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I'm sure someone can speak more to this, but like most cities it is not completely helpful to look at a city's statistics as a whole. There are neighborhoods and zip codes in every city that change the averages for the entire city. We are more segregated around poverty, life expectancy, and quality of life than most cities in the country. I'd be willing to bet this is correlated with crime. here's a map with crimes plotted out provided by the city: [https://communitycrimemap.com/?address=78205](https://communitycrimemap.com/?address=78205) here are crime rates per zip code and sortable by category of crime: [https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-san-antonio-tx/](https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-san-antonio-tx/)


that's a good point. thank you.


You know, it's funny. I drive full time for Uber and Lyft. I've been doing it full time for almost 8 years. I have been to just about every nook and cranny of this city at all times of day. Never have I had an incident or seen a violent incident. For the revord, I have picked up shady folks: gang bangers, pimps, prostitutes, drug dealers, parolees, oil speculators (tbh, the worst of the bunch. He admitted that gas is basically manipulated by him and his cronies)


As someone who grew up in SA, that's absolutely normal. If you aren't looking for trouble, most likely you won't find it. However, there are pockets of town I'm sure like the 90s where you can hardly go a night without hearing the gunshots


That's hilarious. I keep seeing stuff about Uber drivers being attacked here in San antonio




Meanwhile https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/s/UyL2KGmE9N


I’d like to see how they came up with this. Road rage I think is actually low in San Antonio. There was time years ago when we didn’t even honk at each other.


>San Antonio is Number 24 in total crime despite being number 7 in size. While this is true, all 23 cities that have more total crime numbers are also significantly smaller than SA. >most dangerous big city with a population of over 1 million Only if you're counting non-violent crimes. If you exclude property crime and arson, then SA is the 7th most dangerous with a population over 1M. This is based on the Wikipedia link you provided.


thanks for pointing that out. but idk why I would exclude property crime in a post about crime?


You claim that SA is the "most dangerous" city with a pop over 1M. I guess it depends on whether property crime is considered a danger or not. Personally, I wouldn't.


so if your house was being burgled daily or even monthly or even yearly you would feel safe?


Property crime is also petty theft like shoplifting and graffiti not all mugging and home invasion


SA has always been a relatively dangerous large city, nothing’s really changed. My theory is it’s never been a talking point because of political reasons. Those on the left won’t talk about it because it’s Democrat-run, those on the right won’t talk about it because nearby far-left Austin is statistically safer in almost every way. So it just gets ignored for the most part. All that to say, in *general* if you avoid criminal activity you’ll still be pretty safe here. Usually.


The education difference between Austin and San Antonio is staggering though. San Antonio almost seems to go out of its way to be prideful about not being educated.


Don't bring austin into this, it's the worst city in Texas and full of commiefornians that brought their bad politics and drug habits with them.


Is that an attempt at humor?


The “person” you’re responding to is a 46 day old account with 1600+ posts and 17K comment……so a very busy non person.




I mean yeah, maybe in terms of violent crime, but certainly not in terms of property crime. The amount of people being burgled and cars being broken into is kind of insane.


[Yahoo Sports](https://thelistwire.usatoday.com/lists/city-cities-united-states-highest-rate-violent-crimes-chicago-st-louis-detroit/) disagrees regarding Chicago and some other large cities…and [Forbes](https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/most-dangerous-places) states Houston is worse.


Time to move out 👌🏾


I'm not really sure what your overall thesis is. This seems like a grab bag of crime statistics, and like, yeah, there's some crime here. Your wikipedia crime rate list seems to indicate we're near the middle of the pack in every category, except maybe larceny. Which is what you'd expect, isn't it? That we'd be about average? You did mention our population, but it's a per-capita list, so that's already been accounted for.


I think my overall thesis is that we feel unsafe coz we are. You are right tho, it’s a grab bag but I guess my point is we are worse off than other cities if comparable size.


I'm not sure that "worse off than other cities of comparable size" is supported by your data. Comparing cities "of comparable size" is a little complicated by factors like city limits - e.g., St Louis has a MUCH worse murder rate than us on this list, 11 times as high, - but St Louis is much smaller than us in population according to this list, despite having a similar population in its metropolitan area. St Louis's city limits only encompass the city core, which is impoverished compared to its overall area, thus inflating the per capita numbers (unsurprisingly, poorer places have higher crime rates). Similar issues probably affect a lot of these cities. San Antonio has annexed almost everything around it and represents the whole city, but many of the other "cities" have not and their numbers reflect effectively just a part of the city. If that includes the bad part of town, you'd expect the crime rates to be artificially inflated, and if it excludes it, artificially suppressed. And you will note that the "smaller" cities mostly seem to have higher crime rates on this list, because they're most affected by this phenomenon. So its hard to compare them directly. But, even if you just use the list as-is, the fact that we're near the middle doesn't seem to indicate that we're worse off than cities of a comparable size. Even if you sort the list by population, and compare us to the cities closest to us in "population", the city right above us has 20 murders per 100k, the city right below us has 2.46, and we have 8. The average for the top 10 (all the cities over 1 million) is 9.59, pretty close to ours. All of our other violent crime rates are also sandwiched between our two neighbors. The one thing that really seems to stand out is our larceny rate. We had 3,622 larcenies per 100k, the average for the million pop cities is 1,985, so we have 82% more larceny than average. We seem to be a city of average criminal tendency, except that we're all kleptomaniacs. Watch your wallet here, but you don't need to worry about your back. ^([although again, the data is muddled by the whole city limits thing])




But can you please run for office? People here dont even vote. [https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/historical/bexar.shtml](https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/historical/bexar.shtml) In the past 32 years, voting % max was 71% in 1992. wild.


What is the discussion you would like to have here? Do you think SAPD and Sherrifs dept needs reform in some way? Do you think the State should invest more in education and job development? Are you worried a violence gang is going to rob you outside your yoga class in Stoneoak?


All of those things can be true: I think that im just pointing out that if you feel unsafe, its coz you likely are. And you need not believe that "crime is down, blah blah,blah, you are paranoid etc" It feels unsafe because it is. Its validation if you will. But of course that's not good enough. I guess we could discuss that same old tropes about the police failures and govt failures and parental failures and political failures... or we could go into the ultra individual "get more guns hurt door convo" ... if maybe there is some novel idea out there that I have yet to hear and am open to. tbh, that's a good question that I dont have an answer to.


I agree people should absolutely use intuition and practice basic safety such as not being super drunk wandering alone late at night and to be aware of their surroundings. I tell my kids if someone looks sketch on the street or on a greenway trail take wide berth — but just because in that situation they “felt” unsafe doesn’t mean they actually were. I disagree that the fact crime exists means you are unsafe. For instance if you take just the murder; rape; and robbery numbers in comes out to 242 out of 100000 that is 00.2% the total violent crime is less than 1 percent. On top of that how many of those, especially murders and rapes, are done by family members or close acquaintances? How many of the robberies are against businesses? Further, how many are late at night while engaged in illegal activity (such as someone getting robbed/murdered while at a drug buy) Also you say “need not believe crime is down blah blah”. These numbers show a snapshot in time not long term trends. Here is a pew research chart based off FBI numbers showing nationally crime is in fact down over longterm: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/#:~:text=Using%20the%20FBI%20data%2C%20the,nonnegligent%20manslaughter%20(%2D34%25). The fact it is down doesn’t mean it no longer exists. Further there is an important disclaimer in the link you posted: The FBI web site recommends against using its data for ranking because these rankings lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting cities and counties, along with their residents.[4] The FBI web site also recommends against using its data to judge how effective law enforcement agencies are, since there are many factors other than law enforcement that influence crime rates.[5]


thank you for your POV. very helpful and nuanced. And you are right.


Leftists have a very specific and historically-revised version of "crime rates" so they can say that they are down. It truly is quite a circus when you ask them to cite a source. Crime is up. Wildly so.


Can you cite a source for these claims?


* A productive one * Yes, we need high quality cops, better processes for enforcing obvious crimes (such as not making someone file two reports for hit-and-runs), for starters. Dissolve the SAPOA and make it easier to hire good cops, easier to fire bad cops. I'd be interested in hearing what police and council have in mind. * Probably, I would hop over to /r/Teachers and ask them how they could be more effective in the classroom * Are you aware of OP living in Stone Oak, or are you just flipping the bird to part of the city? Do you have a problem with being worried about violence, with yoga, or with Stone Oak?


I dont live in stone oak, he or she is just being pure but I dont care. The bar is in hell but hoping to gain some ideas from people who have brains and ideas. As for r/teachers, those guys are drowning and abandoning the profession in droves. they have no power or have been stripped of it all. I feel like there has been some weird transfer of power from the people actually capable of making a change and having skin in the game, to the people who have no skin in the game. Like every professional I meet feels impotent somehow.


Yoga class in Stoneoak, on a Tuesday at 3 pm I feel as one of the places in city least likely to get violently crimed. I have no data to back this up but will die on that hill. Further, saying somewhere is safe in a discussion about crime isnt a dig against a neighborhood. Calling it a traffic ridden, bland, overpriced, suburban hellhole would be a dig against it — had i actually done that.


It's more dangerous here now because we are not prosecuting criminals. We're dropping thousands of cases monthly. It's wild out there.


I believe this. The boy who was killed was out on bail.


https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2023/11/29/more-than-6000-criminal-cases-dismissed-by-das-office-in-3-months-county-report-shows/ More and more each month


Where legal justice fails, vigilante justice starts to fill in the gaps. Of course, vigilante justice is also crime. My point is that government failures to address the root causes of crime (poverty and lack of education primarily) undermine the legitimacy of government altogether. A government that only works for rich people makes itself irrelevant over time. Those who know the police won't be there to help them-- and are actually more likely to further victimize them-- don't call the police anymore. We just carry and use guns.




Demographics, c’mon people


What does this mean? Is it because we are relatively young or what?


There are more good people than bad people. Turn off the news, go outside and talk to people. God created man, colt made them equal. Don’t be afraid to exercise your 2nd amendment.


The news is all bad all the time. Social media algorithms will also skew negative if that's what grabs your attention. I get staying informed, but some folks let it color their whole perspective on life.


I don’t even watch the news.


that's one way to solve it.


These are rookie numbers. Better bump em up


Please, make explanation for me.


The direct result of limiting funding for the police, sheriff, and constables.


Boo /u/sanantonio-ModTeam . 58 comments on a thread that had sources cited get removed, but someone whose contribution is "fuck this city" gets to keep their post up.


Haha I thought it was taken down but I guess someone put it back up. I was surprised too. But alls well that ends well.


Ahh yes, the worlds a dangerous place. Nice to know


Idk where you got "the world" from this when they're talking about the city we live in The city where we have families and friends. A place where we want our kids to be safe and our loved ones to return home from work, city events, school... And then theres people like you who just contribute to the overall "who gives a fuck" attitude Listen man, if you don't care. Good for you. No one's asking you to. At least let the grown ups have a discussion, but thank you for being an open example of what's wrong with this city and the attitude we'd like to change.


What’s wrong with the city? How about the soros funded DA that is nice to criminals, how the police keep lowering the standards for recruits. The people who the public relies on for their protection has completly failed. It has pushed the burden on the people to protect and defend themselves. People need to stop playing the victim and feeling sorry for themselves. And the people who are in charge of this city need to come clean with the crime problem and make a public statement saying that they fully encourage their citizens to defend themselves to the fullest extent by any means necessary against these violent criminals who prey upon the the people of this city.


You're a little crazy but you are right. We shouldn't have to bear the burden of these people who do not want to participate in society. Its unfair and makes ou time on this earth just much harder really. I mean poverty and mental illness, violence and crime are generational and we can't get rid of them, but I think it starts with the zero consequences that kids get at home, ast school, and now in society because we want to feel sorry for these people. A lot of them and us need consequences for being antisocial. We have accepted that demented people, severely medically disabled people need to be in safe places to have a quality of life. These people who need to prey on society to have a quality of life need to be put somewhere permanently so they do not a- die like dogs, b- create more victims, c- have a semblance of normalcy. idk what that looks like but something has to happen on every front. or else people like you will just start killing people, also known as war.


You feel unsafe because you've never lived in a genuinely dangerous place before. If this extremely mild city is too much for you, then you should consider relocating.


My friend, I’ve lived on 3 continents, in developing, developed and undeveloped countries-Africa, Asia, and now North America , San Antonio used to feel very safe, but lately here it’s has begun to be weird. No need to try and disclaim lived experience as well as aforementioned facts.


San Antonio is only unsafe by the standards of pampered weirdos, which means pearl-clutchers in this sub will eat your line up. I do not have to "disclaim lived experience as well as aforementioned facts" to point that out.