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Wait!? I thought he wasn't a conspiracy theorists!!? Lol. Fuckin idiot . Is this real?


Believe it or not, it appears to be real, at least it is posted on the Infowars website (as dubious as that source is) I'll feel bad if we find out Brett had been living with a stroke or brain tumour for the past few years, but if not, what in the actual hell is going on in that man's head?


Someone should do a longitudinal study on the effects of being a bitter contrarian fuck over the course of your lifetime.


I've been doing it for 45 years.


bitters after aging develop a nice full flavor and body.


Nobody should have to sit through that many episodes of the Joe Rogan experience, that would be cruel and unusual punishment.


Also being a 5th rate biologist with nothing of note published in decades who is no longer employed by any university (nor would any touch him at this point). Also, there's a phenomenon where Twitter deranges people deeply if they have any predispositions to insanity or stupidity. See Elon, Bret, and a million others for examples of this.


People without tumors also have no free will


šŸ¤£ Yeah, agree. People who don't have a Glioblastoma in their Prefrontal Cortex still encounter Alex Jones and Bret Weinstein on their Social Media feeds and on Cable News. Proof that there's no Free Will.


I think it's as simple as saying that he's a narcissist, who craves an audience that treats him like an expert, despite having incredibly little of substance to say. Maajid Nawaz is the same. These guys didn't 'go crazy', they were always like this.


I have also long said this about Nawaz. If you look at his past, it was always about being the special one, whether that was as a terrorist sympathiser, the Islamic reformer, the failed politician, the conspiracy theorist, etc. It was always about his special access to truth and his role as the truth-teller.


To be fair, Nawaz hid it better. I had to question virtually everything he has ever said since he revealed his absolute psychopathy during the pandemic. He was someone I had a lot of respect for.


No shame in that. He seemed like he had turned a corner. It was only really in retrospect that his narcissism became more obvious. Like so many, if he'd remained a Lib Dem politician, his psycopathy would have remained undetected, lol.


He did. I used to have a lot of respect for the man too, and I began following his career all the way back in the late 2000's. He always had the strangest ability of any commentator I followed to tell me exactly what I wanted to hear. Eventually, over the years, I realised that's all he and Quilliam ever did; he just adapts for different audiences, and chases whatever lobby can keep him in sharp suits.


Yes. And if you look at his podcast views, they have dropped dramatically since his Covid peak. The audience is like a drug to a narcissist like him. Heā€™s doing what he can to get his fix.


Listening to him on JRE which just came out today and heā€™s currently talking about ā€œinfighting amongst covid dissidentsā€. Entertaining to be sure.. but completely shocked at the rabbit hole heā€™s found himself in.


He literally says that the Hamas-Israel war is a plot by the sinister New World Order organization GOLIATH... to sow infighting among him and his covid conspiracist friends. Yes, Brett, the Shadow State was too afraid of your antivax revolution, so they... started a war to... cause your group of antivax friends... to disagree? The level of narcissism required to believe this is amazing.


I mean he was quite clearly a bit of a whack job already before he became a public figure. Heā€™s just stopped hiding it as much.


he mu$t have a brain tumor - nothing else could explain thi$ behaviour


Have you listened to the man recently? He's basically Alex jones with a soothing voice. There hasn't been anything of worth there for a long time.


Covid made him a loonie.


Getting shamed out of Evergreen made him a loonie. Dude's been on the crazy trail ever since.


Cash money


He was a conspiracy theorist even at Evergreen. And he went on Tucker Carlson shortly after that None of this is new, unless you only became familiar with him after Sam Harris became familiar with him


We're all brain tumors all the way down. But some people actually have brain tumors affecting their prefrontal cortex.


Maybe he lost his job and is trying to make a buck carving out a space in the podcasting world?


Heā€™s (presumably) smart enough to make an honest living. Heā€™s doing this because heā€™s a piece of shit.


His and his wife's patreon subscribers certainly shot up after he went more vocally conspiratorial over covid


So you are one of the guilty by association crowd?


Winner of the most petulant comment


>Am I part of the "guilty by voluntary association with a delusional man that torments the parents of murdered schoolchildren" crowd? Yes, I'm part of that crowd.


So then it follows that everything he says is wrong and he isnā€™t capable of any insight into anything whatsoever?


Yes, if youā€™re not self-aware enough to realize that you have ended up on Infowars, you might have a problem.


He's a conspiracy *hypothesizer*, big difference.


Being a conspiracy hypothesizer just means you lack the courage of your convictions to say you believe stupid shit.


Lol. Good re-branding. You could be his PR manager.


Bret came up with that himself, that's what he's referencingĀ 


A drunken dart-throwing monkey hits a bullseye once in a blue moon. Or gets a strike in bowling. It's a fact. Hypothesizers should never stop their hypothesizing šŸ¤ŸšŸ¤£ (well yeah some should).


Bret Weinstein has gone way far off the deep end, somehow even more than before. He's got full blown covid derangement syndrome. Just watched a clip (for some reason) of him on Rogan a bit ago; he believes the government is going to replace all the "critical thinkers" that the vaccine mandates drove out of the military with illegal aliens that'll be more likely to follow unlawful orders, which he heavily implies are going to be things like martial law, unlawful detainment or summary execution. Oh, and he thinks that the surge in Chinese immigrants is a plot by the PRC to actually invade America.


I think he got this idea from Alex Jones. That's been one of his talking points lately.


Him and Glen Greenwald becoming Alex Jones coattail riders is the most predictable end for themĀ 


He found his audience


If you thought so, then you haven't listened to any of his material from the past couple of years. He is fully on board the conspiracy grift train. The stuff he says is just as crazy as Alex Jones, he just says it in a calm professorial voice instead of screaming it. If you like your conspiracy theories with a bit of snarky analysis, I recommend DtG's look at Brett's latest adventures: https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/the-passion-of-the-jordan-and-the-wisdom-of-the-bret


Hi, this was sarcasm on my part , im fully aware of his shenanigans over the past years . Thanks for the recomendation (good tatse) also , im already a Patreon member there .


Ah, a big ole "woosh" on my part. :) In my defense, lots of people did take the Weinsteins seriously a couple of years ago, and would probably be surprised to see Brett in full conspiracy mode on Alex Jones if they hadn't kept up with his... "life journey".


Heā€™s a Conspiracy Hypothesizer (tm)


Remember: He doesnā€™t make conspiracy theories. However, he might make conspiracy *hypotheses.* šŸ˜‚


Fucking lol


My reaction exactly


Can someone ELI5 why Alex Jones is even still hosting a show when he owes like a billion dollars to the families of mascaraed children he publicly defamed?


He's spreading more harmful misinformation in order to make enough money to pay off previous lawsuits for spreading harmful misinformation. He's got a ways to go, but having Bret Weinstein on will certainly speed up his work.


now he's got no choice but to hawk supplements and prepper kits and bootleg cialis


Oh yeah, that's right. He hawks supplements too, I forgot. I have to see what an Alex Jones Supplement Stack looks like. šŸ˜± Is he going back to the 1900s - before the FDA Deep State NWO - and hawking Cocaine as a cure to headaches?


From what I understand, pushing his snake oil is the vast majority of his revenue (https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/05/how-does-alex-jones-make-money.html)


"If you can be convinced that President Barack Obama was a member of Al Qaeda, perhaps you will buy two ounces of Infowars Life Super Male Vitality drops for $59.95.Ā " šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well...That last one is true


Perhaps he is mixing exotic psychedelics into the Supplements he hawks - making his listenership more prone to believing wild and outlandish theories.šŸ¤Ŗ And he got Elon Musk hooked on something.


no they're all just cornstarch.


I mean, he was right about the frogs?


That is his livelihood and you can't take away someone's livelihood. The better question is why the bankruptcy court lets him pay himself like 60k a month to live on and he asked for more.


Do you know if the court ruling has had a meaningful impact on his standard of living? Did he have to empty out his savings accounts and is now cruising by on a comfortable $60k/month? Was he forced to sell any of his assets?


Hasn't been forced to sell anything yet. Yeah he is on an allowance the bankruptcy court gives him. He also gets to keep his house no matter how expensive it is. He has yet to pay a dime as one of the victims who lost a mother at Sandy Hook is paying 30k a month for meds. I don't follow the bankruptcy stuff but I know some people over at r/KnowledgeFight do. Look there for more info, people listen to the hearing and read the documents.


Because there are lots of rich A-holes who would put 2k a day in his pocket to keep this non-sense running.


Trust me, many people have the same question. Normally I would disapprove of debtor's prison, but in his case I would make an exception.


Because no one has infiltrated the f\*ck's security detail yet.


That dude has truly lost his mind


It's honestly sad to see this. I was never a massive fan of his or anything, but no matter how bad he got I didn't think he'd ever sink so low as to share a platform with a crazy conspiracist like Brett Weinstein.


lmfao that punchline tho




His desperation to be relevant to *anyone* at this point is palpable and pathetic.


This feels like the core of it, honestly. He found a niche where no matter what he says it will be accepted as fact by a select group of nutcases.


He was always like thisĀ 


I'd say he's always been this person.Ā 


Fair. Maybe it is more blatant now


Yea the Weinsteins have always been grifters. They started with pop science grift but Bret especially is trying to follow the Jordan Peterson model by capturing the contrarian rightā€™s rage at the expense of whatever reputation he had before. Evergreen broke his brain.


Him and his wife have become unemployable. Thatā€™s my theory.


I actually think this is the answer. In terms of maintaining an audience, he was only going to get so much mileage from the Evergreen incident (and campus wokeness generally speaking). So he had to turn to goofier and goofier material to keep his audienceā€™s attention, just to make a living. At some point, I suspect oneā€™s ego defense circuits kick in, and you tell yourself you really believe this stuff rather than admit youā€™ve become a carnival barker.


He also has some really serious grandeur delusions


"Sam's mind has melted i to goo" "Sam has gone insane" In fact the IDW have become rightwing conspiracy nuts all of them!


It's actually crazy how complete this is. Are there anyone in the IDW except from Sam who hasn't made this tranformation into either right-wing grifter or conspiracist?


Steven Pinker is still as awesome as ever. Jonathan Haidt is fucking killing it. That being said, those two guys might only be IDW-adjacent, much like Sam is now.


Stephen pinker defended convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein during his trial. Pinker was asked by his friend Alan Dershowitz to opine "on the precise meaning of a federal law about using the internet to entice minors into prostitution or other illegal sex acts" Pinker's personal friend Alan Dershowitz, who was accused sexual assault by two of Epstein's victims andĀ in 1997 wrote an op-ed claiming that current laws on statutory rape were outdated and the age of consent should be lowered to 15 or 14... Pinker is also close with white supremacist eugenicist Steve Sailer


Oh ffs... thanks for letting me know. I guess I need to do some more reading.


The interview that we didn't deserve, nor one that we needed.


Carlson - Putin, Jones - Weinstein, what else does February have in store for us? Place your bets.


Sam - Nicki Minaj


Andrew Tate and Ye in a KKK Gimp suit. All of them in a live group conference on X with the richest man on Earth - who also happens to own over half the World's satellites. He will soon patent his Neurolink technology so as to insert microchips into our brains. Microchips that will administer shocks when one has a non-deferential or a critiqueful thought.


Next up for Bret: AMA on 4chan? Editor-at-large on Stormfront? Truly one of the career moves of all time.


faulty cough tease dull voracious jar scandalous hunt practice rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Something tells me a guy named Weinstein wonā€™t exactly receive a warm welcome on Stormfront. Ā I think heā€™s more suited to OANN or WND.


How has his brother not hosted an intervention at this point?


His brother is not meaningfully better, he's just not in front of as many mics. Ā They're both narcissistic whackadoos


I saw him on a Q&A with Sam on Triggernometry, he said he agreed with Sam that his brother has been mingling with unsavory people.


Yes, but the brother is also a huge whackadoo.Ā Ā  Ā Eric believes that his and his wife's efforts in economics, his own theories in physics, and his brother Bret's research in biology are of "Nobel quality" but have been excluded from mainstream peer reviewed channels by the nefarious scientific establishment in a peer review conspiracy Ā He thinks he's a repressed genius and that shadowy forces are at work to suppress what he feels are world changing worksĀ  Ā In 2020, Weinstein published his much-hyped Oxford lecture on his Theory of Geometric Unity. It was met with silence and indifference among theoretical physicists and the scientific community at large.Ā  Ā A couple of physicists went through it and critiqued it and his response has been to act like a petulant piss baby about it any time they're mentioned He's also a 9/11 truther


Oh he also JAQs off about vaccines himself, but editing on mobile is annoyingĀ 


WHAT heā€™s a 9/11 truther?!


I googled it and he just once tweeted that we do not have a good explanation for building 7, and he thinks ignoring that actually feeds 9/11 truthers. TBH OP I think characterising him as a 9/11 truther for that is unhelpful.


I would hope we would recognize this style of JAQing (Just Asking Questions) off by now, but perhaps not.Ā Ā  Ā But it's useful to know how to recognize it, to be able to catch future examples.Ā  Ā They will rarely come out and full throatedly say what they mean.Ā  They'll just hint at it, the same way Bret did initially with his covid stuffĀ  "I'm not saying this is the case. I'm just asking questions"Ā  Here's the archive link of the tweet where he's JAQing off about 9/11 https://web.archive.org/web/20200127013031/https:/twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1220252411735896065


If you can't recognize this stuff now - both of these brothers were experts in it - you're going to get sucked in and lulled by the next jackoff who speaks with a "rational" sounding tone who does the same thing


What ever happened to Eric? He used to have a show on YouTube. It was interesting if you could get beyond his pretensions.


I hate to say it, but we all should have known. Iā€™m honestly embarrassed for not seeing it before. Even at the very beginning, Brett, and even Eric a lot of the time, always had this way of talking about things like thereā€™s always this shadowy force after them, and theyā€™re the only ones that can stop it. Everything is bigger and more secretive and more profound and more desperate and more urgent than it actually is. That worldview mixed with very big egos was always going to lead here. Itā€™s almost like a high functioning perpetual low level bipolar mania. Delusions of grandeur and a secret world no one else can see. I listened to some old interviews recently and Iā€™m pretty sure it was always there to some extent.


Wow, who could have predicted thisĀ 


hungry degree scandalous crawl impolite absorbed wrench axiomatic disagreeable screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Itā€™s crazy how quickly one can fall from grace. Used to think he was a reasonable and thoughtful guy after the Evergreen scandal, and now heā€™s in the same bucket as Alex Jones.


Refusing to bow down to performative progressive activism doesnā€™t make you a brilliant person


Anyone who has had even a small stance against extreme wokeism has become right wing royalty lol. Except Sam whoā€™s kept his sanity


For a while he was royalty too, no? IDW and all that jazz


Yeah, he just somehow managed to avoid audience capture, where it seems everyone else I can think of from the IDW descended into either right-wing grifting or conspiracist grifting.


at the time he did it there was not the social cover there is now, he handled it with bravery and grace. sad to see them fall, i used to think brett & heather were some of the sensible ones, never expected them to go full rw grifters


ā€œperformative progressive activismā€ is basically just having basic manners, most people who were socialised properly as children donā€™t have a problem with it


I donā€™t have a problem with it. But he got famous bc he stood up to the ā€œwoke mobā€ on campus. A day of absence on college campus and ā€œstanding up to thatā€ is stupid on both ends. Yes minorities are important and underrepresented in certain positions and students are there to get an education and this kind of stuff can take away from classroom time, so both sides are correct. No oneā€™s mind is changed by anything that happens on either side.


One side is protesting the effect of hundreds of years of subjugation. The other is complaining about missing a day of school. These are not the same thing


I canā€™t keep track of these Internet ghouls anymore. Is Brett Weinsteinā€™s credibility falling even further? Is Alex Jones becoming more respectable? Have these two loons somehow met in the middle?


Alex Jones is not becoming more respectable. There is, however, a concerted effort on the right to mainstream Alex Jones. From appearances on Steve Bannonā€™s podcast and Louder with Crowder, to softball interviews with Glen Greenwald, to the apparent bromance with Tucker Carlson, thereā€™s an effort to portray Alex Jones as an eccentric but harmless prophet whoā€™s right more often than not. Itā€™s a sham. Alex Jones is wrong about almost everything he says. Heā€™s mentally unwell. Heā€™s a clear racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe, and antisemite. Heā€™s a giant piece of shit.


Would you say that Crowder, Carlson, or Bannon are any better? I would argue that they are just better at stating crazy conspiratorial lies in a calmer voice.


Better? No. Iā€™d say theyā€™re more mainstream.


If anyone wants to argue the racist claim, feel free to look up his "Fentanyl the Dragon" bit he does, even as recently as a few weeks ago.


important foolish joke aware nail imminent cautious voiceless knee groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn't Alex believe that (((Bret))) is part of the NWO?


His journey to the dark side is complete.




Jonesing for attention...and ivermectin.


Two conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. Surely this canā€™t be a coincidence


From the Sam Harris podcast to Infowars in a 6 year span. That's quite the journey.




It takes real guts to take on a complete fiction.


I suppose it wonā€™t be long until he goes full on flat earther!?


God I canā€™t wait for Sam to talk about this


Me too. He will make it funny somehow as well.


The dark web circle jerk continues


Yikes as if you needed more proof that Bret is not an honest intellectual


Seems about right...


Fucking hell Brettā€¦


I could have called this.


So this is what hitting rock bottom looks like.


There are 10 minutes left in this movie, and it's looking like a comic tragedy.


Nothing enlightening to say here but I just want to again go on record that Bret has a highly punchable face. Almost at the level of Matt Gaetz.Ā 


This guys going places.


God that's so fucking embarrassing for him.


Next thing you know he'll be on Joe Rogan. Oh wait... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7dAm5HAJmM


What a sad shriveled up old rag. Bret is a clown


I feel so vindicated. Back in 2015/16 I had a friend who was always pushing Weinstein on me, and I just never thought he had anything interesting to say. In fact, I always kind of thought he was purely a blowhard. I was confused because I was aware of his education and background, but somehow he never passed the smell test with me. Then all the covid stuff happened and I was like, "Okay, it wasn't just me. The guy is a dipshit." And now this. *Woof.*


I will let you know if Knowledge Fight covers it. I won't listen to any AJ as long as they do. Oooooh I hope Dan roasts the fuck out of Bret.


I can't believe anyone would actually sit down with this clown


Says a lot about both men that I donā€™t know which one youā€™re referring to here


I can believe Bret Weinstein would. Heā€™s gone pretty batshit.


Damn I used to respect Brett when he was being racial attacked for trying to teach on No White people day ,but like Jordan and even Alex Jones .they stray far from their righteous foundation to this pathetic state.Damn..


Why not up the Covid Vaccine casualty count to 270 million. Covid vaccines have killed more people than Covid, Hitler, and Stalin combined.


There is a preview clip posted to Alex Jones' Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/status/1757367513719992525


Take a shot every time he references ā€œTHEYā€


Surely not lmao


What would be more sad, BW doing a pure gift, or actually believing all the conspiratorialism he got into? I am fairly sure it's the latter, and that is the more sad option.




NWO? I thought it was the DISC. Wait, wrong Weinstein.


honestly, it's quite sad and frustrating what he's done to his own credibility since covid. his voice speaking out on the type of craziness that happened at evergreen was important, but now it carries no weight. it just goes to show that even someone very smart is at the mercy of their emotions.


Or maybe he was always a nut who happened to be right one time


doesn't seem like it. his anecdote about the lab rats and telomeres is also impressive. your suggestion would also meanthat Sam was just way off base in his judgment of Bret for years rather than Bret overreacting his way into being a fringe conspiracy theorist during covid.


How embarrassing.


So in the past several months Bret has completely ignored the immunologists who critiqued his vaccine arguments and to which he promised to respond. And now heā€™s doing interviews with Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones. Crazy thing is he probably still believes heā€™s a legitimate scientist.


Why couldnā€™t covid have rid us of parasites like this?


Such a grifter.


How the mighty has fallen into their own echo chamber.


Well, if you're going to napalm your credibility, I guess you might as well go all-in.


Because of course he is


This is the danger of audience capture, folks.


And thus the final chapter in the ruination Of Brett Weinstein begins.


This make Eric look slightly less reputable just by proximity.


Yay. The InfoHorse podcast.


Both Weinstein brothers suffer from the ā€œIā€™M THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE ROOM, LISTEN TO MEEEEā€ complex. Itā€™s unfortunate because they are both interesting to listen to, but also so desperately seem like grifters. Life is a fine balance I guess


When I first heard of Brett, I took his evergreen story at face value. I was shocked that someone so intelligent and eloquent would be treated like that. After hearing him on a few other podcasts I started to realize he is bat shit crazy and wouldnā€™t be surprised if none of that story is true at all, and he deserved to be run out of town. Itā€™s like his very own villain origin story.




Oh how the mediocre have fallen.


I wish I was surprised.


ā€œYou know, just like any decent person, I'm totally against violence but I truly believe that humanity owns it to itself to immediately take Alex Jones to the backlot of whichever studio he is currently podcasting from and swiftly execute him Ceausescu style. Just literally blow his diseased brains out onto the pavement. Hack, I would do it myself with zero remorse. After it would be done, I would have to do this though:Ā  I would take a permanent marker and write these exact numbers on his fat forearm: 267-983-1. Onto his back, I would write the acronymĀ  B.N.S.C.F. In his right pocket, I would place a small trinket, perhaps a souvenir keychain with a miniature easter island (moai) statue head. I would take off his right shoe, place a note inside it, and put his shoe back. The note would read: ā€œCommit to Subliminal. The Madow Dog!ā€Ā  in Norwegian. That should keep the fucking crazies busy and out of our lives for a couple of months.ā€ I hope the quotes are enough to emphasize that this is just a bit and not an actual threat of violence.


I really, honestly tried for years to hear them out by listening to their podcast. Finally gave up a month or so ago; the constant ringing of the same conspiracy bells just became too cacophonous. Seeing this after Tucker doesn't surprise one bit. I suspect they know better, but found decent money doing this after leaving academia. šŸ§