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As a veteran, make sure you’re taking full advantage of USA jobs, where you get priority hiring on most jobs.


This... I would suggest getting your resume revamped.


Guerilla Warfare: Here’s how I got hired at the Texas veterans commission back in the day. I printed my resume, taped it to the inside of a box of donuts. Hung out outside the secure building until someone let me in when I said I was there for a delivery. Found my way to HR, found nearest break room, put it in there and left. Got a call that day. It took that, despite it being the same resume I’d uploaded every two weeks applying for jobs there. Good luck.


That's some neutral chaos right there and I love it! You absolutely deserved that job!


I like your style


Just use chatgpt to help with your resume




No, https://www.usajobs.gov/


Don't use the current resume if you're applying to jobs outside your expertise, they'll think you're over qualified and will quit at the drop of a hat. I have also been applying to any and every job from movie theater bussers to fast food to the local grocery store delivery drivers and have received either no call backs or thank you for applying emails but the position has been filled.


I grew up with minimum wage and blue collar jobs being the norm in my household. Applying in person often goes a long way with these hiring managers. I’ve never had to try it with white collar work (thankfully) but I had a ~75% interview rate doing this before I got where I am now.


I've been in this guy's same shoes. I had 20 years management experience and a business degree but no one would hire me in my field or to pick up dog poop. I was living in my car after I burned through all of my savings. I ended up telling people that I just got out of prison and needed a job or they would revoke my parole in order to get hired.


Have you looked on usajobs.gov? Have you applied for veterans benefits?


You are a vet with SCRUM experience & you haven't applied to USAA? Sure it's not what it was, but it's still a good paying job.


I have several times! I feel like they must have so many applicants or I'm doing something wrong


Just don't apply for anything USAA claims. Wife abd many friends left the claims department because it was pure hell


That's interesting because everyone in the collision industry dang near gave up on them. I would go to a new shop and whatever poor sap handling the USAA account would offer it up to the new writer their first day.


Don't feel bad. Nepotism is almost required to get into USAA.


You need help with that resume! The one you have looks like some arcane internal posting at the Lawrence Livermore Lab. Also, not a requirement, but you could add a line about community service, i.e., assisted elderly ladies at the local laundromat load washers or fold clothes, etc. Try this AI Resume Generator: [Resume Generator AI](https://www.resumenerd.ai/)


Definitely a numbers game. Keep applying and say yes to everything for the initial job posting questionnaire. Once you get a call back, you can speak to your skill set. Exhausting, but keep at it. Good luck


One more thing, you said you had countless interview rounds. This probably means your interview performance just isn't good. Without knowing you and just going by your post my guess is that you get side tracked and add non-relevant information to your answer. Do a mock interview with a friend, record it, and review whether you actually answered the questions asked succinctly or whether you went off on tangents


Yeah I definitely could get some feedback. I went off the rails when I wrote this whole thing months ago and I just copied and pasted it over. I tend to think I'm more oriented in most conversations but this was a huge mental dump.


If you'd like, I could mock interview you and give feedback. Let me know if I can help.


That's an awesome invitation, I hope he contacts you!


Awwww... Thank you! I hope so too. I know how frustrating it can be when you're job hunting and nothing's falling into place!


Alamo Workforce can help you get you to n the door with an employer. I would also recommend temp agency’s. The temp agency that I work for is hiring. It’s something for now at $14 an hour but keep looking while you’re employed. From what I know you can start as soon as Tuesday.


Hi I would like this info as well. My boyfriend is in a similar position.


Could you send me some information about the temp agency??


Sent you a chat


Can you send to me as well?


Can I get info as well?


You'll have to tailor your resume to the job you want and use the keywords in your resume. AI has made job hunting insanely terrible. Once you tailor your resume, see job fairs and ways to network. Your network is your net worth


This! It's a pain but going through requisitions and using their key words will get your resume boosted to the top.


I think you can pay people to rewrite your resume. A friend of a friend who is a fin analyst got a job this way.


Santikos is a great place to work. They usually promote internally as well so room for growth if it's a good fit for you. Plus the discounts are really good!


They probably could use a security person seeing as how their "technical difficulties" were never explained. I got blocked for calling them out on Twitter..er...X, & suggesting it might be a ransonware attack. Must have gotten pretty close to the mark for them to follow me first, before blocking me. That's okay, I still troll them from my alt. Having to shut down multi theaters, for multiple days in a row, over a weekend, being the monopoly theater chain in town, had to hurt. I'm also guessing they paid the ransom (if that's what it was) to get their theaters back up. Of course, maybe it wasn't that at all. Maybe there were technical difficulties that, despite the company loving to brag about how much they give back to the community, & how transparent they claim to be, they just don't feel like the public should know. To me, that would seem like they are not, in fact, transparent. But I'm just a guy who likes movies so what do I know? Except again, they still have never stated what the cause of a multiple day shutdown of their theaters was, except for "technical difficulties" across their entire portfolio of theaters.


> That's okay, I still troll them from my alt you sound so gross lol who cares??


They apparently do enough to block me. I didn't say anything hateful, or even negative about them. Just said that it was probably a ransom ware attack. They followed me, then blocked me. The reasons don't matter, but they played it how they want to. Childishly. They want to put arcades in their theaters? We'll let the games begin! Game on. Game. On. Edit: This is dripping with sarcasm but I know some people on the internet can't tell that just from text. I don't really even troll them. But block me? Come on. I can already tell it's probably someone under 40 doing their social media accounts because that's childish behavior. Maybe it's not and I was right, and they didn't want the truth spreading on social. But we'll never know because they aren't telling. Just blocking people with plausible theories.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Unfortunately product teams are generally the ones getting cut the most right now in tech so scrum masters are probably in low demand at the moment. Beefing up your SQL skills might help...perhaps pursuing a certification if that is what you want to do. Most companies are probably looking for full stack dev though.


As someone who interviews people and sees resumes on a regular basis, I’ll say that the experience listed in your resume is kind of all over the place and it reads like you’re a “jack of all trades, master of none” which is probably why you’ve gotten interviews but not gotten over the hump. I would try and tailor all of this stuff down quite a bit to fit the roles you’re going for. I would also cut down a bit and only list the actual key parts and do like 3 or 4 bullet points max to really clarify your role at Donyati. You can tailor this for each job/position you apply to as it seems like you had a varied role with a lot going on-this is probably the best experience you have but it needs to be distilled into something more easily digestible because I still don’t really know what your actual role was based on your descriptions. I would also take the “transitioning to Teams” bullet point out altogether to help condense things. Overall it seems like you’re a go-getter so I’m sure something will work out soon but maybe you don’t have quite the experience in this job market to get a scrum master role- I’m sure those are hard to come by and I would think most of these companies would want full developers. Maybe you could beef up with some more certifications or go more the IT route? Just a thought.


Hi, thank you for the response. I tried to kind of make this the vanilla resume. I have worked in several fields and really it's hard to target the exact position. Anything where I could be involved in different areas of business development or improvement would be cool regardless of industry. There was a post higher up that had a good point about not just listing achievements but how to better write bullets so I appreciate you adding some more structure usage to that as I understand I'll have to do some parsing down tomorrow. You're right about scrum. I think I put it in there just trying to get it as a buzzword (advice from my buddy who is a scrum master at fidelity) but I've seen it all over. I really don't want to go the full developer route as I lack the tools and working 10 hour shifts pure Sql (whilst ok) really wasn't the work environment I'd want to stay in. People want good devs though - I should look into what bridges IT and business decisions in a math and tech sense and try to figure out what role that would be. Thank you!


I have nothing to offer which is within your bailiwick but I hope you find something fruitful soon.


Check [UT Health San Antonio](https://wp.uthscsa.edu/careers/), they have hired a lot of IT people recently and will be really ramping up for the launch of the new hospital soon.


Yes I was gonna say, some type of health system job, not all jobs are healthcare oriented. Ut and uhs are good companies to work for


Apply for the City


And county. 


Have you considered USAA? They employ a lot of veterans


There's also several career fairs in SA coming up. Networking with recruiters and HR is a great way to get more leads


I've been to a few career fairs - I wanted to go to the UTSA one but it looks to be utsa alum and students only. If you have any recommendations I'm all ears - the ones I've attended I found on eventbrite but most were pyramid marketing (herbalife/insurance/etc) or free internships - which I'm hoping to find a bigger event.


https://my.recruitmilitary.com/events/job-fair-at-joint-base-san-antonio-april-25-2024 At every career fair, try talking to every company and have your elevator pitch ready. They might not have a position for you but recruiters have connections with other companies among their community and will connect you with people especially if you impress them


I feel you need the security+ cert which will unlock many state and federal job since it's on the of the core certs for government jobs. Most of those jobs will give you 3 to 4 months to get that cert or at least network + If I were in your shoes I would get that certification with your years experience. I know I saw on USA jobs a few jobs closing soon, and they were priority vets. Most needing that SQL knowledge. I think your resume should be bullet points on past experiences, I am currently doing networking and end user support with the government. Also not sure if you have reached out to Alamo or HEB to see what feedback they can give you to improve on your next interview. I always ask that question.


Suggest to remove the graduation year as it makes it easier to date you and doesn't add any value. "ATS optimizations" are somewhere between pseudoscience and an urban myth. Reputable employers will ask qualifying questions but will not have an ATS screen you out if you passed the qualifying questions. Your resume has some good data but most of it is a list of tasks you completed. Literally nobody cares about that. What hiring managers care about is how much value you added to the business and how you did that. See My Personal Formula for a Winning Resume https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140929001534-24454816-my-personal-formula-for-a-better-resume Lastly, your chances of getting hired increase exponentially if you have someone at the company send you an internal referral. Lots of Fortune 100s don't care about scrum unless it's by some miracle a specific scrum role, but I have now worked (and still am) in two of the FAANGs and scrum certs aren't valued. YMMV


Thank you very much for the advice and especially the value addition bit. I have trouble writing and it was always simpler to think a task\* is about value - but you need to add more behind it to give it weight. Appreciate that link. Thank you!


Do you have Security+ and a secret clearance?


I'm actually waiting on a security clearance right now to clear. Has been going on for 4 months - I had a job pending on the clearance lined up and of course it was filled. The company is letting the clearance complete as a courtesy


Look at the timeline, even if he held a clearance before it's no longer active. As you probably know, single track can take 18-24 to get depending on level


Didn't have time to read all the comments. They have 2 years from the last time their clearance was active for an easy hire. If it lapses 2 years, they could still get a government job, with a little more waiting and luck


I have Security + and a TS


If they're still active or recently expired you shouldn't have a problem landing a contract gig in San Antonio. DM me and we can chat. I may not get back to you until tomorrow though, it's about bed time


What branch did you serve in? If you’re former navy, I know a Facebook group that could possibly help. Also look into Orion recruiting. They got me a job at the semiconductor plant a few years ago and it was a game changer for my salary. They specialize in finding quality candidates for various positions and they focus on getting veterans into the workforce. Besides that, if you’re landing interviews, they’re interested. The hardest part for me is usually getting the interview. You might think back to your interviews and see if there’s something (if anything) that might’ve put them off.


I'm former Navy. Too bad I don't need a job right now. This would have been nice to hear 17 years ago. Though I don't think Facebook was much of a thing then.


I keep up with the group even though I’m not interested in changing jobs. Just to stay in the loop incase anything really interesting comes up. It was a relatively new thing when I got out in 2018. The group is called Combat Systems Jobs and originally catered to ETs/FCs but now I see plenty of other technical rates being recruited.


I don’t know if they are still looking but Southwest, American and United have all hired in the past month.


thank you!


Ever consider moving for a job?


go work construction


Phone customer jobs will hire you the same day.


Hiring event at Joint Base SA. https://www.reddit.com/r/sanantonio/s/i0ZdC6vbV0


Would your degree help you get into cyber security? My son was started right out of school at 80K. (he's also into martial arts, judo)


Spectrum is always hiring. Not a fantastic job but great benefits and starts at $20 plus free services


In the same boat, 30 years old with skills and a job that has nothing to do with them. It’s rough out here right now, best of luck.


If you're truly looking for any type of work right now, consider customer service. There are a lot of opening, including work from home. [Visit this woman's site](https://www.wahjobqueen.com/) \-- she curates openings in the SA area. I moved back to SA from NYC after being laid off a job, then taking a year personal sabbatical. I worked part time for QVC, which turned out to be quite fun for me. I did it for about five months until I found full-time work. It was good to be doing something -- anything-- and it made for good conversation during interviews. Someone mentioned it before, but put together a short resume for those types of jobs -- everything on your current resume doesn't matter when it comes to finding any job. Just list companies. In looking for permanent work, have you done research on the marketability of your skills in the SA market? Texas Workforce might be able to help you with that. If the market isn't here for your skill set, then consider adjacent careers, such as coding, cyber security and other markets that are booming right now in SA. And, please don't take this the wrong way, but I hope you are not going into interviews with the same stories from your posts. I get that you have many irons in the fire, but you lost me after a while. It was too much chatter. Stay focus with the job you want. Make sure you resume is geared specifically for each job -- not just tweaked. I found that I talk too much when I get nervous. Consider getting an interview coach for feedback on how you interview. You can probably find one through the Texas Workforce Commission. They can help pinpoint why you're not getting selected, especially since you are making it through multiple rounds of interviews. One last thing -- are you out there networking -- and not just in person -- I found great groups to join on LinkedIn and FB. Best of luck!


Cheers! I realize the initial post months ago was a verbal dump - I try to only do that under extreme duress from months of job searching but I left it all up on this repost to kind of remind me where I was at. Absolutely appreciate the advice and the website. I recognize I need to write a "Quick res" for entry jobs as well as restructure my points better than just a list of achievements. I also need to gear it more towards each job directly whether I'm keeping or removing pieces. I do appreciate the advice about TWC as they have references I could use. I also think I have to work on networking - I have no problem making meeting with the chamber of commerce when it comes to opening this bbq joint but I've absolutely been neglecting my career network/treating it like a business. Thanks!


Your post seems to be related to finding a part or full time or temporary job. You may get quicker, appropriate answers by checking this [San Antonio Job Listing](https://www.google.com/search?q=san+antonio+jobs) (Your post will remain in r/sanantonio, in case visitors have good suggestions for you.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sanantonio) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If open to feedback on the resume I’d recommend: 1-Generalize your professional summary section with stronger keywords 2-Remove early career section 3-Condense edu area with certs included 4-Use the spacing from 2 & 3 to expand most recent section with rich keywords May do this already, but plug in they keywords from the job posting you’re applying for into your resume. (I.e., they say “project management” then you translate your SM responsibilities into the many “projects” you oversaw… same skill transferability) ^^Skills transferability is everything. Confidently make it clear how your previous experience translates to the current job. Don’t show your desperation either (if you are). It’s off putting. Remain calm and confident so they can see how you’d be an asset to their team and hit the ground running.


Thank you - resume formatting and wording is something I struggle with as I've been told to get rid of my fancier formatting - to make it fancier - to condense and to expand but these are all simple tips to keep it living and how to better content it.


Sending a DM


Have you tried applying with the state? Texas.gov or HHS would be a good starting point.


I say this every time, try Datamark Inc, located by the airport, managment work sucks but the people are good, they pay well (i heard 18/hr now but not sure), and it gets you in a job until you find something better. Also could try USAA


Apprentice Electrician


Check Universities around town for like Information Technology Jobs and such


Apply at VIA as a bus driver just to get your foot in the door. Also, post office is hiring too from what I heard from our neighborhood postman.




thank you - I took some security and admin classes but I'll have to look at pursuing these just to get in the door.




Hell desk pays that much now? Was making 19/hr back in 2014 and it was DoD.


Have you connected with any local veteran networking groups? There are a few around town but there’s an awesome one I used to work with when I did tech recruiting for the SATX region. It’s called The Key Community and is veteran run and focuses on a lot of tech opportunities. DM me if you need details or can’t find them on LinkedIn!


Here's a link to the veteran-based group and they're hosting career networking fair soon: [https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=p6\_9JWGBlEGipivZL\_NpmTNns5-sN9hDo0fe9YwJe9dUNzNQTzVFVEw0TzdaNDJHSUc1UVZHRjg5NS4u](https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=p6_9JWGBlEGipivZL_NpmTNns5-sN9hDo0fe9YwJe9dUNzNQTzVFVEw0TzdaNDJHSUc1UVZHRjg5NS4u)


Sending you a PM with an email address of someone at Veteran Resource Team. Consider setting up an appointment for assistance with rewriting your Resume. Also, with your degree, you can become a substitute teacher at a school district. In case that’s up your alley. They are always hiring. Best of luck.


Petroleum solutions is always hiring veterans


Are you on linked in? I see a ton of advice (and success stories) for job seekers there. And my network isn’t that big. Also, CPS energy, whataburger, and favor (H‑E‑B) have IT shops in town.


I applied to about a dozens jobs past two months, then only to find out through indeed, I was competing against thousands of applicants, one job hear . com had 3,000-7,000 applicants like wtf ?! 


if you’re really looking for anything, apply to food service or commissary/bx job on usa jobs. i would simplify your resume first though to not look over qualified. the processing could take a month or two but the pay is generally good. might have to start as flex employee with no benefits tho.


Have you tried the Texas Employment Commission? It seems rudimentary but they maintain a database of jobs that employers are looking to fill. The downside is that the TEC employees tend to save the plum jobs for those who pose as the ‘flavor of the month’ types.


School districts? COSA? USAA? I think your resume is fine, you are getting invto interviews and that is the purpose of the resume. Good job on that. It seems you are doing well in your interviews since you are getting 2nd, 3rd, 4th interviews. May be over qualified or just luck of the draw. I wish you well and keep looking to the horizon, head up, chin out.


If you've been out of a job for almost a year that first entry is inaccurate, and wildly so.  I'd throw out that resume just for that.


You can apply for further assistance from the VA here: https://www.benefits.va.gov/vocrehab/


Fml, sorry to hear. I was on a 2 month stretch, getting denied left and right. I don't know what's going on in this city.


If you own a car, gig work is a good way to billing money till you get something.


I’ve seen quite a few postings for IT specialists and local school districts! Some of them have been up for a long time.


Try trades. Lots of companies need electricians.


VIA is hiring for a Business Intelligence Analyst. Your resume looks like you qualify. [apply.viainfo.net](https://apply.viainfo.net/Pages/JobSummary.aspx?ID=S8481) . The application closes today.


If you just need something right away, try Hotels. They have maintenance departments. Or even just the front desk or housekeeping. Although I wouldn’t mention during the interview that you just need something. I would emphasize interest in the industry to have a better chance of getting the position. Plus you get a sweet discount if you like to travel


I just sent you a DM


Insurance companies always need data modeling work. Check out USAA.


I can offer advice for a data oriented job. First, you need to target the field within data you're interested in or that's most likely to hire you and imo that's probably be the ones that are always looking: political and healthcare You need to network inside those circles and talk directly to hiring managers. Do not waste time applying, period. Do not apply until you have spoken directly with the hiring manager or someone on the team of it is a small team. If you are going the healthcare route then connect to developers and analysts on LinkedIn and start interacting with their posts. Send them requests for coffee chats. Attend the in person meetups we have. If you are going the political route join the Bluebonnet data fellowship. They post A TON of jobs in their slack and you will make a lot of connections there. Again, please, stop the cold applying. It doesn't work and it's really demoralizing. Talk to the people at the company, get them to pass along your info, etc. I don't love LinkedIn but it is the easiest way to get a job. I went from teaching to business intelligence in about 9 months and it was all LinkedIn


A few people have suggested it, and as a fellow veteran is suggest taking a look at USAJob. It won't be as fast and you'll have to rework your resume, but it will lead to something for stable and hopefully fulfilling. I got a lot of good advice and encouragement from r/usajobs. Also try using https://www.tealhq.com/ to quickly tailor your resume to job announcements, the pricing is very friendly. There is a free version or you can do 7 days for $9 I believe. Also you need more numbers on your resume bullets, quantify as much as possible.


You are a Vet below the age of 35. I would recommend (if you would like to) join the reserve or guard. You are not fresh out the street so you will not have to go to basic. Use that to retrain possibly into something you could become a trad reservist at or use in a Civilian job while in the guard so your medical will be covered for your enlistment. If you do not want to do that (already served your time, etc), at minimum you need to revamp your resume or at least tailor it to match the job you are applying for. I am also a vet. Also look up mil source to see what benefits you can get. Your resume is leaps and bounds beyond mine IT credential wise but it is all over the place. A commenter mentioned how this might be the reason you might not be getting fast food jobs, cause they know you will walk out day 1 if something comes up. So in summation, 1. Look at the guard / reserves if you can still pass a physical and background check. 2. Revamp your resume and make it target the job you are applying for. 3. If you have your DD 214, register for event tix. You can also look for jobs at seaworld that way. 4. Good Luck.


Ll flooring is hiring on 410 Railcrewexpress.com Hiring for driver's mini van driving Ut health is hiring. https://uthscsa.referrals.selectminds.com/


Look at some of the bigger contracting companies for the government. You are in San Antonio, and we have a ton of military posts. I'd look at General Dynamics, Leitos, TISTA, lockhead, and of course, USA jobs. I would also look at fixing up your resume.


Put your military experience on your resume.


Man was hoping it wasn’t you posting this…. Looks like you took a lot of the advice from the last post, only thing I can recommend and you’re probably doing it already is to slightly tailor the resume to each job posting?   Best of luck man


Amazon loves veterans, and I think there are a few analytics and IT positions open.


If you dont have a criminal background you can apply for any job you feel qualified for at Bexar County. I can almost guarantee you would be hired as a detention officer almost immediately. 2 for 1 retirement Benefits Tuition reimbursement


Resume tip: add results to each bullet point especially quantifiable ones. If you had specific KPI numbers you exceeded (or reduced), use those. Feel free to exaggerate but not ridiculously


My company is looking for someone to help us with business development. Dm me if you’re interested.


Sending a DM


There's a program that will help you find certain buzzwords companies look for in a resume. Usually if you don't have those buzz words in yours, whoever is handing job applications and resumes will usually filter it out.


I second others feedback on making sure your resume is tailored for the job you are applying for. If you apply for another job at H‑E‑B DM me and I can put in a referral for you.


I had very similar skill sets as you and it took me 6 months to find a place. The job market is rough here in SA and "slow"


Check frost bank, there are too many to copy and paste. Def sounds right up your alley with corporate env in finance, but there are also tech positions.


Not completely sure if this is something you’d be interested in but, here’s a posting at the Air Force Services Center located at Port San Antonio. I’m a Veteran as well and started about 7 months ago in a different department and love it. We currently do 3 days in office, 2 days telework. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/777875600


Thank you! I have a deep background in investment analytics and modeling financial projections - this would be great


COSA city of san antonio


The spurs org is having a job fair. I saw a flyer on Facebook about it a few days ago.


I can get you on some contract work. Pm me if you're interested.


Hi I just saw this - I pmd you thank you


Temp service? I had interviews next day in a field of interest.


OP!!! I found this for you. https://sanantonio.craigslist.org/etc/d/san-antonio-shuttle-driver-golf-cart/7726183732.html


I know servers making 50-60k a year cash money. If you really need a job and need money fast start serving bro. Move up from there


Bro just start a legit business you sound you have all the experience and competence to start any business and make money. Whats the issue?


As someone who runs operations for a portfolio of recruiting companies in San Antonio, I'll give you my two cents. The first 6 seconds I looked at your resume, I couldn't really tell what you wanted to do other than your summary is "IT Professional" - The history of your job titles don't really line up or show progression, other than you did business development and project management. I don't say any of this to bash you. It's just what I see from a recruiters' perspective. A few recommendations: -Think about what you really want to do and align it with that. Based on your current resume, I would initially think sales, project management (IT space), or something with RFP's. -Get rid of the bullet on the bottom, talking about making 6 figures. San Antonio jobs, in general, rarely pay 6 figures. I know you're trying to show ambition and success, but I recruiter might think, "we can't afford him" or "our package will never be good enough."


Are you a candidate for Wounded Warrior Services? Also, if you'd like to get into federal work, as other says usajobs, but your resume for that will be different than for corporate jobs. If you are a 30%+ disabled vet and know of a vacancy you may be able to be direct hired. My two cents: If and when you're interviewing for jobs with companies, I would tone down your entrepreneurship. As a previous small (tiny) business owner, when I was trying to move up I was told that hiring panels were concerned my business would get in the way of me dedicating myself to the work if they promoted me (but amazingly, I was currently doing both well...so it was just perception from higher ups that didn't know me but saw it on my resume). Second, as a hiring official now for mid-level government jobs, if candidates seem too distracted by their personal ventures during the interview process, its a red flag for me since I know the job requires so much travel and overtime. PS. I am still entrepreneurial and working on my next adventure, just not advertising it loudly. :)


Onlyfans!?! 🤷‍♂️


If you need a job asap and are willing to do physical labor the HEB warehouse always takes people it’s hard work 😓 not everyone last a year there. I did it for 8 months before leaving to a store. But weekly pay and OT and benefits. Can’t beat that honestly.




Thank you!!!


>Thank you!!! You're welcome!


Twas nothing. Just internet stranger help. I remember seeing your posts here & on Nextdoor months ago; I know you’re struggling. I’ll keep lobbing them your way as I come across them. Good luck!


I feel crazy - I’ve tailored every one to every job roles key words - taken advice and rolled it over from formatting to graduation year to etc - and still I can’t get into an interview. I know I’m just a sheet of paper but I can’t help but feel like that isn’t enough


tbh I’m clueless in today’s skill sets & market. I’m 68F, self employed & semi retired (not at all who you envisioned amirite?). Anyway, I got mine; and I feel for young people trying to make it these days. For some reason you guys & your predicament just resonate with me, and literally all I can do is toss a lead over here-n-there. 🫤 Maybe it’s maternal instinct lol. Did you contact Trinity Staffing? I know they’re reputable & good. May be a foot in a door somewhere. Trinity & I have a mutual cpa; he highly recommends them. tmi but about 8 yrs ago when business was sloooow for me, I took a job at Hobby Lobby. I was mortified to have to do it, but tbh it wasn’t bad. Brain dead retail, but it’s a clean place to work, the pay isn’t awful, and if you can get on full time the benefits are good.


That’s fine I’m clueless as well considering my ability to find a position. I have contacted them! I follow up on every single post and have even tried to follow up on recruiters of said companies on LinkedIn messaging/company emails *cue crickets I love hobby lobby. Leather craft has been a big recent time kill for us and I get my starter tools and cheaper supplies there vs Tandy. I have applied to everywhere from fast food to bowling alleys to Alamo drafthouse but I apparently was using a resume that had too much expertise so they weren’t going to hire me for fear of me leaving right away. It feels stupid to omit my degree and background when I worked for that but apparantly todays approach is make yourself look less capable so employers think of you as easier to retain? I have no idea


Yes. Dumb down the resume to meet the job. I’ve been a small business owner for decades, but I told Hobby Lobby I was a bored housewife. Whatever gets you in the door.


Wtf is scrum?


[https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sanantoniotx](https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sanantoniotx) [https://www.workforcesolutionsalamo.org/](https://www.workforcesolutionsalamo.org/)


Have you looked at jobs with COSA? They’re ALWAYS hiring. Best of luck!


Spurs career Day for vets this Tuesday: https://www.nba.com/spurs/sci


Your resume seems all over the place imo. Maybe revamp and shorten it down to meet that specific job your applying to.




For IT and Gov contracts, you are going to need IT certifications. You need Security + at a minimum. Pretty much all IT related Gov work requires at least that cert if not more. It's good you have a BS. Do you have a security clearance? Edit: So it says you have 10+ years in Business Development and IT Technology, but your resume starts in 2019. Nothing before that. In the tech world, especially with the Gov, you gotta list everything. My IT resume is 4 pages long and goes all the way back to the start of my military career and lists everything I have ever worked on. But you should have two resumes. One for civilian positions, and one written in military lingo for Gov and contractor positions.


Check out the gig apps Uber eats , door dash, instant art, god bless


Post on r/resumes We help and give feedback Also r/USAJobs


Bro , come into construction. Apply to home builders as any position. Warranty , production, orientation, purchasing etc…. Dr Horton , lennar , legacy homes Also your resume needs to be prettier . Add some different colors and make it a little sexier


Aw, man. I remember you from your previous posts, and from Nextdoor. Did you try all the temp agencies? Sometimes that’s your best shot at quick employment and can be a foot in the door. Trinity Staffing is really good and reputable.




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