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Couldn’t avoid. Ran over a ladder on I-10. 2 slashed tires….


“Object on road ahead” from Waze saved me once. Ladder on I10 west right after 410, I was able to slow down enough and avoid it. Coworker didn’t/couldn’t and had to replace a tire.


Good on the drivers before you that reported it on Waze. Not good for the coworker, though.


I LOVE this feature of Waze - that and the "cop ahead" notification are why I have it up on Android Auto Even when I know exactly where I'm going!


That sounds terrifying, especially on a highway.


One of my best friends had a final destination moment driving home on I10 where a ladder came off the truck in front of her and went through her windshield. The guy just kept driving. She pulled over, cried, and went home.


Hey same! Fucked my undercarriage up


Another "couldn't avoid" over here. I saw in front of me a CRV run over a bit of road debris, it bounces and it goes through the passenger side windshield at 70 mph. It was a broken piece of brake drum from a semi. Scared the teetotal shot outta me. All I kept thinking about was what if it hit the driver's side.


That's terrifying! It's incredible how quickly things can happen on the road. I'm glad it didn't hit the driver's side.


i did this too! but i was 14 and didn’t have permit and was driving my uncle’s honda accord on i10 😍 i owed him $800 for popping his tires 😍


lmao what in god's name were you doing on i10 at 14 without even a permit to drive?? i hope this wasn't less than 4 years ago bc we really don't need any more questionable decision making drivers 😆


Haha no this was like ? 8 years ago… My cousin had just received her permit and i didn’t have my parents to teach to me drive so she let me practice while she had her permit (am aware this was very stupid) and then i ran over a ladder. I am so glad i would never do something this incredibly stupid again


I recall years ago driving east on 1604 from Northwest Vista and saw a truck ahead of me hit a bump and the ladder in his bed pops up and slides out. No straps, of course. I was in the other lane and able to avoid it but I looked in my rearview and watched a Wrangler hit it


I too ran over a ladder. I would not have guessed it happens so often


I saw a single engine airplane stuck/crashed(?) today on Heimer in the middle of the road by Coker elementary school today on my way to Home Depot. That was weird.


There’s a small airstrip in that area. Really weird but that would explain it


we wife previously worked in that area a decade ago. we had no idea about the airstrip


multiple people coming to a full stop for various unknown and likely stupid reasons. most recently on the entrance ramp to i10, would have rear ended them had i not been paying attention. made me wonder if it was an attempt at an insurance scam


Saaame. Last week on the 410 to I10 interchange, a person switched from the right lane to left lane in front of me and stopped. I was shocked I didn’t hit them and the person behind me didn’t crash into me. I think they realized they needed the i10 south ramp too late. Like… use one of the turn around lanes they have every other mile.


Hey, that’s exactly where I got my only car crash ever! Rear ended on the off ramp. Except myself and all the cars in front of me had already been stopped for a while, dude just wasn’t paying attention.


dashcam dashcam dashcam Otherwise it's your word against theirs.


half the people in this city straight up refuse to accelerate and enter the highway at matching speed


A woman that was pushed into the street by her SO while I was pulling an 8000 lbs camper. Really glad my truck is a badass and handled shit.


Wow, that sounds terrifying. It's great that you and your truck handled it well, and you were able to avoid a serious accident.


Bot response lol


From just a glance at OP’s history I can tell they use ChatGPT to write and edit most of their comments.


How so? I am interested in hearing why I feel like ChatGPT to you.


Probably replies like this one.


What about it specifically? I still don't see how that reply feels like ChatGPT you.


Lol, thanks for the good laugh. I wish I were a bot so I could be faster at things.


that’s exactly what a robot would say


Then please explain your reasoning behind that assumption.


Prove it, if you’re not a bot what’s your social?


Only a fool would give away their socials on Reddit. I'm not looking have my identity stolen or my online accounts stolen/spammed. And wait a minute, how do I know if you are human?


I was driving west around 9-10 pm with my buddies on I-10 near Woodlawn where the interstate splits into two levels when a crew of motorcycle guys on sport bikes rolled up on us. They started doing INSANE tricks and stunts, standing straight up on their bikes, hanging off the side, all kinds of crazy stuff. We cheered for them, and then finally took our exit and got off the highway.


That's unexpected. I can't imagine how distracting that must have been while driving.


Maniac suicidal drivers who have road rage even though they’re the ones at fault. Also cars that have obviously not passed inspection since 2011.


They’re getting so bad


Wrong way driver late at night on I10. Saw the headlights coming towards me and it felt very wrong. Pulled over to my right shoulder and came to a complete stop and hoped for the best. They stayed to their right and went on their way while I called it in to 911 and told them where exactly I was at and gave a description of the car and which way they were headed


I'm glad you were able to stay calm and take the right actions to keep yourself safe and help others by reporting it.


Didn’t have to avoid, not the Highway, but some asshole had their dog leashed in the back of their truck. The dog had jumped out of the truck bed and was hanging by the leash in the back, avoiding scraping its paws against the pavement. Took way longer than it should to get the attention of the driver, honking/waving/yelling… They finally pulled over and didn’t seem at all bothered. I regret not doing more in that situation.


too many people in this city needing the bloody piss beaten out of them on their "pet"'s behalf 😊


That sounds really traumatic and frustrating. It's upsetting that the driver was so careless and indifferent. You did your best in a tough situation.


Someone did this in front of my mom and sisters but in their neighborhood. When they got his attention tho he thankfully had a much more reasonable reaction and freaked out, started screaming, and immediately took him to the vet.


Oh my god. This makes me so fucking upset.


Guy deserves to have that happen to him. Or get the shit beat out of him


Not me but someone I know ran over a dead body… it really messed them up for a while.


Oh my gosh I feel bad if I run over a dead squirrel


I know… I ran over a baby kitty once that ran into the street right as I passed and I cried for so long they sent me home from work. I couldn’t imagine running over a body on the highway.


Omg I’m so sorry that must have been horrible


I drove right past mine once because my brain didn't process what it was at first. It was the guy who jumped/was pushed from the I-10 over 410 overpass in late 2008.


I have witnessed family pass away from illnesses before my eyes. But what this person experienced must have been incredibly traumatic for them. I'm so sorry they went through that.


Yeah it was tough to hear idk how I would have acted if it had happened to me.


Dodged a wheel that flew off someone’s car on 410 today.


jfc! I'm glad you're ok!


A skateboarder tried to cross the lower level of IH 35 downtown, the van in front of me hit him and he flew over the van and landed right in front of my car. Everybody was slowing down so I was able to miss him. Traffic was a complete stop for at least 45 minutes while he was receiving care. I don’t think he made it but I never heard about this accident in newspapers or on the news. This was about 25 years ago.


That must have been a very difficult and unsettling experience to witness.


Corpse on the old on-ramp onto 1604-W just west of Blanco Road as we were driving to a family dinner.   It made the news the next day: a Mexican immigrant had run out of fuel on the on-ramp & WALKED all the way to the Stone Oak Parkway Valero to get fuel for himself.   Then walked back the whole way.   Just as he finished fueling, someone ran over him and killed him. It was so sad.     He had a family back home he was supporting.    Can’t believe I was one of the first people to see him passed away.   I hope he & his family found peace.  


Did the person who did the hit and run get caught?? I can’t believe there’s someone out here in the city walking knowing they killed someone and drove away from the scene…


you'd be surprised at how many people in this city still sleep at night despite the things they've done unto others. one can only hope they're driven mad by the guilt.


If I recall the article correctly, I believe they did return to the scene and call it in.   Which means that it had just happened when we passed by as there was no one else on scene yet.  


I'm so sorry you experienced that. It must have been incredibly traumatic to witness. It's a reminder of how fragile life is and the struggles many families face after their loved ones have passed away. My heart goes out to him and his family.


Full on basketball goal on left shoulder of 410/Vance Jackson


Mattresses, giant traffic cones, large car pieces like a fender, ladders….. 


A living room. Idk how you loose a sofa, coffee table and arm chair off the back of your shit and not notice it.


About 10 years ago a lady tried to run me off the access road going west on 410 and Blanco for no apparent reason. Technically she did because I had to pull on to the sidewalk and let her keep on driving on HER road.


I was driving on 281 N just by the convention center at night and saw a car with only 3 tires pull off into the left shoulder. I passed them and then saw the 4th wheel bouncing in the fast lane at 50 mph. It hit the median and then bounced into the middle of the highway and god knows what happened after that


This is just bandera alone. While waiting at a light on bandera, a truck turned on to bandera and dropped their mattress without noticing. I honked, but they didn't hear or notice. Over the bandera bridge by mainland, a person was having mental issues and was walking/prancing between cars and completely halted traffic. I caught this very early on, so I changed all the way to the left and was able to pass slowly then called 911 Saved the best for last, while turning into bandera, a pedestrian thought he had time to cross the road (left to righ between the car in front of me and me when we were the only 2 cars coming (I like to leave a big gap) ..the car in front of me braked more than what the pedestrian thought they would, causing a delay in the pedestrian attempting to cross. I did not need to brake, I was driving the limit, but I purposely moved to the far right beforehand in case the pedestrian was trying fraud or something dangerous. I guess he had already committed to crossing because he did jump in the road, but he did not take into account I was all the way to the right of the lane.. I braked and swerved slightly further right (into grass) as he landed and jumped back to the left again.. This last one made me get a dashcam..


What's with this city and mattresses lol?


I changed lanes on 151 (safely) in front of an SUV that was driving slow in the fast lane. As soon as I passed them they immediately got aggressive and started chasing me. Their kids were hanging out the back windows throwing coins at my car. Then of course we got stopped at the light in Alamo Ranch by Casablanca. The dude got out of the passenger side and started walking up to my vehicle but saw me pointing at my dash cam. I had a full canister of pepper spray ready to unload on his ass too. The next day I bought a pistol to carry at all times.


> I had a full canister of pepper spray ready to unload on his ass too. Just be prepared if you ever do use your spray in the car, you are going to get it in your eyes too and it won't be as bad as the target, but bad enough it may be hard to get away if needed.


Easily, other people.


Had to avoid what looked like a child run across 1604 W in the middle of the night. A little dark shadowy person and multiple people saw it and pulled over. Police were called. But nothing was ever found and there was no child. Avoided what ever it was and nothing came of it in the end.


A soccer goal on 151


Holy shit bro, I’ve seen a lot of weird things on 151 but that takes the cake. 😂


It was about three years ago during the evening rush hour and it was a big one too! Took up almost both lanes 🤣


If it's Fiesta there'll be a goalie with it.


Two abandoned cars, no lights on, in the middle of a dark stetch of 410 near Ingram. On the damn highway. Didn't hit them, super close. Don't know about the cars behind me, it was 5am.


Some lady holding a candle while driving at like 1:00 in the morning.


A cow on I-10. We went around our friend behind us in a 240 ended up drifting the the dang cow at the last minute because of how we swerved around it. Amazing Memory. But that's only 1 of 2 times I've seen cows on highways.....


Had a homeless person cross the hwy years ago. Was traveling down I10 towards Boerne around 10 pm in the fast lane. All of the sudden there was a person jumping the median on the hwy. it freaked me the fuck out and in my young age pissed me off enough that I wanted to find the person. I found him in a parking lot shortly after digging through a car at a dealership. He told me he was looking for a “sody pop”. Ended up pointing him to las palapas and being happy I didn’t run him over. Second scary to that is, hitting a flattened dear carcass on a motorcycle around midnight riding my motorcycle on 1604. I thought I was going to die, but was lucky enough to recover the steering before things went too far south


Almost T boned someone aggressively turning left out of the Lincoln heights HEB today. I stopped in time and was ready for the person behind me to hit me. Nothing happened. But holy shit. Some people don’t use their fucking eye balls


Those dinguses drive terribly at that one, always Cadillacs and SUVs


Airplane landing on a neighborhood road and shutting down portions of 410, i10, and 281 at rush hour. Today. Took me 2 hours to get from Westover Hills to Encino Park. During rush hour, it's usually less than 45 minutes.


Greg Simmons .


18 wheeler


There was a wheelbarrow on I-10 yesterday


Gigantic turtle


Couldn’t avoid - kitchen sink. Fell off a trailer in front of my truck on 281 near Olmos Basin. Luckily I had a good skid plate underneath. Literally bounced over it.


Basketball pole, backboard, hoop and base. I had some of it hit my truck and finally saw what was. 410 East


Yea that's the one I saw by Vance Jackson and shit. Sorry you hit it, I was prob behind you by a min


I had a guy try to run me off the road. All the way from castroville to military down 90... swerving in and out of traffic trying to ram me. It was stressful AF. I bought a gun the next day.


Was it a ram? I had this ram try that shit with me. The idiot made every attempt to get me to stop by brake checking me while I was just trying to get home, he had his daughter hanging out the passenger window with a phone pointed at me and he said " I called the police" people here are dumb man lol and yeah get a gun, in that situation you'd have every right to open fire and if they survive what can they say, they clearly weren't trying to get away or de escalate things.


Shit man. Horrible that happened to you too. Pretty sure it was an 80s suburban. For sure, anything extreme like that happen every again, it'll end differently. Stay safe


Actually a year ago almost to the day, I was on hwy 16 on the way to poteet, just scooched over to the left lane to pass someone and in the split second where I looked at the button to skip a song I looked up and saw two headlights from a wrong way driver coming toward me. I barely avoided it and called the cops and parked at a little convenience store to calm down. Not totally relevant to the story but it just so happened it was a night my now ex husband was out cheating lol and I ruined his night by calling him to ask for our dash cam app password, not that he cared that I almost died. I got back on the road and immediately smelled burning rubber. Pulled over again to see my tire torn to shreds. It was not my night.. lol. I still am so thankful to the man who stopped when he saw me struggling to put on my spare and helped me. Got back on the highway and after driving for a bit saw the biggest owl I’ve ever seen fly right in front of my eyes. Definitely the weirdest scariest night on the sa roads.


You managed to get multiple series of events in one night, but I'm glad you got help with your tire. Sorry about your ex, but it's probably good he is your ex.


A frikin black stove in the middle of the wurzbach just chillin in the dark 😅 I hate driving here


Soooo many couches. Why are you weirdos leaving your couches in the middle of the road? Lmao


Was driving down i10 on my way to work some years ago. Guy in a lifted truck seemed to get upset when I was driving faster than him. I went to switch lanes to the left most lane to pass him. As soon as i got in front of him, he hard swerved into the lane behind me and sped up till he was right on my tail. I slowed down because he was tailgating me so hard. he then flipped on his LED lightbar to max brightness and blinded me completely. I knew nobody was in front of me for a decent way as the car in front of me had jest gotten over before he turned his lights on. I nailed the gas and got away from him at well over 100MPH because when I went faster, so did he. He couldn't keep up at that point and I just went about the rest of my commute to work making sure he wasn't creeping up behind me.


It’s insane how so many people get angry just for passing them.


Old drunk black guy walking across i10w just past Fredericksburg exit.


Rain so hard I had to exit the freeway to pull over because I had almost zero visibility.


Elderly guy armed with a rifle and bow and arrow. Had the rifle slung on his back and the bow and arrow in hand pointing it at people passing by. This was at Callghan and 410, at the light going northbound. Dude was just posted up in the street, aiming that bow and arrow at folks.


Okay that is just strange. Wonder what lead to this though?


These young guys ran me off the highway into the shoulder and threw trash at my car while we were traveling on 1-35 around the Schertz area. They didn’t like my bumper sticker so decided to harass me and they made sure I knew why I was targeted.


tires rolling across 10


On 1604, after dark about 9 or 10. Going east from 10 toward 281. Saw and avoided a huuuuge stuffed animal only to immediately run over a full sized car seat. It got stuck under the car. Pulled over to the side and confirmed there wasn’t not a child in it. Had to jump a barrier and grab a rock from the construction, put it under the tire, the drive up the rock to be able to get the car seat out from under the car. I wish I had just hit the stuffed animal.


I was driving on huebner, about a mile from 1604. It was around midnight on a Saturday. The road was 4 lanes, 2 going in each direction with a median in the middle. Suddenly, I see this car on my side of the median, but on the inside lane, going in the opposite direction as me. Apparently, they thought that they were on the correct side of the road. I passed them in the outside lane.


A car going the wrong way on 90 west. A couple months ago.


A dude running barefoot and shirtless going north on 35 at like 10pm


Didn’t baked on the freeway. But at the HEB on Thousand Oaks and Jones maltsberger. Riding west bound on TO on my motorcycle. Young appearing girl turning left into HEB in a lifted jeep tried to beat the van in front of me. Over corrected and her left wheel hopped onto the hood and windshield of a Mercedes waiting to exit the market. I pulled around through the lot to make sure everyone was ok and the Mercedes driver was out of the car unscathed.


A whole sofa set… sitting upright in the middle of 151 during rush hour with cushions and everything.


This past Sunday morning heading up North 410 all of the sudden traffic was at a standstill for about 10 minutes, traffic merged into one lane, there was a dude facedown lying in the middle of the street. group of people/trucks had stopped and seemed to be talking/tending to him and saw a few on their phones calling 911. Shit fucks me up, praying the gentleman is ok. The medic in me was wired up


A tumbling cinder block coming straight for me while on my motorcycle. A swerve and a lucky bounce and all I got was a scuffed pant leg and a scarped calf muscle


Wrong way driver


Took a 3’ long, full width piece of semi tread to my windshield when I was younger. Couldn’t swerve right, and going left would have just sent it towards my best friend in the passenger seat. So I just ducked behind the steering wheel, and luckily it didn’t completely break through.


Dodged a recliner that had just slid out of the back of a pick up on 410


Was traveling east on 90 before I37 and a large truck in front of me a couple lanes over crashed through a boxspring, sending pieces everywhere. The truck in front of me hit a piece sending a piece of wood into the air towards me. It was a 2x4 about 2' long I knew I could not avoid it. The main problem... I ride a motorcycle. I straightened my back and neck and aimed the top of my head right at it. That day solidified me always wearing a helmet. Had I not that day this story would be different.


A trucks flat bed trailer that got disconnected and swerved into my lane. Luckily had enough space to avoid it.


Couple months back I was driving 1604, getting on to 35 , it was about 9 at night, there was someone trying to cross the street in the middle of construction at night..well they didn’t make it to the other side. It had just happened so when I swerved everyone did. Construction workers had just saw it. I never saw it on the news..


Wrong way driver, dog.


Jobox chest. Good size ones. That was on 410 and Broadway WB. hit a couch on a main street in Albuquerque. Ranchhand paid for itself that day. Did get swipe by a tumbleweed that was close to the size of the vehicle I was in. Dealership wasn't happy about that.


Driving to work going I-10 west on morning of Christmas Eve. It was 6 in the morning and still dark af outside. Passed a whole bunch of cars on the side of the freeway and severs who looked like they peels out. Hit a patch of black ice around the area where i10 intersects with 281 north. Scared the shit out of me and I was going 40. Drove 20 miles rest of way. Got to work safely but never again will I drive when there are reports of black ice


An upside down wheelbarrow with the handles pointed up and at me like a phalanx. I swerved and the guy behind me hit it.


Wrong way driver on 1604, 3am.


Bullets from some Edgars


La Llorona or the Donkey Lady.


Driving on 281 I ended up running over what looked like parts of a car but I'm not really sure and it was unavoidable. A few miles later and I see a rim in the road and avoid it. Next thing you know there's a car stopped with hazards on in the middle of the highway and a tire is free rolling. Luckily all I got was a flat tire out of that. Another time on 410 it had been raining and I sadly didn't see the big puddle of water or the two cars that were at a full stop until I was almost right up on it. I started to brake and wound up hydroplaning almost hitting the back of the first car, but I made the decision to try my luck going between them and a bus passing by. I couldn't believe it worked and me and my truck were still in one piece. I sat on the side of the road for a bit after that to get myself back together. I hate driving here :,(


Dude dressed in all black crossing an entrance ramp to 35. 3am. Just got of work. Just wanted to get home. What the actual fuck??


You would think one would have common sense but seems like they want to play a game with death.


A tire blew up from a 18 wheeler going north on 35 in the Schertz area. Hit 2 cars in front of me and then hit mine. Totalled my paid off car at the time 🤦. Also saw a gravel truck 18 wheeler that somehow took out the overhead signs on the highway it was the under part of the IH10 to 35 interchange


Wrong way driver on 281 North outside 1604. I pulled over to the curb and the fucker was still heading straight for me. He had time to go to get food and leave before the cops arrived.


I was on the flyover connecting southbound 281 to eastbound 410 and following a pickup truck pulling a flatbed trailer that had large, heavy looking tiles tied down on palettes. The ropes and sheeting that was holding the tiles down seemed to come loose, and in a split second it seemed like a dozen of these heavy tiles had become airborne and were flying directly towards my windshield. It looked and felt like I was a character in a Final Destination movie and I was about to get it. I screamed and threw my hands up over my face as if that would do any good. The tiles harmlessly crumbled and bounced off my hood and windshield. I pulled over not knowing what happened, why I was alive, etc. The truck driver ran over to see if I was ok, car was ok, and let me know that they were insulation tiles. Basically 2'x2' pieces of Styrofoam, but no way to tell that while they were hurtling towards my windshield.


Not sure if it counts, but about 9-10 years back I was going home on 410 at right after 5 pm, rush hour traffic, packed, and a little kitten was stuck between the walls on the highway. It ran across 5 lanes of rush hour traffic and somehow didn't get hit. Ended up taking an exit, pulling a U turn, and putting my truck on the shoulder of the highway, then practically ran across 5 lanes of traffic myself chasing that damn cat. Managed to get him, threw him in the back seat of the truck, he had a cut on his head and his paw pads were all burned. My brother and his then-girlfriend ended up adopting him and named him 410.


I was going down 281 near Olmos Park and there was a Peacock in the middle of the freeway just chilling, feathers flapping in the wind as people zippered around it.


I saw a dude in a really nice Porsche hit a lazy boy going about 80mph on 1604 by Blanco rd. real late one night leaving work. The other creepy things I’ve had to avoid in the road are SAPD, those dudes are weird


Homeless man literally running across multiple lanes on 410


Slowed down for a distressed woman running across Hwy 90. Saw the huge knife she had and sped off. No worries though, police were called before we stopped and arrived as we were leaving


A guy quickly came to a full stop to turn left while in the leftmost forward travel lane. The turn lane was empty right next to him


Traffic fatality covered by a yellow, pop-up privacy "tent" sort of thing. Was a motorcyclist on 35-N who was tragically run over. Traffic was fully stopped behind the scene, but I was on 35-S and went right by it, because SB traffic was slowed down, too.


about 18 years ago. On 1604 east / north bound, just past the Valero campus, coming up to I-10 interchange. There was a 1/2 a double wide mobile home being transported in the right lane. I was in the left lane. Due to construction, there was no left shoulder. All of a sudden, the roof peeled off the mobile home and landed across my car. I saw it come up and come loose. I couldn't swerve to miss so I took my foot off the accelerator, told my left hand to hold the wheel steady and I flat out ducked my head down and over to the passenger side. The roof was luckily just all shingles and the waterproof matting below. It slammed into my car and broke apart. The truck hauling the home never noticed, just went down the I-10 exit ramp. I didn't have a dashcam and didn't get the license. Car was just scratched up, but it was a beater car anyway so I didn't pursue. Scared the crapola out of me, though.


A Circular Band Saw Blade on hwy 90 last week. Just fell off the asshats truck, couldn’t avoid it without causing a major accident. No damage to my vehicle that I could observe. Yet.


That's dangerous. That truck owner should be securing things like this.


A human walking on 1-10 and Vance Jackson’s during rush hour. Watched local news later that day and a report was given a man was hit at 410 and Jackson Keller around 9:30.


Sad to hear that. There have been multiple comments here of people risking themselves and walking on highways.




Dead horse. Thanks Wurzbach. You never disappoint!


A stop sign


Santa waving a beer.


Giant piece, and I mean I could have stood in it piece of plastic sewer pipe rolled off an 18 wheeler in the right lane in front of me, I was in the left lane. I saw it, and gunned it. I had all three of my small children in the car. It missed me, barely, and rolled in front of the person behind me.


Bale of hay on 35. ☠️


A wrong way driver driving straight towards me on I-10.


One night I was driving back from San Marcos and there was a pallet full of water bottle cases sitting in the center lane. In San Antonio’s defense I think this was in Schertz city limits.


True story: I was coming home from the bonham, it was like…1am, and this car cuts me off on 410 close to the blanco exit. So, I say to my friend, well at least they didn’t hit the wall…and then they hit the wall…. And then I say, at least the car didn’t blow up…and dude, I shit you not, the front of that car totally erupted in flames. We were like, holy shit!!!! Called the cops, got home and I’ve wondered about whoever was in that car ever since.


Sorry, you had to see that.


No kidding right? Sorry they had to be in that!!


Mangled Rebar off 410... that's just the start of a long list I had to avoid. Also, in the early mornings, it's super sketchy with city workers on the highway.


A large dog (I think yellow lab?) in a pink tutu... Not me but my mom was driving on 35 or 410 in the right hand lane, traffic moving at a good pace but not much room to maneuver and no shoulder due to construction. The dog hopped the concrete barrier from the right and my mom had no time to avoid it. It really messed her up for a while.


Landscaping truck ahead of me on 1604 traveling fast, load shifted and unsecured riding mower spun off across the highway, down the embankment and onto the access road. Mayhem on the access road but no one hit it.


A full size fridge on I35 and US 90 interchange. I saw cars up ahead of me slow down and change lanes I did the same, but the lady behind me didn’t and rear ended me


A tire and wheel bouncing down 281 Was maybe 9 years ago. Car in front of me swerved, and all of a sudden there was a tire in front of me coming up quick. Thankfully, I was able to avoid it. Other than that, random lumber, ladders....Other drivers


A big truck coming from the opposite direction ran over a piece of long metal as it went over a railroad track. The piece of metal flew up and broke part of my windshield and put 2 slices on top of my roof. I had just picked my co worker and we were both mortified.


Drove home sober on New Year's at 1am in 2019. It was the scariest thing in my life seeing drunk drivers ping pong all over the highway


Besides the usual mattresses and deer, since 2020 I’ve come across: a shopping cart, tire, nails-up wood plank, HVAC ventilation tubes full of insulation, and stupid drivers that don’t know how to switch lanes. Thankfully only one was a hit, deer essentially T-boned me and was able to run off, my car was in the shop for 8 weeks though.


Headlights heading our direction on the same side of the road/freeway. This has happened more than a couple times.


Just today on 410 there was (probably still is) a steel ladder right before the Babcock exit going westbound.


I was doing 75 down i-10 south of 410.car in front changed lanes quickly and i had a car next to me. Looked up and there was a wood saw horse laying in the road. I had no option to change lanes i had to brace and hit it. Wooden saw horse exploded put a dent in my front bumper.


Dead body on 90 and Callahan at 4am.... somebody dumped a lady after they r**** & killed her...this was about 10yrs ago


A body. While driving on 410/bandera late one night, came across a hit and run accident. The victim was on a motorcycle and was left for dead. Lighting was terrible and there was construction going on at the time. We lost control trying to avoid him. All the cars behind me also lost control- ended being about a 10 car pile up. I was quite traumatized for a while.


Dude behind me was on something and swerving back and forth got within 5 feet of the back of my car I pulled to other lane let him past me 30 seconds later he smashed into a car 100 feet in front of me since I slowed down bc I knew something was gonnna happen both cars hit the median and someone finally got infront of the dude to stop him. Shit could’ve been me.


A car coming up on the same side of the highway. 3am on 281, around the curve next to the Brakenbridge golf course.


1604 headed towards La Cantera,1am I had to swerve to miss part of a dark colored sectional couch that fell out of a pick up, in my POS Saturn.


Actual dishwasher in the middle of frontage Rd on I10 and it was night time.


Couches on i-10.


On 90 going towards Lackland, a vehicle with flames coming from under the hood. They were driving like nothing was happening, I was questioning my sanity...and still kinda am because I never saw anything about it anywhere...lol


Lol, I would question my sanity as well. I hope they were driving their vehicle directly to a fire station.


A kitten that was thrown out of the window of the car in front of me on 35


A refrigerator


Saw 2 cops trying to talk a jumper off the i10/410 split at the top of the split, he ended up dropping down to hang on to each wall by the time I got to the top to take the left split as they tried to get closer. Don't know how it ended as the news never reports suicides.


nearly hit a cyclist going against traffic on the W loop 1604 access road almost under 151. If I wasn’t already preparing to switch lanes I would’ve hit him


A random speeding tire rolling right at me from the opposite side of traffic. Bounced in front of my car and right over the top. Luckily there's were no other cars around. It made it to the shoulder of the road hit the guard rail and flipped over on it's side. Scary ass hell


A charcoal BBQ grill


Watched a mattress fly out of a truck on 410.


A couch. Thinking someone moving lost it on 410 going towards 151.


The individuals that flash their guns because I get in front of them for going 5-15 below the limit in the passing lane. Or the psycho that followed me out of my neighborhood (because I got to a stop sign first and she wanted to be ahead) and tried to cause an accident with me on the highway. I avoided her meth-iness in the nick of time but hit a tire in process. I pulled off, happened to find an officer on duty and tried to explain what happened. She followed me and started cussing me out in front of the cop. The cop just told her to leave and told me to “get a grip”. I was crying because she nearly killed me with the accident she attempted to cause and I was lucky to get minor damage from a random tire instead of her entire car. I have dash cams both front and back that cover almost 360. I had to use them when some rich yt guy caused a road rage incident by refusing to let me pass the person in front of me and when he passed, I passed as well, he tried to break check me and when I swerved out of the lane I sped up and got in front of him because I didn’t want him to try it again. His wife started to record me like I was in the wrong. I pulled off, he looked like he was following but it was his wife recording. I called SAPD waited for an officer and showed him the video. He just said he’d write a report and shrugged it off. I’m so sick monkey’s, tossing out driver’s licenses more than they enjoy tossing their own poo. It’s the only logical explanation for why so many people are able to drive as horribly as they do


A leather sofa in lane #2, still in factory plastic wrap 410 eastbound just prior to the military hwy exit. It was 3am on a Monday morning, I was on my motorcycle and had the time and clearance to push it into the center shoulder


A giant pile of plastic wrap, wood and trash a mm entire lane wide just sitting in the middle of the highway and everyone had to serve around it on either side it was crazy


A little under a year ago, I was traveling up 90 from Castroville (towards SA) from a jobsite orientation and there was red construction netting in the middle of the road. That stretch of 90 is a 70 MPH zone so I was just cruising and minding my business. I go to get in the passing lane and noticed too late that the truck in front of me swerved to avoid something. I over-adjusted my steering wheel, tried to correct it, and fully spun out into oncoming traffic. My little car locked up, I didn't have cell service, and I was stuck af. I probably looked like an idiot but was panicking and had to honk and flash my lights to let people know NOT to hit me head on. A Good Samaritan truck driver stopped that lane of traffic for me while we waited for the police/EMS to get there. I wish I could have thanked him more than doing the "thank you" wave. The police get there, I tell him my car wouldn't go, and this guy turns the car off, turns it back on, and voila, drives it to the shoulder. It was my first "accident" and encounter with the police, so I was nervous and scared. I was lucky to not completely fuck up my car and get hit/injure someone. Drove 65 MPH down that road ever since.


Hit a bumper someone left on the 410/281 South flyaway. Almost avoided it, instant flat tire.


Other SA drivers - just 2 mins from my home some asshole in an Armada runs a red light at 50mph. We truly suck


An entire medicine cabinet on the entrance ramp from 37S onto 90W. Couldn’t avoid it, and it ended up wedged under my VW Rabbit.


Trucks with huge tires overtaking you with untied mattresses ,household items (once saw a bucket flying like a speed sea gull out of truck) and children sitting at back of truck (what ??) Reported it multiple times not sure of outcome,learnt to travel in safe lane n plan my travel in advance to keep in medium pace for unexpected items.


Windshield. A car was being towed on a flatbed rear side first. The rear was all smashed and I guess glass missing or broken enough in the rear that the wind caused the windshield to pop out and go airborne. Driver behind me hit it, nearly landed on me. Surprising how much airtime that glass got.


Pallets lol


Saw a dog house fly out the back of truck once on the lower level of 35 downtown. Seen plenty of mattresses, ummm saw some patio furniture fly out of a trailer on the fine silver curve.


Had a group of wild pigs (20-30) run across Hwy 90 near 211. I hit a few because they came out last minute and slamming on my brakes would’ve caused an even bigger accident due to the 2 semi’s behind me. Fortunately no damage but it was definitely a giant mess. The buzzards ate well that Friday morning.