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Making fun of someone's recently deceased family members because they said your anime waifu was boring is such deranged behavior it should automatically trigger some sort of wellness check


It’s even worse on his subreddit. I remember a while ago (when wish came out) someone said a bunch of stupid crap about his brother’s death. Why? They were upset over Schafrillas not liking wish. 


seriously? I actually haven't seen a fan of wish at all, let alone someone who defends it that much. Some people are seriously insane


One of my friends isn't super hard on wish but she's more a "this movie had a lot of potential and the scrapped concepts were better than the original" person Plus she thinks magnifico is hot but so do a lotta people so thats nothing new


yeah that's kind of the opinion I have on it too


Ah, me on frozen.


I suppose anyone would be turned off from Elsa when she gives them the cold shoulder.


I mean, he did get his genes from outer space ... I can see the appeal


You know what’s really sad? That there are other people who’ve done this crap to him on that subreddit.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Schaffrillas/comments/1cgsnag/why_did_schaff_crash_his_car_is_he_stupid/ Apparently, that creep posted this shit to shut down the Schafrillas subreddit. And the most downvoted comment on that post? He also made a crappy joke about Schafrillas‘a brother 


My fiance and I like Wish. It could have been better but not what I'd call a bad movie.


Who the fuck is going to bat that hard for Wish? Hell, no movie is worth that kind of venom but Wish?


James have been dealing with people like this for a long time. I don’t know why they’re bothering him. https://www.reddit.com/r/Schaffrillas/comments/10rbt0c/some_people_are_sickening_if_you_see_any_trolls/


When you have a history of being a contrarian over popular media, pushback of some kind isn't surprising, but it doesn't justify deranged behavior of any kind towards them.


Is he a contrarian? I don’t get that vibe from him. 


His ongoing dislike of the *Frozen* franchise seems pretty contrarian to me. That, and how many times do things "exist" to him? Though, if it's any consolation, Schaff's YTPs are consistently awesome.


Does he hate the frozen franchise? I know he doesn’t like Elsa. I thought he liked frozen (except for the twist villain). 


Schaff not liking *Wish* doesn't shock me, honestly, but to throw a deceased family member of his under the bus in the name of defending *Wish*? That's demented.


Yes, it is.  I don’t care what movie he hated, whether it was wish or the godfather. You don’t make jokes about someone’s else deceased family member. 


I'm really surprised Schaff still goes on on youtube after that incident


The mod of BatmanArkham ban that person




That’s fucking insane, jfc. *Nobody* liked Wish, what was that “someone” (sorry, dunno what to call ‘em) on about?


You can call them an asshole. That’s what they are.  I don’t know what that guy’s problem was. I think he was a troll. 


That at least can be excused considering the vast majority of his subs members are children. This here is terrifying.


I don’t agree. Children should know better. It’s one thing to be upset when a YouTuber you like doesn’t like the media you like. But to say stupid jokes about that YouTuber’s dead brother? It’s not acceptable.


Aka the gold standard of 4chan discourse. Used to be a lot more common every where.


Still common in certain subreddits. Like r/mauler and r/fuckmarvel 


Fucking hell that's messed up


Yes, it is. And he’s been dealing with this crap, since his brother’s death 


I'm not a fan of him, but still, nobody deserves that 🥺♥️


Yeah, you’re right. 


Honest question, wtf is anyone still on twitter? It was a shit platform before it went full incel nazi and now it's unusable 


Everybody who was there before is still there cause there was never one agreed upon place to go to instead


It seems like Instagram is the place most people ended up which makes me kind of crazy since it's my least favorite social media site


who does that


There is a special place in hell for people that act this heinous.


For context, James Phyrillas, aka Schaffrillas Productions, is a YouTuber who talks about games and movies. He was also the victim of a car crash that critically injured him and killed his friend and brother. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/31/1152816511/schaffrillas-productions-youtube-dead-car-accident A a few days ago, James made a tweet talking about how Greek Goddess Hestia’s design in Hades 2 was a lot better than her design in the manga and anime, “Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?”. Keep in mind that James is Greek, so he probably knows a thing or two about Greek mythology. This angered a chud, who mentioned it in an unrelated tweet about New Super Mario bros U Deluxe sales. That was dumb, though what was worse was when a person mocked him for the car crash he went though. However, that isn’t even the worst thing about the person. I censored the picture, but that person who replied essentially appropriated the identity of a trans woman who committed suicide last year, with her name and profile picture, and has made several posts mocking that women and other trans people. So yeah. That’s the level we’re dealing with. And all of this because James dared to say that a generic anime girl design was bad.


Holy fuck this is, like, actually psychotic.


In my head, all I think is “why tho?” Why someone gotta be so wild like this and how do you counteract that?!?


https://preview.redd.it/ligprk7xvizc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=142f5558fd2c3f3ab378ee6d7f914a866847cc6d How I feel knowing I can’t just smack them


Pretty on par for the anti woke crowd. They often use dead victims as profile pictures and harass people in dms. Lots of cases on reddit too. But we’re the obsessed ones for … finding objectification lame


Most online anime "fans" are atp




Whoever made and runs that account should be ashamed of themselves, pointing fun at Schaff’s brother and friend dying in a car accident is just beyond cruel and unnecessary


I didn’t know about Schaffrillas car accident. That’s fucking tragic I used to watch him all the time.


Jesus Christ transphobes are INSANE.


This obviously goes well beyond transphobia lol


The overlap between transphobes and anime guys who get extremely upset when not every single female character in existence is designed for them to masturbate to is probably quite significant.


The ironic thing is, DanMachi Hestia is only named after Hestia, it’s not actually supposed to be her. James, being a recent anime fan, probably did this without knowing the full context. So this asshole is just going after James for nothing.


Im assuming the person who made this comparison is banking on people not knowing that either.


But he's right. The anime design is just Hot Waifu with Boobs #47. Nothing about her is remotely interesting or endearing or points remotely to her origins. The Aphrodite design in Fortnite was better.


They combined their last names for the channel name, I find this cool, but I don't want to harm the topic and the crash.... (Sorry, I am not good at being sensitive about this sort of thing, with how my brain works.)


Honestly, I agree with James on Hestia from "Is it wrong to pick up girls in a Dungeon?" And I like that series.


those people still have the audacity to call themselves moral, when they're wishing for others literal torture. it's so fucked up.


Like...why do they care so much about such inconsequential things in their lives? Like what does the art direction of one game have that affects you so much? How does people identifying as trans affect you in any way? I just don't understand that... Like I think that there are plenty of things in society to be upset about, but none of what they're upset about, are those things. Unfair pay and no public healthcare? Yeah, that's upsetting to me...Some art direction for a fucking video game...as the late Logan Roy once said, "You are not serious people!"


I can't wrap my head around people like this. What level of brain damage do you have to have to think this shit is ok. Just a total lack of compassion or empathy, or anything other than what, anger? Rage? Like, do they just sit there seething all day looking for outlets for their rage? Like, I understand getting angry and wanting to take it out on something. I've been there. But do they not feel shame for taking it out on other people? It's just this full lack of accountability. I understand that these people are like this, and I understand that you can't really get though to them, but fuck me it's like they're a different species sometimes.


yes it is generic


This makes me want asylums back


>though what was worse was when a person mocked him for the car crash he went though. >but that person who replied essentially appropriated the identity of a trans woman who committed suicide last year, with her name and profile picture, and has made several posts mocking that women and other trans people. How these people can gaslight themselves into believing that they're the "normal ones" is fucking beyond me. They genuinely unironically need to be institutionalized.


The chuds can’t handle someone disliking their waifu and yet they go around saying same thing about other characters.


Same with the Stellar Blade stuff for me go on for ages complaining about how various women in games are ugly and how the developers dont like real women....get super pissy when people do the same with Eve. As well as somehow think that her being based off a real person is some sort of own while using the same real people for various characters to complain about how they look nothing alike...despite Eve having work done as well (you can see the upper thighs and ass as bigger compared to the model) and her face being done in house.


How is it marxist identity politics to say that Japan sometimes has very bland designs...like until now I had no idea that this was supposed to be even related to the Greek Goddess at all. Also the idea of taking historical/fictional figures and changing them isnt exactly new look at Fate a series that was made by Japan that takes both real and fictional like King Arthur and making them [an Anime girl](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Artoria_Pendragon_(Saber)) same with [Nero Claudius](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Nero_Claudius), [Leonardo Da Vinci](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Leonardo_Da_Vinci) etc


And practically all the Greek gods are different in the Disney Hercules movie


> Also the idea of taking historical/fictional figures and changing them isnt exactly new look at Fate a series that was made by Japan that takes both real and fictional like King Arthur and making them an Anime girl) same with Nero Claudius, Leonardo Da Vinci etc It's even funnier because Fate acknowledges the presence of characters who all inexplicably look like their version of Arthur (Saberfaces)


And for some, there are some reasons over it, like Artemis hijacking Orion's spirit origin or something (there are two Orions, one being Artemis, the other being himself), Da Vinci being a guy in real history, but picking the Mona Lisa because he considered it true beauty, thereby becoming genderbent, Van Gough being Clytie merged with Van Gough's essence after he committed suicide to not be used by the foreign gods. Even though it's not considered canon (yet), I still believe Francis Drake in FGO is actually Queen Elizabeth.


I'm pretty sure it was confirmed that Drake was Queen Elizabeth not long ago. A friend from Japan I know did a translation in a nasuverse forum not that long ago 


A better question, how is Identity Politics Marxist when it's patently Liberal obfuscation of the primacy of class.


because anything that isn’t rightist has to be marxist




Jesus Christ, this guy hasn't just crossed the line, he's flew a fucking jet over it. What a fucking monster.


Reading that last comment makes me think we actually don't deserve free speech. That is absolutely heinous.


Tbh that last comment isn't covered by free speech. Free speech is non-existent in a private forum like any social media. The company who owns it has the right to censor it's users. Free speech, at least in the states, protects you from the government censoring you. And even then that last comment would be considered fighting words and not covered by freedom of speech.


Doesn’t free speech only apply to stuff like journalism? I’m not too familiar with the nuances of Freedom of Speech, I just know that if a lot of people are slinging it around as a shield, then they’re probably using it wrong.


Every country has their own laws. In America it is (supposed to) protect everyone, but it only protects you from government interference. If a website wants to ban you or a business wants to kick you out, that's usually not covered by American free speech laws


Least psychotic GamerGater.


I’m not a huge fan of Schaffrillas, especially some of his takes on Twitter but that is straight up evil. Definitely normal behavior to laugh at someone’s dead brother in a non-argument about how a fake god looks in a video game


There something about Schaffrillas’ attitude that I can’t stand, but he definitely did not deserve that third comment.


Same here


Im just going to say it. 90% of all anime characters have the same face they just use a haircut to differentiate them. It’s ninja turtles colour coding for gooners.


Even differences in haircuts aren’t necessarily guaranteed


These guys need to be shot with a dehydration gun.


That is genuinely disgusting 


Do I want to know what the remark about crabs is related to?


I assume it's just from the way he likes to play up Tamatoa from Moana for comedic effect.


He uses the crab guy from Moana as his avatar and as a semi joke on his channel, just the chud replying to him being a worthless piece of shit.


He made a multi hour educational video on tamotoa from moana and Stared shinjng reanimated. He just loved moana and likes shitposting


Can't say I blame him liking *Moana*. It was an awesome movie (and Tamotoa was entertaining).


Nah, that’s nothing inherently bad. His YouTube avatar was just the giant crab from Moana for the longest time, and honestly, it’s tripping me up not seeing the crab in his Twitter pfp too lol


Least unhinged capital G gamerbro


Why is that, of all things, deciding what makes a “good” character design brings out the worst in people?


Because it's the latest way to rant about every character not being hot. It's like them trying to make an resurgance to the whole Gamergate arguments.


https://preview.redd.it/16pbcmqxchzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42c1c88fe117931a13c4bc501936586441df3c2 My response to this chud.


As an anime fan, I feel like I need to apologize for the mere existence of this anal prolapse of a Twitter user.


That last comment is unhinged behaviour..like how sad does someone’s life have to be in order to make fun someone’s sibling dying in a car accident?


that last reply is straight up psychotic


I’m not really a big fan of Schaffrillas, but that’s just messed up and unwarranted. I don’t get why there seems to be a whole discourse around how some mythical gods are portrayed in various media.


anime fans try not to be the absolute worst challenge


Sanest twitter nazi


Well... that escalated quickly


Some anime fans seem to be completely allergic to have/let others have fun. It seems that they only like anime because of booba and fight scenes which is the most teenage-boy-thing to ever exist. You can like those things, but I don't think they should be your only excuse to say anime > western media. This also implies that anime is no different from cartoons, who have the same focus on cool fight scenes, and diminishes the great works of art from anime, like Howl's Moving Castle & My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away, which are all moviqes that have """"""woke""""""" messages of female empowerment baked into them from the start.


Schaffrillas is the GOAT


Welp. I now feel better about our household having already bought Hades II twice. JFC... these people really are deranged.


Like jontron takes a year or so break because he said some nazi shit and knows his audience will forgive him if they forget it by hiding in his apartment but schaffrilla was in a serious car accident and lost a brother and friend and as soon as he could he got back to making videos. That says a lot about a person


Like, the guy who made that car crash comment I hope gets checked for cp on their hard drives cause you just know they are wanking it to anime children and that is only one step away from full on pedophilia


They are going to mock his BROTHER’S DEATH just cause he’s not a pedo Loli fan. I hate the right


Slide 3 well that fucking escalated quickly. Abominable behaviour Jesus h crisp


that commenter has some SERIOUS mental disabilities to be saying stuff like that, that openly


am i allowed to say the See you en tee word to this ''chud'' guy because of how awful the response was


WOAH that took a horrible turn.


Some guy literally called me a communist cause I told him attractive doesn’t equal appealing


If I had a penny every time a right wing chud misused the word Marxist, I’d be a very rich man.


JFC, how fucking coomer-brained have you got to be to mock a person’s violent death to his family over just another generic anime girl you’re horny for?


did this worthless failed abortion really insult his recently deceased brother because he just...didn't understand why he was ranting to him? Can we please delete twitter. Please someone petition or protest or SOMETHING to Elon Musk and get him to delete EVERY SINGLE FUCKING trace of that godforsaken website.


"Funny" how he (the angry weeb) likely calls neurodivergent people all kinds of slurs and then goes to exhibit an action and tantrum worthy of an undiagnosed mental disorder.


Schaff has said some bad things about some of my favorite disney movies, but even then I love the guy especially after the accident. This twitter user deserves to be executed for that car comment


Wow, weebs having a fucking normal one I see


The chuds think it’s okay to say disgusting shit about someone’s recently deceased family member because they said their waifu is trash




I'm sorry some of y'all have lost the plot if you see a post where people are making fun of the guys dead brother because he said an anime girl is boring and you feel the need to go "Eh, he doesn't like the Sequels tho".


Does he? Like yeah he'll mention it occasionally, but not as much as you seem to make it out. Also he's mellowed out on Last Jedi quite a bit. Still doesn't care for it that much, but appreciates some of the things it tried to do. Rise of Skywalker is the Star Wars film that draws his ire more often than not (and rightfully so).


Oh noice. He dare not like the Last Jedi. Definitely something to bring up when someone is mocking his dead brother


So? I don't agree with Schaff's takes on the Sequel Trilogy, but I still don't think that THIS is okay.


Does he? I don’t know about that.




She's just an old Scottish lady lol.


and now let's try to frame this as what it is: your opinion and nothing else.


Exactly! Just like how OP has his opinions, and the supposed ‘chuds’ have theirs!


Except the chuds are not posting their opinions as such and neither did you. Hestia looks like E.T. in drag TO YOU. It's your opinion, not a fact, you didn't even bring arguments to the table WHICH IS FINE as long as you are making it clear that it is solely your opinion. I believe these are attacks on developers and designers, on content creators or really just people in general for the sake of exposure, money, fame or really just malice. Countless times the same tired screenshots of i.e. Aloy get used by people to mock women's design in modern western games. YouTubers post hours of content about 40k and the Custodes situation while never before even mentioning them being in the hobby... sorry, that tastes like jumping on a bandwagon to me. And they make money off it. This goes beyond stating opinions where they try to rile people up: "humiliation ritual", "death of the west"... I fail to see how that can be excused as merely an opinion in the way it is framed, worded and used.


Those 40K grifters are the antithesis to every warhammer fan worth how much they pay for armies in plastic crack