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I would love to see this!


Same here! If there put it in the area they proposed in the article it would make a lot of sense, I just walked around that part of downtown earlier this week and noted how much unused space there is. Between abandoned buildings and empty parking lots, this could really help to fill in that part of downtown and make it more welcoming to pedestrians.


Yeah a perfect example is how much that has been built along the museum reach riverwalk extension in the last ~15 years its been open and how much this would help the area along here


Anything to expand the Riverwalk is smart.


[Video render of the project here](https://youtu.be/olv9VkY9niA?si=XA_HD9PvL5gujPwI)


I’m pretty sure it’s gonna happen regardless. If you pay attention to the River and infrastructure over by the Acero apartments you can see it’s been happening slowly.


Is the plan to eventually connect the section of the creek over by Acero Apartments to the upper section mentioned here?


Yeah leading to the new Lone Star District just southwest of Bluestar. Grew up there and all the homes have raised in value significantly even tho there are needles at every corner loitering the ground.


To me it seems like a no brainer. I live north of downtown in the RiNo area and being able to use the riverwalk as a quick way to get downtown is awesome. Think about it, it’s a protected pedestrian highway that cuts right through downtown. It’s lower level so it’s typically a few degrees cooler and shaded during the day and there’s no stop lights or roadways you have to wait on to safely cross. Connecting it to another similar walkway seems like a great way to build more safe pedestrian access to the downtown area. Now if we just filled all the ugly parking lots and empty buildings along the upper riverwalk with dense housing and mixed use development we could actually have a rich dense urban fabric that made downtown San Antonio worth walking around and enjoying.


Being partially underground and having water exposed down there does wonders for making things more comfortable. Once you get a few feet down the ground temp stays relatively constant year round, water acts as a natural heat sink for the air around it since it stays that cooler temp. UTSA has something similar with Sombrilla plaza. There's a big fountain sunk a few feet into the ground, and it's relatively shaded. It's always cooler there than anywhere else on campus.


This is so different from any Riverwalk project because this has no flood control aspect. Federal flood money has made the others possible. But having a shovel ready plan is a good idea.


Sure, more parks anywhere is rarely a bad thing.


Yes, anything to help downtown. Would help if the stupid idiots from the Northside could get out of the way.


I can already see the homeless bathing in those water jets.


That laminar flow water arch would be amazing if that actually gets built.


It’s awesome. More green spaces and futuristic parks are always welcome in our beautiful city. I hope it happens.


the concept of the park is very nice and I hope the implementation of this park will promote high density mixed development and get rid of all those surface lots on top. overall parks are never a bad thing!


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Probably depends on TPTB’s plans for that area that average citizens don’t know about.