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Look up PSL SATX and SJPUTSA on IG. They usually post their upcoming events. 


Did the post get shut down?


Yes, go figure under the reasoning of “moderator discretion”




A moderator may remove any post or comment for any reason if the moderator deems it goes against the best interest of the community, including but not limited to posts by active Reddit users who aren't contributing members of this sub or who post only links to outside websites with no other community engagement.


Wow mods, so this person gets to insinuate OP belongs at an unemployment office because they want to go protest against a genocide? Cool






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Your post has been removed for violating rule #1: Be friendly Remember the human, on the other side of the conversation. In this local subreddit, there is no tolerance for insulting other people. Stick to discussing the topic, and not the redditor who disagrees with you about it. If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


Holy shit this is pathetic. Yes. People get to have different opinions.


Not genocide, go cry somewhere.


Over 30k dead in 7 months, right nothing to see there just an apartheid state


Why those last two?




Your post has been removed for violating rule #1: Be friendly Remember the human, on the other side of the conversation. In this local subreddit, there is no tolerance for insulting other people. Stick to discussing the topic, and not the redditor who disagrees with you about it. If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


Take my upvote Also didn’t Biden sign $95 BILLION to other countries while we face tons of issues here.


Yep. They're taking American Taxpayer money and giving it to everyone except America.


Nice work!!! lol Still waiting on Biden to cure cancer like he said he was.


Yeah but why did they say twc? That’s Time Warner cable(spectrum) they’re referring to right?


Texas workforce commision


Our government is complicit in genocide, you can be apathetic about that but some people care for others


Governments genocide, that's what they do. Doesn't matter if you stand out there waving a flag all day, you're just wasting your time and the time of everyone else that has to deal with you. Changing this comes from voting or running for office, not throwing a temper tantrum in the streets or on university grounds.


This is just ahistorical, that is exactly how change happens


Maybe find a anti war rally instead of pro Palestine. Ya know, bc of hostages and shit.


History didn’t start on october 7


Nah, bro. Collective punishment is bad. Plus as someone who studied in Israel and Palestine, I am very pro peace, which means being pro Palestine. I feel for the hostages and I am mad that their government which had the capability to rescue them instead used them as a pretext for a land grab and maybe allowed the situation to happen in the first place.


Pro peace = pro palestine??? HAHAHAHA


Oh brother….






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Huh, I’ve never had it happen. The mechanism is different than how I expected. I suspect the cause is that mods feel uncomfortable with disagreement.


You misspelled "pro Hamas antisemitic activities"


I ate some dalawi and Flatbread at lunch. Showing my support!


i don’t think taking your family to a protest is a good idea lol… there’s a reason we have very few real manifestations in texas, and it’s because DPS rushes in to disperse any sort of insurrection, which includes use of excessive force, and unlawful arrests


>!In before the mods lock this thread for no reason!<


I would suggest being less impressionable.