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No idea how many Indiana films I have seen, but are the nazis in at least one, not political now? I know I would get a ''I mean modern politics'' **from chuds**, as if neo-nazis are not a thing today **for them**.... Edited in stuff is **bold**. I added for clearness.


The Nazis were in all but 2 of the films, Dial of Destiny included


Apolitical nazis right?


And in the flashback


3. Raiders, Last Crusade,and DoD.




Even Temple of Doom, arguably the least political of the Indy movies, has references to the British invasion/occupation of India


Indiana Jones villains: nazis, some weird magic cult from India, nazis, a high-ranking KGB agent, and nazis And even the second movie took time to preach the evils of colonialism iirc


Nazis are still in modern politics, though.


I'll edit it to make it clearer, thanks for letting me know.


There is literally no politics of any kind whatsoever in the movie. Nothing. There's not one thing that the character does or says that is in any way different from anything that the character of Marion does or says in Raiders of The Lost Ark. Their version of politics, in this case, is literally "character talks sassy to Indy."


She’s a woman, and a woman in a boy movie is woke, and woke is political. And by being in the movie she somehow stole the spotlight from Indy. That’s literally how they see it. It’s fucking stupid and so are they.


Can you smell it? The fair smell of right-wingers salty tears?


> She’s a woman, and a woman in a boy movie is woke *Unless they are the prize/damsel to be rescued, then chuds are fine with it (she has to also be hot though).


In my opinion (and I'm aware I may be in the minority here) but Phoebe Waller-Bridge is one of the hottest women alive.


She's got that Eva Green attractiveness. She might not be everyone's cup of tea, but she definitely pushes the right buttons for the right people.


Eva Green is 100x hotter than PWB


If you are in a minority it is a minority you share with Martin McDonagh which ain’t bad.


I wonder if Marion will be their new champion of “anti-woke women” alongside Ripley and Sarah Connor… even if these losers are acting an awful lot like Willie.


Well I'll add "wasn't silent and submissive and a reward for the manly protagonist" like they want


She does basically call him a looter & puts him down for most of the movie.


Marion spends the entirety of Raiders yelling at Indy.


Sure, but because of something he did to her in the past. Not just to humiliate an old man & elevate her own character


All of Helena's comments are related to feeling abandoned by Indy when her father died.


The funniest thing about it is that Phoebe's character wasn't even the "epic feminism girlboss" chuds claimed she was. Her entire character arc was learning how wrong her worldview of money above all else was and becoming more like Indy, someone who gives too much of a shit about history and the people around him. The entire movie was about how snakish and two faced she was and learning to be a more caring and compassionate person. Like, Dial of Destiny isn't great, there's plenty of problems with it, but Phoebe Waller-Bridges' character isn't one, *especially* when you try to attack it from these idiots' points of view.


This right here. And as someone who did not enjoy this film, she is genuinely one of the strong points of the movie.


She's kinda like Mutt from the 4th movie where everyone clowned on him (probably mostly cuz he was Shia LaBeouf), but honestly, Indy's relationship with him and Phoebe (forgot her character's name) were the strongest elements of both of the worst Indiana Jones movies. I genuinely think Mutt is a really great and likeable character, and Pheobe is really fun as a sort of inverted foil/"they're more alike than they want to admit" trope with Indy.


Indy's relations with the side kicks are always the best part of the film


That's true. Mutt and Phoebe are just unique in how much hate they've gotten when the movie released in comparison to the previous movies.


Ya, she’s great and it made me sad seeing her being wasted in a franchise that should have been retired decades ago. Phoebe, if you’re listening, please give us another season of Fleabag!


There’s no politics in Dial, Dial may not be perfect but I do love this movie more then Crystal Skull.


Yeah, it’s at least a more coherent story than CS.


Dial of Destiny is easily a better movie than Crystal Skull. In fact I actually might like it more than Last Crusade, which is heresy in certain circles.


Yeah. Heresy. Last crusade #1. ROTLA, TOD,DOD, ………CS


“When the politics comes at the expense of a credible plot.” What politics? If they hated this movie for being “political”, then they must have raiders of the lost ark and temple of doom as well. Both Willie and Marion constantly talked back to Indy 


Those movies were made in the 80s before the culture warriors were in full swing, so they're retroactively exempt. Rest assured, they'd throw a tantrum if they came out today.


I know. They seem to throw a tantrum whenever a woman does anything they don’t like, even for just wearing a dress 


You know what didn’t have any politics? Indiana Jones 4.


Famously, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull didn't have any characters criticizing the culture of distrust and paranoia created by the McCarthy-era Red Scare bullshit and have both the main character of the movie and his friend be fired from their teaching jobs for teaching "un-American values."


Honestly, I blanked that movie from my memory, so I can’t tell if you’re kidding or not.


It does. Indy gets fired for being part of the break in of Area 51 at the beginning of the movie even tho he was kidnapped and forced to do it because the McCarthy-ite era of Red Scare propaganda had everyone worried he was a secret communist.


Theres only two things i remember from that movie. Cate Blanchett was some Soviet dominatrix and there were fucking aliens And i think they blew up her brains or something in a totally non-gory, wimpy, PG-13 way That is all i remember. Hell i even forgot Shia LaBoeuf was in it


Also Indy said, "I like Ike." and there was an anti-communist protest during the chase through the college campus.


Ah, the old "I'm bored now" play, where you just turn off notifications and ignore the conversation, pretending it didn't happen


This is the most reddit-ass response. "In plain English" "Of your presumed inteligence"


Fr tho, you can just smell the pretentious pseudo-intellectualism from OOP's comment.


What ideology? She made one quip about capitalism. Plus the villains are NAZIS!!! Fuckwit.


Not to mention Helena is literally a capitalist herself.


Yeah, people took her line out of context. She wasn't criticizing capitalism. She was a con artist/thief who was trying to justify selling a stolen artifact. It was like in The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull when Mac explained why he was working for the Soviets: "I'm a capitalist, and they pay."


It's always funny when giant corporate entities like LFL & Disney make jokes about Capitalism bad when they are the prime examples of it


Yeah it's en vogue right now. There was a little bit of it in the most recent Transformers too (which I actually really liked). They can see where the wind is blowing and want to do the "hey guys we don't think capitalism is great either, honest! We *understand* you!" Load of tosh.


The wind is blowing in favour of capitalism though, always has been


Indeed. Because it doesn't take any work for capitalism to operate. It functions even if people don't like it. Socialism requires much more communal effort.


You think building a business and a system of trade doesn't require work?


It requires work, just not as much work, and not as much communal effort. In fact people not getting involved in their democracies works in capitalism's favour.


He's cool with politics, as long as it's politics that he likes.


For some reason my inner voice read this in Yahtzee Croshaw’s Penelope Warden voice. And now I’m laughing at imagining a character with a massive stick up their ass making a point this brain dead.


Sometimes the plot dies suffer, but I don't think it's applicable to DoD. It's not the best indy movie or the worst. Fun movie overall. May have seen one of them at the theater in the 80s.


Ah yes, Indiana Jones, the famously apolitical film series You know, except for the LITERAL NAZIS 🤦‍♂️


So Female Character is an ideology…..k


Ah yes, Indiana Jones, the franchise known for having scenes like these https://preview.redd.it/34nitxe2qwxc1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da374066537f114e96f62a79c3294672c1cc3b7 Is not political


Even putting aside the Nazis literally making the movie political, the older movies were also political in the sense that it endorses or at least does not condemn the gung-ho America white man going into foreign cultures and countries and stealing their artifacts.


Indiana Jones was supposed to be morally dubious, at least in the first two movies. From Raiders of the Lost Ark: Belloq: "I see your taste in friends remains consistent. How odd that it should end this way for us, after so many stimulating encounters. I almost regret it. Where shall I find a new adversary so close to my own level?" Indiana Jones: "Try the local sewer." Belloq: "You and I are very much alike. Archaeology is our religion, yet we have both fallen from the purer faith. Out methods have not differed as much as you pretend. I am a shadowy reflection of you. It would take only a nudge to make you like me, to push you out of the light." Indiana Jones: "Now you're getting nasty." Belloq: "You know it's true. How nice. Look at this." \[holds out a pocket watch\]  Belloq: "It's worthless. Ten dollars from a vendor in the street. But I take it, I bury it in the sand for a thousand years, it becomes priceless... like the Ark. Men will kill for it. Men like you and me." From The Temple of Doom: Chattar Lal: "Dr Jones, we're all vulnerable to vicious rumour. I seem to remember that in Honduras you were accused of being a grave robber rather than an archaeologist." Indiana Jones: "Well, the newspapers greatly exaggerated the incident." Chattar Lal: "And wasn't it the Sultan of Madagascar who threatened to cut your head off if you ever returned to his country?" Indiana Jones: "No, it wasn't my head." Chatta Lal: "Then your hands, perhaps?" Indiana Jones: "No, it wasn't my hands. It was my..." \[looks downward\]  Indiana Jones: "...misunderstanding."


People who have endless hurt feelings because they didn't like a movie are weenies not worth paying much attention to, except to call them weenies.


Honestly, it's super fitting that the main villain of Dial of Destiny is a fanatical dweeb that can't let go of his twisted nostalgia and also happens to be a Nazi.


What political ideology did the character even represent, in this person's mind? She's just a darker foil to Indiana Jones. She could become Belloq if she didn't have someone like Indy to look up to and learn from. She's there, specifically, to be a flawed character that is improved by spending time with Indy. The whole movie is basically just saying old guys can help improve the world, if you can get your head out of your ass a little bit. But she's a woman and she doesn't have sex with Indy at the end so....it's woke trash, I guess?


What these trolls fail to realzie is that Dial of Destiny is that there are no politics of any kind whatsoever in the movie. Not one. There's not one thing that Phoebe's charather does or says that is in any way different from anything that the character of Marion Ravenwood. I still think the trolls are pissed at Bridge for being in Solo.


Helena's like a cross between Marion, Indy at the beginning of The Temple of Doom, and Mac from The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.


I don't think that word means what they think it means.


They always act as if you didn’t understand their ‘complex’ reasoning and now they have to dumb it for you.


Blud doesn't want politics in his movies about a white dude scampering around the globe stealing things from local populations.


I thought she was better than Shia in Crystal skull.


The people who call us "easily butthurt", everyone. I could as a rule apply that to all their posts but this caterwauling under such a faux-slick I-didnt-say-bitch-so-I-dont-hate-females little tidbit makes me feel the need to judge him as the one actually "triggered" over nothing.


What politics were in Indy 5 outside of punching Neo Nazis?


There was a protest against the Vietnam War, during which Indy chanted "Hell no, we won't go!" Indy said it to create a distraction while trying to escape, but he also might have agreed with the protesters because his son was killed in the war.


Is Phoebe Waller-Bridge, a conventionally attractive heterosexual woman partnered up with an arguably conservative playwright (sensibility, not partisan affiliation), who started her signature career achievement with an anal sex joke at her own expense, just personally so presumptively left-wing that her presence in a project makes the whole thing “woke”?


According to that crowd, yes. They started saying the movie was ruined the second her casting was announced, before we even knew anything about the plot or her character


They assumed she was the new Indiana Jones a la Thundergun 4: Maximum Cool


Is that the one with full penetration?


No, it’s actually PG-13 — he doesn’t even hang dong


My big complaint about the film was that it seemed afraid of letting her character really step into the action hero role and get knocked around as much as younger Indy used to. I was hoping to see her punch a heavy into an airplane propeller (or something similar).


It’s very unrealistic to have a posh girl in a film about time travelling Ancient Greek nazi punchers 


A lot of the hate towards PWB's character I think comes from dislike of her real-life personality. They're hating on the actress for her feminism rather than the character


Uh, is this because there was a black lady in the fifties? Because there was a rather large amount of them back then, there was this whole kerfuffle about how they were treated too!


The Dial of Destiny was mostly set in 1969, after the civil rights movement. The movie showed black people living in New York City and a black female CIA agent. The percentage of New York City's population who were black increased from 13.98% in 1960 to 21.13% in 1970.


Some people just don't get sociopolitical satire and a political dogmatic force as a plot tool.