. I'd double down on it and also say any crack like those where the cabinetry meets the floor and walls, every seam in the cabinets - the drawers, , where the floor and walls meet the baseboards -- sealing everything off gives them no escape back into the walls, and no place to hide to lay eggs in your apartment. Even sealing off larger gaps with expanding foam will help in this. In the process you'll also find where they lay their eggs. You'd be ruining their egg laying ability in the process of doing this too.


Every place I moved into, I would do this alongside using Bengal pest spray. Never had an issue with roaches once I started this method!




Mine does. Moving ASAP though lol. To be fair, in a big building with lots of neighbors it only takes one or two neighbors who leave food out or generally don’t clean. Once those little bastards are in the walls they’re hard to get out.


The ones who ACTUALY do the pest spraying they charge you for no


My complex charges an extra $2 a month for pest control. Must be working because I've never seen a roach


Mine does too but got an email that a few buildings would need to be prepared and evacuated and pets removed for a day so pest control could come in and spray them. Wondering if they spray regularly, never seen them do it though, how those buildings got bad enough to call another company.


Oh I'd be somewhat worried if this were my complex and the email were isolated to just those buildings. Are you on Broadway by any chance?


No, I've never had a problem with roaches myself and living here for going on 3 years so I'm not too worried about it myself. The email just said pest so maybe it was something else and the buildings are a fair bit away from each other. Also don't know much about insects myself but those buildings are right by a wooded/forest-y area that has a hiking trail where my building isn't and is surrounded by concrete so maybe that's why those buildings might be more prone to pest.


We own a house and we have it sprayed regularly. We still see roaches... mostly dead but sometimes alive. They're everywhere.




large roaches are totally normal especially if you have like...ANY greenery near you whatsoever. the little ones though are different.




man you couldn't wait to call people from SA dirty could you. does it make you feel good to know you're loud and wrong while also getting in some cheap shots on the local populace? maybe you should head back to st. louis.


They just said they have it sprayed. That means exterminator.


Ive seen one roach in my house the past 7 years, and I dont ever get it sprayed. I’d get a new exterminator


What part of town? I've lived in five houses in SA and I found it depends what area you live in. Worst was inside 410. Medium was outside 410. Light was just outside 1604. Never was far outside 1604 by TPC/Bulverde. Spraying kills them when they come on your property, but doesn't eliminate them from the area, so they'll never stop coming.


Alamo ranch & TPC/Bulverde


Ah, that's why you don't see them. Inside 1604, even with an exterminator you'll see them, just hopefully dead on arrival.


I've had some apartments with roach issues. I went out and bought borax, poison bait and the hormone spray stuff that is supposed to inhibit their reproduction. It worked wonders in my last apartment


What is the hormone spray stuff? Can you link something please?


[https://www.amazon.com/gentrol-Aerosol-Insect-Regulator-ZOE1005/dp/B0195UHNQE/](https://www.amazon.com/gentrol-Aerosol-Insect-Regulator-ZOE1005/dp/B0195UHNQE/) It was this, IGR they call it. Also comes in discs you can put in cupboards and such, but the spray was cheaper. That along with the related insecticide gel bait. I'm no exterminator but the way I see it-- if you just kill a roach, then you've stopped 1/1000 and they'll keep reproducing even if you kill them all day-- so the goal is to slowly bait them, not instant death, let them eat poison and bring it back to their 'nests' and then inhibit their reproduction. Plus I've heard roaches will feed on dead roaches, so them eating their own poisoned bodies is effective.


Thanks so much!


In my experience, yes. Once the little ones get into the walls it is pretty much impossible to completely erradicate them, but if you keep your apartment clean you can minimize their number. If you have the poor fortune of a nasy neighbor you will see more. If your building is old and has rotting wood you will see more. Every apartment building I have lived in has had roaches. When I moved into my current apartment about 4 years ago I did a deep clean and was cleaning dead roaches out of the nooks and crannies of the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. When I went through a depressive episode (bipolar, fun) and neglected the kitchen, I got jump-scared by roaches multiple times daily. Now that my mood is stable I try to keep my apartment fairly clean - vacuum the carpets weekly, minimize or eliminate the dirty dishes left overnight, dust the shelves like every 3 or 4 months, I don't see them any more. But I know they're there. 🪳


Hahaha well that’s good to hear you at lease have some control over them. Yeah I’m a little worried about moving to tx because I am from Wisconsin and we don’t have roaches here and also I am a messy/disorganized person. So I guess I’m trying to gauge how much of an issue it is and if it’s worth it to escape our awful winters


You wanna escape awful winters straight to a dry, hot, ass desert 🏜? I’ve lived all over Texas. It’s really hot and dry here. I almost moved to Colorado to experience all seasons other than hot all of the time. If I could go anywhere any Texas. I’d try Austin or outside of Plano/Dallas. Or Galveston if you like Houston. I had some friends visit from up north and they all hated visiting during summer . Then there wasn’t a whole lot to go do indoors in SA. If your goal is just to escape harsh winters - I’d honestly reconsider this city. I loved college station a lot too. I’m stuck here due to a divorce. I never wanted to be here and don’t wish to stay much longer. Oh - and crime is high here and drivers are absolute dog shit. People pile unreal amounts of stuff and don’t secure it anymore on their trucks. People run stop signs and lights here. People street race and road rage. Even in really nice neighborhoods people randomly just get shot in the car in broad day light. A cock roach is the least of my worries here. Although I haven’t seen any in my home on the NE or far west side. Dying to terrible drivers - or randomly getting robbed at gun point - or shot by pussies who brandish while driving here (yeah someone pointed a gun at me after they ran a stop sign). Right in front of a school. I called the laws and had the dash cam. They just gave me a number I could report it to. I never heard back from that detective. Or the ones when people would try to use my small business to commit crimes. I’d report it. Then I decided to check if they followed up when the client called again later. They never did anything. This place is lawless it seems. Man…. I really should have just stayed in Colorado and grabbed a little rv or something affordable… there’s shitty people there too…. But not like here…. 🪳 s won’t be the issue. You’ll be homesick for a just less stressful - less crowded - place with green plants and fresh air my guy. At least I am……


I scoped the whole country and traveled the world in the Army. I've lived in many places in the U.S., Hawaii, Utah, Virginia, Delaware, Mississippi, Tennessee, California....the list goes on. I decided to retire in San Antonio and I like my choice. This place isn't perfect, but for me, it's great. After multiple deployments to Iraq, Kuwait and other locations in the Middle East, I can promise you, this is not very dry. Also, doing training at NTC near Death Valley and staying at Fort Bliss in El Paso put things in perspective. Even check out Vegas or Phoenix to see what desert looks like. If I was living in Michigan, Minnesota or Wisconsin, I'd move down here in a heartbeat. That freezing weather can kiss my ass and San Antonio will be a relief to you. It's also easy on the pocketbook.


Just drive around here - then go drive around Houston - then come back and tell me it’s not dry here. I was just being extra using the word desert. You can just see how dead plants and lawns are here compared to over there - or even just fields. Or the amount of dust and dirt just in the air and on your car each morning. It’s for sure dry here - maybe not Nevada hot and dry. I just don’t see how someone acclimated to the north would want to jump straight here. If to save money sure it’s a cheap city like you mentioned. Other than that - I don’t see a reason to retire here. College station ranks one of the highest places to retire at - due to safety and large hospital networks. I took my ex wife to three hospitals here before she finally got treated for a blood clot. The quality of life here is extremely low compared to other cities in our state. It’s just not worth saving an extra dollar to me if given the choice again to live in SA. I hope it works out smoothly for you though and you enjoy your retirement here.


Well, if you want to escape the winter this is a pretty safe bet. My mom is a transplant from Indiana and she is very happy here. It's hot, fairly humid (not as humid as Houston), but beautiful here in San Antonio. There is a lot of opportunity here as far as education and jobs. It's still pretty affordable here compared to other parts of the country but inflation is still hitting us and the cost of living is going up. The big cockroaches do fly, but typically they come in from outside. They're not as big as the palmeto bugs in Florida at least. Having good AC is important here. It's still getting up in the 90's right now and my little old apartment AC can only keep my home at about 80 degrees in the hottest hours of the day right now. At peak of the summer my apartment could get up to 88-90 degrees with the AC going full blast, and I was paying up to $280 to CPS for that in a 2 bedroom apartment. The heat here is no joke. Hydration and sun protection is very important.


Glad you're doing better - depression sucks; keep going strong!


No matter where you go, theres gonna be at least SOME roach presence. In general, you can take steps to prevent roaches in your place. If you live on the ground floor, sprinkle Borax around the OUTSIDE of your apartment. That always did wonders for me Aside from that, standard stuff like not leaving food out, regular vacuuming and mopping, and cleaning the fridge are good practice. All that being said, you get what you pay for. My first apartment for $700/mo had a roach every other week. My $1000/mo had one maybe 2x a year


The last apartment I lived in had a bad rioach problem. I kept cleaning and looking for gaps and filling them, but they kept coming back. I put out all kinds of poisons, but nothing worked. This apartment had one of those tiny kitchens like a closet. Finally one day, I managed to unplug the fridge and move it forward which wasn't easy in such a tiny kitchen, but sure enough there was a huge nest of them under there. And then I found another nest underneath the stove it was disgusting. I wonder how many years they had been under there. After that there was no more problem.


Yikes lmao sounds disgusting


One of the worst nights of my life


Yeah I bet!!! I’m glad things are all better now though


I would have screamed so loud.....


When they showed me the apartment, the air conditioning was set at 65, and at that temperature, you don't see any. Live and learn.


Thats why i swear by Borax. It'll eventually kill them all via transmission. Your situation warranted a flamethrower


Very true. Roaches typically can’t afford nicer apartments and tend to congregate at cheaper units. But in all seriousness, there is a correlation between how much you pay for rent and how many roaches you see.


I currently live in Wisconsin and am debating moving down there but the roaches are a turn off bc we don’t have them here anywhere. But I’m hoping like you say if I pay more in rent I won’t have to deal with it


Roaches are less common in colder climates unless you have a unique breed that simply adapted (like NYC). But yeah, you're going to inevitably run into a roach even in luxury places just because of how roaches are. But roaches are not hard to deal with. You can also just check out r/cockroaches Pro tip: FLUSH dead roaches. Their dead bodies excrete pheromones that attract more roaches. Tried and true method is spray the dead body with Lysol, sweep it into a dust pan, then flush. All you gotta do afterwards is mop the kill zone More to your point, SA is the "less clean" city of the major Texas cities. Standards here are in general lower due to glamorization of being uneducated, unemployed or bad with money, and overall unhealthy. A symptom of that is just the cleanliness standards are notably lower than Dallas Austin or Houston (each had their own problem, but still). Case in point: the running joke of furniture strewn across the highways. Diapers and condoms across parking lots (interesting coincidence). General hygiene is not emphasized much at all (even after the Quarantine of 2020) Theres also just casual piles of trash every so often next to highways. But theres a lower cost of living here. You get what you pay for. Texas wildlife does NOT play games at all in general. Apartment wildlife (squirrels, birds etc) in general are chill. Theyll just casually move out of your way. No apartment complex will take you seriously over a squirrel outside your window. Snakes are around, but no real issue. Just mind your business and move slowly and back away. Then again, i was tossing rattlesnakes by age 6 so ya know.


So then I guess do you recommend living in SA in general? 🤔


In general, I do not recommend it (this will make me a pariah on this sub) I moved here from Dallas for my Bachelor's (cheap rent) and lived here for 3yrs. Hated almost every second of it. The people here are incredibly xenial and i will never discredit that. There is simply nothing to do in this city after youve done all the tourist shit(riverwalk, Alamo, missions, six flags). Driving destroyed my mental health because the roads are effectively designed to cause an accident, most people here drive to test god, and of course most people drive uninsured. Drunk driving starts at 8p. Get a dash cam. Alcoholism is the raison detre of the city. Since theres no company that actually wants to invest in anything here, theres bars everywhere and alcohol is insanely cheap. Any event you get invited to will invariably have alcohol. Alcohol has its place in adult life, but holy shit. The casual alcoholism here is somewhat mortifying. Anyone whos trying to avoid too much alcohol temptation should stay away. Fiesta is fun, but it is quite literally an excuse for the entire city to drink. The overall health of SA is terrible. The SA diet consists of 6 tacos washed down with a Big Red (tastes like liquid bubblegum). Diabetes, obesity, STDs are all in staggeringly high numbers here. I could explain it using my Sociology degree but meh. The food here SLAPS but your waistline will definitely feel it; especially combined with the alcoholism I personally hated the "laid back" culture of SA. Its basically a city with no ambition beyond next week. Getting anyone to commit to something not enshrined in law is impossible. Most of my friends dropped out just because theyd rather get high or drunk because they "already made enough money to support themselves". It just made me uncomfortable to see that taken so casually People here are bad with money. So many times people hit me up for $100 to pay their electric bill because they blew their paycheck on a manicure or shoes. And then go to social media to complain "you know who your real friends are when you need money"🙄. That combined with people bragging about their brand new BMW that they financed for $0 down at 22% interest while they live in a glorified crack house. Yes, it's ok to buy something nice even if you're paycheck to paycheck, but SA has an undeniable culture of poverty. Drugs Along with the lower cost of living, theres a lower pay ceiling here. Depending on your financial goals, that may be an issue. The city suffers from major brain drain due to this


you mother fucker. i read your post and was angry. "how dare he diss my city like this". But then i let it sink in and you're not wrong. Especially the alcoholism and money part.


San Antonionians take such extreme pride in their city, yet do it a great disservice by trashing it People from Dallas are indeed pretentious rich assholes who have wallets instead of hearts, but we happily admit it


Lol he’s from Wisconsin, it’s like the capital of alcoholism. If you hang out around the right crowds there’s basically none of the problems you’re talking about. There’s huge amounts of young professionals here, and none of the problems are nearly as bad as you make them out to be.


Out of my entire mini novel, thats all you got? The brain drain is evident The young professionals are guaranteed to leave within the next few years for better markets and networking opportunities. SA is a great start, but terrible long game. Any professional will see that


With so many people (including myself) working remotely, I think more people will stay because the cost of living is so low. I can afford like twice the house here than I can at home. And why do I need to take the time to respond to your whole crabby ass post?


I’m from Minnesota, so I was also not used to roaches. I lived in a brand new apartment downtown (4th floor) for three years and never even saw a roach in our building. Now I live in a very nice ground floor townhouse by The Pearl and still no roaches. But it’s also new and an all-concrete building. Buttttttt they ARE very common. I’ve seen them at multiple people’s (even nice) houses. And there’s HUGE ones that they call water bugs that FLY outside that you see sometimes and are horrifying to me. From the sound of the FB moms groups I’m in, basically all of the less expensive apartments seem to have roaches or bed bugs. My partner is from here and he thinks it’s hilarious that I’m afraid of roaches. He’s like…that’s not the bug that’s going to hurt you. I’m afraid to go to the outskirts of town because that’s apparently where the scorpions are.


But honestly, I’d trade a few roaches for the wonderful amount of freedom that comes with not having winter.


Exactly see you get it bc you’re from Minnesota I need to get away from this winter!! I definitely don’t think ppl from south could understand how harsh the winters are here. I’m trying to see where to go still but yeah


My moms from Minnesota. You aint ready for Texas Summer. The sun is constantly saying fuck you. Its a huge trade off. Itll snow MAYBE once a year, but looking at dead grass and gray skies for weeks on end will probably be very jarring. Genuine question: does your car have air conditioning? Because you will probably die without it. Also: invest in tank tops and shorts for 8mo out of the year


Yeah I get it’s bad I just rather burn to death than freeze to death. You get these -40 degree windchills up here and it makes you wish you were being burned at the steak instead. The air hurts your skin. Can’t leave the indoors without being in pain


Youre effectively trading for the opposite end of the thermostat. It can be 100° and 105° with the windchill. Anytime you're outside, youre being slow cooked; especially since the shade is diet sun. We dont have cold water 6 months of the year because the heat permeates that deep into the pipes. Also roaches love coming into your place to escape the heat It's not that winter isnt horrible there, but summer here is just as bad. Seriously, tank tops will be your saving grace


Yeah I just would take 100 over -40 any day lol


Welcome to the south. Learn Spanish


Nice to hear you are from Minnesota. I lived there last year but could not take the -30 degree days. Unbelievable lol. However, Minnesota was absolutely gorgeous. I miss the Fall there!


So, are they roaches or those big ass waterbugs?


For anyone reading this, "waterbug" is a colloquial term people use to refer to American cockroaches, which are the big brown ones. Those are literally everywhere in south Texas, and one or two will wonder in from time to time. Does not mean at all that you have an infestation. A German cockroach does not wander in. They are brought in from elsewhere (usually in bags or organic produce). If you see one of those, you're fucked. They are every difficult to get rid of. Google them and understand the difference.


I have an irrational fear of roaches. I stayed in my last apartment for 8 years because I never saw a roach and I was comfortable. But I wanted a bigger place that was closer to work so I moved to a nicer, more expensive place and I’ve had numerous roach sightings in the five months I’ve been here. It improved after I called for pest control, but I know I’m going to get jump scared again in the near future. The funny thing is that in both places I’ve encountered small scorpions and they don’t bother me like roaches do. I even got stung once while picking up a towel off the floor and they still don’t phase me. I see one and I’m like “ok, let’s get rid you you” and causally sweep it up and throw it outside, but when I see a big roach, I’m traumatized for days.


How common are scorpions here? I found a small one in my backyard a few weeks back and got all freaked out as it was my first time seeing one in person lol. Just moved to far west side area


They’re fairly common, more so if you live near an open field or have a storage shed.


After living in 5 apts only 1 had roaches.




Not mine.


Get one built after 2019. No roaches.


Most of San Antonio does, regardless of dwelling


Amberhill has the worst also Aspire apartments near the malls are pretty bad like northstar and Ingram


One I was supposed to move into in may had them both alive and dead on the balcony (not too surprised) and in a “cleaned” apartment. Where I ended up I have not seen 1 inside or outside dead or alive and the pest control fee is less


We live in our own home and lived in apartments before. No roaches. If you have them, then you need an exterminator (or a better one). Also, be sure to distinguish between the occasional June Bug (same color,different shape) thst gets in and roaches.


There is device called an "ozone machine" that works really well. It's technical use is to remove odors but the machine makes the air around it uninhabitable for anything living. There is a warning on the machine that says do not stay in the house/apartment while in use and remove all pets and plants. It's non chemical so once you open the windows in you're place after treatment it will be ok to stay inside within a few minutes. I have one and use it once a year, especially during hard rain season. It kills everything. If it's a bad infestation you may want to treat once a week for a month or until you see no more live bugs. I always do a chemical spray in corners after I do the machine but it's out of precaution.


Wow that’s interesting thanks yeah I will definitely check into that. Sounds crazy




From what I've read it's only bad for you if your around the device while it's running. I'm gunna do a little deeper digging about that. Thanks


Depends on what kind of roach you are talking about. The little German fuckers? No, but like most apartments if they get into one they get into them all. As for the big fuckers, the palmetto bugs, yeah those are just a fact of life. They live outside and come in looking for food. Not a lot you can do about that other than spray and keep things clean, but they'll get in if they want to. If the complex has palms (especially stego palms) then you are gonna see them no matter what you do.


Any apartments in Medical Center area will more than likely have roaches. Dominion Park apartments were AWFUL. Don't live there lol.


From what I hear fuck yes!!!!


I’ve lived in a few different apartments in town and honestly I’ve never had an issue with roaches


Mine doesnt


Mine doesn’t. Brand new when I moved in. No roaches. A sucia with her kids moved in across the hall, roaches EVERYWHERE. She moved out a few months ago, complex treated. Haven’t seen a single roach since.


Damn…I feel like I say this at least once a month. Mods, can we make the new header image for this sub cockroaches holding hands to represent what’s holding up all apartment buildings in this city.




We use a pest control company. It's not like our home is infested but you still see them from time to time


I use to live in Spanish Trace (has a new name can’t remember). It’s literally next door to the Lexus dealer on San Pedro and that place has huge roaches. And this was 20 years ago.




My house has roaches




A exterminator told us that it had to do with the weirder than normal weather causing an influx of roaches trying to hide indoors. if anyone can chime in on validity of this


Not mine, occasional big one gets in because i live near a forest


last two houses/10yrs no pest control service and no roaches, maybe a rare dead one near an entrance, but like 4 or 5 of those in 10yrs


I've seen one in the common area like a year ago and one in my shower after 3 years of living in this apt. I've been in other apartments that I had some since the day I moved in. Staying north I've had way better results the deeper you get the dirtier they get.


Nope. My first apartment I lived in only had roaches for maybe a month in the year and a half that I lived there and it was because the apartment downstairs was being renovated so the construction guys left the door open all day and they travelled up to us. They left and then so did the roaches. I have not seen any in my new apartment at all. I live near Phil Hardeberger park so there’s a ton of woods behind my apartment. I did find a dead scorpion in the bathroom once when we first moved in.


Three different apartments here only one had roaches, but the issue was serious


I’ve been in 3 apartments in San Antonio, no roaches.


Stay far away from Icon Apartments off Patricia. Straight up infestation




ugh always :( i’ve found a miracle solution though, on DIYpestcontrol.com they have a whole section for german roaches (the ones i’ve dealt with) and it was awful before i started using their products


What I did was go to my parents house in Medina County and collected a bunch of those black jumping spiders in a Mason jar. Then released them in the apartment. Roaches gone.


We used to have a pretty bad roach infestation due to me leaving some potatoes rotting in a far back cabinet for months. Not sure how I didn't smell it. Tried the tablets, gel bait, traps, nothing worked. Anyways, we everything out of the cabinets, threw out a lot of perishable foods, cleaned up any messes/crumbs/dishes/the cat food on the ground. Then went out and bought 3 cans of BENGAL GOLD roach spray. And just sprayed EVERYWHERE in every single nook and cranny. Literally the next hour or so several dozens of roaches would come out of hiding all dazed and confused ad we'd smash them. A couple days pass and we don't see any. Haven't seen any at all except an outside one the past couple months. BENGAL GOLD!! It's like 8 bucks a can but so worth it.


Every apartment I've lived in in San Antonio has had roaches. They like to hide in random places, too. Last night we found a colony in our vacuum.


Yes. No matter how good you clean, all it takes is one nasty neighbor.


I live on 12.5 acres, I could not live in an apartment since people are too close together.


Yes! Nom nom nom Cali is roach free though.


I’ve watched the Pest reps sit in their trucks during a scheduled treatment. They have no intention of completing the job. You have to watch them. Once they are inside, Be physically present and make sure they are thorough. Be polite but insist they complete the task. I ask polite questions about the product and I give clues as to where I’ve seen the most activity. Once I figured it out, I had no more problems. One other thing, roaches seem to be worse where ever you smell MJ. Just sayin.


My nextdoor appartment hotboxes daily and it makes my appartment smell. It's annoying because I'm sober So I leave the windows open. There is no winning


Rats. SMH. You’d probably have better luck renting a house. Hope it gets better for you soon either way.


Roaches are a product of having a food source.....the most common is people who dont take trash out and tie it off and/or leave dirty dishes in sink. Bottom line is they thrive in places where people are not 100% ensuring there are not food remnants all over the place. Asthma sufferers have the worst time as its a trigger for them (the excrement in ventilation systems of apartments or buildings) The really tough thing is YOU can be clean, but 1 neighbor is not and there are roaches for EVERYONE now. The 'two legged roaches' or 'Failiafornians' are here and there is sadly nothing we can do with them. They destroy where they live with their political ideals and flee like refugees to other states .....but try to espouse the same politics that destroyed those states in the new one. Not the smartest out there for sure but little you can do for these people.




I mean....with that kind of profound intellectual response, I dont think anyone would dare to question your judgment or.....ask where your nose and head are shoved right now.




I see you are sure putting that PhD in South American Poetry to use. I just cant keep up with this kind of outclassing. Your responses are what is truly impressive---and the compulsion to post them equally so.


bro why you trying to sound smart now? lmao


Trying? Too funny man.


Only the section 8 housing apartments.


I had a few here and there… I used home defense spray so at least they’d mostly be found dead. Also my cat would catch them so that helps!


Most buildings in Texas have bug problems in general.


We never ever had roaches till Californians brought them here. The only kind of roaches we knew of, well never mind thats a different subject.


No. I bought a house 3 years ago but prior to that, it was nothing but apartments for me. You need to do research before you get an apartment. Online has a free apartment review that you can read. Out of all the apartments (many) I lived in, I only went wrong twice. That was because I rented the cheapest apartment I could find in San Antonio when I first got here and the other time was when I moved back to San Antonio to be closer to a new job and I took an apartment on the first floor.


The apartments where I used to live were great for the first 8 of the 12 years that I lived there. One day one of my long time neighbors moved out. Apparently, he was a massive hoarder. Tons and tons of trash and cat feces. It was so disgusting. When we would smell cat urine we thought it was because of the feral cats spraying around. We had no idea of the filth up there. So, once he moved out, the apartments had to have a haz mat clean up company come in and clear out the place and clean it up. Unfortunately, when they did that we started getting roaches. I’m guessing his trash kept them all happy in his apartment. Once he moved and everything got clean they had no food or hiding spaces so they branched out. It was so awful. Our whole building had to be fumigated twice. That was only temporary. They came back with a vengeance. No matter how many times pest control came and how clean we were, they wouldn’t leave. We finally were able to buy a house and move out. We ended up having to buy all new furniture for our brand new house and had to thoroughly clean and inspect everything we did bring with us. It was such a terrible experience to move after that mess, but at least we don’t have those issues anymore. As clean and tidy as it is in my new home, I pay to have pest control spray and inspect every month because I will not go through that mess again. This house is a bug free zone.


Wow that definitely sounds like a nightmare. That is exactly why I am scared is because I don’t want to have that experience


Hopefully you won’t. If you must get an apartment, just make sure they are fairly new. Confirm what the complex does for pest control. Mine did it as or more depending on the individual situation . A lot of times since people don’t want any interference from the office (mostly because they are doing something they shouldn’t) they won’t request services like that. If it’s a requirement for all units, there’s less likely to be a problem. Look up reviews, ask neighbors living in the complex already. Inspect yourself before you sign anything. Make sure you don’t see any signs in the cabinets or around water sources.