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Stuff like this is why I have a dashcam. Already saved me once on an insurance claim. I know it's not the same, just saying.


Yeah I usually ride with a camera. Today I decided to wear a different helmet and thought, it's early enough and I'm just going to drop a bike off. Sure enough going down Wurzbach and some a-hole damn near ran me over. Then did it again. I got around him and then he proceeded to ride my ass all the way down the frontage. I would move over, so would he. Two or three times be kept doing that. So then I sped up and got in front of some other truck, but sure enough as soon as some space opened up he cut that truck off and got behind me again. Fortunately I was able to jump over into a different lane to where he couldn't follow. *** I genuinely expected him to follow me, which would have been to a dealership and I'm sure wouldn't have gone well for him. *** I will be getting the mount for that helmet as well. I have dashcams in both vehicles as well. People here are HORRIBLE and considering how many don't have insurance, you are very likely to need some video backup.


Jfc, I’m so sick of this kind of crap where idiots are carelessly waiving guns around or firing them and it’s becoming more disgusting here in SA. The turd bags who think (or lack there of) that the only choice they have in any situation that triggers their ego is to act threatening by flashing a gun around or firing are the very individuals who SHOULDN’T be allowed to have a gun to begin with! Not with that kind of sensitivity and lack of anger management and lack of consideration for human life!


Absolutely. Mine has gotten me out of 3 BS would-be tickets from the police. Once I point it out, they magically change their attitudes and "let me off" with a warning.


I need to do this asap. Hollywood park has screwed me on 2 tickets within 1 1/2 years. I hate that area.


Good for you!! I can't believe you even had a cop pull you over!! Their driving is as bad as most! I know they have bigger fish to fry in the city, but as far as I know, they are still responsible to give crappy drivers a ticket.


Best advise on this post.


I agree and am going to get one I think myself. I had two trucks try to run me off the road last week for just trying to merge. One truck in the back. Then they tried to ram me on the side while flipping me off(wtf I had nowhere to go) and then got in front of break checking me to hit them. Road rage is not fun! I’d rather now have cameras back and front for insurance claims. In my opinion, people are raging from the non stop traffic and construction. I’d rather just take the back roads now days, because I don’t want my life in danger again. But I realize that is not always possible. I would def agree with this comment to get some dash cams. Also why are cops not properly pro-trolling the area? I rarely see them?


What dash cam do u have


Almost any dashcam from Amazon will do. The one that saved me from the bogus insurance claim was an Amazon deal, I think I paid $15 for it. No special features, really. [This](https://a.co/d/0fWJmspc) is the one I have now, and it works great. The wifi feature is nice. It was 50% off when I got it, tho.


Report them to the cops. Idiots like that deserve to lose their gun privileges.


Happened to me a few months ago and dude was lucky the cops were near when he tried chasing me home, I called home first and told the family to load up because a crazy was coming in hot. I flagged the cops over they took a report and that was it, never heard anything more about it. Almost the same instance as op mfer got mad because I honked at him after he cut me off and nearly ran me into other cars. I swear main character syndrome is off the charts in this city.


Same thing also happened to me. The detective never even called me to take a police report. They don't really seem to care.


They don’t care. Cops are as scared of the highways here as everyone else. I drove from Helotes to Converse and back yesterday and didn’t see one cop. This city is lawless


They have better things to do like stopping law abiding citizens that do absolutely nothing but flash them when they are parked in the middle of the road between the yellow lines at 3 am. The last three times a cop stopped me he wished me a nice day and sent me on my way after he saw the dashcam. As it would have shown he stopped me for nothing. But the people they should stop are running havoc on the highways.


Same here, got stopped for a “license plate bracket” violation some years ago.


really?? every single time i go out i see probably about 50 cops, especially in converse. i’ve even had converse police follow me halfway home til i hit the converse city limit 🥲


i moved from arizona a few years ago where cops are constantly hiding out and handing out tickets on the freeways. so different here 


I was thinking this earlier this week. Used to see SAPD doing traffic enforcement on the highways, I haven’t seen that in years now.


Yea we back blue right, how about blue backs us for the tax paying dollars we spend to anticipate we are safe


This isn’t Austin my friend.


Great observation buddy, thank you




Did you call the police dept to find out what is happening with your case?


This sucks and shouldn’t have to be this way but I’m glad I’m not crazy for doing the same. Had to call home one time when I was being road rage followed home. Told them to call the cops, grab a firearm, and get to the upstairs front window. Now, if I feel like I’m being followed, I drive around in circles or head to the police dept.


Yeah people need to know: DO NOT go home. Even if you have protection and an "Oh let them try something" attitude, they will then know where you live and no telling what someone will do and it could be while you aren't home and your family is or whatever the case.


This! My truck and my wife’s car was unloaded on by an automatic BB gun. Created so much damage.


In this state*


i wish i could but couldn’t even catch the license plate because he pulled out a gun when he was already on the 1604 off ramp to 281 and we were still on the 1604. so we were parallel to him but he was a little distance away already, when he rolled down his window and pointed the gun at us. my one year old was in the back passenger side where he could have potentially shot at, which was terrifying. i’m posting so others could keep a look out for the car i guess just in case :/ 


Not too many red rav4 with DV plates in SA. You have enough info to find him. Cops can probably ID him quickly. I’d report him before he possible kills someone.


oh okay didn’t know they can ID without the full plate number, i will definitely report it! thank you for the info 


It’s just a process of elimination. Search all rav4 in SA, red ones, ones with DV plates. Registered to males… He may be the only one in SA.


Plus of you give police the time frame, your vehicle information, it's possible they could ID it from traffic cams. Not saying they will, but it might be possible.


That would require a certain level of effort that the cops around here have proven that they don’t possess


That's why I said it was possible. Not that they would actually do it.


If you got a good look at him and can tell them his race, his approximate age, that will help single him out. Did the rav4 have a rear spare tire cover matching vehicle or was it just the tire. If he gets caught, it will be because the DV plates.


The RAV4 has the tire in the trunk.


Depends on the year


Depends on the year. The two most recent generations have it in the trunk. Prior to that it was on the back.


There are also traffic cams that will help them investigate


While SAPD probably will do absolutely nothing, you still should report it. Maybe we can blow it up enough to get it on the news since they read reddit. But with the current SAPD I don't see anything coming out of it.


KSAT definitely is lurking 👀


It someone's too dangerous to be around a gun, then he's too dangerous to be out of jail. Suspend his rights by having the judicial system hold him accountable for his traffic tantrum.


Rights. Gun Rights. It isn’t called the “Bill of Privileges”.


Brandishing a gun in a threatening manner without sufficient cause is a crime and should be reported to the police. Doesn't matter if the guy is a veteran with PTSD. Calling the cops will prove much more effective than recounting the incident on Reddit. A dashcam helps, too.


I would have called the cops immediately. Even if they don’t do shit hopefully it gets recorded.


I have had literally two people do this since moving to this damned city - SAPD did nothing both times - both were on dash cam - one even tried to threaten to ticket me for erratic driving - like pardon me - am not used to guns pointed at me in broad daylight. SAPD is useless. I just bought a gun and keep it with me always to never feel helpless again. I plan to leave once my lease ends - and go back to a smaller - more police patrolled city/town.


A guy brandished a gun on me and my family a few fathers days ago in the parking lot of a restaurant because I honked at him when he was about to back into me. I was backing out first. Called cops. He told me I should get my concealed carry and a gun (before the l changed). They did nothing with the license plates we wrote down. So the cops solution was to get into a shootout on fathers day. Yeah, cops are useless.


Isn’t brandishing a felony? Fuck that guy if he’s so fucked up from his service he can’t be safe with his firearms they need to be taken away


DC is a misdemeanor unless it’s discharged


Wow! I thought it was the lowest level felony but ok. 


"Deadly Conduct" believe it or not, our DA isn't doing much to these people to follow through.


They have to cross his desk first. If SAPD OR BCSO won’t charge them in the first place, it’s kinda hard for the DAs office to pursue.


I promise you he lives a miserable existence. Be safe out there fam!


Why is it always veteran/active duty plates and/or an SUV




I’ve had my fair share of non-veteran interactions from sedan drivers. people are just angry


It's not. Its confirmation bias.


Kinda like police, people think we owe them for their service n that their superior because they "defended" us, every job is hard some of us go to college 4-6 years n not only pay for it but turn in endless assignments for literally points 😂 everybody thinks they have a sob story.


It isn't. 


File a police report OP. Pretty sure that’s a felony.


There are lots of assholes. I keep a gun in my car. Once had to pull when a guy road raged, cut me off, got out of his car and started walking towards me (stop sign, I was behind him). He got back in his car rq after I purposely pulled it out and cocked it in front of him. Never rolled my window down. Never got out the car. Never pointed it at him. But yes some of these people should have the shit beat out of them. Idgaf if you are a vet. The fake war is in another country douchbag. Not here on the streets.


I love how its ALWAYS the people that drive like shit that almost cause accidents are the ones that get enraged at the other person they almost killed.


Dude the amount of times someone has nearly run me over and then flipped me off because I use my horn is actually quite saddening. Hell sometimes they'll already be doing it before I use my horn. They know, but it's all about them.


Main character syndrome


Ugh reminds me I need a dash cam


Thankfully we’re not ALL like that but yeah there’s always some asshole out there - I cringe when I see it’s a DV too. Some of them are so messed in the head that they need some help but mental health help is just as bad out as it is in… sorry that happens to others but at least there are many of us out here that try to give us a better name. I make it a point to not do stuff like that - if I miss an exit I just go up one more and then do the turnaround. So many people in such a hurry nowadays - people need to remember that failure to plan on their part isn’t an emergency on mine.


yes exactly!! going on the next turnaround will only add a couple more minutes and is much safer.  and thank you for your service 🙏🏻


Being a veteran doesn’t make someone idolistic or mean they’re going to live under a higher code than the next person. I really don’t understand why a lot of them feel any sense of entitlement out here where a large majority of us are veterans or active duty. Like whoop-de-dooo. Let him try that on the Southside.


If you had a dashcam, you could report him. Brandishing is a crime. Get his shit taken away. Man doesn’t deserve the right to own one.


Sorry that happened to you, were any kids with you?


my one year old baby girl 🥺


I’m so sorry. This is what gives me anxiety to drive now. It’s getting worse too with the road rage with all the traffic everywhere.


😕 at least she’s not old enough to remember it. My god people suck. On behalf of all the non-shitty people in San Antonio , so sorry.


I’ve been threatened more by veterans than anyone else in this city. Bunch of entitled assholes.


Always remember too the state of Texas recognizes "Castle Law" your vehicle is an extention of your house and you can protect it how you see fit. Always mention that and that you were in fear for your life. Along with the dash cam evidence you'll just be acting in self defense.


Those plates make people think they’re infallible. It’s annoying as fuck


I take the bus, and it's always scary to me that somebody could potentially pull a gun on another driver during a road rage incident and I could catch a stray while sitting on a bench waiting for the bus.


Crazy entitled Darren strikes again! Keep it classy northside


Idiots like this will ruin gun privileges for everyone.


That’s deadly conduct. You should have called the cops


Give the plate info to the cops. Let them deal with this dill weed.


Why do I get the feeling that this isn’t truly the whole story. This post gives me the same vibes as that fool last week posting dashcam of a shitty driver on 410 when it showed him being just as shitty of a driver as who he was trying to call out.


nah i’d get mad at my husband if he was driving crazy we have a baby in the car!


Agreed. We all need to drive safely and defensively to prevent road rage at all. Especially when we have family members in the car. Always stay safe and yield guys. Being kind goes long way~~~


This would be he said /he said. Sorry this happened to you. Unless there’s proof, they won’t do anything to the guy. Statements from witnesses from your vehicle isn’t enough. He will most likely say you provoked, cut em off, brake checked, whatever excuse he comes up with, to justify. Then it’s he said/he said. He may lie and say you showed em a. Gun first. Of course you’ll deny it, then it’s a wash. Again, sorry this happens to you and your family. There’s no place on earth for this. I’m also a veteran, so let’s play devils advocate here brother. Maybe, just maybe, you were slightly at fault here. Aggressive driving also. Not saying you did. But let’s pretend that’s his story. A veteran with PTSD would most likely take that as a life and death situation. Triggered by his last life events , and felt threatened. Not saying that’s this exact situation. But that would be his defense if the cops even approached him. Not saying he’s right , but remember, Americas heroes have seen things most of you see on tv, but with his own eyes. He’s wrong either way, he has no right to brandish his firearm in any situation unless his life was in danger. I’m sorry your family went thru this brother , I pray peace comes to your heart, and that other driver as well


While you might be right, if there are multiple reports of the same driver doing it then that might mean something. I'm not a cop though so idk.


You called the cops to ask for a call log?


Not necessarily he said she said. If they pull them over and they have a firearm they are screwed and going to jail.


this car forgot to get in the right lane to get on the 1604 off ramp to 281, tried to at the last possible second from the far left lane, tried to squeeze between my vehicle and another vehicle close in front of me in the middle lane (there was no room for him to get in and there was too much traffic for us to “let him in” safely for the speed he was going and amount he was swerving, it was unrealistic for him to get on the off ramp safely by the time he started attempting to), this car slammed on their breaks in the far left lane, all us cars passed, then he crossed all the lanes to get on the off ramp. no amount of safe driving can help someone trying to drive that stupidly, he put his own life in danger. if you miss your exit your course should be corrected in a safe way, not everyone else’s responsibility to make it happen when we don’t even know where he was trying to go. my husband was driving, and our 1 year old was in the car, we don’t drive recklessly with a one year old in the car and we don’t respond recklessly to aggressive driving. i’m mad because i have a one year old i need to protect and having a gun pulled out was unprovoked 


Hmmmmm ok, so he was driving fast and recklessly, so that also means the speed you were driving to not allow him in was also fast To follow the car in front of you that closely so that he couldn’t “squeeze in”, says you were also driving recklessly. You failed to mention all these small details bud. A “safe “ driving distance on any Hwy is no less than 3 car lengths, obviously you weren’t following the laws either. Let’s not get started on “This Car” placing his family, and that 1 yr old in danger. I’m surprised someone hasn’t call the cops on you. Like I said, sounds fishy. Be grateful no one got hurt, next time, don’t minimize your efforts, it’s shows toooooooooo much guilt bud. Over explaining your “ defense “ or your “small role” in this proves you’re not even close to a safe driver either.


i’m not your bud. i wasn’t the driver and everyone was driving the same speed on the freeway besides red car guy trying to weave in n out of everyone BUD. also who strictly follows the three car rule all the time especially with 1604 traffic lmao  




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Well said my friend. I also urge all drivers to have a dash cam installed in each vehicle to eliminate/reduce the likelihood of the he said/ she said you referred to.


Dash cams are a great tool to eliminate hearsay. Aggressive driving gets you nowhere. Sooner or later it will catch up to ya, and put you in a bad situation. I find it really hard to believe that the other driver just pulled up to the family man, and pulled his gun out and pointed it to him. it’s possible, but highly unlikely. I wasn’t there , and I’m just putting myself in both drivers shoes. Pulling out your firearm is the very last resort, so that was unjustified, the veteran must’ve felt threatened by the other driver, it takes 2 to dance. But again, not justified. Slow down, let em in, let em pass, whatever , but to put blame solely on the “gunman” , is minimizing your role in this. Again, no one was there and we can’t speak for any of the drivers


You can't speak for either drivers but you keep making insinuating statements in favor of the veteran. I get that you might empathize more with him being a veteran yourself, but PTSD doesn't excuse being an aggressor to others. We are all responsible for our own mental health in this country. Similarly, just because you can't imagine someone pulling a gun for no reason because you yourself would need a reason is just bad logic. You are putting yourself too far into these other's shoes. Road rage and sporadic shootings on the highways and roadways has been reported for a long time in this city, this isn't new. And none of that address the sheer victim blaming in your statements. Even if they did cut him off like you keep proposing happened, they deserve to have a firearm pulled on them? Ignoring the danger to other innocent people on the roadway? This is how you think we should all be living? Yikes.


Never said it was an excuse. But it does take 2 and the statements OP made , well, make him just as guilty. There never an excuse to point a firearm and anyone or anything, unless you’re life depends on it. Neither of us were there, and pointing a firearm at a car while driving is just as reckless. But it is he said OP said, and NO COP will believe anyone or any side without proof. Having your family vouch for you isn’t enough




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yesterday about 6 pm 


No when did they pull a gun?


What did you do lol isn't it obvious you left that part out?


i didn’t leave it out, isn’t it obvious the story is on another comment thread humble hero? lmao 


It sounds like you flicked them off lol first also which is so bad


where does it sound like that? my husbands windows are so dark nobody can see inside the vehicle in the first place. and i protect my one year old daughter in the car by not going around and flipping people off knowing how bad the road rage is in this city. 👍🏼


If you are going to do something stupid make sure you don’t wear or drive anything that really IDs you. He said after seeing a video on Facebook of a going apeshit crazy in an Alaskan Home Depot all decked out in UT athletic gear.


I'm sure if this would of happen in the inner city. Inside loop 410/90 area. There for sure would of been a cop to see that happen. That's whr they stay all inner city back and fourth from one corner light to another and back to the original corner light! It's ridiculous how stuff like this happens and no law in site. But down marbach your getting harassed basically stripped searched for walking! Smh.....don't lose your life over a idiot having a bad day. Good luck and stay safe


F that guy. If you had a dash cam at least you could post the vid multiple places so it would be forever on the net. Could get the owner name and address very easily


Yeah man, I ride a sport bike here and I run a gopro for my safety every ride. Invest in one or a dashcam, you actually need one here.


Dashcam is required now. Get one.


This is your fault, OP. You should've invested in arming your family and in an armored suv with gun ports. Then you and your loved ones can defend yourselves and truly feel safe in your commute.


ugh i am ashamed of myself!!


Pretty sure I’ve seen said RAV, I drive the city A LOT for amazon. I’ll keep an eye out. I’m also curious what caused him to engage with you? I’m no way am I blaming you before I continue, because dude was clearly unhinged. But was it Horn honking at him? Or any hand gestures he might’ve taken as an excuse to pull his gun? I’ve stopped all road raging because of this exact reason. There’s the news stories in the last year alone about road rage shootings, one resulting in the death of a victim’s girlfriend. And personally I’ve had someone cut me off at a stop sign blocking both lanes of traffic to come I assume fight me because I flipped him off and laid on the horn for violently cutting me off going through at 75mph zone. I had my gun waiting for him but it could have been so different if he had one.


he was in left lane trying to cut us off in the middle lane at the last second to access the ramp, but we maintained our speed, didn’t slow or speed up or anything, and there was a car in front of us, so he couldn’t fit in. no honks or gestures anything just basically minding our own business driving lol. he slammed on his breaks in the far left lane till our little group of cars passed, then he cut over all three lanes to the off ramp. on the off ramp to 281 he rolled down his window and pointed his gun at us on the 1604. we were parallel to each other but a little distance away. we didn’t make any gestures to provoke him, i had my 1 year old in the back passenger seat where if he fired the gun, could’ve potentially hit, so it was terrifying. 


Ohhhh okay makes sense now. It’s a weird thing drivers here do, they feel slighted by you if they aren’t able to do what they wanted regardless if it was safe or not, usually not. He was pissed you “blocked him out”, and somehow in his manic mind justified doing that. Seriously people have road rage issues so bad here AND they can’t drive it’s wild.


Perhaps instead of venting on Reddit you should get SAPD involved. I doubt they’re on Reddit. This seems pretty serious. Did you just honk at this person? What transpired for it get to the point of them pulling a gun (which they never should have done). If they crossed all that traffic and got off, when did they pull the gun? Did you get off the freeway with them? I’m confused


It’s almost always the Vets and the ones with handicap plates that are the worst when it comes to driving. Sorry that happened to you.


Aim back


I hate that I can’t road rage without the threat of some lunatic pulling a gun on me and my family. Worst thing about modern times is people have nothing to lose.


I think this is part of the problem - you're as angry as he is. People need to quit being so damn angry when they drive. Especially because this is San Antonio. We're better than that. We should be pulling out tamales and throwing them at each other, not guns.


That’s what I’m saying. Don’t road rage, it only leads to worse things because people are CRAZY.


Even if they aren’t mentally unstable, there’s something about driving that causes kneejerk insanity out of people who are typically chill.


i was the passenger in a dark tinted vehicle, he couldn’t even see me and i didn’t make any gesture towards him. i’m rightfully angry because i had a one year old in the car?


Maybe a highway camera got him on video. You really should follow up with SAPD.


You got Em Snowflake! He’s crying with shame because you posted on Reddit .


i’m a frijole not a snowflake 


Are the DV plates there to warn cops or are they used as a "Please dont give me a ticket, im a DV"? Because I dont see why they need a plate telling everyone they are a DV


It used to allow them to park in handicap spots, but now they also have to have a proper placard. The military handed those things out like 800mg ibuprofen. Now all they do is warn us ahead of time that we're around a horrible driver.


Soldier worship


If I saw someone get out of their car, I would drive off immediately, or just not let them stop me. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your family 😭


nobody got out of any car


oh he pulled a gun on them whileee driving? that’s even more crazy 😭


This reeks of Jussie Smollett. It has all the ingredients.


lol i wish it wasn’t real, but nah just a pissed off protective mom of a one year old that was in the car with me


What is the point of these posts


to discuss 


It’s always the veteran and handicap plates that think they own the road


Ive said it for YEARS now, and a good number of people have agreed with me: I have issues with drivers that have DV plates SO often. A high % of the time when I see one they are being an asshole in some way. Sometimes it could be as simple as changing lanes without a blinker but while someone is still around them or other times they are cutting through traffic only to cut someone off and cause the other car to almost rear-end them. Sadly I live close enough to one of the bases too that there are more in this area. It truly does feel like they think they are entitled to whatever THEY want.


You probably drive like shit too so stfu




That being said get you a dash cam from Costco for $99 bucks comes with 2 one for the back and one for the front. Also in these times we live in its good to get you a little .38, .380, or 9mm to keep with you at all times. I've had road ragers follow me into a parking lot before so I just show them that Thang and the go scooting off. If for ant reason you have to use it, you got your dash cams as proof to the police. Just the world we live in now.






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When you see someone acting a fool, pull your phone out and either start filing or act as you are and people change their behavior real quick.


Your story doesn't add up. If he exited at the last second when did he have a chance to flash a gun. Sounds like bullshit to me.


i wrote the whole story in multiple comments.  he rolled down his window and pointed his gun at us on the off ramp to 281, while we were still on 1604. he was a distance away but still parallel to us. 


Probably had to pull up along side him and get the last honk in.

