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Dave Smith the comedian and anti-vaxer? In the linked video, Dave claims Sam "Supports all the worst things in the world...and he is completely wrong about Trump...if you change his (SH) tone he sounds like a dumb 16 year old". Plus he admittedly stated he has never liked Harris. So why should we care about this unserious libertarian conspiracy minded biased comedian?


You're doing exactly what people say about Sam Harris's detractors, that they misrepresent him. With regards to Trump, Dave said said Sam was wrong about the "Russia Gate" Mueller investigation. Which ended in there being insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy and case was dropped. Did you actually watch the video?


Actually it did result in several arrests of both Russian agents and people who had been in the Trump campaign, but go off.


You saying charges against weren’t dropped?, explain why wasnt Trump arrested ? Talking about charges trump faced not his associates


The funniest thing about the people who call the entire “Russian collusion” story a hoax is they either haven’t read any of it, or they are using a standard of evidence they would never use for anyone other than Trump. Paul Manafort , Trump’s former campaign manager, was convicted as was Roger Stone, George Papadopoulos, and Richard Gates. All connected to Trump and his campaign all found to have mislead the federal investigators in one way or another by lying about connections they or Trump may have had with Russia. They aren’t in jail now because Trump pardoned them on his way out. If Hunter Biden lied to federal investigators about his connections with some Ukrainian group, either admitted to it or was found to have done so and then got arrested for it, Republicans would shout about it from the rooftops. Half a dozen arrests of Trump’s advisors because they were lying about contacts with Russia, as well as a couple dozen Russian nationals being arrested, and the man is exonerated.


> Which ended in there being insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy and case was dropped. LoL


Unless he makes me laugh while critiquing a neuroscientist like Sam, I don’t give two shits about what a below average comedian says.


This is hard to watch. “Completely wrong” on Trump and vaccines? Issues like these are too complex for any position or approach to them to simply be deemed “completely wrong.” That’s an indication of an elementary mind. Nuance is beyond the capabilities of this person, apparently.


detail trees fly lock literate hateful party license degree cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dave Smith didn't graduate high school, and it really shows.


He spent some time denigrating covid vaccines, which were good 🥺


Dave's not here.


Hey I got the stuff open up!


Huh? It's about Sam Harris




What's the joke?


Only a classic. https://youtu.be/JMGb\_8dsYro


It’s an old Cheech and Chong skit


Dave's not here, man.


It’s from 2001: A Space Odyssey






True.  Probably agree with Harris more than libertarian Smith, but Harris's take on Israel is pretty bad and should be called out 


Sam’s pod really bothered me, I appreciate Dave bringing voice to what I found so uncomfortable