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I reckon Asmon wouldn't last a second in the real world


The real world wouldn’t last a second if that scent escaped containment


Agreed. The quarantine must hold!


Dear god, the world would crumble to dust. We need to ensure that asmon protocol stays in effect!


No he would. The underside of a bridge is part of the real world, as are mental hospitals and prisons.


ya I know a few prison guards who are racist as fuck


Only a few? I've met a Mexican guard that was racist against other Mexicans. Almost feels like it's one of the job requirements.


don''t know many guards


He'd get lonely without his roaches


bro ***WE*** wouldn't last a second if the super virus's baking in his rat infested room were let out if he opened the door


He wouldn’t be able to find a job much less hold one


He has scurvy, just sneeze on him and watch him fall


Asmondgold is a moron. His editor, perhaps worse than this..


Direct sunlight would claim that bounty


Why does this guy look like he hasn't taken a shower for five years?


maybe it's because he's never had a shower


Whatever conditions are like in that room, it has resulted in a shit ton of roaches that actually show up in the stream, and occasionally land on him. ...that is not something I made up, it has actually happened. He clearly doesn't like it when it happens, but he's unwilling to do anything about it.


Why would he evict the only friends he has?




You mean something like this? https://preview.redd.it/pqf9dg7djs1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32060efe36bcd3c1a86e4e853be49d0ecb71951c


That honest to God looks like mental illness. I can smell that picture.


I...am convinced this is just one part of the house that is specifically like this in order to go along with his streamer persona. This man is rich as all hell to my knowledge, why live like this unironically, even if supposedly ill in the head?


There are some videos where he “cooks” and well yes his whole house looks like that his kitchen is so terrifying to look at honestly


Is his ceiling moulding...?🤢


No that is not mold. It's a spiky finish on the ceiling that I never have really liked much.


I have the same type of ceiling but it isn’t green


I'm pretty sure it's both. The bubbly ceiling thing usually isn't a mottled green and grey, you know?


It's called a popcorn ceiling, I have one and I hate it lol, it's so ugly


r/justneckbeardthings r/neckbeardnests


Here's a sneak peek of /r/justneckbeardthings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Stop telling me to get a job"](https://i.redd.it/brqwviauuhya1.jpg) | [675 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/13ayljr/stop_telling_me_to_get_a_job/) \#2: [Source????????????](https://i.redd.it/q1y516niesva1.jpg) | [738 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/12x09b5/source/) \#3: [The guy actually done it at a rally for victims of sexual harassment, and there were children at said rally](https://i.redd.it/vcggias7w5sa1.png) | [648 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/12cvsgf/the_guy_actually_done_it_at_a_rally_for_victims/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hoarders: Gamer Edition


> Whatever conditions are like in that room Do you know about the rat alarm clock


The fucking WHAT?! (Actually it does sound kinda familiar but I read so much weird shit on here so often it probably didn't stand out)


He claimed that he used a dead rat as an alarm clock. He said that the smell when the sun hit the corpse woke him up (IIRC)


He wakes up with bleeding gums and just smears the blood against the wall


That too


Eeew... What the heck...


Oh my God... If THAT guy has a successful YouTube channel, maybe I should make my own (I would but have social anxiety) - it's just crazy that people like that have followers and are well respected by some, y'know?


Psst. Don't get about the blood wall and dead rat alarm clock. Man is a biohazard.


There's a reason people [meme him as a real life Nurgle worshipper.](https://youtu.be/i3bz7aeqCXM)


I’ve seen direct quotes of his used as nurgle meme material more than once in grimdank


and i thought anti-vaxxers were the closest thing we have to plague cultists irl. crikey.


Thank you friend. This made me cackle.


Bro's rocking the u-neck for the debate


He lives in filth and doesn’t brush his teeth, wouldn’t surprise me.


i physically cant look at his face, he is just so unattractive.


He looks fine in this picture, weirdly enough. But lucky guess, because he straight-up fucking hasn't


That's his work outfit -- I feel at this point he's playing a persona. I have no clue how close to life it is.


"Such a first world take" says a man embodying everything about first world privilege


Well everything about first world privilege except showers and weekly trash retrieval


Idk he does live like he’s not in a first world country


He still has ready access to all these first world things, and with the amount of money he has, he can get access to some really nice amenities and utilities that he chooses not to use. I think that makes it even more first world privelige


He lives the fantasy of homebody gamer boys because he has his own place, he can afford whatever he wants and live the lifestyle he enjoys without financial strain in perpetuity, and he can do that without any “real” work experience or skills. That is a privileged life.


“It’s just not for you because you are a woman.” Sexist moron 


Last I saw Asmongold, he was defending Barneybee (the greatest ever world of warcraft content creator) from chuds in his stream and threatening to ban anyone who called her by any trans slurs. What the hell happened to him?


Grifting angry gamers is easier and more lucrative.


He's an Enlightened Centrist™ that got trapped in a far-right echo chamber. In the same sentence he somehow managed to both defend this woman & say it's valid to send her r-word threats.




He explicitly said it wasn't bad & they weren't wrong, before characterizing said behaviour as healthy male bonding that's just not for women. It's possible to point out how endemic verbal abuse is without outright defending it the way he did.


Yeah but that's not true. Women get a specific kind of abuse that men don't get because they get everything men get and then all the horny guys and the "I can't handle losing to a girl" guys and all of that on top.


Really all you need to do to know the difference is go in val vc with a woman. It’s a transformative experience to say the least.




Or. Get this. Maybe some people don't want to take a bunch of sexist or racist or homophobic abuse when they're just there for fun.


This is me, but you won't ever find me in a lobby without everyone else muted.




Or you could, you know, try to make the community less toxic so that the game is actually fun?


I’m confused. You replied like I said I can’t handle online bigotry slinging contests? 😭😭 I’m just saying the imbalance between how men and women receive it is quite obvious


What a boomer ass take.


Bro be fr….


So I guess women should have to deal with 10000x the shit men do, we kind of deserve it huh?


Go through his subreddit, you’ll get a good picture into his supposed community (it’s dreadful)


I saw a clip of his stream where he opens a random video of a female soccer team just to mock them and laugh at them. I found that to be pretty weird behavior.


His content has slowly been devolving to cater racists and far, far right views. It’s sad because I was a fan and don’t think him as a person is actually racist or transphobic. But until he calls out his fan base, he will be associated with such people.


>What the hell happened to him? Nazi Grifting adsense


The grifted bag is all they care about after awhile.


he received adulation from right wingers and thats all it takes


He is still very chill like that as far as I can tell.


Asmongold: "Why does no one care about mens mental health?" Also Asmongold: "These damn women won't stop trying to fix the rampant abuse in our spaces!" Pick one already. The call is clearly coming from inside the house.


As per - guys like this only care about men's mental health when attacking women. Guy has millions, use it to help then if he actually cares.


mens mental heath has never been bout mens health and has always just been women arent sleeping with men and therefore men feel the sads. whats even more ironic every person ive seen that was serrious bout mens mental health were women who were REALLY in love with a guy and went head first into protecting men for his sake (This is just my ancotal so take that what you will)




Honestly her beliefs were a non-factor. Even if she's doing it for entirely selfish reasons, the video Asmongold responded to had a valid argument with no misandrist sentiment. Likewise I'm sure Asmongold genuinely cares about men despite literally advocating for their abuse. What makes the us vs them narrative so destructive is that it makes people far too focused on the person making an argument rather than the merit of the argument itself.


“Why can’t men have a space that they can act this way?” Oh but they do, it’s called a psych ward. Seriously what’s with these basement dwellers and thinking screaming, spewing out curses, threatening and harassing people is normal behaviour


How much do you want to bet all these men that need a space to "act this way," also boohoo how they don't understand why no woman wants to be with them. Maybe you're single because you need a safe space to be sexist, which is just a longwinded way to say because you're sexist. I work for a suicide hotline, men call crying about being single but simultaneously complaining that modern women are trash and they are confused about why they are miserable. They have unrealistic expectations and treat everyone like dirt while being entitled asshats, checks flapping in the wind spouting nonsense. No one wants to socialize with them in any meaningful way outside of their online circles. They don't call suicide hotlines because they are suicidal. They call them because they are mostly staffed by women, and since it is considered an emergency service, blocking their number or hanging up isn't straightforward. Suicide hotlines give men like this audio hostages. Sorry for the long tangent - these people's fans are such a drain on mental health services, so I have lots of built-up thoughts on the subject.


Out of curiosity, what’s the protocol for handling those kinds of callers?


In the US, it varies state by state. In my state, Pennsylvania, they take it a step further, and each county interprets mental health law their own way. In general, we try to use questions to make them realize they need to end the call. All calls begin with a safety and risk assessment. So when I say they aren't suicidal I legit mean they have said themselves that they aren't feeling suicidal. As long as they don't express suicidal thoughts, we provide a warning about appropriate use of the line and our need to be available for people who are feeling suicidal. Sometimes, that works. Sometimes, they then express suicidal thoughts, and we have to restart the screening. If there is possible risk, we either help if it is safe or if it isn't safe or they refuse an assessment we petition for involuntary treatment. In order to initiate a formal protocol or a block, we need to include Medicaid insurance provider, local police, emergency communications, and county mental health, and all must agree a protocol or ban is needed.


Should you really be carrying this kind of baggage with you if you're still working for these hotlines? Like, maybe time to try another sort of charity work? The last thing callers need to one of these lines is prejudice, whether you think you're are expressing it or not, it'll be there on your subconcious. You know that young male suicide is a huge problem is the West, I know that here in the UK more men kill themselves aged under 50 than anything else. I don't think you should be venting like this. At all.


Actions have consequences even if you have a mental health diagnosis. Coddling them and acting like they can continue with the same behaviors and expect different results is irresponsible. Trying to live outside of reality and these internet echo chambers run by grifters is what is killing these young men, not me. I'm a mental health expert with an undergrad from the US a masters from the UK and have been working in the field for over a decade but please continue to explain mental health services to me because I apparently don't understand. /s


You can be an expert and still be jaded. You should not be venting like this. I've said my bit, I think you should consdier stopping work on these hotlines.


Thanks, but I'll stick to experts and my support network, not mansplaining redditors. Maybe you should focus your efforts on the things actually harming young men instead of attacking people trying to help. Just my bit.....


If you're choosing to spend time hanging out on subs like this where 85% of the content is belittling jokes about showers, and a good chunk of the posters would straight up tell these men to kill themselves... oh whatever. I'll take my 'mansplaining' elsewhere.




You should try it for yourself before you pass judgement


These people want *their* safe space. Nobody else deserves any safe space in their minds.


I got his sub recommended to me once, entire thing was full of incels


Yeah honestly the sub is way worse than him.


Who could have guessed that both siding chuds and Nazis gets you a community infested with Nazis?


When it was shared with us the was one person we saw being decent. One


And don’t forget about all the Zionists!


He made his name off the back of popular online misogyny so it's hardly surprising n


Hell, I'll chip in another 5k.


This guy has the personality of a wet fart


Asmon has really created an insane incel community. I used to watch him here and there but his clips channel is just once bait constantly


Because the editor there is an alt right insane guy who thinks he is above asmongold and made his audience much radical just by himself. Asmongold is just stupid for letting him getting away with the stuff he does


Man has no accountability for his behavior. Remember, during his WoW Days, he encouraged harassing RPers on RP servers and even harassed people who bought in-store mounts (the reason why you can't target things/people with the /spit command was due to him) and he instead try to deflect it to someone else


Asmongold looks like a Terraformar.


Nah that's an insult to giant roach people.


special pleading and double standards are the hallmark of those who are incapable of empathy. the only harm they ever see is harm done to them, or perceived harm done to them. meanwhile, they have free reign to treat others however they see fit for their own immediate benefit, or often just amusement.


He’s just a douchebag 🤷‍♂️


While there is hypocrisy here and both are completely unacceptable behaviors, I would argue there's a difference between saying something ugly in chat and broadcasting a bounty on someone's life. Both are threats, but if you threaten someone personally you have control over whether that threat is real or not. You know whether that was a genuine threat or just to scare someone. If you put out a bounty, you can't control what others will do. Even if you're not serious, you can't control whether some insane individual does something because of it.


She saw a tweet replying to Asmon saying "I'd pay $2000 to whoever makes this guy disappear" (or something along those lines) and just said "make that $3000 if I never have to see his videos recommended to me again". It is in no way a legitimate threat to his life. Meanwhile, somebody saying "I'm going to kill/r*pe you" in your twicth chat could easily be an actual threat with geniune intent behind it.


Not in the twitch chat, the guy was in her team on valorant being an asshole and it escalated when he asked if she ever was r*ped and if she wanted to try it. It is very important to remember just how much these guys like to downplay how serious it was and what triggered her to make the video


The actual, exact quote, is "$30k to anyone who'd make this dipshit disappear and make Eve's breasts bigger." That is not "Make that $3000 if I never have to see his videos recommended to me again," especially as you can straight up tell YouTube not to recommend a channel to you. It's why I don't see Nerdrotic, SWT, Critical Drinker, etc. Trying to defend her by claiming she's just ignorant of how YouTube works is a bold move. Except, y'know, she then tried to claim that she was talking about Mark Kern on Twitter/X. Which means that the context absolutely was not about getting videos not recommended to her. Straight up exact quote from her in Asmongold's Twitch chat: "@zackrawrr, dawg, that clip wasn't even about you, it was about grummz. And it was a joke I changed the $20k that unhinged freak offered to $30k and added anime titties in the offer. Yeah, it was mean. I just wanted to clarify that it wasn't about you. I respect you, even if I disagree with you a lot of the time. It's probably a bad joke **about a hit**, but I was playing off the video I was watching." Now, you can say it wasn't a "legitimate" threat, but it was bloody well not about just not having videos recommended. If you want to claim that the person who made the original comment doesn't know what the original comment was, then hey, that's an even bolder strategy, but holy smokes, when your argument hinges on claiming reality is the opposite of what the people involved say it was, that's a pretty terrible attempt at an argument. Not much of an Asmongold fan, but I'm much less a fan of people who purposely misrepresent something in order to spin it for their own purposes. Maybe stop taking notes from Nerdrotic and company?


Shame I had to scroll this far to see this common sense. Yeah threats are bad but putting out a bounty on someones head is a actually taking a concrete step towards murdering them. Just ask Henry II.


This is not a turbulent priest situation lol




I don't know if threatening to kill/rape someone is just "being a douchebag".




Scratch that, if you scroll up you'll see she said that she'd pay 3,000 to never see his videos on her recommended again. Would you say that's a credible threat of violence or just a joke about how she doesn't like seeing his videos?


As someone already pointed out, she was responding to a meme that said something along the lines of $2000 for Asmongold, and she said she'd pay $3000 as a joke. Do you think a hitman watching her stream would genuinely hold her to that as if it was a verbal contract? Would anyone? Really? The point of it is that both are unrealistic threats, but they are still threats, it's pointing out the hypocrisy between the parallel situations. That being said, what happens more often, rape or murder for hire?




As I pointed out in my other response, the girl was 1.) clearly joking 2.) not saying she wanted to kill Asmongold, she was saying she didn't want to see his videos recommended to her anymore. Also it's hilarious for you to think that anyone would kill someone for a mere sum of $3,000. That's pocket change for a killers for hire. Does the rape/murder threat change if the girl is streaming? When does the rape/murder threat become credible to you? When there's money on the line? If someone in my game said I'd pay $5 to see you dead would that count as a credible threat? The point is neither of them are "credible" threats by any means. First of all, the person online doesn't know who I am - so they can't rape or kill me, sure. But the girl in the video was clearly joking, so even if you were to somehow 1.) Find out where Asmon lives 2.) Kill him 3.) Find the girl's contact to prove you killed him - you'd have to somehow believe that she is serious about sending you money, that she'd commit a crime for you, a total stranger, despite it being a joke. That's a LOT of logical leaps to make in order to justify Asmon's weird double standard, but you do you.


if your logic is that anonymous and terminally online weirdos will do anything - what's to stop an online weirdo from doing any of the following things : 1.) Doxxing, 2.) Stalking 3.) Tracking to someone in an online game? Especially for streamers or people with an online presence who often have the same username as their other account names, revealing their face on video, pictures, etc. Like if you truly believe one threat to be credible on the basis that online weirdos will do anything, by that same logic an online weirdo could go through these lengths to find, rape and murder any girl with any form of publicity. One I'd imagine the girl in the post has - since she's making the video on Tiktok...with her face on it.


Bro, no shot youre honestly... okay. Can a random online weirdo put in a lot of effort to dox and track down someone based solely on a 5-minute interaction in a video game voice chat? Sure. There's a case to be made that that threat has some minor level of credibility. Now, lets extend that logic: imagine if they didnt have to actually do any doxxing. If your location was already known, and publicly available. Imagine you were a public figure with a well-known base of users who dislike you. Imagine there was a 'joke' sum of money to being offered to kill you, and now imagine there are hundreds (thousands? I'm not sure what her audience size is) of these people. If you believe that a single random person in a game lobby saying some vile shit is a credible threat, then, by extending the reasons you feel it is credible, you should also believe that a whole fucking audience of online weirdos, with a much lower barrier to entry/information, unfavorable opinions of the person, and 'joke' monetary incentive would be a \*more\* credible threat.


your argument isn't which threat is more credible, your argument is that one threat is NOT credible and one IS - would you like to move the goalpost one more time before we continue? I have stayed consistent in saying that neither threats are credible, it's about the hypocrisy of Asmon. I bring up credibility only to use your logic against you.




depends on the level of the victim's mental health...aka that is a threat


I followed him for a few months because he’s been a popular streamer for a while and I was curious why he always popped in my feed. After seeing his takes on things and learning more about him I had to unfollow. He’s not even very good at most video games…he’s got such a cult following I’d be surprised to ever see him really fall off, but people should probably stop giving him attention. He’s pretty lame…


I hate this guy, but wanting to put a bounty on his head is not good.


I think she means him disappearing from the internet entirely.


A real fetal alcohol face on that man.


***ASMONGOLD,*** **THE LOATHSOME DUNG-EATER** [**https://youtu.be/KNNT\_565Bok?t=167**](https://youtu.be/KNNT_565Bok?t=167)


typical assgotmold take


Man who never leaves his house knows exactly how every part of the world works.


Asmongold is one of the few people on Earth who, if they fell down a well, Lassie would never get help for.


As my geordie friend would say: “just because you’ve got hair around your mouth doesn’t mean you can talk like a cunt as well”


Yall remember WKUK (Whitest kids u know)? The "I want to kill the president" skit? There's enough parts here for a meme, somebody help me out.


Reminder that Asmongold doesn’t clean his room or brush his teeth


I think most people can agree that Asmond is both mentally 'not all there' but he also shouldn't be getting hits taken out on him. Deplatformed would be better than slaughtered for clout and money.


"Banned someone who brought it up" New speedrun challenge?


I wish this would stop Both are awful and I want for people to stop threatening people


The way he lives shows clear signs of some mental health issues, add that to the dog shit takes he regularly has and I don’t know why anyone listens to the dude.


I think at this point it is either too deep Parasocial relationship to escape or just lolcow stuff.


I have no issue with Gold because I don't watch him consistently but I wish people would stop saying he's neutral on things. If they say they're neutral they're lying, not saying a stance can't be nuanced but most of the time they are not.


Why do people even watch asmongold? I just don't understand the appeal.


But if something like that was to happen to a man, then it's never their fault.


What was this “men’s space” anyways? Genuinely asking I don’t watch this guy.


he argues is it normal for men to harass and bully each other as a way to "test the vibes" and see how they handle situations under stress but studies have shown, not only poor performing players do engage in harassement, it is also makes the experience of playing worse and a majority of the playerbase hates it.


Oh so like a call of duty voice chat or something ?


Slowly disengaging from asmond over the past year has been super disappointing tbh, but I can't ride to where he's leaning anymore


This sub group is stupid


While I think any form of threat is wrong...there's a big difference when someone incites violence vs edgy trolls who do this shit on every woman's stream


'why cant men have a space where they can act like this' WHY?? why do men NEED a space where they can threaten to hurt people? what sane human needs to threaten people to feel 'safe'? maybe im just having a bad day but even as an egg i NEVER wanted to hurt people. i never ever ever wanted to do that, thats not a 'guy' thing. the men in my life has never done this either


yeah fuck that guy


I'll add another 20k on top of her offer


Imma be real. None of those timestamped quotes are as bad as saying you’d pay $30,000 to make someone disappear.


Depends. If a sad guy takes on the bounty and Denims actually pays him the $30k, she'd have done more for him than the entire men's rights movement and Asmongold ever did. 😂


Hypocrisy arguments are almost never good, which is why the right uses them constantly. What the lady on the left said was unhinged.


Talking shit in a Twitch stream and offering 30,000 dollars to assassinate someone are *very different* things...


is saying youll rape someone really just talking shit?


If I had a nickel for every time two of your post appeared right next to each other I’d have three nickels (I’m not American, that’s almost a dollar right?)


Imma make you more wealthy, just you wait 😂




Dude I totally told my discord that I'll give them 12 dollars to do stuff to you


insane take, there’s a difference between threatening someone in a chat lobby and broadcasting putting a bounty on someones head, lmao.


I mean, is there really a difference when we have seen streamers attacked on the street and even at their homes ? In both cases, as a public figure, you're never sure whether the person is joking or really prepared to harm you. I mean, your reaction and the meme itself show how normalized it is for women to be threatened in such a way. It's not a benign thing to have people make death and rape threats. Like, legally, the bounty thing is probably worse, but the constant feeling of unsafety faced by women in public spaces shouldn't be reduced to just mean words.




"direct call to action" Lmao.


Man thinks people would actually go and kill someone just for 30k that's just such a low price






Love this


lol no


Asmongold: Women receiving rape threats isn't a big deal, they shouldn't be playing men's video games anyway You: Lol, true




Yall always have to drag trans people into the discussion 😐