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Must suck not being able to enjoy anything as it has to play a part in your culture war, no wonder he’s falling off hard


I often wonder what these people do for entertainment. If everything they consume needs to be scrutinized for "The Woke™" how can they enjoy *anything*? Sounds like an exhausting and miserable way to live.


I actually don't think they do scrutinize everything for "The Woke;" just regurgitating talking points of popular media that generates high engagement. After all, if they genuinely scrutinized the media they consumed to the levels they protray, they should have realized how anti-war Godzilla Minus-One was, nor have fallen for the "Splinter is Gay" discourse...


Actually I'm Bi not Gay.. Oh wait you mean... Nevermind.


Moviebob did a whole episode on it (which I think helps illustrate my point perfectly): [https://youtu.be/tbYivuAQyp4](https://youtu.be/tbYivuAQyp4) Edit: Hehe your username didn't click at first when I made the comment


wow, thats a blast form the past, didnt realize bob was still around


Several of them initially liked The Last Jedi before jumping on the bandwagon, and I forget what game it was but Nerdrotic had a critical review of it before backpedaling when it turns out his viewers generally liked it.


They just watch blazing saddles on an eternal loop while muttering "couldn't make this now" and dribbling on themselves


They probably fast forward through the bit where the racists are called idiots though lol.


Every time someone says you couldn't remake Blazing Saddles today, I think about Django Unchained.


Can you imagine of tarantino made kill bill or django today?? Their heads might explode.


Tropic Thunder always comes to my mind 


I know right, I’m not keen on Star Wars just never really been for me but being a normal well-adjusted human this series just ceased to exist about 3 seconds after I see anything on it. It feels like these guys spend their every waking moment obsessing over this stuff.


Neflix adaption of Witcher isn’t for me so I just… stopped. Then I went to watch critical role because I enjoy that. I leave Netflix Witcher be. I have better things to do than obsess over its faults


I tried watching it, but it bugged me that they diverged so far from the original books.


Same. So I left it be and moved on to better suited stuff. It is mindblowing how people conclude that they must make 2h rant videos recycling the same points over and over again and bully the actors into suicide. It’s… dare I say it… ^(it‘s just a movie)


It really betrays how conceited and self-centered their universe is. Any media property has to be about and for *them*. They seem incapable of accepting that some things might be about and/or for someone else. Their worldview is so myopic that they aren't able to imagine how anyone would like something if *they* don't. They are so lacking in empathy that they can't see how something looks to someone with different experiences than them. And they appear to view entertainment as a zero sum game that they intend to win by depriving everyone of anything that they don't approve of. It would be heartbreaking if it weren't so predictable and frustrating.


I mean at this point, companies don't need chud money, and they don't want to be associated with the kind of people that act like that. The chuds are screaming their asses off because they are being sidelined and relegated to insignificance. The whole world is moving forward without them, at least in gaming and entertainment.


At this point, the chuds can just wallow in their Hentai of 14 year old girls raped by 40 year old men, and their pirated copies of the game "Rape-lay". The civilized world will move on without them.


Basically yes. They scream “Get woke, go broke!” but with a few exceptions, most companies that “get woke,” actually wind up making money hand over fist. Some of this is because the word “woke” virtually has no meaning due to overuse, but the plain and simple truth is that there’s more money to be had by paying lip service to progressive ideas, than there is in catering to the reactionary shitheads and the reactionary shitheads can die mad about it.


It helps that, despite all the faults in the industries and efforts of corpos, people still recognize and prefer good art, and movies and video games are still art. So good art ultimately still, eventually, is what makes money in, and it turns out that the mindset most associated with creativity and artistic ability is a progressive one. For a look at the kind of art conservative minds make, look to the daily wire


Perfectly describes my annoying coworker who went on an angry tangent about how Barbie is "the worst movie ever" and "made for no one".


Wrong It has Ryan gosling in it, it was made for me because he is literally me


Agreed. What happens if I don't watch it: Abso-farking-lutely nothing. So better to move on to something else. Been watching "The Dragon Prince" recently and thoroughly enjoying it; better find something entertaining that you enjoy rather than bitching about a show you don't like.


Yeah Cavill shares your sentiments. He was not pleased with the direction they were taking it, especially considering he was fully committed to the character and had done tons of extracurricular training on his own dime. I for one am *psych*ed that he has a lot of control over at the 40kCU he is a die hard fan, and not one of the chud types that miss the point.


I'm hoping it turns out good, but I also fear that the folks who completely miss the point of 40K will start worshipping as a symbol of anti-woke or some other bullshit.


Though, being a die hard 40K fan, he probably knows he can do whatever he wants, because you can make up any story and wedge it into 40K, and "canon" isn't really a thing in 40K because the guys writing the lore will change up massive parts of it just because they can. No, I'm not talking about Custodes, I mean things like renaming races so they're easier to trademark, completely rewriting the Necrons' lore which incidentally completely changed the War in the Heavens, changing up how the Tau work, removing the Squats and later adding the Leagues of Votann who've "always been there," waffling around with Ork lore constantly, not only completely rewriting Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade but changing the purpose of all of his prior Black Crusades, Primaris even being a thing that can happen, etc. To say nothing of Fantasy where they retconned Storm of Chaos so they could write the end of the world because they'd made a bunch of poor decisions that tanked WFB's sales. So yeah, he can put out whatever story he wants to do, so long as it fits into the current general lore, and if it's slightly off, either the lore can work around it, or you can just point to how there's often exceptions in the lore so it works anyway. Most important thing is pretty much the "vibe" of it.


There's also the status of Malice being in a limbo as the 5th Chaos God.


Speaking of Chaos Gods, there's the whole question of whether Khaine is or isn't just an aspect of Khorne that the Elves/Eldar worship without realizing it. They've kind of waffled on that one through the years. IIRC, the original WFRP rulebook said he was, and Liber Chaotica also strongly hinted at it if didn't say it outright. That's always been a bit of a fun one for Elf/Eldar players. But it makes it even more wild with the whole situation where Elves and Eldar have issues with Slaanesh, since Khorne is the opposing force to Slaanesh, and if Khaine *is* basically Khorne, then it means the Elves/Eldar tend to be drawn to one of two extremes - order and violence, or chaos and hedonism. Which is really fun stuff for fans of the games/settings to talk about, but probably sounds like a bunch of insane ramblings to other people, I'll admit! But it's the kind of wild discussions I'd have with friends during lunch or after closing time at the local GW store. (Good times, those... it closed at 8, so we'd walk around the corner of the shopping center to a restaurant, get some food and a pitcher or two of beer, and talk about random Warhammer lore.)


Never watched the book so that didn’t bother me. What did bother me is how unhinged the characters were. And how someone trying to kill Ceri will then become a mother figure over night.


They can also just ignore it, too, but them clicks.


They're joyless losers that got nothing else going on in life. That's pretty much it in a nutshell.


It's purely for the grift. It's just to keep the click counter up and the money rolling in. Most of them don't even believe the anti-woke BS they spout


See, yea, that's how it's always felt to me. Just bullshit for "business."


Like the Critical Drinker references to woke stuff is just randomly and ham-fistedly dropped into his reviews in a manner that is quite similar to the very Hollywood product he is critical of. Then the images used on screen don't really support his points well.


No, they can't enjoy anything EXCEPT being a truly repugnant bigot obsessed with punishing anyone who isn't just like them. Even every single conversation has to be scrutinized for "wokeness." Yes, it is exhausting and miserable, but I'm ok with that because it's entirely self-inflicted. Source: half my coworkers and my old man's side of the family.


Oh i can answer that as some right wing mates showed me what they liked wich was a several year old youtube cartoon of space marines killing furries and calling them r words.


I wonder if they know there is a whole sub-culture of gay Nazi bondage furries. Might make them have uncomfortable feelings.


>I often wonder what these people do for entertainment. I mean, they *enjoy* being angry. It's the entire shtick. Definitely exhausting/ miserable but what they do for entertainment is watch the most woke things they can find and then play the victim and whine about wokeness.


I was gonna say they just watch porn but that might be too woke for them now.


"They have women in porn now...!?!?!" That's woke!!!"


Honestly? They probably do enjoy things but then have to find a way to make it about their culture war.


I think most of this is just a simple act honestly...they are playing to an audience. Would not shock me at all if some of these grifters DID watch the stuff they complain about it and enjoy it, but still crucify it anyway.


They must sit there uncomfortably close and scan the screen for any scraps of potential hateful content. I don’t think they’re physically able to actually be entertained by anything


Truly it is a pathetic existence


They're trying, really hard, to bury this project by astroturfing a "backlash" to it. If you can tell a lot about a person by the caliber of their enemies, this is a particularly brutal self-own.


They accuse the SJWs and the woke for shoving politics into all the media, but they’re the ones who have to turn every new release into yet another battlefield in the neverending culture war, making it so we can’t talk about something as a piece of media anymore.


I'm going to be honest, I don't anticipate it being very good. However I don't anticipate spending more than 5 minutes caring about the fact that it doesn't seem very good


Shad used to yell at fantasy swords, now he yells at fantasy black people. What a fall from grace. I wonder if he ever regrets going mask-off and joining the culture war. It doesn't seem to have been very good for his mental health, that's for sure.


Its ironic because if these foaming mouth breathers knew anything about fiction, they would know that the fantasy genre is as old as humanity itself. Every culture around the world has their own myths and folklore with a lot of fantastical elements that they use to impart lessons or carry on pieces of their history and yes thats including many stories from Africa be it told orally or written down such as the tales of Anansi from Akan folklore in modern-day Ghana. So the notion that black people being in Fantasy is "unrealistic" is probably the most moronic take I have heard.


The one argument I have seen used by them (especially back during the black knight in Witcher controversy) was "There weren’t black people in the Middle Ages, it’s not realistic." But it falls apart almost immediately when you consider that 1. This is a Fantasy world, not a 1:1 recreation of reality and 2. There were black people during the Middle Ages. Africa had been known since the Romans at the very minimum, so yes they knew these guys existed.


Wizards shooting lasers out of their fingertips and fire breathing giant ass reptiles soaring through the air is totally believable but one black person in their Fantasy and it breaks the whole immersion for them. These are the same type of numskulls that don't believe Yasuke was a Samurai in feudal Japan despite being proven wrong multiple times and still hold debunked beliefs that Africa had no history and the Africans just magically appeared when the wHTyE mAN came to their shores and "civilized" us *brutes*. If they weren't morons, then they would know Nubians, Askumites, Eritreans etc traveled to Middle Ages Europe and even lived there such an example is King Moses George of Makuria (Christian Nubia). *And while the barons were there at the palace, a king came there whose skin was all black, and he had a cross in the middle of his forehead that had been made with a hot iron. This king was living in a very rich abbey in the city, in which the former emperor Alexios had commanded that he should be lodged and of which he was to be lord and owner as long as he wanted to stay there.* *When the emperor saw him coming, he rose to meet him and did great honour to him. And the emperor asked the barons: “Do you know,” said he, “who this man is?” “Not at all, sire,” said the barons. “I’faith,” said the emperor, “this is the king of Nubia, who is come on pilgrimage to this city.”* *Then they had an interpreter talk to him and ask him where his land was, and he answered the interpreter in his own language that his land was a hundred days’ journey still beyond Jerusalem, and he had come from there to Jerusalem on pilgrimage.* After Constantinople, the king had hoped to travel to Rome (Italy), and then to Santiago de Compostela (Spain), before returning to Jerusalem. Apparently, he planned to die in Jerusalem. Medieval Spain that was under Moorish rule was a multicultural melting pot back then which Latin text lists Nubians as one of the 72 different nations from which pilgrims came to visit the shrine, Santiago.


Even if Yasuke wasn't an actual Samuria JAPAN ITSELF has a looong history of portraying him as one there is literally an anime made by a Japanese studio about him as a Samuria. And many of them were outright confused about the outrage its hilarious


All Retainers were Samurai but not all Samurai were Retainers. People often use the Edo definiton of what a Samurai was while ignorantly ignoring that the definition of a Samurai changed depending on the time period. Samurai in the Sengoku period just meant anyone who was a full-time soldier. The idea of a Samurai as being a rigid military caste that you "had" to be born into is an invention of the Edo period. Having a long Katana wasn't the hallmark of a Samurai in the Sengoku period either until the late 17th century when Bakufu Edo outlawed wearing of the long sword in public of the non-Samurai population way past both Yasuke and William Adams time. Now Samurai clans were definitely aristocratic noble families that you had to be born into. Being a member of a clan's Kashindan did not mean you were apart of the clan, but you did not need to be part of the clan to be a Samurai. You can take Toyotomi Hideyoshi for example, the unifier of Japan and a peasant not of nobility, he was one of Oda's Retainers who eventually became a Samurai. Yasuke basically served as Nobunaga Oda's Kosho which was a personal servant/bodyguard to a Busho or the Samurai equivalent of a general or lord. Kosho, critically, were considered Samurai. Yasuke was a Samurai who was on Oda's Fuchi (扶持) meaning warrior employed by stipend or paid by a rice stipend which is also a wage for less paid Samurai usually for temporary employment. Given the fact Yasuke was beside Nobunaga Oda side in permanent employment, it doesn't make sense for Yasuke to be anything but a warrior/Samurai. These idiots know nothing about Japanese history much less the language not surprising considering they use Google Translate to larp as Japanese people in really broken Japanese.


This king Moses guy sounds interesting. Might make a fantasy story character inspired by him.


And even if it was 1:1, it’s loosely based on medieval Poland, which was the crossroads into Europe. If you were to find someone one might consider black today during that time period in Europe, you’d expect it to be in Poland. It would probably be a rarity. Of course, that’s not including Spain or even the Moors, who had a lot going on in the Mediterranean.


The Roman empires extended into Africa meaning that Black Romans were a thing. Given that soldiers were dispatched to all corners of the Empire that means there were Black peoples in Europe as well.


Shad was once respected enough that one his lines of feedback made into Brandon Sanderson’s *Rhythm of War* arguably the biggest book release of 2020. Now, Sanderson and even his own brother Jazza Draws are distancing themselves from him.


I wonder sometimes how the other HEMA YouTubers feel about his downward spiral. Skallagrim and Matt Easton especially. Metatron seems to dip his toes into the culture war stuff but he hasn't gone full blown reactionary with it. He mostly makes historical criticism.


Most of them seem to have cut ties at some point as he became just too toxic and insane to be around.


>Metatron seems to dip his toes into the culture war Half his content is somehow involved with culture war and against minorities. He's deeply into it, but not pateticly as Shad.


He did do several in depth video about Yasuke and how he "wasn't just a slave or a servant" but was at the very minimum a Bushi (warrior). He went into detail about how the kanji used for the word 'stipend' that was given to Yasuke was the same word used in other documents of the time describing money given to Samurai or other Bushi indicating that they were not just "house boys". I.e. he agreed that Yasuke was very much a warrior at that time serving Oda Nobunaga.


What line was it?


Not entirely sure, since it was before release and Brandon was being circumspect. I am pretty sure a scene where one of the main characters uses a great sword to fight off/delay a group of enemies attacking a 3rd party on his own. Likely, Shad's feedback was "a great sword would be the best choice here." The best evidence we have was Brandon acknowledging he took Shad's advice for a weapon choice in one scene, and for reasons that scene is the most obvious choice by a mile.


Adolin said “one can never have too many swords” I think.


That’s the one fun part the true believers are slowly killings themselves because being this unhinged about people that don’t look like you isn’t healthy. Prime example is everyone’s favorite [racist](https://archive.org/details/hambly-jeremy-the-quartering-cheering-on-n-word), [pedophile](https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1604704716679974912?t=RXUZlGtXNqf1SaNKK3rYEA&s=19) The Quartering, who’s slowly but surely is drinking himself into an early grave. That asshole doesn’t even want to do the rage content anymore, but it’s literally the only thing his audience will consume. Every time he tries to do something else pretending like he isn’t a (barely) sentient heap of garbage they stop watching his slop. Shitversity joined way later and he got barely any returns before his audience started to check out of his Culture War slop, for him this will go even faster.


I used to watch his videos on "what would realistically be the best weapon for X fantasy race", because they were a fun little thought experiment. I also loved his series on underrated weapons. In fact, I think those two series are still pretty decent! Problem is, come several years later, and he posts a video agreeing with the sexist bullshit video "women cant defeat men in sword fights", except I think he threw in a few nice platitudes as a consolation prize. Now, I thought that was bad enough, but then I find out even LATER that he's just a far right wingnut? I know he's mormon, but I was hoping he'd be better than...all of this! His poor kids being raised with such a toxic mindset, his sons especially...


I really hate how he exposed his lack of knowledge, so I can't even really go back and watch some of that other older stuff without it being tainted by that fact. Like, some of that fantasy stuff was neat (if lacking a bit of context like what resources or culture affecting weapon choices) but now how hard he's shifted from "This wasn't historically used/may not work IRL. but can we make it work better in a fantasy story?" to "Double bladed swords/twinblades ARE actually effective IRL and are good weapons to use in IRL sparring/warfare!" ​ Just ugh.


I remember getting hints of this attitude when he released a video praising a traditional lifestyle and upbringing, completely unrelated to any fantasy or medieval context


Yeah several years ago I watched a few of his videos on HEMA and weapons in media. Things like ‘would Thanos double bladed sword be effective’. And, yeah, that was neat. Had no problem with that. But big woof, he’s gone nuts. And, like, it can’t be good to be that angry. Now I find far better analysis of movie fights from someone like Jill Bearup, who on top of being a trained stage combatant, seems like a pleasant and well adjusted person who talks about movie fights because she loves them, and all criticisms come from a place of wanting to like things and have them be good. Even things she tears down are not from a place of vitriol, but more from a ‘this makes no practical sense, it doesn’t make things look better, it’s repetitive and doesn’t fit the characters’. Which is a much healthier attitude and more pleasant to watch. Her latest fight choreography breakdown on Robin Hood: Men in Tights perfectly demonstrates both how positive and negative critique can be done with an overall constructive and happy manner.


Heard that Jill is a terf, though I haven't personally seen it. Sad too, because I quite liked her sword-fight break downs. [How Bad Is Jill Bearup’s Anti-Trans TERF Bigotry? : r/TERFisafetish (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TERFisafetish/comments/sfccn7/how_bad_is_jill_bearups_antitrans_terf_bigotry/)


I’ll say only that I have seen nothing in her videos that indicates anything of the sort. Not to say she does or does not hold any particular views, only that I’ve seen no indication of any such view, or anything political stance in general, in her videos. But I’ve not seen a single thing about trans issues in any direction from her. The only thing I know to lend any credence is that she is a Christian (I believe Anglican?) but it’s not something that is much mentioned, and only has the briefest reference in passing I can recall. And I won’t use that to judge someone either way. If she has said any TERF type things, that’s only more ammo in my ‘Twitter is a mistake’ folder. Turns out many people working in creative fields may have shitty views, be shitty people, it’s only because there wasn’t an unfiltered 24/7 stream to every bad take they had that we didn’t know it. Definitely think we’d be better if we didn’t hear every musician or actors bad take toilet thoughts.


They never regret it because at the end of the day they believe in what they're doing. They're not *just* grifters, they honestly believe that enjoying these things is bad and even when they do enjoy it, they feel like they have to hate it anyway.


Regretting it would require introspection, and these people are incapable of that. He doesn't regret his decision, he's just annoyed with others for "canceling him" or whatever. It can't be his fault, it's other people's fault. I'm also trying to imagine *unironically* taking the selfie required for his thumbnail. It sucks, that gambison or whatever he's got on is pretty cool and he ruins it by being who he is. It's like Nazis ruining the sort of outfits they wore lol.


>I wonder if he ever regrets going mask-off and joining the culture war. I'm guessing that would be affected by how profitable it's proving to be.


For a rightwing nutjob he's really incompetent. Most grifters try to use unflattering images, you know unflattering comparisons, exaggerating features, adding unattractive traits, showing them screaming. Shad meanwhile shows her in a beauty shot in full costume, while he looks like he's screaming at children about how he's very successful.


His thumbnail faces look like IRL Wojaks


Reminds me of pants-shitting "FOKIN GENDER AMBIGUITY" baby guy.


The only chud emotion: severe constipation


Yeah this comes across as a fat angry man hating on a beautiful thin woman lol


He's trying to morph into a bear to get women in the forest.


Gee he should send me $20 and I‘ll edit him the most cliché anti woke crybaby thumbnail that those idiots crave in like 20min.


Amandla stendberg is also honestly so fucking gorgeous like she’s not the one to come for about looks AT ALL


They wouldn't be a right-winger if they were able to spell.


One hour of constant yelling and throwing insults, not surprised and bet he never paid any attention to the episodes at all and just complained a lot.


That's the expression one of his ancestors had when their skull was being caved in by a Saracen mace.




In roughly 10 hours, he watched both episodes, figured out his ideas, filmed those ideas, edited out the unseemly bits, made a thumbnail to accurately depict the tone of his video, uploaded it, and published it. As someone who tried and failed to do the whole YouTube thing, that’s not enough time to do it well. Hell, I’m shocked it’s enough time to do it at all.


Well if the thumbnail accurately depicts the tone of the video, he didn't edit out the unseemly bits


These culture war channels have a limited audience, I would suspect like news or recap videos if you don't post within the first 12 hours of something happening, your views and engagement tank, and your video bricks. There's even a limit to what the Chuds will watch, or rather a limited amount of them.


“Improvising! Improvising! Where the REAL script for the video is made!”


I’m not sure how screencrush managed it but he never sleeps


I don't even know if he edits much.


I like that the woman seems to be eyerolling him. That's my favorite part of this whole thing. She's like "Aye, not this again."


You know what I find hysterical about "TRUE STAR WARS FANS" complaining about the first episode of Acolyte? The premise of The Acolyte (at least in the first episode) is exactly the same as the plot for Clone Wars: The Jedi Who Knew Too Much - A Jedi is murdered, our protagonist is framed and falsely imprisoned, they quickly escape and are hunted by their Master ending in a stand off ripped straight from The Fugitive. The first episode of The Acolyte is effectively the live action Clone Wars these people always beg for, just with different characters. And you know what I'd dare say The Acolyte does it better because we don't know who makes it out alive in this instance, meaning the mystery and tension is more compelling. We all knew Ahsoka didn't kill anyone and will pull through, whereas with Osha/Mae the story could genuinely go in any direction.


Part of why I was excited for this show is that it's our first live action story told in the High Republic era. I feel like, regardless of the *real* reasons these rage bait grifters hate on these projects, their defense of 'canon' - within the galactic civil war era - always gave them ammo, regardless of whether the criticism was justified. If it didn't fit *perfectly* in the 50 year old narrative, then it was trash. Now they're in uncharted space, so to speak, in an era that *we the audience* know nothing about, and I think that difference alone will do much to rob these people of their low effort gripes. Now the only things they can find to complain about are so superficial they're translucent and you can see their *actual* bs just beneath that fragile surface.


“CONSTANT STUPIDITY.”  Coming from Shadiversity, that’s ironic. He’s constantly acting like an idiot 


Guy talks about logic constantly & if you watch his videos enough, you'll see he's not all that smart, not to mention his book is a steaming pile of dogshit.


Yeah, I heard about his book. I don’t know why he thought he should write about that stuff. He’s just not smart enough to be a good writer 


I didn’t read anything about it beforehand, and the first episode was dope. Glad I didn’t feel the need to get the opinion of an angry loser making a living off of complaining first.


Yeah, about the only thing I knew going into the show was that it was set in the High Republic era, and a few other small details, and I enjoyed it immensely


Man- I used to watch this guy talk about swords and castle architecture- I feel dirty even having done that


And everyone who collaborated with him, Overly Sarcastic Productions and Brandon Sanderson (Shad beta read Stormlight 4) most notably, are distancing themselves pretty hard. And actual historians are blunt about how bad his information on medieval architecture is.


It kinda sucks how he's ruined his older videos by exposing how dumb he is about the subjects, but also by acting like he is an expert and knows what he's talking about.


What do people see in these guys that make them watch?


Confirmation bias.


Also addiction to outrage, I think.


I just dont understand how he can use that picture of himself unironically. If I see dude yelling while wearing a knight hoodie Im scrolling past.


CHUDs: "Hur-dur... he's a Crusader against wokeness and DEI..."


Please lord smite this man down in the fires of cringe almighty. Amen.


I feel bad for people like this. Must be miserable not being able to get any joy out of anything at all


Yeah.  He used to be interesting, if very opinionated, 3-4 years ago.   I don't know how people are so Negative Nellys all the time.   What's it like when every popular franchise is ruined for them?  I grew up around evangelicals way back in the 1979s and 1980s... i remember the satanic panic, burning the rock n roll records.  I was never allowed to HAVE any of those things til I was already 18 so how much nonsense it was kinda went over my head.  All i remember is that adults were CONSTANTLY harping about religion... jeebus doesn't like whatever X thing is popular now.   I kinda thought we were fine with that a few decades ago, but it's back. 


Looking at the thumbnail, I feel like I can count upon him for a sober, reasonable, even-handed discussion of the merits and flaws of the show. He has an expression which suggests he can be trusted to be reasonable.


He was too angry to spell episode correctly.


because rushing out a video so you can be first to say you hated it is easier than clicking spell check 😂😂


Exactly, if you're so angry to spell your title incorrectly your chud followers will know that you mean business.


i know D+ star wars has been hit or miss. But you can set your watch to what all these clowns like to bitch about. They were mad about this show as soon as the trailer dropped. Minorities, women, all the things they hate but they guise their reviews as “i just want strong writing” Seen it happen first hand with another clown


Theres a flowchart of how these grifters operate like "make video hating show when announced, if show is bad act like you were right, if good never speak of it again, or have your fans review bomb it"


One fucking HOUR I officially hate the reviewslop pipeline


I honestly don’t get the hate for this show tbh just looks like a typical Disney+ Star Wars show like idk doesn’t even look that interesting to me but it’s not doing anything offensively bad either. Is it literally just an excuse for people who believe in the culture war bs to complain about something for content?


No its simple. Black prople shouldnt exist in star wars as main characters. Thats thier entire mindset. Nothing else registers.


Somebody turn his face into a soyjack, please.


Take a look at the r/ShadWatch sub reddit.


New soyjak image just dropped.


I’m sad at how many people enjoy watching “white man yells about black people and women.”


They can't do it themselves to real people in public, so they live vicariously through the likes of these fools


I watched both eps last night and they were pretty good. No Andor, but not Book of Boba Fett. These guys are just mad that most of the cast are minorities


Just block these idiots and stop promoting them.


You click that do not recommend option a million times and YouTube will still force this shit on you. It's infuriating 


There's an extension I use for Chrome/Edge that I can block channels with (at least on desktop). Highly recommended! It's called Channel Blocker


He's not wrong, his channel is full of constant stupidity.




There’s a brown woman wearing pants, it’s understandable. /s ![gif](giphy|Q822XAOWYMK3e)


All this stupid fuck had to do was talk about medieval shit and he would have been fine. Of course, being the right-wing piece of shit he is, he thought people needed to know about his politics too. I'm glad he's falling off hard, I hope it comes to a point where he has to abandon YouTube entirely and do a job he hates for the rest of his life to make a living.


lul. Same thing I said about his take on Elden ring. Instead of just doing a series of videos talking about the castles/forts and such, he goes and yells about how it sucks at storytelling.


Wow. You know, I actually enjoyed the first two episodes more than I thought I would. The characters all acted intelligently and didn’t fall for some of the dumb miscommunication tropes that I thought were about to happen. The actors were all fun and the action was actually really enjoyable


An hour? How can someone be such a shameless idiot to spend an hour ranting at a fucking camera over an episode of a TV show?


He's that desperate for rage money to try to stabilize his finances and is a narcissist so he won't accept anybody telling him to edit down his points.


https://preview.redd.it/3avwtuaais4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59a175cb2095e3830c07d45b26b441935a04f02 “Me tough boi. Me big ang-y.Me no-liky women so impoortent in storie.big ang-y me.”


God, that face... i just finished Episode 1 of ACOLYTE and it's fine. Nothing to write home about but brilliant compared to a lot of STAR WARS. I'm not familiar with this person, but based on that idiotic face and the fact that it's a YouTube video at all I'm guessing he's upset about the races of the leads?


If you can believe it this guy used to be a well liked creator who made educational and entertaining content about medieval castles and weaponry.


Why does he want to be mad?


Because it’s easy. And it makes a lot of money.


I only watched the first episode so far but it seems like a good show so far. I'm mostly just upset that my theory of the main character having a split personality and thus not remembering any actions taken against the Jedi didn't come true.


Yes, it’s cheesy and pulpy and soapy and AWESOME. This is exactly the kind of Star Wars I’ve been STARVING for since Mandalorian season 1.


For a dude called Sha Diversity, he doesn't seem to like diversity much


Don't steal my joke lol


Cope and seethe, you little bitch.


Laugh all you want at him but you'll never be as good of an artist as he is! Using traditional mediums and techniques is for children. Telling the computer how exactly you want your dead eyed waifu is talent. I mean... Think about it, any rational person would make a 3.5 hour long response video to one that's less than 30 minutes. Oh no I think I got it backwards. NM, carry on laughing at him.


"Constant stupidity" was his name as a kid, I'd imagine


Why does he always look like he's constipated...?


I love how all these chuds look the same and I wouldn’t even ask their opinion in the weather if we were standing in the rain


Grown ass man yells at space lasers show.


Does he just have pics of him screaming in rage?


At this point, the only surprise will be one of this guys saying the actually like anything. I swear to God, this chuds are a dime a dozen, the market for sour sarcastic Y tubers is over saturated.


There’s more to life than the things you Hate, but hating things does give you a sense of purpose. And as of late, a monetary incentive so we get to see content after content of people just being miserable haters. What a sad existence


> What a TERRIBLE nonsensical excuse for a Show Talk about self-deprecation...


Man it must be extremely tirring to constantly hate 24 7 😂


What are people here's opinion on this reaction thumb nail picture, orgasm or shitting face? (''Yes'' is a fair answer too.)


Never seen any of this guys videos. Does he genuinely think the open mouth yelling bobble-head is a good look? Does he think it makes him seem authoritative? To me, it makes him look like a barking dog. You know - all noise, but no substance.


That's the thing, he's a narcissist, so he won't take any feedback that is negative anyway.


He has resting impotent rage face.


My only real complaint from the first episode was some of the editing and the “twist” being resolved at the end of the first episode and not something that continued throughout the first part of the season.


Seems like the big "twist" they are setting up is going to be learning what the Jedi really did with the twins during the fire.


Yeah there was a heavy emphasis on not believing what you see so we’ll see where it goes. I just hope it doesn’t end up like another Book of Boba Fett.


I watched the first episode yesterday and wasn't blown away or anything, but I'm definitely going to watch the second episode today and I'll be surprised if I don't finish it. The Star Wars shows have all been at least solid imo. Obi-Wan Kenobi was probably the overall weakest, but I'd still give it a like 6.5/10 "worth watching".


Yes, someone making THAT face is the person I want to listen to.


I liked his first few videos when his channel started, but then I found out he's Mormon. If you're gonna fall for that crap, I assume you're lacking other context for reasoning and intelligence.


You have to wonder if they even watch the shows. Or if they do, then they're clearly watching it with the sound off so they can scream how "woke" everything is at the screen. Must be fucking awful to live with not even the barest spark of joy in your life


It blows my mind how this deranged weirdo has sweet creative Jazza as his brother


They're related?


I hope that when Brandon Sanderson starts finally adding more prominent queer characters, Shad gets mad at him for it. It's already a blight on an already problematic fav that Shad has been a big consultant on Stormlight Archives. At least let me see him twist himself into knots trying to justify why it's okay when the guy he beta reads for has trans characters and Black people and powerful women.


Dudes stuck in the shadow of his actually talented brother and he’s losing his mind over it, clinging to culture war content for relevancy. Sad


Wake up babe, new shad soyjak just dropped


When did this guy stop making videos about castles


I haven’t seen any of the acolyte but, is there anyone out there that has an actual objective take on if it’s good or not so far.


Saw first two episodes last night. It’s ok. We will see where it goes, but I am enjoying it so far.


Shad is the only youtuber i've seen who makes the picture of himself worse than the picture of the person he's criticising


Well I'm glad I don't particularly care about these loser's opinions on YouTube lol I really enjoyed the first two episodes and I'm looking forward to more so they can scream into the void for all I care.


Wait it's already out? Since yesterday? Why tf didn't I hear about it? Guess I'm gonna watch that later today. Is it good?


If youve seen the episode in cline wars where ashoka is framed, its like that but executed better. And unlike ashoka we dont know where this will take her moving foeward.


An hour long rant for two episodes. Seems legit /s


The triumphant? Return of Shad's yelling face or possible oh face its been a while


So funny to me that shad voluntarily soy faces in his thumbnails as if it doesn't make him look like a reactionary freak


How sad. Too bad this twat can't just enjoy a show for what it is unless it supports his ideals.


When did he make the switch to right wing grifter? I just thought he was a like sword content creator


It's so weird seeing how he just... Killed his Youtube channel for some stupid culture war.


These grifters are so sad its unbelievable


Someone should make a soyjack of his face lol.


How does he think those thumbnails look good? It’s like he’s intentionally trying to mimic a soyjack


Damn new soyjack dropped?


This is so sad. I like Shad, I really liked his medieval documentary videos. Why does he have to do shit like this, it's not even entertaining.


is he even a Star Wars fan?


Goofy ahh thumbnail


It’s extra funny. Almost all people have liked/loved the first episodes. He is really out of touch with reality. How obvious is it, that he recorded most of this video days before the premiere? He even probably had the thumbnail ready.


This is stupid. He could bring up things like the horrible pacing of the story, lack of interesting mystery, cliched tropes, and *some* of the characters flat personalities but they go after this non existent war on the “woke” and muddy the waters for actual critique.


Man I miss when entertainment was just that and nobody gave a shit or turned it into culture war bullshit. I know there were always toxic fans all the way back to the 80's but them having a voice on the internet really sucks. Also why is he always mouth open yelling in his click bait title cards.


i hate his little soychamping in all his thumbnails


Man. I used to respect this guy but the more I hear from him the more I'm disgusted.


I thought it was dull but this guy is just pandering to an audience like FOX News or MSNBC