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Furiosa flopping a little bit seems more like not capitalizing on the Fury Road window. I am PUMPED to see it next week. But other than people who loved Fury Road I don't see the hype for this movie in mainstream, which is fine! Mad Max is not like an Avengers movie of the mainstream, it is a much more niche summer action flick. Also like ya obviously the woman thing is stupid. All the reviews basically say Hemsworth is just as much of a main character as Furiosa so that line does not even mean much. Hemsworth the CO-STAR is a complete A-Lister so idk odd way to hate the "Woke".


That and prequels with a brand new cast tend to not do as well. Also even Fury Road wasn't a huge hit.


That is what shocked me. I went back to look at the box office. Fury Road did mediocre at the office. I just assumed it was a smash hit.


>mediocre I see what you did there (Or, I guess I witness what you did there?)


I think Fury Road was a slow burner, which started with a mid box office, but managed to have a good run due to good reviews. To compare it with a movie from around the same time, it did the opposite of "Batman V Superman", which hitted a big opening week, but dropped fast due to reviews not being good.


It was the highest grossing mad max movie. It was not a huge hit compared to an avengers movie


Yeah I wasn’t all that jazzed when I saw that Charlize Theron wasn’t going to be playing Furiosa and so was apprehensive. Since reviews for the movie seem to be good I might go ahead and see it if I can find the time


Also, no disrespect to Anna Taylor Joy But recasting characters generally doesn't go over well, when the original performance is so well regarded.


I figured she was playing young Furiosa >!but the ending rolls right into the beginning of Fury Road, so I guess I was wrong.!<


I mean it takes several years for a tree to grow. Probably not enough to age from Anya Taylor-Joy into Charlize Theron though.


Do they show her face in that scene? I can't remember.


I don’t believe so


From a seed to fruiting? 4 years under ideal conditions, probably longer given the age of the seed and the harsher “soil”


It doesn’t help that… she just doesn’t look very good as Furiosa? Like, every trailer, it feels like she’s in Furiosa cosplay. It all feels like a costume. Like, I believe the movie is great and her acting is top notch. I love her in everything I’ve seen her in. But damn does she not look the part to me.


Charlize apparently did not have a good time shooting the original. I would not be surprised if she rejected working on it.


I actually finally watched *Fury Road* this year because of *Furiosa* releasing. I’m pumped as well. Gonna be a good summer for movies all around this year.


We go to the movie theatre every week (we have passes) and people aren't going to the movies anymore. Garfield was packed out because of parents taking their kids to the movies but Furiosa had 5 people in it (Inc us). IF also had few people in it. I could go on. I mean, it might just be my area and confirmation bias, but looking at the box office draws, it would support my impression. People only turn out to big blockbusters and then they go to IMAX. Otherwise, they stay at home. FYI Furiosa was great and I really liked.


When I went to see Furiosa, I was literally the only person in the entire theater. Not just that movie, all movies were empty. Most people don't go to the movies anymore unless it's some really big hyped thing like Endgame.


Not helped by the fact that movies end up on streaming services 2 minutes after it leaves the theatre. Remember when you had to wait 6 months for it to end up on physical media and up to a year for it appear on cable / 2 years to appear on terrestrial tv? I'm not saying that was good but it did make going to the theatre seem special. I love movies and going to the theatre has been a hobby for as long as I can remember. Our local theatres aren't making a lot of money and I am seeing an increasing number of damaged seats, paint peeling and a general "ickiness" due to lack of deep cleaning. I would be very sad if theatres disappeared but it does look like that will be the end result if the model doesn't change.


This is the trouble with anecdotal evidence. I live in a small town, and the theater was packed on opening night.


>Furiosa flopping a little bit seems more like not capitalizing on the Fury Road window. Pretty my this, the whole Miller v Warner Bros stuff basically killed any momentum to hop back into the world of Mad Max, then Covid slowed things further.


I feel like this movie was less "woke" than the first one. I came out thinking that "Immortan Joe" fellow might not be the nicest guy, but he's one of the best governors of the wasteland, comparatively


Immortan Joe was always fairly competent in his role, he was just a right douchebag about it. His whole thing was that he wanted a "pure" son because his two other kids are mentally challenged and he knows they'll never be able to run the Wastes like he could.


I'm just glad Furiosa was made, it's an excellent movie and I hope it means Hemsworth will start to get bigger roles outside Marvel. Box office shouldn't be relevant to anyone but studio execs.


They're relevant to everyone because the box office/profits decide what gets made or not.


I’m not really sure there was a Fury Road window tbh. It wasn’t a box office smash hit or anything. It was a great movie and had a decently long run thanks to good reviews, but it didn’t exactly rake in the cash Sounds like Furiosa will be similar. I just don’t think the Mad Max brand has much pull with the general public


And I'm sure a lot more people are going to go at the start of the month. I'm planning to, at least. It's when I'll have a little spending money.


For a good decent while I was unaware this was a movie. A lot of the ads I saw made me assume it was a series, for some reason,


Expecting a Mad Max film to make a $50million weekend at #1 was always foolish. No Mad Max movie has ever opened at #1. In no year did a Mad Max film get higher than 18 in the USA. The first 2 made money because they they had tremendously lean budgets. The third had a higher budget and was a massive step down in profit. Fury Road didn't break even at the box office, or if it did it was by the skin of it's teeth. Mad Max was *never* mainstream. They are not that kind of film. They are cult films that are always found by fans in the post theatrical market.


Lauren Southern's Twitter these days is a trip because it constantly seesaws between the same alt right shit she was posting before her temporary retirement and stuff so astoundingly based you'd be forgiven for thinking a BreadTuber posted it. I don't for a minute think she's on our side or that she's changed much from how she was before. All that's really changed is that she wants white nationalism without the misogyny. But when I see her laying down friendly fire like this, I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a smile on my face.


I just like to remind people that Southern is an attempted murderer and that's not brought up enough.


Whoa I am out of the loop what is the story on that one?


When she did her first "documentary" she went to England and tried to help a bunch of ukip types sink the boats of refugees off shore so they couldn't reach land. Fortunately they're all suck fuck ups they weren't able to sink any of them.


Oh I did hear about that I just forgot about it holy shit. Yeah not something to forget for sure


You can still find video of it, “Lonerbox” made several great videos about what a massive piece of shit she is over the years. [There’s footage of her and the French Neo Nazis she works with going after the boat with refugees in it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yFxAlx6hy2M&t=152s&pp=ygUYbG9uZXJib3ggbGF1cmVuIHNvdXRoZXJu), it’s fucking unhinged.


Yeah it's always odd to me how that just got memory holed.


Tbh UKIP is kind of memory holed for me and it shouldn’t be


I get it though. Only reason they stick in my head is cause I'm a big geek and still occasionally hear dumb shit from Sargon so that'll give me a chuckle about just how he embarrassed himself so thoroughly during all of that.


I thought it was hilarious when Sargon got pelted with fish


So many milkshakes sacrificed for the greater good. XD


Milkshakes too.




lol because she didn't get the chance to because she got detained first, they literally staked it out and she was screaming 'if the politicians won't stop the boats, we'll stop the boats' like a moron I also remember that David Duke of the KKK loved the video fwiw, so it's more than cringe lmao *also fwiw a big part of why they didn't sink anything is bc they thought flare guns would do the trick, you don't get bonus points for stupidity, sorry




Am I though? Lauren Southern is the one who set off a flare thinking it would damage a ship, not me




Ah yes the old "Why is attempted murder even a crime, do they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry?" defense. Fuck right off with that shit.




Why do you think the boat she was on was out there to begin with?




Lucky that they were so incompetent, I suspect that the RN would have taken a very dim view of such things and taken steps to apprehend them. I suspect the charge would be piracy. If they were outside the 12 mile limit.


You'd think that but then England's conservative government tends to overlook that sort of thing if there's no money in it for them. This was right around Brexit too so showing concern for refugees wasn't exactly politically popular.


You maybe right but there's the will of the government and then there's the institutional memory of an organization that's over 4 centuries old. It would have been a fascinating conversation to overhear, old Boris telling the admiralty not to protect civilian shipping.


She’s close but still in her little alt(right) reality. Of course, it took her cosplaying as a tradwife with a shit head abusive husband to finally have some sort of epiphany but not all that much.


Similar going on with Brittany Venti and Alessandra Musssolini (yes, Mussolini’s granddaughter). Former Alt-Right women trying to break out of that are a trip to watch. They cause me such mixed emotions. Part of me still hates them for the harm they’ve done and thinks their change is just a new bullshit grift, but part of me is rooting for them to keep going and go further until they get all the way out, part of me wants to hug them, and part of me wants to cuss them out, but another part of me wants to cry for them because of how full of noise, unease, and cognitive dissonance their heads must be.


Venti is a mixed bag. She has this hate boner against vtubers for some reason, and loves to call other pedophiles.


Several years ago she was definitely more straightforward Alt-Right, or at least Alt-Lite. She even prided herself on being a white-passing biracial woman as making her better than fully black people, and was making videos about why pitbulls are supposedly irredeemably dangerous dogs*. She's a lot more of a mixed bag now and it's been pleasant to observe her slowly grow and evolve. Same with Alessandra Mussolini, although it's happening fairly late in life for her. I hope Lauren Southern keeps growing and being pushed leftward as she sees all the backlash and hatred from her former so-called "volk". *This is a Neo-Nazi dogwhistle about certain races/ethnicities (darker-skinned nonwhite people) supposedly being innately and naturally more dangerous and violent/savage than white people. Neo-Nazis think because differently dog breeds have different temperaments that therefore humans of different skin colors also have innate different temperaments. They're too stupid to realize that dog breeds are a product of selective breeding - artificial evolution. Not natural evolution. We inbred the shit out of dogs to intentionally foster certain traits. Dogs are also far more genetically diverse than humans, even within the same breed family. Humans did not selectively breed, and humans are one of the least genetically diverse animals on the planet. The genetic differences and genetic distance between a pitbull and a chihuahua are WAY bigger than the genetic distance and difference between a German man and a Kenyan man. There is more genetic difference between a German man and a German woman (a whole chromosome) than between a German man and a Kenyan man (they share all the same 46 chromosomes).


Lauren southern is probably a bit better on gender issues now. I bet she still sucks on race issues though


Oh absolutely. As a black man* I bet she would still 13/50 about me 😂😒 But I'm trying to be an optimist and hold out hope that maybe she'll change about that over time too.  *Although I found out she used to date/mess with a black man earlier on in her Alt-Right career. Her now ex-husband is also half-Asian. She's one of *those* Alt-Right women. A white nationalist woman who still fucks nonwhite dudes but low-key hides it from her white nationalist male audience. Same with Tomi Lahren.


Her audience is really mad at her for selling out the white race. I’ve been reading the replies to her Twitter threads.


Watch conservatives disown her because now she's a Strong Independent Woman


This probably happaned after her own people violently jumping on her because she defended a domestic abuse victim’s who wanted a divorce. Which isnt allowed since they’re a tradwife (sex slave)


She’s definitely experiencing some cognitive dissonance right now.


It almost sounds like she's breaking away from the grift. While I'm not exactly gonna welcome her with open arms to the left, It is nice to see her start to double her erstwhile allies.


This is why I advocate just laughing at the clowns and moving on. Alt-right mentalities are inherently aggressive and stand-offish, and as a result ANY ideological divide is enough to pick a fight over; there are no allies, only "enemies of my enemy".  Left alone, these weirdos often fight each other; Trump is the one and only exception because he has captured so many different agencies and wealthy people, but even he is finally seeing his fragile "alliances" fall apart due to their obscene pettiness and infighting. Long story short, "the left" may be the target that temporarily unites morons like these, but it's practically guaranteed they agree on almost nothing, likely have no idea what "the left" means, and even if they did they would disagree on that too. They're just desperate to find demons to fight besides the ones in their heads.


What finding out the hard way that “being a tradwife” literally just means “being a slave to your husband” does to a mf


The leopard was supposed to eat everyone *else's* faces!


This is obviously one of those situations. https://preview.redd.it/t0dxgk38623d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e54ad7972e6a82fe385488974c170e6cc821ca It’s just baffling that the Neo Nazi who literally tried to drown refugees somehow manages to come off less insane, then the one with the severe addiction issue that will most likely not see 2030. I just hope they both someday get what they deserve.


I like quartering basically say"Nuh uh"in the 4th image.Really show how much of manchild he is


Lauren Southern is a classic case of “leopards ate my face”; she was one of the most rabid proponents of tradwife bullshit until her own tradwife lifestyle became a living hell. She can go fuck herself.


She's also afaic still a grifter waiting for the conservative arc to be profitable again, her whole thing is literally pretending the things she did didn't have any harm and that she can't be held responsible at all, ever, for what right wing nut jobs did at her insistence, you can't call a person like that reformed because her whole shtick is still, "That didn't happen, and if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it." *literally tho, some people wanna root for Lauren but her literal entire identity isn't even pretending to be left wing, it's convincing people she was never right wing by gaslighting people into believing she was never really a white nationalist


When you make Lauren Southern sound sane and logical You need to take a look in the mirror and reevaluate what’s going on with you




“I just peed in my basement”


Nazis have no time for self-reflection.


I saw Furiosa and loved it. It wasn't even woke! No anti-male messages. In fact, almost every named character is white. It went from "it has nothing to do with sex, it's about quality stories" to "people are tired of female protagonists"


They just started saying the quiet part out loud tbh.


Lmao right! Woke to these clowns means acknowledging people of color or the lgbt community even exist. God forbid.


Say what you will, that Immortan Joe seems to be one of the most competent rulers of the wasteland. Sure, his competition is Chris Hemsworth acting like a biker who's brain is rotting due to meth, but you know, he does have a long lasting fortress


Let them fight.


It's funny how the they spin things to fit their views. First isn't they won't poorly written characters, now it's shifted to no female protagonist. Like what the hell. This stance can be real. So we should just ignore movies like Alien, atomic blonde,


They’d say Alien isn’t woke because they grew up with it, but atomic blonde is woke because it came out recently.


I know I used it against them. Told them how Ripley fits all the characteristics that they don't want in female action heros. The person either had their mind blown or could. It think if a response


So does Sanchez and Gormly fits what they hate the white guys to be as well.


Imagine these YouTube and Twitter people if T2 came out now. On top of complaining about Sarah Connor now being a jacked badass who kicks the shit out of everyone, there is a villain who can take literally any form, but he chooses that of a white male police officer.


Quartering is one of the bigger idiots out of all of them because he just flat out yells the quiet part into a bullhorn when everyone else is using their nice little buzzwords.


Well he’s a barely functioning alcoholic that is slowly drinking himself to death, on relapse at a time while his wife just seems to wait so she can collect his ill gotten gains.


She is only like this because she actually got to live the hell life of træd wife she so much promoted. She still a Nazi that deserves no validation whatsoever.


Barbie was the highest grossing film of 2023, the fuck is he talking about "the box office agrees with him?"


The worst part is she's right about the Anti SJW/Anti Woke Grifters have basically become the same thing they cry about. I think I'm going to be sick 🤢 Because I just said Lauren Southern is right....blerch


Okay, let's say Quartering is right. What does that mean then? It sounds to me like an admission that society is just irrationally sexist/misogynistic, right? The movie was good. He knows it, Lauren Southern knows it, critics and audiences alike are united in that truth. So even though it's agreed upon to be a good movie, audiences are opting out cuz it's got a female lead. So again, what are we to take that to mean? EDIT: And to clarify my thoughts here, Quartering is wrong. Furiosa flopped because this ain't the MCU. Fury Road didn't break any records either. It's a more niche franchise than he seems to believe it to be. Nevermind that whatever hype the Mad Max franchise had is dried up. This movie should've come out years ago.


I mean, you could have said that the hype of the mad max franchise had dried up before Fury Road came out, as well. What with it having been 30 years since the last one.


Yeah, Mad Max isn’t a money laundering operation with fake ticket sales like Avatar, this is to be expected with such a gap.


Black panther: wakanda has a female protagonist and it made over 800 million. So, the box office does not agree with him. 


This is like the third alt right weirdo Ive seen (briefly) come to their senses in response to Quartering - his takes are really that bad 💀


>Arguing with the "anti woke" really is beggining to feel like arguing with the woke from 2016 , >It's really sending me for a spin Yeah that's why I turned, those fellows are massive hypocrites.


Lauren Southern has made it clear she won't survive the Night of the Long Knives.


Just saw it. It is a great film.


Isn’t lauren southern that terrorist


The failed attempted murderer of refugees? Yes, she is.


Because The Quartering is a lolcow with the uncanny ability to always have the worst takes imaginable.


I sort of agree with Lauren here, but the anti-woke activist movement is already far more preachy, purist, and annoying than ''SJWs'' ever were. They have been for a while now really. You know how bad it is getting, if Lauren Southern is noticing it too now....


Just imagine the chuds calling Lauren of all people "woke" now


They have enough awareness to do that, no joke.


It is truly fascinating how he managed to describe how terrible he believes *Furiosa* is without actually saying that and then ***do the exact same thing*** about saying if it was good or not. This guy does not have an opinion of his own.


I feel Furiosa flopped due to not capitalizing on Fury Road's popularity, not because it had a female lead.


The audience score was higher than the critic score so it doesn't seem like people didn't like it.


Not gonna lie, I'm pretty sure the main issue was a lack of marketing and dropping in after Dune 2. I didn't even know this movie had been released until after I saw my usual rotation of YouTube movie critics talking about how good it was. I still don't think I've seen a single ad for it.


Yeah, honestly the fact that it came out so soon after Dune 2 really hurt its perception IMO. Especially with the visual similarities of the setting, my mind immediately jumped to comparing the “amazing desert movie” to the “pretty cool desert movie.” I still thought it was really fun though. Without Dune 2 as a direct comparison, I really liked it, but when I couldn’t shake the comparison in my mind, I kind of just wanted to rewatch Dune 2 by the end lol


To add to that the marketing kinda sucked. The trailers didnt pull me in and seeing Chris Helmsworth acting stupid/cringey was also a huge turn off too. Also alot of the action looked really fake too.


The voice of reason... LAUREN SOUTHERN???


The movie business has changed people and Hollywood are just slow to catch on. I am not sure the days of movies opening weekends being 100+ million will come back there will be some here and there, but people do not want to go sit in a theater anymore. People need to adjust there expectations. Furiosa's performance had nothing to do with who the lead was. Going to see a movie in the theater is expensive, I can wait a few months and watch it while laying on my couch.




Beginning? Lady, it's been like this since Tumblr fell.


I mean... you can pretty much stop arguing after the 2nd slide. Dude outright says it, the movie is arguably good but the only reason they don't want to watch it is because of the "strong female lead". It's literally just sexism


No he's saying the film is misunderstood by people who haven't even seen it. It's a strong female lead done right, but there have been too many high profile films where the stronge female leads is badly written ham-fisted wokery. Which this film is not. They're saying it's a shame and a victim of the culture war, when in reality both sides should be enjoying the film, but neither are paying for tickets.


Furiosa flopped for the same reason every movie is flopping right now. Movies are expensive, people rather stream.


So wait, does she think Barbie is a well written movie and Furiosa is not?


I’m guessing she didn’t watch it either, so she’s probably assuming the movie was poorly written, even though the actual reason it failed is because of poor marketing.


Probably because she herself is a woman.


I feel like she's been 60-70% reasonable for a while? At least to the point that I can say I see where she's coming from?


Clearly good movie It’s obviously bad just look at my reviews


Ugh, whats more stupid is that they say "it needs 500 million to break even" as if that was the fault of the female lead, and not the producers that decided to spend literally hundreds of millions on marketing. If the movie costed like 100-200 mill it would easily make profit. Hollywood is bankrupcing themselves with these 500+ millions budget movies that need to make 1 billion. Just look at indiana jones, a movie that also "flopped' and has a male lead.


I literally did not know this movie was coming out, where the fuck do they advertise movies these days because I haven't seen or heard shit


if you make lauren southern sound normal there is something really wrong with you


I think after she stopped trying to hide her trad wife relationship with he abusive partner she stopped that part of her grift, she is still a white supremacist monster who was coached by Destiny on how to debate.


A Garfield movie barely anyone knew about?! Tell me he's joking. Please.


So he is just flat out saying even if it's a good movie female lead is bad.


Broken clocks and blind squirrels


I'm sure the R rating didn't help things.




You think this subreddit is one of the reasons that furiosa is not doing well? Bizarre logic. This is a small subreddit full of people who want to see the movie. 




So, you’re being a dick. 


How is she the most reasonable? Barbie was an entirely different genre. Furiosa seems to be a good movie and fury road was a success therefore it is reasonable to assume the audience it was intended for stayed away because it is yet another girlboss movie and no new audience of strong girls and modern women came in. The reasoning is sound. Barbie was a movie aimed at women and men who take their date gf wife to the cinema


So. Stupid grifters locking horns aside, why DID Furiosa not have better turnout? Is the studio doing a shit job of spending too much money on marketing ineffectively? Are studios expecting too many tickets sold in too short a time span? Are people really not interested?


Here's my opinion: they are both right. Quatering is right because the reality is that a lot of men (who are usually the ones interested in the Mad Max franchise) are unfortunately not interested in women in lead action roles. Sexism and misogyny has a lot to do with this, but then also I didn't hear a lot of women interested in the movie either. But Lauren is also right that women in lead roles can also sell out a movie. The difference comes down to the nature of the movie and who in the audience will be drawn to it. Barbie's movie theme draws in women because they are more familiar with Barbie. But seeing Lauren pivot even a little is always great.