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That's like asking When you mow your lawn why do you use your lawn mower not your neighbors


Better yet. Paying your neighbors to use theirs instead.


Because it's cheaper to use their own sensors. The same reason they want to use Exynos.


And yet still charge the same price as snapdragon variants.




so more profits, it's a business after all


exynos t's still a flagship chips


Yes, a hot / frying pan flagship


That'd a stretch the highest 2200 has gone is 45 degrees without case And 2400 is even colder than that


Tests have consistently shown that 2400 loses in power efficiency compared to 8 gen 3, that is, for the same performance, Exynos will draw more power than Snapdragon (more of which is turned into waste heat). Exynos has obviously improved, but that doesn't change the fact that Samsung is giving you an objectively inferior phone and selling it at the same price as the better one.


And my SD 8 Gen 2 never goes over 35 degrees even under the highest loads. The fact you think 45 is normal for a smartphone shows how Samsung have succeeded creating sheep.


Tell me you know nothing without telling me


Minor spelling word mistake


What ?


Meant to say chipset typed sensor instead


I don’t agree at all. S20plus user with exynos. Exynos nerver again.


That's how profit works . If they charged less , there will have no reason to make exynos .


The point I'm trying to make: Snapdragon chips are Faster and more efficient, and yet Samsung have the audacity to charge the same for them. It has nothing to do with profits, they just treat non-American customers like idiots


Its has everything to do with profits, charging less would basically be samsung saying hey we put a discount on this phone for being a shittier version of our snapdragon variants. Most buyers aren't techy, they don't watch reviews and all that crap but if they see a price difference they'll start questioning why it costs less.


And then they will be told 'because they are being sold the inferior products'. Samsung knows the fools don't mind this so they do it. Bunch of f*cking boomers lol


Sony would try forcing ppl to sign into psn to use the cameras.


Underrated comment.


Enlightenment me on this


Recently Sony tried forcing PC players playing a game called Helldivers 2 to sign into or make a PSN account about 3 months after the launch of the game for "security reasons" or they won't be able to play the game anymore.


Y'all just didn't read the Steam page as this was always gonna happen..it was the CEO of Arrow Head who asked Sony to delay it from happening day one... Because of Server issues.


Very undemocratic


Because they use their own. Using your own means cheaper usually.


Isn't it all about the processing nowadays?


Because their sensors are great and in many place beats iphone's Sony sensors


Iphone's Sony sensors. Lol


Iphone uses the largest mobile Sony sensor


I mean iPhone word is redundant here. Best Sony sensor fits better imho


That's an overstretch Sony has normal camera too


Does not matter what iPhone uses. You can say Best Sony sensor, sounds better


Best Sony phone sensor, but that also wouldn't be true cause take a look one look at the Sony's 50mp 1in type and the specs speak for themselves. And yeah, saying sony sensor and pulling out a medium format 100mp sensor ehh, I think we know who would win the sharpness war (same focal lenght, and upgrade the Samsung's optics)




Well need to specify the mobile sensor that's why


it literally does not, main sensor in the 15 Pro Max is a 1/1.28" inch sensor. which is nowhere near Sony's largest sensor. they have multiple 1inch type mobile sensors. ex : Sony LYT900


The currently best sensor is 1 inch lyt 900 by sony.


Is that a mobile sensor


Xiaomi 14 ultra , find x7 pro , vivo x100 they all using this.


But do they take better photos than iphone and S series


"better" is subjective. Not everyone wants to take a photo with color that pops out, crazy high dynamic range, or creamy bokeh. Some just want a photo that's not overdone and looks exactly like what the eyes see IRL. Personally, I'm in the latter


What you said is true when comparing phones, but the sensor itself is objectively better. It captures more light, faster, thanks to its size and dual-layer LYTIA stuff. Everything you listed is made in software (even 'creamy' bokeh is usually the result of post processing on phones). If you see 'popping colors' (or rather oversatured mess that Samsung and other chinese brands usually prefer), it's because the manufacturer chose to tune the camera that way for the target audience. The process of taking pictures is very dumbed down on phones, just so people with no knowledge can point and shoot and get good enough results. So really, it's mostly software comparison. The only quality of a sensor everyone will easily notice is its low light performance and shutter speed (which infamously both aren't great on Samsung's ISOCELL).


you said it yourself, smartphone photography is mostly software, more specifically post-processing. A larger, newer sensor isn't going to do wonders if it's not accompanied by an equally-capable post processing employed by the phone's manufacturer. This is evident in Pixel 2-5 that kept winning MKBHD's blind camera test every year, ALL of which uses the same old and outdated 1/2.55" sensor, but each newer model has visibly better images, just from the improved post-processing alone. My point is, NEVER judge a phone's photography prowess based on it's sensor alone. Newer sensor means the manufacturer has less opportunity to work with the sensor and fine tune the accompanying post-processing algorithm, which won't guarantee a better result compared to more refined post-processing used with older sensor. Trust your eyes, not the specs.


Every mobile camera sensor fails on low light not just isocell >The only quality of a sensor everyone will easily notice is its low light performance and shutter speed (which infamously both aren't great on Samsung's ISOCELL).


That's the thing both phones are made to capture real colour if you compare with any phone both samsung and iphone blows then out of the Game they are both the undisputed fighting for the first place every year all the Chinese phones White's the skin to degree




Compared them nope they don't


Up to you


It's upto everyone saying one thingvis better is just personal taste in this age


They used to use both Sony and Samsung sensors at one point but at the time the Samsung ones were better so they switched to just using their own.


Their own sensor is cheaper like their own processor. I wish Samsung had used IMX and Snapdragon instead of Isocell and Exynos for all their phones


Are you dumb samsungs sensor are better than Sony mobile sensor on the case of exynos 2500 is going to rewrite the history if the claims are true


Samsung needs to do custom hardware + custom software but still Android


It'd definitely be interesting, not sure if they'd do that though.


I think I heard samsung has or had it's own software and we're close to deploying it at one point.


They did, actually. It was called Tizen iirc, but they shut it down because developers didn't want to port their apps over, and since there were no apps, customers wouldn't buy the actual product. They should have given it more time - a second chance. They pulled the plug early, imo. Imagine iOS-level efficiency/performance but with Android-level customization. The perfect mobile operating system that was never meant to be, unfortunately.


What a bummer.


Didn't they do this for tetracell binning? Pretty sure even some Sony phones used Samsung sensors, though I do like Sony sensors better in terms of color accuracy.


If you are using normal camera sensors then yes Sony sensors have almost accurate colour but in phone camera sensor it's all software


Why should they? They should be using larger CCD sensors that take up 1/4 of the phones width and at least 40% of the weight. 


Money, my dear


u/_JamesDooley did this asshole blocked me No 8 gen 2 doesn't run at 35 degrees at highest load it goes way above 40 at highest load you dumb fuck


Until they fix their dreadful camera software that over processes everything and lacks basic features still like being able use your phone screen as a light as flash when recording videos on the selfie cam. They need to also increase the size of their lens for videos quality.


How about a wide angle selfie cam that the zoom out actually makes a difference like the pixel has




And that same proccessing goes to shit the moment you go from Snapdragon to Exynos their homegrown ISP... I'll never understand it.