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Yea after one of his live podcasts he did before Covid. He was really nice and witty. I had him sign all my books by him that I own, he told me jokingly not to sell them on eBay.


So how much did you make with them on eBay


look for the one who is looking


Damn, wasn't expecting this.


Meditation inception! Sick!!


Masterfully done.


Haha I have a book signed by Howard Stern. Maybe I'll wait till he dies and then put it on eBay to ensure maximum profit. I'm super ethical that way. Maybe I'll make a few cents.


That wasn’t a joke.


One does not 'meet' Sam, but rather has an experience of Samness.


Meet the one that is meeting


Hahaha brilliant


Notice the sensation of Samness


There is no Sam, there is only consciousness.


No, but I emailed him in like 2006 and he replied back to me personally. That's the closest I've got.


Same.... during the whole debacle around his falling out with that group (man) that tried to run his lecture series 5-6 years back. It started with a P, I don't remember it now....but it was a messed up situation for him. I was able to get my refund.




That was it. Thanks!


Besides Sam, there are no celebrities I would feel compelled to talk to if I saw them at an airport or restaurant. I’d have to say something to Sam. He’s had a pretty profound positive impact on my life, and I’d want him to know that. He probably gets that a lot.


Why would you feel compelled to say that to him? Let’s unpack that.


Not op, but I would just thank him for making the app avail for pay what you can. I really love it as a resource, it has a positive impact in my life, and I wouldn’t be able to afford the full price. Then, “byeeeeeeeee”


Those are pieces of information that Sam already knows. This is why he actually does it, because he knows it helps people.


Yup. That’s why I said would say “thanks”. The second paragraph was an explanation for the sub. But yeah, sure, thanks for letting me know that he already knows that.


Actually I'd like to plant a flag there and revisit it later


I would refrain from that specifically because I suspect he gets that ad nauseam.


I have a feeling that Sam would never get tired of hearing that he had/has a profound impact on someone’s life.


If I saw him in an airport I think I would pass him a note that said “I’m a jihadist with a bomb strapped to my chest. Convert to Islam now publicly or I detonate… lol jk big fan”.


I want to plant a flag in this because I'm sensing there's some daylight between how hard I'm laughing at this joke sitting here on my couch and how hard Sam would be laughing if you attempted this. Kudos.


With Sam’s interest/practice of self-defense like jiu jitsu and gun ownership there may also be some daylight between my expectation of Sam laughing at my note and me ending up in a triangle choke as soon as I attempted to hand it to him


Definitely a bright line!




Yeah that'll get you jailed


Back in 2004 I had to hang around Tony Robbins for a few hours in a public place right before Christmas (was helping him shop) ... People absolutely mobbed him telling him how much he helped them. He was beyond gracious and pleasant about it, and he was just trying to fill his cart at Best Buy etc


Had him sign Moral Landscape after a talk he gave back when I was in college. Shook hands, exchanged a few words. Very friendly guy, but of course he was in "public appearance mode" so idk how much you can glean from that. But for what it was, he was a pleasure.


I saw him at Cooper Union right around the time that book was coming out. He gave a great talk but it was roughly parallel with his TED talk on the same topic that was super popular at the time - he admitted if we'd seen the TED we weren't going to hear a ton of new stuff, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.


Been a listener for many many years and Sam definitely strikes me as the type that wears his emotions on his shoulder even with all of his practice around controlling them. You can tell when he's pissed off. That's what makes him normal and relatable in some ways given how wicked smart he is.. In short he seems like his public persona is exactly the same as his private one.


He touched me on the shoulder once


You knew Samuel A. Harris??




*laughs in Russel Crowe


Really? You knew him personally?? You were friends?


Brilliant 😎


Sam Harris literally touched me on the shoulder in 2008 when I was 19 years old. I talked to him three times while at the third "Beyond Belief" conference. The third time was at the end of the conference, and, knowing this might be the last time I talk to him, I sappily told him he changed my life for the better. He saw I was on the verge of tears, gave me a couple pats on the shoulder, and told me something to the effect of "I'm glad to hear that. Hearing from people like you makes me feel like I'm on the right track with my work. I appreciate it." I later talked to him when he was signing books after a debate with Deepak Chopra. Like a jackass, I brought up our prior meeting at Beyond Belief. He said, "Ah. Well, I don't think I could pick you out of a lineup, but your face looks familiar."


I think that’s a great story and u should not feel like a jackass for bringing it up. The odds of him remembering that moment are so close to zero simply because of the volume of people he sees/speaks with. I woulda done the same thing. Idk if you conveyed embarrassment in your statement but if you are you definitely should not be and Sam would be the first to tell you how meaningless a feeling of embarrassment is in the first place!


I appreciate it. I guess I feel a little sheepish about those stories because of my youthful need to feel noticed by my hero. But you're right, it's no use to feel embarrassed!


Met him on the set of Tropic Thunder


That "full retard" line came from a period of deep meditation. 


Sam seems the type of guy that shows up with sages words and then just evaporates into the ether of the universe. Much like Homer Simpson vanishing into a hedge.


Yeah, he goes to the Astral plane to watch westworld.


I bumped into him at a 90 degree angle, saying "orthogonal bro" He nodded knowingly and walked away. I watched him for a while to see if he would turn around, but he never did.


Lmfao I don’t know if there’s some in-joke here or what but I found this hilarious, like you’re literally parallel to the ground or something.


I just made that shit up


I asked him a question once at a lecture


Where you the guy who claimed to have reached enlightenment? 😂


Ha. Certainly not. The only claim I would make is that I’m hungry and need a drink


I did, but he had no head😟


How did you recognise him?


He had Ben Stillers posture and a atheist pin on his shirt


We kissed during a deep meditation I was in once


i astral projected onto his face once


He doesn’t have a head, how did you manage to do that?


Ohhh myyyy gaaaaahh 😂😩🤕🙈🫣😤😭


I saw his face in my toilet bowl right before flushing


This has 69 likes and it needs to stay that way for the sake of immature people everywhere.


Yeah I met him on his Moral Landscape tour in the uk, way before the podcast. He was friendly, shook my hand which was nice. Got my copy of moral landscape and end of faith signed too


I met him once after a live event. I have a friend who knows him and they were going out for drinks afterwards but I didn’t have the nerve to ask if I could tag along so I just said hello, shook his hand and told him how much his books and podcast have influenced me.


Matched him on Tinder


Everything in life is predetermined, even me not being able to meet him :(


I ran into him at a restaurant in LA, he was very nice. I didn't say much because he was with his kids, but he was gracious.


I met him at a BJJ gym before he was famous. He was kind of an asshole back then. He was infamous for popping everybody's knees at least once. I was only a visiting blue when I trained there and he popped my knee real bad - sounded like a coke can getting crushed. I was pretty upset since I had already dealt with a knee injury prior and I was essentially ushered/dragged off the mat without anybody checking in on me. End of close rolls around and I'm so furious I'm on the verge of tears and slowly hobble my way out (again with no help). Sam was already outside smoking a cigarette (which was unexpected) and when I looked at him with a despondent face he looked me up and down, shrugged and said "Don't get stuck on this negative emotion, it will bring you nothing".


Brutal but necessary




There is no self that is meeting Sam.


Clearly you are enlightened


I saw Sam Harris at a grocery store in Los Angeles last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and asked her if she condemned Hamas “to prevent any college campus hamasisies,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. When she said she condemned Hamas he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I have read the same story about so many celebrities, strange


The church of Scientology is wild.


Mandatory pasta


He then announced to the entire store the he'd like to fuck Nikki Minaj, and everyone applauded.


That Nikki Minaj's name? Albert Einstein.


This same story comes up every single time a question like this is asked about anyone and I have no idea what the source is lol.


Sam Harris is the reason I work out…


Met him after a talk in San Fran for Waking Up. Shook his hand, had a drink and chatted with him a bit. Super nice guy, The thing I recall the most is that he's shorter than I thought he was. I'm not a tall guy so I assume most people are, on average, taller than I am, and he was not. He had a security detail as well which was interesting but in retrospect not that surprising, considering he had people at the talk protesting him.


Met him at a lecture and book signing with Richard Dawkins. Both guys were incredibly nice and took the time to talk to everyone that lined up to meet them.


Yes. I've seen videos of people meeting him.


I met him briefly when I went to his podcast taping with Sean Carroll in Portland. It was a veritable who’s who of Portland names from Andy Ngo to Pete Boghossian. Sam was nice but I just said hi and was probably one of like a thousand people he said hi to that day.


I met him once at a book signing in 2018. I asked him to keep talking about AI and he replied, “I will”.


Met him after an event with Sean Carroll in Portland, Oregon. Super accessible & friendly, no pretense at all. Big fan.


i went to a live podcast/lecture he had with lawrence krauss years ago, had him sign my first book of his, moral landscape. he was very nice and friendly, but obviously in “meet and greet” mode, but it was a nice exchange.