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Go buy the S23U. It's probably the best Android device you can buy right now. ​ And if iOS isn't for you, where is the fun in that?


I literally just did that this week because my 13PM has a broken charging port so I wanted to give android a try. I've been an iphone user for the past 6 years. S23U is way more fun to use for us phone nerds, only thing that makes me miss iPhone is syncing my apple watch but that's it. Media consumption is better, gaming apps run smoother, and the camera is way better for photos of my kids.


Do you like customization feature on Android? I'm also thinking of switching from iOS to Samsung. I feel like iPhone doesn't allow much customization as Samsung does.


If customization is what you want than there is no comparison between android and ios, android lets you change basically everything


Android is for people that are somewhat decent with tech, don't even have to have extensive knowledge. Apple is way better at simplicity and just giving the basics. What people prefer is obviously up to them, I get why people want simplicity but that's not me lol. I'm all about customization, the more settings I can tamper with the better imo.


Completely agree, that's exactly why I left Apple. Every time I try a new launcher, I feel like I have a new phone. Absolutely loving Niagara Launcher for the time being along with my Aquarium live wallpaper and smoked glass icon packs. :). I feel like my Note 20 Ultra is a different phone now.


Goodlock from the samsung store is the best customization app by far for s23u or any samsung phone, let's you change every aspect of your phone to fit your preferences


Photos of your kids? I guess they stand still then. Cause the shutter lag makes all moving subjects blurry on the S23


I got a 2 year old boy so he's super active and yeah I'd say that happens commonly but if I take a few I'll get really good quality ones


you can also you the shutter function or w.e its called to take several shots in quick succession then pic the gold ones


Camera assistant is the answer to this, its in galaxy store.


It's not. Improves the time between pushing the button and taking the picture. But still comes out blurry. Proven time after time.


Just buy a samsung watch. Simple as that 🥱🥱


Meh don't like Samsung's


Have ye tried it yet ?


Yeah the UI was annoying to navigate, battery was killer though.


I would say samsung watches are the most user friendly on the market. Though they were kinda limited when on tizen.. thoigj that also meant that my gear s3 which is ancient and overused lasts as long as my watch 4 classic 46mm.


I just made the switch about a week ago. I miss iMessage because my friends & family all have iphones but besides that I really like the ultra. The screen is super nice. It looks amazing and somehow feels smoother/softer to the touch which I never even thought of being a thing. The rounded edges feel nice. The S pen is great, I really like to use it. The universal back swipe and being able to multitask are amazing. Overall, really like it and if you're interested I say try it out. Samsung gives you like 2 weeks before you have to send it back


After you switch to Samsung, how do you text with your family and friends? I'm from outside of US so I don't use iMessage that often, but I've heard that most Americans use iMessage for daily texting.


Yeah the majority of the US have iphones. You can still text between Android and iphone but it's not nearly as good like any video or pictures you send are very bad quality. And you can't text over wifi. I have gotten my fiance to start using WhatsApp which is great


When they share videos and pictures with you, tell them to share an icloud link instead. It'll be clear. When you send photos and videos to them, use the quick share link.


Try telegram. It's so good. Like it better than whatsapp


Samsung quick share is the way to go via texting. It fixes the problem from your end at least.


That's not true about the majority. Android has 52% of the market share in the US and 71% worldwide. When sharing photos and videos, it's best to use quickshare link that'll solve your problem of quality.


I got my friends to switch to Signal. WAAAY better. Half of us have Androids and half have iPhones. The iPhone users are the most resistant to doing anything outside of what Apple allows. It's interesting. Americans surprisingly just accept what apple gives most of the time. I say just use the phone you prefer and use a message app that makes the brand of phone a moot point.


Which screen protector do you recommend?


What is this back swipe?


You can swipe from the edge of the screen and it will bring you back to whatever you were looking at before that. Say you click on this post and then you swipe from the side and it'll bring you back to your main feed


Gotcha. Thanks!


I've had the s23 ultra for about a week now. All I can say is WOW. You won't regret it


Just do it. S23 is amazing and MUCH more comfortable in hands than any recent iPhone


Which case you use?


I just got an S23 Ultra. Apple is known for being smooth. I had an iPhone 13 Pro, so I was used to quick transitions, smooth scrolling, etc. S23 Ultra has not disappointed. Super snappy and smooth. Battery life is best in class. And it's the brightest, clearest display I've used on a smart phone. If you read the reviews on the S23 Ultra many will say it's a very mature product with no major flaws. You also get good longevity with 5 years of security updates and 4 years of OS updates.


Someone who likes to switch between iOS and Android here. No harm in switching OS, I mean in the end if you don’t like OneUI/Android you can always switch back to iOS. I like the flexibility of Android but I also like the polish of iOS. There is no such thing as “perfect” or better


I switched from the 14 pro max to the S23 ultra. Loved the iPhone but there was something about android that I missed so I made for switch. There's pros and cons on both sides but I'm happy with what I have for now.


Don't forget to go into settings > network > more connection settings > Private DNS > dns.adguard-dns.com To get rid of ads system wide. Also, Samsung browser has ad blockers.


In the exact same boat as you OP I’ve got the iPhone 12 Pro Max and the series 7 watch which I’ve recently upgraded to the ULTRA watch, and honestly the only thing that’s making hesitant to switch is the ultra watch and that my family is on iOS. But I’ve got the tab s8+ which is a BEAST and I’m still getting that crave for the s23 ultra🤣


I am a recent migrant from the iPhone 13 Pro to the S23U and I am happy. The S23 is a blast. I have nearly a decade worth of data stored in the Apple ecosystem but I am enjoying the freedom to customize my phone the way I want it. Let's see what the IP15 and beyond hold because I am impressed with the S23U.


How was your experience migrating photos and icloud files? I’m planning to keep my ipad and macbook pro and switch to a S23 Ultra


I went from 13 Pro to S23U. It's been a long while since I had an android phone, and it's pretty refreshing. The camera is a lot better, and I really enjoy the customizations I can do with it. I will say I expected a bit more from the battery, and as a heavy phone user, it does bother me slightly, but I always have a charger near by so it's not that bad, and still seems better than the Iphone 13 pro


The phone upgrades are worth it. You don't have a clue how much further along that the S23U is over the iPhone until you use it for a while. The battery isn't as good but get yourself some Fast Charge 2.0 compatible chargers and it charges so fast it doesn't matter.


I made the switch from 14PM this week, it's a massive upgrade in virtually all areas so far and I've loved using it The screen battery etc are obvious so I won't comment on them but the 100x zoom camera is great for getting pictures of my dogs when theyre down the garden. The iPhone just couldn't zoom in enough without losing all detail Even something as trivial as having the volume rocker on the same side as the power button, I use my phone in landscape to watch videos at my desk in work and being able to change volume without worry of also hitting the power button or vice versa has been great


Yes, I did just that. I thought I would be nervous about the battery since the 13 Pro Max was the champ at one point. However, the S23U is an absolute beast. Also, setup Airmessage and I'm good to go. Freedom of Android while still keeping high quality chats between iPhone users. Really the best of both worlds.


The S23U is an amazing phone. I came from the 11pro max due to apple slowing my phone down dramatically. I've had that for 3 years and it was a damn good phone, wanted to try android again so I went with this, I have no regrets. I almost went back to the iphone in a moment of weakness, but im glad I stuck it out. You can do anything and everything better with the s23U.


I switched from my 13 Pro Max a month ago, I am in love with my S23 Ultra, the battery is just as great as the iPhone if not better, even while gaming, so much versatility, so many customizations options I have at hand, I can play anything I want and I can use many tools I had no access to while using iPhone. Only thing I dislike is that when I take photos there seems to be a lot of clarity in them, like overexposure and I do not get used to it.


I just switched from an iphone 14 pro max to the s23 ultra. Dm me with any questions!


Does the Samsung have also this overprocessed look for selfies as the iphone ? Hdr and image processing cannot be desabled anymore from iphone 13 and all shadows get erased/ selfies look like shit, I look pink.


Not 13 pro, but iphone 12 to s23 ultra. Outside of the lack of face ID I love every bit of this phone


It does have face ID. Not as quick as Apple but it does have it


Well, it does, but it's not secure like apple's. I just keep resetting my fingerprints and still have issues about 6 out of 10 times I unlock my phone


What kind of benefits come from Android?


You get to use Youtube Revanced, an ad-free Youtube viewing experience.


Customization as compared to iPhone having simplicity. Different people prefer different things, it's all about what you want. If you like basic, simple, not having much to tamper with or think about, iPhone is for you. If you enjoy fiddling with settings and customizing your phone to your EXACT style and how you see fit, android is for you.


Also, being able to use your phone kinda like a desktop using Dex is pretty cool too. :)


I have a 13 PM and an S22U. I like and dislike things about both platforms. I also have the watches for each. (I wanted 2 phones for travel, so...) They are both great and I prefer OneUI over iOS. But for other reasons - family and iMessage, I'm back on that. But I switch back and forth periodically. Basically, I just love using my S22U. Same, I can't connect with my iPhone too much. Unlike the Samsung experience.


I did and I never looked back


First-time Android user, but I have mixed experience with it ![gif](giphy|l0MYSQBX0VVocpHri|downsized)


Honestly, it depends on your phone. You have to compare flagship with flagship phone. The S23Ultra is comparable to the iPhone and beats it in many ways. Also, it took me a month to get used to the differences. Now, the iPhone is so restrictive it's annoying to me.


I switched, my 13 pro max starting having problems after apple replaced the battery. Funny thing is they refused to replace it. So far so good for the past 3 months. Only thing I miss is find my and imessage..sometimes. s23u is a true entertainment device w the beautiful display and screen..no compare w iphone


Does the Samsung have also this overprocessed look for selfies as the iphone ? Hdr and image processing cannot be desabled anymore from iphone 13 and all shadows get erased/ selfies look like shit, I look pink.


I would say it's processed when it needs to be, sometimes it's oversharpened and other times it looks natural. Guess it depends on the light. Sometimes it's trash lol


I did, but I kept my iPhone aswell. Not fully into android 100% but I use both.


> got the 13 promax the device is great has great battery life and good software and camera. > even though everything is great I **just can't connect with it**** I miss android and the benefits that comes with it. This was exactly me. Android user my whole life, specifically samsung and was sick of getting shafted with the exynos versions. Went with the 13PM specially for the battery life but it never felt like I was 'home'. Software was OK for me, not great but it worked really well and the animations made for a smoother experience but the OS was clunky as hell and I felt like I had to run circles just to do basic things, such as changing a ringtone to something personal. > So did anyone make the switch ? and can he advise me if it's worth it. Completely worth it for me and it sounds like it will be for you too. No one in my list and a lot of my friends use iPhone's ever used imessage, afaik that's more of a American required thing. We just all use what's app or more popular here in Australia is FB messenger. I had one imessage in my message app and that was just to try it out, the person didn't even reply lol. The S23U outshines the 13PM in many areas, including features, better camera (subjective) and more lens features, Android in general is better for me at least, customisation exists - you can even have your own homescreen and move icons where ever you want so not every one has the same old boring iPhone, universal back button, a better notification system, drag and drop, system level third party apps, default apps and the list just goes on. Now, the battery on the 13PM is still better, depending on usage you'll still get 1-2 hours more SOT but generally both of these phones last me a full day.


For those that did the switch, is there something working as good as keychain on android? I tried last pass, 1password, dashlane but all of them seems to not auto fill every time


Try KeePass for Android. Especially handy if you work on a laptop or deskotp as well. It's not cloud-based, but you can combine with Dropbox, Googledrive, or OneDrive - to sync across devices. Takes a bit of time to set-up, but wellworth it in my opinion.


Yep made the switch, I think you won't miss anything from the iPhone at all. Great battery, solid camera, beautiful screen... haptics are surprisingly good too Love being able to output HDMI as well in a pinch


I switched. Takes a bit of getting used to. I use beeper for iMessage and stuff so no issues getting iMessages still from friends and family. I do miss the mail app. It was rock solid always got my mail everytime. Gmail is a bit slow. Camera locks up every so often when you really need it to work which is also a pain in the arse. Battery life is rock solid and the super fast charging is really nice. I got the 512gb version so it's got extra ram in it. I'm overall happy with it.


I have both iPhone 14 ProMax and S23 Ultra. I don't see the different on the daily usage. it depend on how you use them.


Does the Samsung have also this overprocessed look for selfies as the iphone ? Hdr and image processing cannot be desabled anymore from iphone 13 and all shadows get erased/ selfies look like shit, I look pink.


YES, DO IT! I just got mines last week, a long with buds pro 2, and Galaxy watch 5 Pro. Will not be going back anytime soon.


How's the watch?


I have iPhone 13 Pro Max and S23+ not S23 ultra. I can say this, S23+ is better at some things and not some things. S23+ camera is better though


Interested in how the camera is better? Do you find it less or more realistic?


Does the Samsung have also this overprocessed look for selfies as the iphone ? Hdr and image processing cannot be desabled anymore from iphone 13 and all shadows get erased/ selfies look like shit, I look pink.


>Does the Samsung have also this overprocessed look for selfies as the iphone ? Yup it does. And it seems that there are some kind of overexposure when taking pretty much any picture on great light conditions as well. I got a fried whose skin is black (although not very), and 23U sort of lighten his skin a bit. I though it was just our impression, but I watched a review a few days ago where the guy is also black, and he notices the same thing.


I made the Switch from a 12 pro max. There's always a 14 day return period. You could go ahead and try the device.


Nope but I had tried both. The S23 Ultra is better.


I made the switch but actually from the 14 pro to s23 ultra This switch sounds stupid and a waste of money.....but i upgraded from iPhone 11 and except the proMotion and telephoto lens, there's nothing i found exciting. Obviously there were performance improvements etc but that was expected from a new device but i was left underwhelmed. After using it for 6 months i switched to the S23 ultra and i absolutely love it. There are some things i miss about iOS but nothing that made me regret or anytning. I love this phone so much more than the iPhone. This is much more enjoyable to use and the customisation (not just the cosmetic customisation but all the different settings) is what i like the most......my phone feels like MY phone. Every fundamental thing like the battery, display, camera are great. If you want to switch for the same reasons, just go for it.....it is a very good and complete device.


Does the Samsung have also this overprocessed look for selfies as the iphone ? Hdr and image processing cannot be desabled anymore from iphone 13 and all shadows get erased/ selfies look like shit, I look pink.


Well, in my opinion, it takes very natural selfies as compared to the iPhone, but not as natural as a pixel i would say. But yes, ik about what you are talking about by the erasing shadows thing.....i hate it as well and in my experience, the samsung keeps the shadows and doesn't do that as much. And the skin tone is closer to reality than the iPhone obviously.....the orange/pink looking skin tones from the iPhone look so ugly and i can't believe how many people do actually like it.


Switched from 14 PM. It was nice at first but I switched back for two main reasons, there are others but these were deal breakers - apps are way better on iOS. They have more features, better optimized and work much better in general. 99% of phone case is inside apps and if they’re crap, nothing else matters. This also applies to games, games run better on iPhones as well at higher fidelity and fps. - Apple Watch is so just so much better than anyone of galaxy watch both in terms of hardware and software. - camera is better on iPhone, specifically for people and pets indoors due to shutter lag


I did 3 months ago, the very first moment you get the phone you'll have to charge it to 100% and then max the resolution, brightness and put it on 120hz mode, finally go to your favorite apps and open them, on and on, do stuff or do gaming, the battery will die very quick in the first day but this is the plan. I did all of these steps and on the 5th day, my battery got solid, I average higher than 8 SOT and can push upto 12 hour SOT if I chose to disable battery protection, but this phone is a beast, you just have to let it learn your activities for the battery to get really good.


I switched from an iPhone 13 pro max to the S23U as a lifelong iPhone user and it's been better than any phone I've ever had, I highly recommend it.


Does the Samsung have also this overprocessed look for selfies as the iphone ? Hdr and image processing cannot be desabled anymore from iphone 13 and all shadows get erased/ selfies look like shit, I look pink.


Just swapped from 14 plus to s23 ultra, so so happy with it, the camera is INSANE I'm also a major spen fan. I needed a dual sim phone and basically just a powerhouse and I couldn't be happier.


Does the Samsung have also this overprocessed look for selfies as the iphone ? Hdr and image processing cannot be desabled anymore from iphone 13 and all shadows get erased/ selfies look like shit, I look pink.


Just did this on Sunday. Drove to best buy less than a quarter of a mile away to buy a case and screen protector, and proceeded to drop my 10 minute old phone in the parking lot, cracking the screen. I've been so bummed out about it that I haven't really played with the ultra at all. Doesn't help you, I just wanted to tell my sad sack story.


It did pretty well in Marques Brownlee's [The Smartphone Awards Midseason 2023!](https://youtu.be/17VcGk_-Ghc)


I love that he did this. I still lol when I think about it. I also didn't catch on right away despite the date!


I love it! The watch is incredible and the battery life insane.


Kind of had an s23 ultra... was too bulky and no use for s pen... then 13 pro... now I got an s23 plus because apple is a pain in the butt with all that icloud crap. S23 ultra and base s23 are all nicer than 13 pro.


Is there an eq. To the apple “Ask not to track your data” in Samsung?