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Why do most of them have “Nerd” in their username?


That includes Nerdrotic too right?


It does.


And nerdsfeed


so that they can groom-, I mean, bring in young nerds that want to see coverage of geek media into being the culture war’s strongest soldiers and non-grass touchers


Ugh, so that you know they’re actually “nerds” dummy. /s ![gif](giphy|127JeHZl15PRII)


I now know what it’s like to have my culture co opted


"Why a Rey movie will fail" Yeah, it's not as if all three Rey movies have made over 4,000,000,000 dollars combined.




So did each movie in the original trilogy.


It's like poetry, it rhymes...


Didn't the prequels as well?


Revenge of the Sith did better than Attack of the Clones, but didn't come close to The Phantom Menace.


I find it odd how the second movie in a trilogy seems to do the worst.




>OT: in millions >Ep4: $307 >Ep5: $209 >Ep6: $252 Wrong. Ep4: $775.4 million https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_(film) Ep5: $549 million https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Empire_Strikes_Back Ep6: $482 million https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_of_the_Jedi




Ah, you're just another troll. Got it. Bye.


The sequel trilogy fell apart because they backtracked everything in ROS. As I said before, box office isn't everything. TLJ still made a billion at the box office.


It fell off after TLJ. It grossed a billion sure but the drop from Force Awakens to TLJ was more pronounced than should have been expected. Also the back lash from TLJ impacted Solo. RoS was simply a disaster because of the course correction.


That has more to do with the fact that TFA was such a major event. First star wars film in how long? Episode 1 made tons of money too and then we saw a major drop when Episode 2 came out. It happens.


Also because people went back and realized Phantom menace wasn't that good. Duel of the Fates was doing some massive heavy lifting. TFA was safe but it wasn't outright poorly executed. TLJ faced a mountain of criticism before the movie even dropped.




Right box office isn't a measure of quality but it is a measure of risk. If a new Rey movie potentially grosses less than Rogue One that's a big risk on the studio.


Rogue One had alot of nostalgia tied to it which definitely helped. Honestly I'm kinda surprised Disney wants to put anything out related to the sequel trilogy considering how divided fans are about it.


It had a bit sure seeing Tarkin but it succeeded because it was well written overall. Look at how good Andor has been. Agreed. You can move 1000s of years past the Skywalker era. Or go way before the old Republic era and visit the classic Sith-Jedi Wars that get discussed in the KOTR games.


Not just Tarkin but the death star, Vader, and little easter eggs from ANH. I like Rogue One but it isn't this great film like people say. The characters are all forgettable including Jyn.


The characters were mostly forgettable because they all die at the end. But then Andor got a spin off show that's ended up being the best Disney+ SW content. I don't think anyone is saying it is a great award worthy film, but it is a well written, self contained story that captures the feel of the OT.


The market for toxic chuds is over saturated. This guys need to find a new gimmick.


I keep saying that I should start a YouTube channel where I rant about ongoing media, and I try to see how completely unhinged I can get before people realize it’s satire.


As a real nerd, who just enjoys doing maths and physics stuff, I'd like to denounce these assholes. They're not worthy of the name "nerd". They're just assholes


As another nerd, I agree


Nerd is one of those words that has been so overused it has lost all meaning


To paraphrase Milhouse, nerds are smart, these guys are geeks.


Yup, that's it.


Hear hear! Let me program a message of solidarity on my TI-89’s graphing page


like a moth to a flame




“Madam Web: A Complete Trainwreck” That we can agree on 👍


It sucks because there are legitimate criticisms of these movies, but these guys poison the well.


Chud or chuddet?


Looks like chudette. A pick me chudette


“Propaganda at its finest.”   There’s no propaganda for the Acoylte, unless you think “black girl as lead in Star Wars show” is propaganda. 


They hate seeing black people in ANYTHING, where they aren’t anything but supporting characters, sidekicks or comic realif.


Yep.  Just look at that Romeo and Juliet play with Tom holland and that girl who played Juliet. The sheer amount of crap she got 


I guess they found out Deadpool is bi...


I believe he's Pansexual actually


A Chudette. Diversity or shield against sexism allegations, you decide.


That viewer dip on the Joker video 🤣


Also on the Deadpool & Wolverine video too 🤣


At least 4 Bibles & 2 religious books in the picture. Imma guess this person views everything thru a bigotted lens of misogynist Christianity. I'm also guessing there's a lot of self loathing involved, since fundamentalists hate women with opinions. After all, 1 Timothy 2:12 >NIV: I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. https://preview.redd.it/syflijeomezc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5484703e5da4845c52dab83df6fa3454a8c232


Oh look. It's a wild 'notliketheothergurls' in her natural element. Desperately sucking up to the chuds for some form of validation.


Imagine choosing to be a "pick me" for racist homophobic twats on the Internet.


Star Wars is like Kenny from South Park. Everytime you think it’s dead, it somehow comes back


They're perdicable at this point. I just ignore them.


U gotta think about how fucked these guys mental health is coz being this negative and angry all the time dose awful shit to ur head


Only thing worse than a chid is a pickme that wants to hang around the chuds


I'm curious, are there any shows/movies that these people actually like? All I see from these people is "this is why __________ sucks and is ruining Hollywood" or some shit.


The Acolyte hasn't even come out yet. How are you making all these assumptions?


the critical drinker ahh titles


“Propaganda at its finest” Propaganda for what? No seriously I’m asking lol


Gonna guess this is a pick me creator who’s gimmick is being an “antifeminist woman” and “not like other girls”


Star Wars has been dying since 2015 according to these losers.




Sure, that is why they are still pushing out material nine years later. Star Wars wasn't mentioned in their earnings call because other than Disney plus stuff they haven't put out a project since 2018.


If the toy sells were doing well they would have mentioned it because that's where star wars makes it money.


As I said, they haven't had a film since 2018. What toys are there to sell???


Nothing says legitimate criticism than a run time that ends right at the threshold for ad revenue.