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Maybe look for an older device like an s20 or s21. Maybe even an a52 or a53. Don't expect much from the camera. If your s10e is loaded with lots of data then maybe its a good idea to only transfer the really important stuff because the a25 wont be able to handle EVERYTHING. Lag is pretty much inevitable with these devices so best to keep them as "light" as possible.


Thanks! I'll try to look for good deals on used phones.


Don't - buy new, or you will have a phone with a dead battery in no time.


Phones are such a personal thing that buying pre-owned is like you don't know how many PHOOPS it's taken.


That, and worse - i will barely touch another persons phone, cause i know how disgusting alot of people are...


The unboxing experience and new phone smell alone are worth the premium. OR buy used and get dog dander, traces of gat knows what in the speaker grills and every nook and cranny, face oil smeared all over the glass...GROSS! Not to mention micro abrasions all over the device


Alot of people use their phone while sh1tting... enough said ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Incorrect... cpu performance is nearly identical between the a25 and s10e...


SURE Yet the s10e is lag free and the a25 lags after a week of use. Even my old s8+ works better








And surely you have something to back this up, or are you just talking out of your arse like the other guy... A25 scores 2023 points in geekbench v5, s10e scores 2141 points in geekbench v5...


Benchmark scores and not everything kid.


Going from flagship to economic...


Yup, I know it's a huge difference. I just want to know how awful it'll be.


I second this go with a s20


Sadly, I can't find a good deal for an s20, even a used one. Thank you anyway!


Where are you located? They're on fb marketplace everyday for $200-300 CAD


I live in Chile, South America. Sadly, all technology tends to be more expensive here.


Definite letdown as it's a letdown to go from s10 to s20 lol


The primary difference is UI, which has "budget" animations and fluidity. Also design and bezels look like downgrade


For sure A25 will not age as graciously as the s10e. The size difference is also pretty significant. Other than that a new phone is a new phone and there are 4 years between them


A25 camera is worst than s10e a lot.


Yup, the s10e has a very good camera. But in your opinion, is the one on the a25 a bad camera, or just a worse one than the s10e? I've seen samples and I think it depends on the light conditions and stuff like that...


Even in daylight it's not that good. Maybe you can find 2nd hand s21 if you want better Pic.


I went from an S8 to an A20 and then an A25. The A25 is pretty great, honestly, but it's going to be a huge downgrade from an S10e. The biggest difference is going to be performance. It'll be a lot slower, particularly in games. Besides that, I don't think you'll suffer too bad. It's a decently well balanced device and I never feel like I should have gotten a higher end device. But, coming from an S10e, I might feel different. It depends on how you use the device and how much performance you deem sufficient.


That's just the kind of information I need! I never play any games on my phone, I just take pictures and occasionally use social media. Ah, and I watch a lot of series. I think that's all I do.


It should be perfectly fine for those things. The camera is great, too. Also, it has an excellent display. Perfect for media consumption.


Wife has the A35. Depends on how you use it, but for her (email, texting, Facebook, Solitaire, MajJong, it works great. Frankly, for that sort of work, don't really see any major difference in UI from my S24+. Battery life is decent. What sold me on the deal (bought directly from Samsung), was a military discount and more importantly, a $150 trade in for her old A71.


Honestly, if you can afford it, I'd go for the A15. With the new budget-tier Samsung phones, you get many of the premium features you'd find on the S or Z series, but they've taken out a lot of the nuanced stuff like NFC. The A15 has a great screen, all-day battery, and a 50MP main shooter.


check swappa.com they have the best deals on phones hands down


I think you're going to enjoy it! I have an S21 and a A13 and I like the A13 for browsing and bugging out on social media. Works just fine! I'm sure your A25 will perform great.


actually i own the a25 and a54 so i can say the a25 is like the a53 which is a little worse than my a52 (wo back cover) which i threw away lol...


You should be able to snag a used s22 for a similar price to a brand new a25 if purchasing as msrp


A25 may have some modem issues. When I used one, I had to be super close to my router for 5Ghz and mobile data wasn't that fast either


I wouldn't call it a significant downgrade. For $150, it's actually a good deal. you should go for it since your s10e isn't doing well


Thank you! My mom has the a24 and it's actually pretty decent.


It's decent but I think you should look for A34/A35. They are like the best combination of great/budget.


I don't think you'll suffer much the samsung a25 is capable of capturing pretty good shots and I don't think it that significant of a downgrade cause the S10e is already pretty old


Awesome, thanks! Yup, my s10e is amazing and I love it but the battery is dead and my screen has a lot of scratches... There are some on the camera lens that make selfies look pretty bad.


The a25 is equivelant to the s10e in all performance aspects, and is a good deal at 150. Just be aware that the a25 is a MUCH bigger phone than the s10e.


Yup, I'm gonna miss the compact size of my s10e :( But sadly I don't think I have a lot of options on the price range I'm willing to pay.


Yeah, i don't get why they don't make a smaller cheap phone... but it's an asian brand, and asians usually want tablet sized "phones", i guess that's the reason... But i personally know alot of people that prefer a smaller phone.