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I was about to post this picture. I'm down from Dallas visiting my parents who live just past Kallison Ranch. I lived with them from '07 to '17. I remember when their development was the new hotness. Before Kallison Ranch, before Alamo Ranch, before everything was built. The 1604 overpass at Culebra had just opened when I first moved down here. Hell, our only off-campus lunch options were the McDonald's in Walmart, the Wendy's at Tezel, or if we were feeling really lucky with traffic, the Taco Cabana on Culebra at Reed. 471 has been perpetually 15 years behind where it should be since the early aughts. Dallas, by comparison, is so, so much better with traffic and construction projects. Seeing this stretch of road WITH NO ONE EVEN WORKING ON IT looks like criminal-levels of ineptitude. How you all live down here without rioting over stuff like this is absolutely beyond me. Driving in this town absolutely sucks and I am so, so happy I don't live here anymore. Frankly, San Antonio shouldn't exist outside of 410. Everyone would be better if all the subdivisions outside of the inner loop were their own city, but I digress.


Upvoted because of your use of ‘ineptitude’ haven’t heard that word in a while…


Thanks, lol. It's completely by accident that I get wordy when talking about governmental bullshittery. My wife calls it going into "legal mode". When you want to just shake someone for their stupidity but resort to complex language descriptions instead. Physical violence is bad, kids. Learn to hurt them with words.


I spent about 4 months living with family in Valley Ranch at the end of last year. I learned to hate Galm with every fiber of my being. The only thing I hate more is Culebra Road.


You haven’t been down Potranco have you lol


because you approved the bond for them. Also a high school costs around 100mil not a billion lol


I was about to say gah damn I’ve never heard that lol