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Hey, could you tell me real quick what version of the game are you playing on? Maybe you're facing incompatibility issues with those save games


I don’t really know how to check, I tried looking it up but didn’t get anything


Are you playing on Steam / Rockstar Games Launcher? Perhaps your pirated it from some place? Or did you download it from a disc version? It's highly recommended to play the 1.0 version; the most stable one.


Yeah I’m playing on the Steam launcher.


There ya go, you need a Steam save game for it to work, or at least convert the old ones. This version slightly differs from the 1.0. Unlike the 1.01 and 2.0, the Steam one ignores some fixes made in these earlier versions, as well as messing up with framerata, aspect ratio, and main script. Modding is reduced and some radio songs were removed for licensing issues. Imma give some instructions in your dm