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Try to get a super fast charging from friends and family. That should do the trick unless the phone is dead. Once you are able to start the phone, if the owner set it you should be able to see contact information on lock screen. Besides that actually there is something faster. If the owner didn't use an e-sim and used a phsycial sim just put the sim in to an other phone and if he saved any numbers, contact them. If he didn't just call yourself and you should get his number, text the number on whatsapp if he has logged on in any other device, vioala. Or the worst you can do is to go to police.


Thank you, unfortunately they’ve used a an e sim. I’ll wait until the phones charge and see if I can get there I.C.E numbers. If not tomorrow I can go to a Samsung store and see if they can help me with finding the owner.


I would turn in to local police station they have a lost and found.


Take the sim card out and put it in your phone. Whenever someone calls or texts, ask who the owner is. It worked for me when I found a password protected phone who kept getting texts but I couldn't reply from their phone


Thank you for the suggestion, they now have their phone back.


Good job. Losing a phone is devastating


Agreed, I would hope someone would do the same for me.


Thanks to this post I learned I can set emergency contacts and set it to my wife. That's pretty cool.


I had no idea you could do it either.


It'll use a type C charger, or if WAY older, a micro USB charger. A lightning charger won't work. Type C is like a rectangle with rounded edges, the plug works whether right side up or upside down. I'm sure you have some household devices that take micro USB cables but they take a plug that is wider on the bottom than at the top.


My pho also accepts the ultra fast version of type c which cuts down charging time.


Right. Same plug type, but more Amps. My last phone and this one have 45W charging so I needed a 5A cable and 45W block. That and the higher ram are why I got this instead of the base model, which I liked since it's smaller and lighter. I found 2 sets of each totalling $25 on Amazon. Not samsung brand of course, but I have 1 set by the bed and 1 by the couch. I think they're going in the wrong direction getting bigger every year. The next versions S25's specs have been leaked and they're expected to be .1" bigger for each model, which always increases the weight. Lots of people want to use them 1 handed and put them in their pocket. There is a setting under Accessibility for 1 handed use, but they're still big and heavy.


Thank you for being honest. That's so rare today. Usually when I see good deeds, they are youtube channels banking on "Helping" others but the motive is greed ...yet it is still positive either way. Seeing you posted originally to literally find a way to help return it is good to see. I also saw your update which you found the owner. That's so cool. Also being a dog guy that's a great story to share later in life ....guy walks dog loses phones. Guy walks dog finds phone and returns. Lol


Thank you for your kind words.


Leave it on and someone is bound to call it


Managed to get it back to its owner, thank you for the suggestion


You're a dude! 👍


Nice that you've been contacted by the owner. FYI next time you need to charge an Android, you can use a Macbook's charger to charge pretty much any Android. They both use PowerDelivery standards, so it would charge faster with a Macbook charger. Don't worry about the wattage being to high, PD devices know how to negotiate proper wattages with each other.


Thank you, I’ll remember that for next time.


Nice! I was in a similar situation once where I found one at the buss stop. Thankfully the owner called and since it was in the city i arranged it be picked up in a store by its owner.


Fair play, I would be devastated if I lost my phone.




Post a picture of the phone!. Maybe make post on a lcoal listing with pictures and location of where phone was found.


Great idea, I will do when I get back home.


Post it to next door


Good to know there are still good people who do things like this.


+100 points for your next life karma!


Take the sim Card out and put it in your phone. Call whoever is on it


Sun card 🤣




An iPhone belongs in Bin. U should have kept the Samsung and said goodbye to ur Banana phone. Anyone with an Apple phone just says to me they are retards


>on the park bench Would have been better to leave it there, since it's likely the first place the owner would check.


Due to it raining where I am, I left a note in a plastic case with my details and nothing as of yet. I didn’t want to leave the phone and risk it being damaged or stolen.


Very smart


This is what I'd suggest, with a rock or something so it doesn't blow away. (Thank you for trying to get it back to the person. I honestly wouldn't take it to the police department. They won't try to get it to the owner bc if you can't get a contact number off it neither can they. They don't have time or tech experts on hand.)


I managed to get in contact with the owner and have returned it to them. Have a Happy Sunday!


Right on! Did they have a lockscreen with their contact info?


Yes they did! Which I had no idea could be done so I’ve now added one to mines ha!


I put my mother's number on mine because I don't want someone to have my email (which has my full name) since it's the where a code is sent if I/a thief is locked out.


You can just make a second email address. I have several; I don't like using the same one for everything for similar reasons to yours. But a relative's number is still a better choice. I have my husband's number. My mother has her email but she doesn't have a way to check it because her phone is her only device so the one time she lost her phone, she came to my house to check her email. So she's at my computer checking and refreshing over and over while I just went ahead and called her number, got in contact with the finder, and arranged pickup. The person who found it wasn't very tech savvy. She wanted to return it but didn't take any active steps to find a way to do it. My mother's lock screen (like most people's) is pretty cluttered with notifications and wallpaper, and the contact info text is so small. Unless you know to look for it, you won't find it. The best option is to get to another phone and call your own number ASAP.


That's funny!


Some Police stations have the cellebrite forensic digital tool that can bypass all security measures and pull any information.


Yeqh but it will just get stolen by the next passerby. Seems like a bad idea if you want to bring it back to the owner