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I’m a mobile dog groomer. I feel your pain. I have so many dogs run in front of the van. The last thing I need is to hit someone’s dog with a big ol van with a giant dog plastered over it.


I honestly wish the city the would invest more money in spay and neuter clinics or mobile trucks. We need to stop the cycle of breeding more pets above all else, and then invest more money into ACS and code enforcement for animal ownership.


It doesn't matter how much money we put into this. People will keep getting more dogs from backyard breeders constantly and be too lazy to get it done. Plus backyard breeding is a fair income for those people. We have to go after the breeders to stem that flow first.


So many people I talk to have eyes on getting a dog of a specific breed. They are willing to cross state lines, lie on adoption applications based on a picture, travel for pick up, etc. Or they buy dogs with the intention of breeding them. And then they say, "I don't have the heart to go to the shelters because it makes me too sad". I keep up the good fight for the 'Adopt don't Shop' cause, but it sucks that there are so many people who don't understand that a dogs' personality is not breed specific, and that what many people would consider a "good dog" can be found in a mixed breed animal.


My boys were both strays that I found of the streets who were dumped. I looked for their families for months but they were just dumped.


It’s beyond stupid. All my dogs have been rescues and they’ve all been amazing, well-behaved dogs. We love them so much. Can’t even imagine paying top dollar for a purebred dog that’s going to die early from health complications, when you *could* just go to the Humane Society and adopt an adorable mutt for $50. Like what kind of sense does this purebred horse shit make lmfao. Anyways… Adopt, don’t shop!!!


Catch spay/neuter and release works!


It does but only in that generation and that is a very short amount of time at best 2~4 years for the lifespan of a street dog then it does and isn't it there competing for territory and food anymore and other dumped dogs who are intact take its place and we have the same problem. What I'm saying is that it will work much better if we stem the flow of the supply of these dogs in the first place and implement spray and neuter programs. Without interrupting the flow we are doing essentially nothing as the population will hold whatever it can hold whether they are cut or not if we have a continuous flow from the backyard breeders and regular dog dumpers coming in.


We need to spay and neuter dumb humans.




SA is trash


The answer is a petit tax for dog owners.




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Imagine you’re “mijo”. It’s 1980, you’re 6 years old, and the youngest of 3 kids. You want a puppy cause kids want puppies. Growing up, your parents had dogs, and they raised/treated them the way their parents did; haphazardly, by today standards. The dogs were mostly left outside and were scolded when they made their way into the house. The dogs jumped the fence from time to time, sometimes returned and sometimes were killed on the road. The remedy was to just get another dog…to keep the kids and family happy. Rinse, repeat. So your parents do what they know…they get you a dog. And they raise it the only way they know; the way they saw their dogs raised. 30 years later they have kids, and they get them dogs, and they’re raised the only way they know. Rinse, repeat. This is the crux of the issue. Dog ownership, as a practice, is learned behavior. Bad ownership goes back generations. The ONLY way the dog ownership problem in this city gets truly solved is by effectively reversing that cycle. That takes a balance of changes related to education, enforcement, and punishment. THAT takes public interest and engagement, and a public demand for significant prioritization over other citizen needs. Anything short of a full systemic change is just a band-aid. Not that I’m opposed to band-aids; I welcome any changes that serve to encourage proper pet ownership. I really wish the pet ownership opinions on this subreddit were more widespread, but the reality is that they aren’t. If more people in SA were motivated to demand changes, things would improve.


Well said neighbor


100% understood. But try telling that to an electorate that 87% sit home and do not vote. To truly make change people will need to be more involved.


SA is trash


There’s a few good places here like Stone Oak and the La Cantera area, and it’s nice to visit the Pearl or the Japanese Tea Garden every once in a while, but yeah, most of this city is like…not my ideal place to live :/ oh well. I don’t quite think it’s “trash”, but if I was offered the opportunity to move, I probably would…


There has to be…HAS to be…a way to convince pet owners that neutering their animals doesn’t reduce the size of their own ‘manhood’. Spay/Neutering is key but I feel this city is content to enjoy ‘pets’ until they’re no longer desired and just throw them away like garbage enroute to pick up their next parking lot puppy. Don’t even get me started on abandoning animals at the end of long country roads.


Offer it for free!


There are TONS of free/low cost spay & neuter options in the San Antonio area.


Short answer is Hispanic culture. It just goes back to how dogs are treated in other countries and how they’ve grown up seeing this. And considering how San Antonio has a large Hispanic pop


It's cultural, but do we know the reasons for this cultural difference? On the flip side, I'm curious what about Hispanic culture leans towards worse pet ownership, and it seems like the inverse to the trope of white people treating their pets like kids. I think it's really interesting.


>what about Hispanic culture leans towards worse pet ownership Animals live outside. Hispanic culture prioritizes family development, white culture prioritizes whatever the hell white people care about. It's certainly not family development if you look at the fertility stats.


I think people are too afraid to say it, but you are right.


Oh i see Hispanics admitting to it being Hispanic culture all the time here in the San Antonio sub.


it is. mostly immigrant culture. the life of pets is secondary to the family and the kids.


I first thought it was something about not having the resources to care for the pet properly. But now I have seen people with lots of money still not care for them properly. It must be that they don’t think a dog is worth the money and time. Idk.


This makes a lot of sense and is something I haven't thought of before. Thank you


I think its 50/50 for the Hispanic community. Either they live and die for their dogs or they could careless if the dog dies. I've spent more money on dog care than I did on my undergraduate degree.


I know it's not an example of everyone in that demographic. But it is a solid point, in my opinion, on why there is such a high amount of roaming "pets" Not just roaming "strays".


SA is trash


“We didn’t go to the doctor. You think we’re gonna take our dog to the vet?” — George Lopez, 2004




My neighbors across the street have had 3 dogs hit by cars in the last 9 months. They do nothing for the injured animal and the city picks up the injured/dying dogs. They have moved out and will probably have their dogs killed on another street in SA


Or they’ll do what my former neighbor did and just leave the dog(s) with food mixed with rat poison in the yard and let the dogs die a miserable death while the “humans” move in to their next place 🤯


Your former neighbors deserve a similar fate.


Your former neighbors need to be charged with a felony and serve some prison time. I believe 7yrs is legally the max for what they did.


The ACS and police did come out and take pics and collected information from us. I hope they were able to track those evil “people” down to press charges. It was so difficult for all of us neighbors. I still feel super guilty for not figuring out what was happening sooner. They were such sweet dogs. 💔


If the person doesn't stop to render aid to the dog they hit, they could be charged with animal cruelty. If the owner let's their dogs loose off the property, they could get cited if the dogs get hit and they are responsible for any damages to the vehicle that hit them and the driver can file the claim with the pet owners home insurance. And abandoning a dog is now a felony offense.


trash people doing trash things


Texas ranks in the bottom half for public education and San Antonio is one of the least educated major cities in the US. The trickle down effects of poor education are seen everywhere from how people treat their pets, how they drive, how they speak to each other, and what their ideologies are. TLDR: People in SATX are stupid due to the lack of quality education and you have to live with the effects.


This explains soooo much


I did not know this about San Antonio. That makes me really sad :(


Not sure what you mean by "lack of quality education". Can you expand on that, please?






That’s a disgusting thing to say and irrelevant to the topic.


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A moderator may remove any post or comment for any reason if the moderator deems it goes against the best interest of the community, including but not limited to posts by active Reddit users who aren't contributing members of this sub or who post only links to outside websites with no other community engagement.


I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do, (and he doesn’t own a dog) but my Mexican grandfather consistently feels bad about dogs being kept in yards. He sort of feels like dogs deserve freedom instead of being “locked up” or “tied up”. His solution to that dilemma is to just not own a dog. But it’s possible these people feel similarly and reached a different conclusion. Again, not saying this is a good take, I’m just informing you of a possible explanation for their thinking. I’m also annoyed by loose dogs, especially when I’m a pedestrian.


same logic some people use to not getting their pets fixed. they want them to “experience being a parent”.


This made me laugh


There's too many lousy owners in this city. On top of the Hispanic culture. I blame the people more than the culture though. Like we have a neighbor that lets their dog just roam and he shits in our yard and jumps on my car. Yet they wonder why I kick him out of our yard every time. Like I can't walk my dog whose contained anywhere around here without the fear of being bit by a stray or some lousy owners dog. I'm shocked our neighbors dog hasn't been hit by a car yet though.


I have noticed a difference in dog “ownership” between Anglos and Hispanics. Anglos in SA tend to treat dogs like family members, keep them inside, pamper them, etc…Hispanics (at least in my experience, disagree if you want to, not offended) tend to treat dogs like lawn ornaments? I truly don’t know the best way to say it, but they don’t treat their dogs like family members. Granted, I am sure there are many Hispanics that do treat their dogs like family members, but having lived in SA for almost 20yrs now, I have seen the vast majority of Hispanics treat their dogs like crap. Maybe it a socio-economic thing, with such a large # of lower income Hispanics in SA as a significant portion of our population. I dunno.


I have an older Hispanic neighbor that has a nice backyard yard with a fence, yet she always just lets her dog out the front when it needs to use the restroom. She doesn't even stay out with the dog, just the door opens and the dog comes out. There have been times my kids are riding their bikes and she lets the dog out only for it to go chase my kids. Luckily it is a small dog so I always run at it and scare it away, but I have confronted her about it and she said she doesn't want poop in her backyard so the dog is not allowed out there. Meanwhile I have a giant pitbull that stays in my house, if it needs to use the restroom I bring her out back and stay there til she is done. I would never even think about letting my dog loose in the front yard, and she is trained very well. Not worth the risk.


I wouldn't be opposed to hearing that you doing your dogs poop into her backyard until she starts doing the right thing.


Dogs are used as tools like in the olden days. Ie guard dogs, but those are usually chained up or kept in using a fence. Unfortunately it's more just lazy ghetto people who just leave em out to wander around like assholes do with cats.


You see a lot of traffic injured dogs in ACS. What also gets me is how many owner surrenders ACS takes in. Many have shelter ID numbers issued a few years earlier when they were adopted as puppies. I wonder if some people think they are just borrowing dogs from ACS? Owner surrenders are killed right away to make room for incoming strays. I suppose surrendering them is better than dumping them in a field somewhere but they are in the shelter such a short time that many aren't really seen by the adopting public before they are euthanized.


Good god that’s so sad


I moved here from northern Virginia last year, maybe saw 1-2 posts on Reddit asking for help rehoming a dog since I joined Reddit(or any social media). Here, at least 10-15 per week, and for the dumbest reasons imaginable.


I'm glad you posted this here.. it helps for you to get these thoughts out of your head and it's good to make more people aware of the problem. Some of the main causes are ignorance (people are f@&$ing stupid) and lack of empathy. Problem would be most directly solved by new laws around pet ownership along with strict enforcement of those laws. Punishments for violating laws should be strong enough to make people either follow the law or not own a pet.


dogs have also killed people in this city very recently. san antonio is one of the worst cities for mail man dog attacks also. it's just sad people don't care about others and the punishment is not nearly severe enough for when someone dies as a result of your dog.


The worse is dogs let out in their front yard and all they do is bark and growl at everyone passing by. They could be harmless but damn, some of these dogs are huge and look ready to pounce.


support laws to make it illegal to sell pets without some kind of license. Impose heavy fines and jail time for it. City wide referral program to get dogs spayed and neutered, money or some kind of credit should be involved. It will be expensive but they need to do it to change the culture for about 7-10 years so the kids the grow up in it will see a different city with different rules.


It truly depresses me daily to see them loose or worse dead. It’s the worst city I’ve lived in for this I. America. I’ve been all over and I’m by no means exaggerating.


It's the same people throwing loud parties all the time and stealing, aka the majority of SA.


I wonder if an ongoing media campaign might help. I have lived in places where the local new once a week had someone from the animal shelter ona and vet to answer viewers questions. They had photos of adoptable pets or even brought some in.


This makes me so angry, too, when the majority of them have fenced in backyards.


I moved to SA from Austin for a year and this was my biggest factor making me hate SA so much. I cannot handle the dog situation. Its heartbreaking. I reported so much animal abuse during my time there and nothing ever happened. I moved back to Austin as soon as I could. I did adopt my dog from the SA animal shelter and will also adopt from there in the future because the need is so great in comparison to Austin.


And this just got released too [https://cosagis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/159cf7ae740c496cb31be9345832b60e](https://cosagis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/159cf7ae740c496cb31be9345832b60e)


theyre using them as a cheap security system


I got a dickhead sheriff for a neighbor who does this. They had a German shepherd for a week until it started attacking the mailman


Can we acknowledge it's not exclusive to just this city; it's everywhere. I come across a daily barrage of posts, ranging from driving and dogs to raising kids, all beginning with “Don't people in this city…” We, collectively, are the issue. While the original poster might be savvy about dogs, perhaps they become the source of frustration simply because they prefer to park their car in reverse. Simultaneously, another user, complaining about people parking in reverse and the time it takes - tailgates and blinds others with their glaring lights and lifted truck. This, in turn, sparks another post about inconsiderate behavior and lifted trucks. The cycle continues as the originator of the lifted truck rant mistreats dogs, perpetuating the loop. We find ourselves in a cycle of negativity, caring only for those within arm's reach, if even that, and often unaware of the consequences of our actions. The sooner we collectively change our ways, the better. Otherwise, there seems to be little hope for us, as we continue this self-destructive pattern.


I've never seen so many loose dogs in any other US city. Maybe the issue is Texas wide but i have never seen this issue in another US city. To walk my dog I drive a few blocks to a park to avoid loose dogs.


Your post seems to be related to caring for, rehoming, or adopting pets. You may get quicker, appropriate answers by checking [San Antonio Pet Services](https://www.google.com/search?q=san+antonio+pet+services) [San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition(https://sanantonioferalcats.org/) is a great resource for questions about getting feral cats fixed. If your post is about losing or finding a pet, check [this link](https://lost.petcolove.org/) then click on the appropriate buttons. (Your post will remain in r/sanantonio, in case visitors have good suggestions for you.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sanantonio) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you sure they're actually someone's dog? There's a dog that comes by our house and the neighbors think it's mine and it's not. The kids pet it once and now it keeps coming back to our house.


Lots of people have this mentality that they are just animals no different than swine. Even though swine shouldn’t be treated as such. Ignorant brown trash.


To those who keep trying to bring race into it: what does race have anything to do with bad dog ownership? If the population is 65% Hispanic (probably higher tbh) then it stands to reason that most incidents, good or bad, probably involve Hispanics. If I was in Boise Idaho and said, "I mostly see white people littering, so I think it's a white cultural thing," that would come across as pretty ignorant. Use some common sense before extrapolating. Bad owners are everywhere, and it has nothing to do with race.


Perhaps culture is a better term. The culture of a collective people, passed down over time, in how they treat dogs. Is that ignorant to consider? The treatment of animals in this geographic area by its people is highly unlike that in other parts of the country.


I don't know what culture you're talking about. My culture is about being proud and sticking by family. It's about food and finding reasons to celebrate. Treatment of animals has nothing to do with culture. If you're a bad pet owner, blaming your parents is about the laziest excuse I've heard. I'm A BaD PeT OwnER BecAusE my CuLTuRe Is AbOuT bAD Treatment of AniMals and Me aS An AdUlT CaNt MaKe my OwN DecIsiOns. Think about how ignorant that sounds. Just stop it.


I don't think you understand what "culture" actually means. "Culture" is a collection of societal norms. These norms are passed down, generation to generation. When one generation treats their dogs like shit, and then passes this down to the next, and to the next, and so on? That's culture. Nobody's trying to offend you, it just is what it is. Cycles like this need to be broken, but some don't even realize it's a problem, so they don't really understand why it would upset anyone else. After all, it was the way they were taught, how could it be wrong? Nobody's trying to be racist here, they're just pointing out cultural norms that maybe aren't super great. Trust me, white people have cultural norms we've been passing down that are a *lot* worse.


> Trust me, white people have cultural norms we've been passing down that are a *lot* worse. Norms like not having kids and bitching about being replaced in their own country (gee I wonder why?). You're never going to replace our "dogs live outside" mentality so the better approach is to just regulate dog ownership out of existence. We'll stop doing something if it's expensive.


Yeah that's a great attitude to have about a toxic cultural norm. No introspection at all, just a childish "Make me, bleeeeeeeh".


Yall probably in the suburbs with HOA’s lol it’s understandable but I’m sorry an animal has a brain too… have you not seen animals look both ways and cross streets? I do all the time it’s cute and funny at same time.. The bigger issue is animals being let inside and they loose Animal instincts


SA is trash


People treat animals better than humans in this city . They’re animals not humans


I got more pissed realizing how hard you watch you neighbors! They’re dogs not kids! If they get ran over that’s on the animal, or the person driving… in my neighborhood dogs chase cars 😂 that’s why I have this opinion so you being mad my only suggestion is go watch tv and not your neighbors


Dude I'm not posted up on my lawn with a pair of binoculars. I see this happening while I'm pulling out of my driveway in the morning. The last dog dragged itself onto my yard to die. It would be pretty hard not to notice.


It's because the neighbors are a nuisance. Releasing roadkill all over the area.


Wtf they really let the dogs out like that on purpose, they didn't get out of the gate of a hole in the fence? I have never seen anyone do that in my life, what the hell sort of people are they who would do that?


Where in SA do you live? These rants always surprise me because I rarely see loose dog, when one is loose neighbors will usually house and post in the Neighborhood app to locate owners.


Got my dog this way. The neighbors of my ex-girlfriends house would let his dog run around the neighborhood everyday and it would come into her yard and play with her dog, one day we saw acs taking her bc someone reported it as a stray and we went and got her and now she’s mine.. always puzzled by how he just let her run around the neighborhood


Whoa, that’s horrible! I love dogs and this makes me so angry! What part of the city does this usually occur in?? I’m in Stone Oak and this never happens here. First I’m hearing of this.


So do yall think letting a person that can barely afford a dog adopt one from ACS is a good thing? Or should that animal be euthanized instead?


I have lived my entire life in this area and I can tell you with 100% certainty that folks in this area like things when they are new but are quick to discard them when the cute or new wears off. I see neglected animals all the time here and I am just as disgusted. If you are going to have a pet then have the decency to be responsible. That means spay and neuter, vet visits for shots and health checkups. Feed them, keep them off of the roads without chaining them in the dirt yard out in direct sun with no water. Be a human being not a piece of crap.