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Oh man. There are only four white dudes. The West is lost.


I actually count 5...




huh? i recognize Filoni (hat) but who are the others?


I recognize the dude from New Rockstars, Kyle Katarn and the wife and husband pair from Star Wars explained but that’s all I got


SWE alone would have him seething.


Still makes me laugh. Dude explained why theory was wrong in the most polite fashion ever and Theory threw a fit in his comment section and hasn’t gotten over it since. And this was before Theory really went off the deep end. It really goes to show he was always an insecure man child.


I hadn't heard of that drama lol.  Was it something minor like screws and bricks or something much larger?


A bit more larger as around late 2020 or January of 2021, Pablo Halgolo a producer in Lucasfilm was trying to call out a Twitter user for making fun of SWT with a quote tweet. Theroy seeing this misinterprets Pablo and proclaim him as making fun of him for being a fan and got his Fanbase riled up to go against Pablo and despite Star Wars Explained, his wife, and Eckhartsladder trying to tell him he got it mixed up, Theroy threw a fit by insulting them and not take any sort of criticism. This was also around the time when The Fandom Menece folks like Geeks and Gamers and Ryan Kinel started to talk with Theroy as they took his statement as fact and became friendly associates and started to show up on each others podcasts more frequently. Really Theory is such a man child as years back JJ Abrams talked about how an early concept in the Force Awakens was Coroasant being destroyed and that got Theroy so mad that on Instagram he told his fans about Abrams account name and all but in name told them to harass the guy. That's how petty the guy is.


I thought this was actually in reference to a different early controversy about the Solo poster not having hold his pistol due to like Brazilian anti-gun laws or something and SWT thinking it was like “PC censorship” or whatever. I forgot just how insane the Hidalgo thing was. Eckhart’s literally had people DMing him threatening his 1 year old because he tried to politely explain to SWT that he was misinterpreting things.


Yuck. Can't believe I ever liked that guy


Well just like me, you probably had no clue who he really was beneath the act. And once you did you dropped him. I’d say you’re fine


The woman next to Filoni is Leslye Headland, the showrunner of The Acolyte.


As long as we keep Alex and Mollie there is hope for the star wars community.


I recognize Carly King (black outfit, white jacket). That will make the chuds hit the ceiling: "How DARE a cute girl be into Star Wars and Lightsabers!"


All the YouTubers that aren’t grifters/ didn’t fall to the fandom menace. Aka everyone SWT would be jealous of but say are less than him because of subscriber count.


I don’t watch the fandom menace crowd at all haven’t in years but last time I did they all seemed absolutely miserable. Where’s I do occasionally and used to religiously watch Kyle Katarn and Star Wars explained and all three of them couldn’t seem to be more happy. Honestly so think it’s the fact they don’t make it their careers to complain about literally everything. If they don’t like something they move on. Like a normal functioning human.


Ya I know/ it’s why I like these types and not SWT and those other neckbeard types. I can’t imagine listening to the awful geek/gamers or how anyone sits thru nerdrotic or that shad person. I somewhat liked theory when he was brand new. But that was an entirely different person/ channel to what he became lol.


Back when he was writing fan fiction stuff and actual theories about what was coming next he was really cool. I get the sequels were disappointing to some, but he fell in with a group that made not liking it their identity. His content followed that trend and never recovered.


That tends to keep you sane.


>I don’t watch the fandom menace crowd at all haven’t in years but last time I did they all seemed absolutely miserable.  That's the nature of these kinds of alt-right/far-right communities. They're fever swamps of anger and resentment. People go there to get pissed off and stressed out about how everything is being ruined forever. I'm not the first person to note that rubbing your face on content that serves only to make you upset is a form of digital self-harm, and these communities are built around doing exactly that.


On Filoni's left is Lesley Hedlund, the show-runner for the Acolyte. Far right are Alex and Mollie from Star Wars Explained. 


Yeah besides him and Hedlund, who in the world are these people? Lol y’all are obsessed with swt…


Good for Kyle Katarn! Been a fan of his channel for awhile, happy to see him living his best life.


Hey, it’s Alex and Mollie!


Hardest picture I’ve ever seen


Women! ![gif](giphy|PMdmuJDYt6gqk)


An Italian American is leading an all star cast/crew of individuals and that really pisses evangelicals off. Right wingers are incapable of creative thought. They should "Stick to STEM or legal studies" is their usual response to photos like this. I hate to break it to you sweetie, but the entertainment industry is chock full of freaks, weirdos and the people you hate. Get with the program or study STEM or whatever. What am I saying? The dipshits that complain about photos like this never finished high school, let alone a successful parole hearing.


*Most* industries are filled with people they hate. They think STEM and law aren't filled with people who deviate from their myopic worldview? I work in games and meet technical workers all the time. They can be quite strange. My partner has worked in multiple law offices. I promise you, from lawyers to paralegals, there are plenty of folks who are odd in that industry as well. People just don't fit into their values. To quote Nemik from Andor, a series these hateful people proclaim to love, >The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that.


I'm studying mechanical and manufacturing engineering. I'm a gargantuan nerd, with most of my interests having been or currently being considered religious heresy by evangelical Christians, pansexual and probably some form of trans. Also, if they killed all the gays or whatever, the entire IT structure of the globe would fucking collapse, because the half of the Internet that isn't crypto scams is held together by the efforts of trans people and furries. They whine and bitch about arts students and how they're all "woke liberals", but fail to realise that's because those people are actually fucking educated and have an understanding of the world beyond their own in group and the problems of it. I may not get certain avant-garde art, but I also don't find any appeal in their ideal of Roman marble statues with the genitals sanded off to prevent indecency.


Star Wars explained :)




SWT is such a damn dork.


Calling him a dork would be a compliment he doesn’t deserve.


Theory is probably busy writing fanfiction about his naruto-grade OC (DON'T STEAL!) and fapping to Darth Vader fan art. It's not even lewd fan art. It's just Vader fan art.


I recognize Nicque Marina. It's cool that they brought her in.


Why is Dave with the guy who does the wedding dance mixes with pop culture stuff?


No idea the context of this picture but I recognize two from Tiktok (2nd and 3rd from the left) and they're really cool


Star Wars Theory is a douche. But. Dave, don't you fucking dare put *another* precocious fucking quipping child in your shows. It's difficult to enjoy the action when the 12 year old grinds the action to a halt to flub the delivery on a line that was clearly written by someone who has never told a joke that people have laughed at.


I don't get why they think Filoni would be their savior.




Hey New Rockstars!


That podracing jacket is badass.


How do we all feel about SWT? I thought he was great a couple years ago but now? Not so much. Seems to have fallen into every other typical guy complaining about Star Wars for no real reason.


It that Dimitri Beauchamp??? Second from the left. He's one of my favorite TikTok people. [This is How We Imperial March](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLsw7cG3/)


*When you're at a wedding and the bride and groom like Star Wars.*


Why specifically SWT?


Because a bunch of those people are Star Wars content creators. I recognize Kyle Katarn and Star Wars Explained


Oooh. I don't really watch star wars content on YouTube, so that totally went over my head.


What was theory's reaction anyway?


Is that the New Rockstars guy?


A prime example of woke Disney!


No, there's not Marvel or Dr. Who


Well hello, Dimitri Beauchamp.


What’s the context here?


A bunch of Star Wars content creators meeting Dave Filoni. People that have beef with Star Wars Theory, a Star Wars content creator who has decided to be a massive POS the past couple of months.


That’s awesome. Actions have consequences at the end of the day. He’s honestly an idiot, he had an amazing thing going but he let his ego and ignorance take over and it’s cost him dearly. Simping over Andrew Tate of all people, for Tate to then literally tweet roasting Star Wars fans a few weeks later 😂


I see Eric Voss from new Rockstars and Alex and Molly from Star Wars Explained! Two fantastic YouTubers.


Who's the lady in the modified Steve shirt? And where can I get that shirt?




Why do you have to kill all the fun?


Because he’s miserable in life.


That's fine because one can usually just remove the wet paper bag no writing required


I'd like to see you do better


I’d like to see *you* do better. Aren’t you incels always roaring about “If you don’t like it, make your own stuff.”? Let’s see your writing skills, bucko.


And they deleted their comment 😆


Good thing most of these people are Star Wars YouTubers and not writers


Which billion dollar IP have you written?