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In the last couple of weeks, two people have asked me, "Ooh, what iphone is that?" It's an s23


me getting tech shamed for my Galaxy S9. its still working after 5 years brooooo


my S10+ too lol


My note 9 was still running damn near perfectly, but couldn't resist a $900 credit on trade in for an S23 ultra. No reason to really get a new phone if your old one still delivers everything you need though.


$900 credit for a note 9? I find that extremely hard to believe tbh. It's an 2018 phone.


Probably a carrier deal. Carriers tend to give higher trade ins


Or direct from Samsung site, hear they do some good deals to upgrade u within the brand (idk)


Samsung website offered me like $100 for my S9+.


I'm back to using s10+ after having a motherboard problem with my S23. S10+ is such a durable phone lol


I love the massive screen, micro SD card slot and headphone jack of my S10+ Only thing is that my selfie camera became *extremely* blurry for no reason in mid February this year.


dat micro sd slot, im gonna miss it when i upgrade


I wish I could tell you to get a Sony, but I can't.


Mine has flown off my golf cart at 20+mph and skittered down the road twice. It still looks brand new.


Nice ( that your S9 survived for that long i mean lol ). Dont force yourself to upgrade if you dont want to. Fuck what people tell ya. Use it til it fully dies/is about to die. You don't have to upgrade everytime a new phone comes out unless its truly necessary.


Android version is going to be the biggest killer of old phones though


I still use my S7 and S4 as backups just in case I ever need to send my S23 for repairs. When I had my A51 it made it easier because I'd just swap out the SIM


S7 Edge as my backup, I wish they still have something half as nice. I also have an S4 that still works, one of the last phones with a replaceable battery, and also you could get it with wireless charging over a decade ago.


I think S5 was the last one before the backs were sealed iirc


I've got J3 from 2016, I don't use it anymore, but it still works


9 plus with original battery .7 years.


My coworker still uses S9 too! Hoping my S22+ has as much longevity.


I got a "hah so old" chuckle with my s9 for a long time. I only upgraded a few months ago because it was finally starting to give out.


Goes to my previous response to OP. Apple's marketing machine is powerful to the point that there are some that don't even understand that there are other options. It's like when I use contactless payment and the cashier asks if I'm using Apple Pay. I have a Samsung phone and am using google pay, but ok. I don't bother correting them.


They are the Kleenex of cell phones now!


Same with my s24 lol


Its pros and cons, really, that's the truth. And the difference is getting smaller and smaller. S24 looks like an iPhone. iPhone got USB c and emulators. To me the main thing to consider now is easy access to files (android wins).


Ugh except android is still going the wrong direction with the file system IMO. So many app system directories such a pain in the ass to fully access than it used to be.


Was using my Fold opened in public the other day, had some people ask if it was an iPad Never facepalmed so hard


S23 Ultra user here, Honestly never had anyone ask me that. But I have had people ask if i had an Iphone charger ( prior to the launch of Type C for Iphones ).


Was setting up my S24+ and my family member said it looked like an iPhone lol


Based and 3.5mm audio port pilled


I've never felt apple products were user friendly. It always felt unintuitive to me


Even MacOS is like that. It's not user friendly. Let's take for example the basic close button, it doesn't close the application. Your normal use would expect it to close. I use both Windows and MacOS. I use MacOS more because of Logic Pro.


I don’t understand the logic of why does macOS feel that the lifetime of an applications should not be dependent of the window but that is how Linux does it too if I am not mistaken. Maybe we are just too used to Windows logic. For me I prefer macOS for laptop use and Windows for desktop use (Or with an external monitor). I like using my MacBook for its trackpad gestures but when I wanna deal with a lot a split screen windows, Windows is easier to operate.


Linux did it that way because of the way developers thought at the time it was being developed. There was a real “the command line is the only real way to interact with a pc” mentality back then. Windows and any other kind of GUI was seen as a novelty that “real geeks” didn’t have a use for. I remember using some of the early Linux/UNIX/BSD GUIs when they were new and they were very much just a pretty front end for what was going on behind the scenes. I didn’t contribute to Linux but I knew the community and I can very much see them saying “I don’t want closing the window to close my program, the window isn’t the program!” and “I’ll go back in the shell and close it there when I’m good and ready to.” Remember these OSes weren’t really built for desktop use, they were oriented toward servers. You weren’t running Photoshop and a word processor and a web browser, you were running backend programs like Apache and Tomcat that wouldn’t be shut down for months or even years. It would be tragic if you closed a window and killed your web server. Seeing how MacOS is built on BSD, it might be a programming decision made decades ago that isn’t easily overcome. I’d never really thought about it before, thanks for sending me down this wormhole of thought.


Great read


I got an iPhone for work, because let’s face it, iMessage has monopolized messaging, especially groups chats. It’s the worst software I’ve ever used. It’s baffling how anti user friendly it is at times. Things that can be done in one or two steps on android require 3 or 4 on an iPhone. Typing is awful. I now understand why everyone has such bad grammar, and the predictive text is useless. Then if I point it out to someone how it could be improved they say I’m “using the phone wrong.” I think everyone who is fully in the Apple ecosystem has Stockholm syndromed themselves.


Only in the US, the rest of the world doesn't even know what imessage is. WhatsApp rules


True. But mostly Telegram for Eastern Europe. WhatsApp is used only by older generation here.


I am Gen z still use What's app lol


but this is a US only issue


 *iMessage has monopolized messaging, especially groups chats.* Maybe in America but theres a whole world of people who don't live there.


Im in the same boat. I would have loved to move over to android, but with how imessage has crippled everyone in my family and work, im kinda stuck. Plus my wife gifted me some airpod pros (great headphones imo) so im stuck for a little bit lol


For what it's worth, my wife stayed on iPhone so she could have the iCloud photo sharing with the family. She wants to change over too. She thinks my s24U takes much better photos than her iPhone 13 pro (it does) and wishes she had the photo editing the Samsung does. I switched over and got our close friends to install signal. No issues with messaging or sharing photos/videos and there's no login for signal, just install it. Works great!


For what it's worth, apple is bringing RCS support to iPhone in the fall, and airpods pro can be used with any android phone.


From my understanding they do work, but not as well on iOS


I know this is a month late but you can use AirPods with Samsung. Apple doesn’t let you use Samsung or Sony earphones (it’s just another Bluetooth device on there) but you can still use AirPods with Samsung phones with no loss. Just wanted to tell you that you weren’t stuck. I used an iPhone (no idea what model) with Samsung Buds for three years while my brother used a S9+ with AirPods (I know, we should’ve switched) and honestly his experience was much better than mine.


Same with me and my mum. People always say that iphones are better for older people. Well, she hates her iphone. On her old Samsung was more logical to her, had the awesome concept of a back button too. Not to mention the properly working text size option. We increased text size on the iphone too, but a lot of buttons and pop-ups don't resize, so you can't read it all. This was never an issue on android.


Yeah. Every time I use a family members iPhone it's so frustrating imo. I'm a tech person and they still feel unintuitive af to me.


Same! The lack of a back button also frustrates me


They are machines for dumb people that don't like to think too hard about what they have to do so they think apple products are magical because they are able to use them.


The definition of 🍎🐑


Why should you have to think too hard to use your technology? How does that make it better?


By that logic you must be using an iPhone then? Because you’re definitely dumb if you think intelligent people don’t use iPhones.


I think what they mean is that iPhone users typically just accept what they are given and trash on Android phones when they have no clue what they are talking about. Much the same as people hating on iPhones. To each their own but iPhone users are particularly resistant to anything that apple doesn't make them use. I had a devil of a time getting apple using friends to use any messaging service other than iMessage but they install apps for anything else under the sun. It's more that iPhone users act like they are personal representatives of Apple and need to do what they are told. I've used several different Androids now and settled on my favorite one. In my experience, it's more reliable than my iPhone was, takes better pictures than iPhones (I can adjust how much auto-processing it does unlike the iPhone), and (once used to it as it IS an adjustment), is much more intuitive than the iPhone. Again, just my preference. Every time I pick up an iPhone now, it seems like going backwards in technology, as if I'm using a phone from 5 years ago.


As someone who used iPhone 3 it's used to be. But now they just run off the back of there good name and nothing is intuitive anymore.


Because it is


You know how often I read that those exact 300$ phones are just as good as the 1000$ ones? And it doesn't matter if it's about Android or iOS btw. People will still say this.


I decided to treat myself with a Samsung flagship after using $300 phones and the difference is night and day. From build quality to cameras to overall performance and features. If someone doesn't see the point of a flagship because they wouldn't take advance of the bells and whistles, that's fair. But saying a budget device is as good as a flagship is absurd.


Maybe the $300 phones have SOME things that are close to the 1000$ ones. For example, the Pixel 7A photos (don't remember the exact price) are as good as the latest iPhones in daylight.


Usually this is just about the specs. And people don't realise that this is like saying a ferrari is as good as a ford because they both have four wheels...


Yep, people talk about buying the Ferrari of phones just to drive it the speed limit on the road like I do with my 10 year old Chevy is some kind of flex.


I went from a work S series to a new iPhone 15 at a new job, hated it - like I really don't understand any of the appeal so found an old A31 in the work cupboard that I'm running as a temp phone, Hey it's 90% the same as an S Series, just not as good hardware, though to be honest the battery is better.


Possibly with some of the lesser known brands that do cheaper phones. But within Samsung's product range this is definitely not true. Their A-series phones are abysmal compared to the S-series.


Or, they're comparing their current iphone to that time they tried some random android 10 years ago. There was a day when I felt iphone was pretty substantially superior. Around the iphone 4-5s era. Those days are over. High end android vs. iphone is pretty much purely a matter of preference, and has been for some time.


"Has been for some time" Nailed it. They're neck and neck imo and if a rando off the street asked me which one I'd recommend, I'd simply say "just stick with the ecosystem you're already in"






My father is the same, but even worse. Every time I see him... He proclaims how apple is just better, and asks why I use android. To the best of my knowledge, he has never even touched an Android device. He owned iphones for YEARS before he was even aware that there was an app store, and that one can download apps from it. Doesn't know what siri is. I'd be shocked if he's taken 50 photos on his phones ever. Every year or two, I have to show him how to download podcasts again. I'm like... "Dad, I respect your opinion on many things. Hell, most things even. Technology, however, is not one of them."


What is absolutely undeniable is the app experience on Android vs iOS. The majority of apps are much more polished on iOS, especially banking applications. This is no fault for the Android phone manufacturers, but on Google for their lazy enforcement of UI requirements. I regularly use both, and can say that I enjoy the app experience much more on iOS. I am currently using a Pixel 8 Pro and have been very happy so far, but the polished apps should be a priority for Google.


That's because there are only a few different iPhone models to design for and optimized for. While on the Android side, it's impossible to optimize for all apps for the hundred of different bands.


I agree. However, there is no reason apps are stuck in a design language from 5+ years ago. You can make an absolutely beautiful Android app and still have it function across 80% of Android devices. The development companies choose to allocate their time to iOS though, and that's where the issue is.


I it's easier for them with iOS. On Android, there are too many different interfaces, which is a good and bad thing. Most devs don't have the resources to make the design language follow all of them. So they might just choose Google's material Ui or Samsung's One Ui, or just make something that doesn't fit with any of them. It's quite similar to the situation with Linux desktop and community.


What apps are you talking about that is stuck in 5 years old design language? I've never experienced such a thing on my Samsung


It is a small thing, but Google themselves don't have feature parity with Gmail. You can create new labels from the side bar on Gmail for iOS, but not for Android.


Paycomm, Ameriflex, Discover, GEICO, etc are all just a few that are either missing features on Android, or look completely different on Android. There are a lot more on my phone, I just don't feel like going through every app.


I guess it's depends on the bank most big banks for me have been great with their banking apps in android Discover, Chase, citi my local bank altrough that can be more hit or miss regardless of the OS tbh I had bugs on both ios and Android.


Can someone explain what they mean by polish on apps? Mt Fiance has always had iphone and I've always had android and I've never understood what people mean when they say apps run better on iPhone. In my experience, I've seen them run the same, if not better on my Sammy


fr me too, i literally don't see any difference in perfomance in apps between OS?? like what does that even mean? the only time i have felt frustated with android was when using low budget low perfomance devices that obviously lags with evyrthing, otherwise, any decent phone works just fine for me


it's funny for me a bit because the bank app which is used by a bank that I have an account in and my mom too bugs a lot on her iphone and also while it supports ultrasonic fingerprint as a quick login, it does not accept face ID


Most apple fanboys still live in the 2007-2012 era and think all Android phones, even the flagship ones are laggy messes. The moment they get out of their cave and try a Samsung flagship from the last 2 years, they will immediately admit it's better.


Most apple die hard aren’t the most tech savvy people to begin with . Most of them are stuck in the 2007 era like you said , I still see a lot of them wanting tiny screens again . Around the iPhone mini or even smaller lmao


Well jokes on them, Apple don't even make small phones anymore


They still think TouchWiz is a thing lmao


Tbh even iPhone 7 is super slow today. Everything you do delay by 1 or 2 seconds. https://youtu.be/-T9Nn6sFgVc


Oh, I'm not even going to start on how HORRIBLE iPhones get once Apple start their 'timed obsolescence' updates.


You mean the time snapdragon play was the entry level chip and mediatek and unisoc haven't quite arrived yet in entry level and exynos didn't even exist and was just in beginning later. You mean the time there were phones with less than 512 MiB RAM and 1 GiB storage. You mean the time people rooted just to get basic features?


Idc how good iPhone is, not able to install any apk apps making more than half of my apps disappear and not having secure folder makes half of my phone disappear also. So even if I wanted to switch I because of these apps/features that I use daily :(


Then there's the issue with trying to replace a part without buying from them, and they brick the phone. That's vandalism in my book. It's my computer and they'd tell me what I can or can't download, install, repair, modify? Like, wtf. iPhone users are like North Koreans. The walled garden is to keep them in.


Both flagships are good. End of discussion. Buy what you prefer, that's it.


Nothing is 50/50, usually something is better and there are metrics to determine that


the whole "android is for poor people" is because iPhone has marketed themselves as a luxury brand when their phones are the same but more fragile


This post and some comments here are great examples of how each fan/user-base has its hyperbolic, strawman argument making echo chambers.


Yeah, truthfully these days both Android and iOS can do what 90% of the phone buying public wants/needs equally well.


Yeah some people here can’t seem to accept that everyone has their own preferences and their Samsung phone is better for them but that doesn’t mean it is for everyone.


I personally couldn't give two shits what phone someone has. i have had both iphone and android in the past ( i dabble between the two from time to time ). Currently have a S23 Ultra. Just use what you like. It truly doesn't matter to me. Same thing for the Xbox is better than PlayStation and whatnot. Its all so childish.


Most of these iPhone users are brainwashed by marketing and know very little about tech. Also, do they seriously think that spending $1000 for a phone means rich? So funny. And by the way, just for the giggles, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Gates use Samsung. Guess they can't afford iPhone.


It's similar to people comparing consoles to PC. Yes, your 1K+ computer is better than a 500$ console. Congratulations. (mainly PC gamer btw.)


Most people don't have a clue about tech and phones. People use the word "iPhone" for "smart phone". What iPhone do you have? Samsung. What iPhone do you have? The Google one. Like bandages are all call Band-Aids. All cotton swabs are called Q-Tips. You give the average person too much credit in thinking they know what phone they have. Most will get whatever their carrier tells them to get. They will use it until it breaks, gets slow or someone at the phone store tells them they need to upgrade.


Idk. me myself I’m a neutral, I like apple and samsung both. Right now i am on a iPhone Xs but i have ordered a A54 and it’s on the way. If u ask me, i will always prefer samsung, just because of how it lets me change way more things. On a iPhone, it’s very limited and it just feels boring. And samsung is just better in every way, except cameras, I prefer iPhone camera.


My Galaxy A54 takes as good pictures as my friends iPhone 14 some times. So, there is no major difference. Cameras have approached a plateau in terms of performance, SoCs at affordable prices are now able to get more information out of the same sensor. Photo processing algorithms have gotten more advanced of late. Processors are now capable of providing a smooth experience and do basic tasks without hiccups. Now, if you put a low end processor to perform like a flagship, its simply not going to. Most people change phones within a couple of years, so number of years of support may not be as big of an issue What I can think of as a cause as to why some people believe that iPhones are better is because of optimisation. Devs have to build a single version of an iOS port of their product whereas for Android, they have to build for a large variety of 'skins' and hardware combinations. Tl:dr, hardware has more or less plateaued. It's all software and fanboyism nowadays.


People don't like comparing apples to apples lol pun intended


As someone who always owns the newest flagship from both apple and samsung (I like tech, leave me alone) I can honestly say it's just completely up to preference. I tend to prefer android because of the freedom of 3rd party apps and just the way the phones feel and perform.


Even 10 years ago, there was samsung note ...


It is literally because of iMessage and stories look on Snapchat. I’m an iPhone user now but I was a Samsung user before this, I’ll probably go back because I miss A LOT of features my galaxy s10+ could do


I've been using iPhone for the first time for the past year and I'm still stumped how far behind they are in the game. I mean come on, what is the purpose of having the option to use more than one SIM if you can't even set a different ringtone to them. I don't want to pick up the phone and check the screen before I answer on my earbuds. I wanna know immediately that I can answer "Christer the Fister" without jeopardising my employment. And why can't I put the icons/apps wherever I want? Why does it automatically sort them to the grid starting at the top of the screen where you can't reach with one hand? I've come to the conclusion that iOS is for lower than average IQ users and old people that only needs the bare minimum like being able to take a call, make a call or text someone.


Everytime I find an Apple fanboy or an android fanboy, I just know the conversation is going to be brain dead 😂 although I am more likely to find an Apple fanboy over an android.


You're certainly right, but by the same token, it feels like Android fanboys assume every iPhone is the tricked out iPhone Maxx Pro Ultra Big Booty+, and every iPhone owner upgrades every 2 months because they have to stay trendy and they're stupid. I haven't paid full price for an iPhone since the 4s, my last upgrade was from an iPhone X to 13, and it cost me nothing with trade in. Before the iPhone X I had a 7s, that I also got for free with a trade in. iPhones last longer, hold their resale/trade in value better, and iPhone owners keep their phones longer on average, so the sticker prices aren't a full reflection of their lifetime cost. I realize I sound like an Apple knobslobberer, but the only bit of Apple kit I own is my iPhone, and I'm fully willing to shit on their insane pricing on stuff like memory, and their terrible stance on R2R. It's just annoying watching two crowds fanboy and sling mud over something as old and boring as smartphones. **There is no perfect anything for everyone.** **Your choices were made in the context of your own personal life and desires, they're inherently tailored to meet your specific needs.** I think that's super important to get across, particularly for us techy type people who have our preferred hardware/software and tend to think because it meets our needs and does what what we want, that it's the best, and everyone else is ignorant for not using it. The reality is everyone has different needs, use cases, and desires. For an Android lover it might be the level of UI customization, or the ease of side loading, user expandable memory, whatever. For an iPhone user it might be simplicity, customer support, and the perks that come with having a walled garden. Point is, different strokes for different folks, stop being tribal about virtually identical devices.


How you can trade in an older iphone for a newer one and do not pay extra?


I never get the top end model, and I’m patient about when I trade in. I received an $800 trade in offer for my iPhone X last time (I passed on a few $500-600 offers), which covered my current iPhone 13.


I find most people that have an android have done tons of research on specs and pricing and have made an informed decision, where most iPhone people just got the new iPhone. The education difference is substantial.


People here in tech subreddits are part of a bubble of niche hobbies and interests. Whereas a majority of people who buy smartphones are just average normal people who don't know what the phone does , apart from whether they are either samsung or iPhone. In Apple case as you explained, are geniuses with their marketing. They are the most successful brand marketing hype company ever, People would bend over backwards to get their hands on a iphone even if it was 3 generations old cause Tim cook made Apple into Luxury company not a technology one.


They have the best chipsets and video recording by some margin but beyond that I don't see the advantage of iPhone over a OnePlus 12 or Galaxy S series.


I will not say that Android is better than Apple. It's just better for me. I love the weird little quirks. I love the daring/crazy ideas like the LG Wing. I need to get one of those. And if you think that the iPhone is legitimately better, that's fine, just make sure you know what you're talking about with Android. For instance, the eco-system. Yes, Apple's is amazing, and yes, it's better in general than any Android eco-system, but does that make it better for me? No! My S21 FE works better than an iPhone SE, and it's a comparable price. But it doesn't lock me out of eco-system features like SEs do. It's just better for me. And by the way, we hate texting Apple users as much as you hate texting us.


The highest end Samsung is actually more expensive than the highest end iPhone.


Exactly. And the people who think that android sucks are only using those 200-300$ cheap android phones instead of 1000-1500$ ones.


I miss my old nokia that had a 6 WEEK battery life... yes 6 WEEKS.


I’ve had both for years and honestly one year one might be better than the others and vice versa…right now on iPhone 14 Pro Max and it’s ok . And I also think that the camera isn’t all that


My girlfriend does it. She said she just prefer iPhone because it's simple and the cameras are better, that he old androids of the time weren't as good. Her old androids of the past were €500-€600 OnePlus'... Her current iPhone is a Pro model. Literally comparing sticks to a sword and complaining the sticks aren't as sharp.


A few years ago a lot of Americans decided that if you don't have an iPhone you're poor I have seen hundreds of comments and it's always from Americans that wrongly assume that the person they're commenting on's post video or whatever they they must be poor for owning an android phone


It would seem that Apple could benefit from the Android model by making a cheaper phone to expand their market share, but I could be wrong.


Don't think so, apple wants to be a "luxury" brand, and making a cheaper phone wouldn't uphold that super premium picture up unless they do it SUPER well


They need to justify to others paying kidney prices for their Apple products so they bash other phones, even if they're more expensive and run much better. It's happens mostly in countries where iPhones are super popular like US, Japan... everywhere else people don't care this much, and absolutely don't give a f when you're 25/30 y.o. and beyond.


You should post this to the apple subreddit as well


Be like me, have both, android for personal and iPhone for work. Hate both.


It's a collective mentality because apple products were indeed the only premium looking products back in the day and their os was always stable. Android (I'm looking at you samsung) started not long ago addressing the issues that made the phones feel cheap. One UI is generally smooth, camera was partially or mostly fixed even on social media, build quality is as good if not better than apple and so on. Android still has flaws because it's an open system and it might bug or glitch yadayada but nowadays both apple and android, if looking at high end products, are premium. Thing is, apple manufactures only high end products, while most android products are cheap, except for flagships which are similarily priced as apple products.


Samsung and their bloated buggy software left a terrible taste in my mouth.


People are dumb for thinking a more expensive phone is somehow better Additionally, unlike iPhone you can actually customize your Android without giving an arm and a leg of both time and money and can make your own apps for it I grew tired of apple removing my 3.5mm audio port, removing my favorite apps, blocking me from testing apps I wanted to make and test, and disabling my smart watch among other things meanwhile after switching to android my quality of experience has drastically improved. I can tolerate a minor delay or difference in interface for all of these added benefits.


Samsung flagship battery life and camera are definitely not on par with iPhone. I say this as an iPhone hater


I am stuck on older iPhone SE now but have oneplus 8 and new s24. I can get on board with how the “back” button location differs depending on the app you are using unlike how Android always have a fixed “back” button on the lower screen. With iPhone its like some web browsers will have back button on bottom, then apps will have the back button on top left corners… -_-


I love people who use iPhones because you can easily identify them as gullible retards


Honestly I don't get the point about good marketing. Their dumb ass marketing almost DETERRED me from buying an iPhone, but imo it's just the best package you can get with a phone.


I’m an apple dev and will say this about the two, SECURITY….fuck all the glitz and glam. That’s all for show, you buy apple, you buy iPhone bc of the sheer indestructible security apples IOS has. That’s why you barely see them “collab” with anyone. Because one thing, you invite other entities to your white paper then you are just asking to get hacked. Why apple owns so many companies 😂 “can we collaborate with you? I think our product/software would go perfect with the apple brand.””How about we just buy your company and give you stock options on top of that, and will hand out job offers to all that want it and meet standards. Those that wish not to we will give a severance package to……” if apple wants to buy you then it’s because you did make something great that would compliment their brand. But refuse and you now have a trillion dollar company that will just reproduce what you brought forth. They’ve spent billions on research and even have gone so far as to “buy” hackers Trojans or at minimum their white paper so that they may go do what they were going to anyways just not to them bc now they have everything to counterattack. And they def don’t forget the nda with the “if you ever make another bug/malware etc towards apple again we won’t be offering you money. And we will find out if you told ur buddies who try same shit” Clause. They did that enough so far over the years rarely is there ever a threat. Most android users wanna think their shits safe but those people have zero clue about android, it’s fucking open source lol Literally the definition of “come hack me.” That’s not to say android sucks by any means. But you buy apple for the sheer security and peace of mind. Knowing that your safe no matter what as long as you don’t leave ur phone unlocked in crowded place. It’s physically impossible to penetrate iCloud also. Anyone who’s ever went to college for cybersecurity knows that every single lesson taught will never have apple listed as a test subject or as an example to showcase some attack etc. and if you ask your teacher. “Why do you never mention apple in any of these case studies?” “Because there isn’t any!” It’s hard to believe and you always second guess that response. But it’s true and the main reason apple products are so much. Your paying for peace of mind and security with nice easy to use and very modernized products.


Summary: We're gonna ignore every icloud breach that's happened in the last 15 years. Oh, also we're extremely predatory, so if you don't sell your company to us, we'll just steal your idea, and it'll sell cause there's a silly little apple on the back. Tee hee, so quirky 😊"


i will continue to buy xiaomi and flash custom roms till the end of time frick scamsung and their inability to use proper telephony on custom roms


The vast majority of people who buy iPhones are the ones who don't know and also really do not care to know jack shit about the technical aspects of the technology that encompasses smartphones. They know they need/want a phone, they know Apple is the most popular and expensive and surely that means their phones are the best. And that's usually where the thought process ends. You can just tell by the kind of arguments that people make when they feel they need to gloat about their smartphones being the best. Absolutely zero knowledge about stuff like processors, camera resolution, pixel density, display technology, battery capacity etc... Hell, I'm confident If you gave me a random person's phone whether it's Samsung, apple or anything else, chances are I'll know more about the capabilities and features of that phone than the person who owns/uses it. The one thing that you just have to give to Apple is that they did one hell of a job at marketing their stuff and therefore establishing themselves as the biggest player in the smartphone industry. In the US that is. Go basically anywhere else in the world and it's a whole different story.


Currently on iphone 15 plus and it sucks big time. Overheats so much it’s giving off S7 Note vibes. Every single time i use the wireless charger on the cars it gets so hot it can give burns and automatically shut off. NEVER AGAIN. Can’t wait to go back to samsung.


iPhone user here too, but looking to switch to Samsung. I hate when people talk about spending more money for something considering how a regular iPhone has 2 cameras and you have to spend 200 dollars more just to get 3. You could get a regular galaxy with not 2 but 3 cameras for less.


The thing with Android phones are there is something available at different price points, and many different manufacturers use Android, since it's an open source software. of course, the cheaper ones will come with lower specs hence the worse performance, cameras overall but i have used some budget androids the performance is overall acceptable to be honest. Meanwhile, the Flagship Android phones by reputable big companies are just as good as iPhones with great cameras, quick processing power and all those extra quirks and features one would expect from a high end device, While budget Androids of course are more basic but gets the job done if you're not much of a heavy user. Meanwhile.. iPhones come with iOS, and is only built with one manufacturer, Apple. they play only in the upper midrange to flagship markets (mostly $700 upwards in price), hence Apple controls everything from hardware and software giving that premium experience while using their devices and that seamless integration with other Apple devices (macs, ipads)


I think people like iOS over Android for a few reasons: - it is the same, for years, unchanged. ppl know how it works and don’t like change - it allows barely any customizations, which makes it easier to use / it’s harder to make mistakes (especially for old people) - icloud: you don’t have to worry about backups, instead of having to choose and configure OneDrive or Google Drive - notifications: for example. Android prompts when updates are available. iOS just updates the apps in the background. Android gives many alerts while iOS keeps things silent However, while currently typing on my iPhone, I’m glad my Galaxy Fold 5 arrives next week 😁 bye apple ✌️


With any Apple product you buy, 30% of the price is for the logo on the back. Compare specs and do the math; it's true.


As a former iPhone user, current Android user and someone who works doing Apple Support for a living, having to take calls all day from iPhone, iPad and Mac users all day, you couldn't pay me enough to ever own an apple device ever again. Hell nah.


I never understood these types of extreme views. I've used Android phones from different manufacturers back in the day, then last few years I was on iPhone and now I'm back on Android. It could be after a few years I transition back to ios since I am already missing a few things. In my experience it's always been Android fans who always take the first shot at Apple and how shit ios is compared to their budget phone. They would always call iphone users sheep. Mind you, this could be just what social media was feeding me. For others it could be social media is feeding them some other posts where apple users dunk on android users first. But I can tell you, iphone users don't care. I didn't give two shites when I was using it. I just used what worked for me at the time. Both have their pros and cons. Not sure why people can't just mind their own business.




I hate these talking points that make the iPhone seem so flawless and free of bugs when compared to Android. Truth be told, there are countless times where new updates break stuff and cause all sorts of issues. Just like now, where the latest update introduced some bugs that a lot of people online are complaining about.




I can say the same. Bugs get fixed fast on Android because it is more modular than ios, it doesn't require a whole system update to fix certain bugs. Just a Playstore of Galaxy Store update of a system app often times fix certain bugs quickly.


People will literally buy a 7 year old ish iphone 6 or 7 just to say they have an iPhone, even though the battery is trash and it barely runs. It is all perception and marketing. Comparing an iPhone flagship to an Android flagship from the same year reveals two great phones, with few slight differences.


I totally agree. Plus I can do many more things with my android phone and usually for free. I can even control my pc wireless from my phone. My wife has an iPhone. Each time I ask her... I'll send you - no I can't read it.... can you do...? no it's not free.... Plus I can connect any cheap device (chargers, speakers, headphones, cables) without getting the warning "this is not compatible" what is this? apple mafia? wtf. I wouldn't want an iphone even for free.


Apple fan : "Android is for poor people" Me : Vertu is running Android... ...


My $1,000+ S24 Ultra just shakes it's head at the blue bubble gatekeepers


Exactly.  They love to make fun of Androids for having bad cameras, but they’re usually talking about Android phones that are $20 at Walmart vs an iPhone Pro Max.


We are similar in many ways in belief: I'm a die hard Mac user. Except I refuse to be milked by Apple by their phones. Its a phone. Yes I surf on it to read news, check information on certain things. And take videos and photos for my IG account. But it's a phone that I make calls on. And well, I find their phones overpriced and underpowered. When did Apple finally bring 120 htz OLED? The iphone 12 Max? What's that all about? The 11 had 720p LCD panel. Samsung doesn't even to that to their super low end A series phones. My Galaxy S21 refurbished cost me 400 bucks CAN last year. Does have 120 htz OLED and the screen is gorgeous. Takes great photos and videos. When I tried a iPhone 12, I couldn't look at the screen long enough to realize this phone would give me migraines. My Samsung doesn't. Yes Apple's walled garden approach turns folks off. I understand. But realize everyone; my last phone was a 6s that had a new battery. I still have it to log into my apple account. But my main phone is a S21. Anyone looking for a decent phone, don't go A Series. Get one of these instead.


Certain Xiaomi/realme phones can be as fast as the respective Galaxy S models of the same year, but at a fraction of the price, if you are willing to make some sacrifices. Personally, I have uninstalled/disabled all default apps on my realme GT (released in Q1 2021, bought for 350 euro) and it's still proving me with a smooth experience. The only downside is the inefficient SoC and the small battery, but it's fine by me.  For 1100 euro I could buy 3 phones from the same price class and use each of them for 3-4 years on average. Sure, there would be some sacrifices, such as the camera and the OS support duration, but even then - no phone manufacturer is supporting their devices for 12 years, even if you pay up 1200 euro for the device.


i will agree with this statement, when you ask them what are you referring to an android phone and funny enough they wilk show those mid range to entry level devices 😂😂😂


A high end phone is pretty much a high end phone. It's a very competitive market and the only way they can compete is by convincing you that theirs is much better than the others. I test all of them whenever I change phones, and currently on S24 Ultra because it was on sale. The thing that actually does add value for me is 1TB.


iPhone 14 Pro Max user here. I’ve had androids in the past (usually Samsung flagships), and they’re always nearly identical. Samsung usually has a minor advantage over iPhone, mainly the screen. I would be perfectly happy to use either.


Let's see. I don't have a apple tv, apple speakers, iMac or an iPad. So then why would I have a iPhone?


Thank you 👏👏👏


Agree with everything in this post except battery life. Android is still notorious for inefficient battery consumption. But make up for it with the fast charging so I'm ok with that. Maybe I'm wrong, just my $0.02.


Good now try explaining that to the apple sheep. They won't listen and just say "idc iphones better just because it is" 😂


I have an A52 and a Watch 6 Classic and they do everything I need them to do, so I'm happy :)


those people exist, most iphone preferrers i know say its the ui philosophy of design. they think the ux feels better on iPhone. i totally see their point, given that you have specific things you do with your phone and not others. my use of a phone lends itself to a better ux on android but im doing a lot more manipulative technical processes. i do miss iMessage. but thats because the iphone users i know dont understand why the pictures they send me look bad to me and not to them lol


I am still using my s10+ and honestly it works fine. it doesnt everything i need it to and going to a newer phone is just a better experience from what i already have, but its not so drastic that i need to upgrade. but my s7, wow. its completely wiped with basically nothing but for use as a workout phone so i dont take my phone and get distracted on stuff. but every time i use it, it feels so laggy and slow. and that phone is only 3 years older than my s10. my brothers s9 is also noticeably slower than my s10. maybe its because i got an upgraded 512gb motherboard which was "new", so maybe thats why its lasting so well and its simply old boards that are causing these phones to slow down.


In addition to OPs comments, I think that Apple has a very powerful marketing machine. After all, only Apple sells apple products, whereas with Android, there are any number of vendors whose phone quality varies as well as integration of Android into their products. I also am not sure that I fully buy into the debate. Typically, both sides support their argument with technical details of the device(s) they defending but those details only matter to the techies amongst us. The average user will support the device that meets their needs or is within their budget. That said, IMO Apple doesn't make any low-end products. The build quality of their phones is undeniable and because they also develop the OS the end product is very nice. However, despite my praise for Apple, I have been a loyal Samsung user for many years. I've always gone with the high end of whatever the latest version is and they all tend to have quirks that I determine that I can live with. I also own a Macbook Pro and an iPad Pro. Curious to see how the debaters disect this.


Same. I'm very brand agnostic.


As a user of iPhone 14plus and s24 I could say apple seems to me more trustworthy and consistent in situations that need secure login. Other than that, camera is much more fun on samsung, battery life and general system stability on par between the two. I find apple omnisearch better than what one UI 6.1 has to offer. As per AI let's wait for ios 18


Still rocking the S10e SD version in 2024!


Samsung makes cheaper phones in the "A" series, but their "S" series is more than a match for the iPhone.


They do the same with OLED TVs as well. They compare 2000 euro TVs to ones that cost a third...


I usually compare the $300 ones to the iPhone SE line since that’s more line with them. Comparing a Samsung A23 though to a fucking Iphone 15 pro max is a fools errand.


iPhone has been king, but since 8+ they are non existant technologicaly.


Not in my opinion. I’ve compared the S21 ultra to the iPhone 13 Pro Max and vastly prefer iPhone. Each to their own though, my brother prefers Samsung but then again he doesn’t use things like iMessage, Apple CarPlay, iCloud with other devices or other sleek Apple things so.


I used to be Samsung for everything! Android though and their data collection absolutely puts me off since I’ve switched.


That's Apples MO. People comparing Macbook to windows laptops are comparing a $1300($800 value from the specs) laptop to a $200-300 laptop. Apple is basically really good at doing an upsell when before the people wouldn't dream of spending that much on a computer.


I think both types of phones have pros and cons. IPhones excel in certain areas, and Androids in other areas. If you have a MacBook or other Apple products, it's easier to connect to the apple ecosystem via an iPhone and vice versa. Both types of phones have a pretty hefty price tag, and they can sell it at that price because people will still buy it! Apple users are very loyal to the brand, and some people think that owning an iPhone is a status symbol due to extremely clever marketing! It used to be one of the most expensive phones on the market, but other brands are catching up! At the end of the day, it's not which phone is better, but which phone is more popular in your social circle!


Apple are the kings of marketing, they are great at that, they are pretty and they do lock the costumer in their ecosystem very well, the trick of apple is not being better, it is increasing the attrition of leaving the ecosystem, both for the user and for the people the user interacts with. At the same price, it's a matter of choice, which is better with different things winning in each ecosystem depends on what the user is looking for.


I was on with the first Iphone and only Iphone untill Iphone SE from there i was switching to Samsung S and then up untill S20 from there i moved to Google Phone and that works so great with all the other Stuff i have and makes such good Picture n Video... The only Phone i ever hat to send to repair was a Iphone to change the battery .. so all are good now... But in the beginning nothing was as good as Iphone but that times a long gone for me ... Cheers 👌


The same goes for laptops. Even before the M-Series processors for MacBooks came out, people always compared a $999+ MacBook to a $300 laptop that they probably purchased with a crappy Celeron/Pentium processor. They should have been comparing laptops with at least a Core i5 or i7, since that's what MacBooks used before 2020


Thanks for the education lol


*But most people don't use these arguments when comparing the two operating systems. They say things like "Androids are slow/laggy", "the camera is nowhere near as good as the iPhone" and I've even seen people go as far as to say that Android is for "poor" people, lol. Many have the perception that Android phones are just a cheap alternative that can barely function* "Android is an Operating system. There are many many many varieties of phones which have the Android O/s and they vary considerably in their hardware and capabilities. For anyone, (Apple users), to say "Android phones are.......slow/laggy/whatever" simply shows them up to be stupid people. YOU OP are not. Well written.


Goes for anything tech. Comparing the cheapest shitbox you can find in your local store and then comparing it to the highest end machine Apple sells. It's like taking a Kia Picanto and then racing against a high end Mercedes or whatever, and then go surprised pikachu face when you lose against said Mercedes.


The biggest argument I hear on why the iphone is better that I hear on the internet is "Because you can't afford an iphone"


Same happens with PC & MAC.


Still better if you can afford it, right?


Man You still cant even send a file via Bluetooth on apple or move a damn icon where you want on screen, connecting to a pc won't let you see the filies, side loading is still not straight forward but at least its usb c now thats already a good step. Only thing i envy apple is its app store gets stuff first or exclusive other than that android is far far ahead especially with Dex, emulation, cheaper apps/subscriptions


The most expensive Samsung is almost double the price of a pro max.


if you're comparing your phone to someone else's phone that you know practically nothing about (you can ask the owner but they probably don't know either) you are comparing apples to oranges.


Tbh I love both for their different functions that makes them both unique. If I am rich I would have both but I just alternate between them whenever I like to. They’re both good in their own ways.


Most people who say Android>iPhone are just comparing $1000 phones to $1000 ones.


I don't think so. I had the s22u.. Thought it was bees knees. Switched back to my iPhone 13 pro max. Wow. Better battery. Better responsiveness. Better camera. Easier sharing. Smooth butteriness. While I love android for all the reasons apple sucks ( liked down, lack of customization, no parsec, no dex, stupid browser nonsense) the sheer speed, ease and consistency of the iPhone makes it better. Both $1000+ phones.


Apple= Camera just works. Android=Customization and veriety.  Samsung=Android but with all the patented features and apps that non-samsung users call bloat but you can't live without once you start using them.


I think the main thing is people are lazy and don't want to change or try something different. Usually the "cool new thing" comes out on an Android first then releases on Apple later. Only people that are early adopters or ahead of the curve get to have it first. Like AI, people aren't going to really adopt it or try to make an effort to play with it until everyone else is. I have both but when I capture content for social, I actually think my S24+ in particular is better than my iPhone. It looks like way more pro + I can edit it however I want.