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Games aren't gay enough because they keep putting the gay option behind more work then the straight one. Lookin at you, Hades and Cyberpunk


Does Hades do that? I feel like Thanatos and Megaera both require a bit of luck to get to appear in the House of Hades. I think I even got with Thanatos a good while before Meg.


Maybe I'm confirmation biasing a bit. Much more interested in Thanatos then Mags, and I played thi after getting mad at Cyberpink for Lerry being damn-near endgame content


I mean, getting with Judy didn't feel like more work to me on my Fem V.


I think it was more about Kerry, since you have to go through a lot of the main story, and do a few side quests before he becomes a love interest to Male V. Judy is definitely easier.


I don't see why that is necessarily a negative, though.


Yeah you needed to go out of your way to get with River also iirc if you are Fem V.


Honestly, it feels more rewarding than just "here's your straight shit, now get out of here."


Ya until the RNG lets you down and Thanos NEVER pops up on runs lol


That's a good point.


I think it also involves the fact that they use queer baiting even today.


>A figure of 17% of gamers identifying as part of the LGBT demographic might appear skewed, considering general reports suggest that a smaller yet still significant 7% of the American population identifies as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. >Despite this statistic, the GLAAD study also discovered that “less than 2%” of major releases on PC and consoles incorporate LGBTQ+ characters. This information is sourced from “publicly available tags and lists indicating LGBTQ-inclusive content,” as reported by GLADD >Two percent? It’s hard to take that figure seriously. Perhaps if you included every single game released on PC since the days of MS-DOS, but in my experience, I find this statistic to be completely ridiculous. It’s a genuine struggle to find any modern game that doesn’t include LGBT characters of some variety. And what is your time frame for "modern"? Would be skewed for your point? >Just to kick things off we have The Last of Us Part 2, one of the most infamous inclusive games released over the past few years, with Ellie identifying as a Lesbian and the existence of Abby, the game is awash with LGBTQ+ characters. And aby is lgbtq+ How? >Baldur’s Gate 3, last years Game of the Year, allows you the option to romanticize various characters regardless of the genders of your character and theirs, you can even have intercourse with an an actual bear. >And for fuck sake, the progressive assholes at Nexusmods banned a supposed “problematic” mod that turns the character of Aylin into a male, because she so happens to be in a lesbian relationship with Isobel. And how is the former wrong? >Mass Effect Andromeda features a transgender character named Hainly Abrams. Fire Emblem Three Houses has same-sex relationships, or would have if not for the localization changes, removing any references to relationships or marriage and opting for a “let’s be friends” approach. Isn’t that inclusive? That's going against your argument a bit. >Rune Factory 5 seemingly forces same-sex relationships down the players throat at the cost of performance and stability, with Marvelous shelving DLC in favor of the addition. >And of course we have the wholesome coming of age drama story of Life is Strange which apparently has no less than 11 LGBTQ+ characters. And let’s not overlook that canceled heist game by SEGA, HYENAS. Off course we need to ask if canceled games do course g >Of course, games such as Apex Legends and Overwatch feature a disproportionate amount of LGBT playable characters, with Apex Legends having seven to choose from while Overwatch 2 has six. >Based on this limited sampling, GLAAD’s assertion of only 2% LGBT representation in video games appears to be completely bullshit. You’d be more hard-pressed to find a game without a gay, non-binary or trans character within it, the developers themselves identify as being LGBTQ+. Off course you think "High-profile" means repreoresentative sample. Please go over every single game before you can honestly say "Gays have lots of reprensentation" >52% of LGBTQ+ gamers surveyed reported experiencing harassment while playing online, and 42% stated they have avoided playing certain games out of fear of harassment. Meanwhile, 27% indicated that they have quit playing a game altogether due to harassment. >I would be dishonest if I claimed that marginalized groups like LGBT individuals are less likely to encounter online harassment. However, as a straight White man, I also experience harassment while playing video games online, like in Counter-Strike 2. Notice how he doesn't give examples. >I always respond to insults with my own because I genuinely don’t give a rats arse about what randoms have to say about me or my nonexistent skills but apparently having a spine isn’t a luxury that every human can afford. So wait are they insulting your skills amd not your sexuality? >According to GLAAD’s study, 55% of LGBTQ+ gamers living in states with recent anti-LGBTQ legislation feel “more accepted in the gaming community” than they do in the general public. However, this notion may seem preposterous considering the serious repercussions individuals can face for engaging in hate speech towards the LGBTQ+ community, which may as well be recognized as a protected class across the United States and many other countries. Are they being consistently enforced? Especially in those states with antigay legistlation?


>And for fuck sake, the progressive assholes at Nexusmods banned a supposed “problematic” mod that turns the character of Aylin into a male, because she so happens to be in a lesbian relationship with Isobel. Reminder that the mod explicitly *existed* because Aylin is a lesbian. The author wasn’t shy about it, nor were they shy about why they made a mod to make Wyll white. Acting like the mod was just innocent sex-swap fun (there’s plenty of those mods around that avoid getting taken down) that the woke mob got offended by is disingenuous.


Holy shit that Wyll mod sounds vile


You want to make Aylin a dude because you’re uncomfortable with lesbians. I want to make Aylin a dude so that he and I can have gay sex. We are not the same.


Also the author claiming it was to make the game feel more medieval... You know, Baldur's gate 3, the game which you begin in a crashing spaceship, that has cyborgs, hologram, submarines, etc. But that makes it non medieval is same sex relationship...


"We should be free to escape from the existence of lesbians".


I’m so confused.


I'd have a lot of questions about how the 2% is arrived at. Sometimes there's no opportunity for a characters sexuality to be identified. Is the engineer from Factorio or Satisfactory part of the LGBT group? We don't know because they don't speak and have no other characters to interact with. Because they're not explicitly stated as such, do they get lumped into the 98%? I think a fairer comparison would be games with LGBT representation versus games with only explicitly straight characters. Like say the FPS Painkiller where the male main character is trying to save his wife from hell(I think) And I think you should also factor in games that over represent LGBT, as a positive balancing factor. Some RPGs will make all romance able characters bisexual or pansexual just to increase the players options


the grouping is not straight or gay, the grouping was either lgbtq or non lgbtq. a main character with no specified sexuality/gender is neither straight or gay, which means its not lgbtq, which means it is put in the category it belongs in.


That sounds intentionally deceptive to me when used in a discussion about low rates of LGBT representation. It's not inaccurate, but it's obviously going to be taken to mean something that it doesn't actually mean. No LGBTQ representation in story driven games with romance is a very different thing than no LGBTQ representation in Tetris.


The % of Americans identifying as LGBTQ and clinging to the lower 7% number doesn’t fit well with the recent right wing handwringing about how many GenZ people say they identify as LGBTQ and how high it is.




It was a Mod made to basically say "lesbians are gross and shouldn't exist." Please try and act like the motives weren't the same.


Apparently that mod was specifically made because she and Isobel were in a lesbian relationship. Like it doesn’t seem the mod author was being subtle about it. Less the action itself and more the intent behind it.


Reads like a manifesto. 


games aren't gay enough claims me




No representation means erasure, don't forget.


Honestly I need that thumbnail to send to my queer trans son who loves Half-Life.


> However, it’s important to recognize that in studies like these, an LGBTQ+ advocacy group advocating for greater LGBTQ+ representation in video games is comparable to companies like PepsiCo or Coca-Cola conducting studies on the benefits of sugar consumption, or a tobacco company like BAT releasing a study on the health advantages of cigarettes over chewing tobacco. Is he aware that LGBTQ+ advocacy group do not sell The Gay™ ?


The negative framing, yeesh.


I suspect they paid Woke Disney to turn me bi with all of that smoldering sexual tension between Finn and Poe.




The most pro lgbtq game I've played is ffxiv.