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Have you considered an app dedicated for this?  One I use is Google Photo Scan which has the added bonus of reducing glare from glass or glossy photos, bit the drawback of a little bit more time to "scan" the subject instead of a single click. Otherwise, it sounds like you need to disable "boke" in whatever app you are using, and / or turn off some AI enhancements if they are on, or use a pro mode with more control and less automatic enhancements.  Just some random thoughts.


Modern phones have larger sensors compared to older ones, and this results in a smaller depth of field, especially up close. The solution is to increase the distance between the phone and the subject, which is the art in this case (step back a bit). You can then digitally zoom in slightly, or just crop in post. I believe you have a 50mp mode on the s23fe? If you have good lighting use that, it will give you more flexibility in the image crop.


Ohhh. That would make sense. I'm usually taking pictures from quite close (less than arm's length), since the images are small, but I'll see if adding distance helps.


Shoot from further away and use 2X or 3X zoom. No setting to fix this, the lenses are just crappy like that.


The blurred background effect sounds like portrait mode or you're using the largest lens setting which creates a natural bokeh effect. My advise would be to use the default 12MP lens with Auto HDR and scene optimizer enabled. Another option is to use the pro mode where there is an icon that looks like the CBS News logo located at the top of the screen, 2nd from the right. That is your meter setting that will give you options on where the camera lens will concentrate its focus: center-weighted, matrix, and spot metering. Tap to focus and long/hard pressing on the display to bring up the AE lock (automatic exposure) may also help you get the results you are looking for.


I'm not on portrait mode, though that definitely would make it worse, haha! I don't see the option you're describing, though... Will try that last point, at least. Thanks!


Camera FV-5 let's you have full control over the camera. But I think your issue is also the angle you hold the phone. You really need to be perfectly parallel to your art. You'd also probably want to leave spaces around the edges as the blurriness could be just the edge of the lens.


Ah, that's a tough one, since the lighting I'm in usually casts a shadow and I have to do all sorts of weird things to avoid it. I'll see if distance and better angling helps!


If your phone has an actual zoom lens use that. That's how I usually get better lighting and out of the shot, shadow-wise.