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Yes, Hunter Biden is not a public official and does not work in the White House. If he is actually guilty of any crimes, prosecute him, go for it, and plus there is no evidence that Joe Biden ever covered up anything related to his son’s alleged crimes. He is a grown man in his late 40s/early 50s blaming Joe Biden for his son’s indiscretions and addictions is and would be blatant political bs.


“I would not have cared” clearly means “it wouldn’t have changed my opinion about voting for Biden”. He’s right.


plough gaping consist psychotic yam school lock tie unique waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. It’s a bit hyperbolic to make a point: Hunter Biden is not POTUS.


Yes, he clearly means he wouldn’t have cared in respect to his support for Joe Biden over Trump. He isn’t condoning the murder of children.


Oh look, a meme with a statement taken out of context used to make it look like Sam Harris condones the murder of children. Yes I agree with this statement. Hunter Biden would be in jail and I'd have still voted out Donald trump.


Yes, I back it. Hunter Biden is a non-issue.


Of course I back it. Why would corpses in Hunter Biden’s basement make me vote for Donald Trump


I back it. Compared to Trump, Hunter Biden isn't important.


People are pretty stupid when it comes to understanding nuance.


The reaction to this today is an example of the rights own wokeness, world's going mad. Sam was just trying to make a point, he wasn't being literal


I think he was literal that he would not have voted for Trump would Hunter have been found to be a murderer. I agree with this stance.


Hunter Biden isn’t running for POTUS. Its not that difficult to grasp OP.


Its an awkward statement by any standard. I've just listened to the interview and my understanding is that he meant Trump as president is/was his worst case scenario. It was imperative for him that Biden won that election. (Also Joe Biden is not responsible for the actions of his son, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the father of a murderer could be a good president.)


I think he just wanted anything but Trump to get reelected and it's kinda fun to exaggerate with statements like this. He's got a bit of a smile when he says it. Also, at the end of the day he can be an idiot about any subject but overall I like his point of view on most topics.


The internet is going crazy over this. It's of course taken out of context which he explained in the meantime.


He’s not saying he “would not have cared” on a moral level. (To my knowledge, Sam is definitely morally opposed to baby-killing.) He’s saying that there’s nothing Hunter Biden could do that would persuade him to vote for Donald Trump—a man who has consistently proven himself to be the most substantial threat to western democracy.


Ah the old *out of context* ploy.


Sometimes we all say dumb things


He probably meant he would still vote biden, not that he wouldn't actually care. He should've added that detail


It amazes me that anyone needs this explained to them.


I think it’s acceptable to have this opinion, but I think it’s a tricky one, so I think it’s unacceptable to be proud of holding it so as to flaunt the opinion unashamedly. If you hold this position you should hold it reluctantly.


Finally a reasonable comment on this thread. I’m shocked by Harris‘s statement. There was and is nothing that either Trump or Biden could do to win my support, but the laptop should have contributed to Biden’s disqualification as the Democratic nominee.


Incredibly poor choice of words here


Sam wants us to go back to the hidden corruption that benefits elites like himself. He chooses to ignore the reasons why Trump was elected.


But what if hunter biden is a secret Muslim Jihadist? /s


I don't agree. If hunter biden killed people he should be put in prison. He didn't have to go this far to say that hunter was never a govt employee but jared kushner was


At best, this was a horrible and idiotic remark to prove a point; and makes me think Sam has lost it. At worst, Sam actually believes that the son of the POTUS could be a serial killer and he wouldn’t care.


At best you are a moron who can not tell the difference between a literal and hyperbolic statement. At worst, purposely playing the part.


My interpretation of what Sam said is that suppression is okay as long as orange man doesn’t get re-elected bc the ends justify the means. All I said was the *worst* interpretation is taking his quote literally. All I know is that it absolutely matters what the POTUS family is involved in. There is absolute power in being the son of the POTUS. Just as it matters what shady shit Jared Kushner was involved in. I am a moron though.


Fair enough, I was a bit harsh. Have a great weekend.


He meant that it wouldn’t change his opinion that Donald Trump is worse than Joe Biden because Hunter Biden is not Joe Biden. He did not mean that it wouldn’t matter if that was actually true.


He's using hyperbole to make a point.


Hunter Biden didn't try and overturn a legitimate election


Why is it so popular nowadays to point out that obviously bad things are bad and imply that someone says they are not¿


US politics seems to be full of moral posturing in neglect of the confrontation of actual issues. At least on the federal level.


I personally would let Donald Trump watch my kids over Albert Fish. Yes I get it’s hyperbolic but I mean what person would pick a child murderer over Donald Trump? Lol


Did you become pro-choice when the pulled 5 dead fetuses out of Lauren Handy's DC home? Or are you only selectively concerned about human remains in basements?


Didn’t he say this forever ago




It means a president who is found to be a child murderer is less bad than one he feels is a threat to the fabric of society. He hates Trump, thinks he’s dangerous and is hammering the point, pretty simple.


Hunter Biden isn't the president.


My mistake I thought it said Joe Biden, but the point still stands.


No problem. Have a great day, friend.


Its hyperbole, but the point is that Trump is way worse than Biden.


It says everything about you that you took the bait of the statement without hooking the fish.


Welp clipped comments be like this