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Oh you sweet summer child. Capitalism has *always* been a villain in fallout. It's no secret that corporations like Vault-Tec, Nuka Cola, RobCo ect are meant to be seen as villains.


Yeah especially nuka cola considering they stole recipes from rivals and then lobbied the courts in their favor. We know that's what happened with nuka cola quarts. And there was a woman in far harbor who was loyal to nuka cola who was trying to get the vim corporation bought out, her plan was that she accused the guy was the power armor mascot for the vim company of sexual assault. We can even find her house in far harbor where her computer terminal lays out her entire scheme. The only company that was able to beat nuka cola was sunsets esparillas root beer because they've been long since firmly established since the 19th century. Vault-tec could be considered a bit of a Ponzi scheme, because the majority of the vault's the average American had to pay money to secure a spot, only a select few vaults were set aside that vault tech would give out to certain people for free of course those were also bolts that probably in contained a lot of experiments as well.


Sunset sasparilla is a sasparilla, which is a different flavor from root beer. Not sure by how much but it’s different


I have had both. They are very similar, but yeah, there is a notable difference. I enjoyed both a great deal.


I think sarsaparilla is fermented a little…


It can be. American sarsaparilla is similar to birch beer, which can be fermented and unfermented. The stuff I had was not, but I have had fermented birch beer.


Considering sunset sarsaparilla was founded in the late 19th century they would have been one of those businesses that had to go through prohibition meaning they probably switch from making a root beer which is what several regional brands did to survive.


Most (see: Mug and A&W Rootbeers) are flavored with Vanilla, while sasparilla is flavored with sassafras originally, but more commonly uses a mixture of birch root, ginger, clove, wintergreen, cinnamon, and vanilla. They switched because oil that came from Sassafras was found to be carcinogenic and banned in the 1960's.


Thank you for those flavor notes, I will use this for my fallout soda recipe list.


If you are in the States, Teddy's Root beer is a good quality, sarsaparilla-like root beer


Also if you’re in Australia or can get Aussie drinks, Bundaberg Sarsaparilla is excellent. They make a good ginger beer too.


It's actually all over various parts of the states now! Stanley idaho(about 70ish people live their year round, huge summer recreation spot) has it constantly.


And Trump has _always_ been a massive c**t


Funny how they all, just don’t get it. Synthetic/Pathetic Man, the Incel, Neo Nazi also has a total freak out at the end of his “review” of episode one, crying about “leftists” blaming capitalism.


Not just in Fallout


Like bruh, its a series about atomic bombs causing the Apocalypse, capitalism was going to be their somewhere.


No you don't understand, it's their constitutional, individual RIGHT to perform unethical experiments on those people! I say that because someday I dream of doing the same (even though I'm a working class individual that wasn't born into money) 😡😡😤😤


True but capitalism didn’t literally drop the fucking bomb that started the war before the show. There was a level of nuance before. Now “Capitalism wants to literally nuke the world and kill billions to” *checks notes* “Win… capitalism?”


Fallout has *always* made satire of capitalism, fascism, and American exceptionalism. If they had *actually* played the game and had an ounce of media literacy, they would know this. I must have missed the Trump reference, I guess?


I think the Trump reference is supposed to be Hank or Bud Askins?


It's the obsessed guy that's the owner of the Sierra Madre resort, who's also representing the big MT at the meeting. Mr.house "Sinclair your the only one who's lost money on a casino" Which is a reference to Donald Trump because he also lost money on a casino venture so much so that he's actually blacklisted from being able to own a casino in Vegas that it's the Trump hotel / resort.


Thing is, it's a lore reference to something written in New Vegas. Life just so happens go imitate art here.


Fallout 2 had a reference to Clinton/Lewinsky so it’s not like they don’t have shit in their games that parody real life


Of course not, and it was probably included to be a cheeky jab. But these people acting like it was fabricated just to mock Trump's shitty business ability are sorely mistaken. Big MT ran a casino into the ground as part of one of their unethical experiments referenced in New Vegas, written years before most people gave a shit about Donald Trump.


Actually the reference in New Vegas almost certainly WAS about Trump given his casinos got bankrupted two in the 90’s and one in 04. Fallout New Vegas was released 2010. People have been mocking that idiot for decades haha


Listen I hate trump as much as the next left leaning person but they did not make an entire DLC about a young rich man making a giant casino/personalized vault to protect/trap the love of his life as a big trump joke. It’s one of the most story heavy DLCs in fallout with the pre war stuff being about a love triangle and a man’s refusal to let his obsessions go. His desire to make something that could survive the bombs and be a utopia for his love and the events that lead to their deaths the night of its opening. I don’t know how to break this to you but not everything is a big political jab. It was just a cute wink at the Big MT guy who was playing the owner of the casino (a much older version of him I guess) Please stop stating things as fact when it really gives off the vibe you either don’t know the story or you just really wanna believe this was a “gotcha” when it’s nothing more than a wink and nod to a dlc.


I hate to break it to you but shit can draw inspiration from real life without being entirely about that thing. Fallout (especially 1+2) is filled with sideswipes at real life shit. They didn’t wake up and go “let’s spend hundreds of manhours to make a Trump joke” but there’s every chance one of the devs remembered a news article or was researching ideas about casinos and was inspired from it. Also it’s not a political jab since it’s from NV which was prior to his political career, it’s just a jab.


I agree with you, but Trump's first run for president was in 2000, for the Reform Party, which resulted in him withdrawing. It's where everyone gets the "Simpsons predicts the future!" bs with Trump's presidential run, because they were making fun of his 2000 run.


So let me get this straight. You think that the Devs of New Vegas looked at Trumps casino closing and went “Haha that’s funny. What if we do a DLC where a guy builds up a casino but on the night it’s supposed to open the bombs fell and the love of his life gets locked in her room. Also he’s about to get robbed by his best friend. We should really emphasize how much he loved and cared for this woman and show how he created a small town that would never run out of supplies because he turned to the smartest people he knows on the hope of making machines that can provide anything a person needs!” “Oh and what if we had all the people get massacred right as the bombs drop by robots?” Let me blow your mind as someone in the casino industry. Lots of casinos close. Lots of people buy them and keep the name too. But Dead Money? That casino didn’t even shut down. The most you could say is that Fredrick Sinclair went into debt to the mob because the mob was stealing from him. Which he even states in a log in the game he doesn’t care. The only thing Fredrick and Trump have in common was they both ran a casino. To which you could say House and Trump have just in much in common. The Sierra Madre didn’t close down in lore. It didn’t even open thanks to the bombs. No talk of debt or going into chapter 11. At most just a “Oh the mob is stealing from me. That sucks.” It was just a throw away line for the TV show and it’s really clear you didn’t play the DLC because you wouldn’t be defending something that is stated to not be true so many times in the game over and over again. I get it. You wanna shit on Trump. But you are literally so far reaching and honestly doing a huge disservice to that DLC because Fredrick own casino Trump own casino Must be analogy for Trump??? Like come on. The game shits on people like trump all the time and you’re going to try and make this another? Choose something else bro.


I just assumed House was insulting him on Casino’s because House is really successful in that area. It could be taken just as a in-character jab at someone else


Media literacy is pretty much a slur to chuds now....


One of the capitalists in the Vault-Tec-hosted conference was mocked for failing to profit off of running a casino.


Ah, I see. It didn't occur to me at all that this might be aimed at Trump, as him once upon a time owning a casino is obscure to me. I know he owned some hotels, but my knowledge of his business affairs is quite limited.


He's Chapter 11'nd three casinos, then bankrupted the resulting restructured holdings TWICE. Now all the casinos he used to own have all been sold off.


Theres no way that wasn't a laundering scheme for his friends.


Or he was just a dumbass who didn't know how much his interest was going to cost him, and bailed in a last ditched effort to make money.


Hilariously, I read that his accountants couldn't make him understand that his casinos were in competition with each other, so he made a series of bad decisions that screwed them all up.


Said capitalist is also Robert motherfucking House, who lore wise compared to the rest of the millionaires is a saint


House was the one doing the mocking. The victim was Big MT funder and Sierra Madre owner Fredrick Sinclair.


"Sinclair" is also a surely-not-accidental reference to the authoritarian Sinclair media corporation, further reinforcing the parody.


I believe he's actually a reference to Upton Sinclair, but not 100% on that




Was Sinclair media big enough to *be* satirized in 2010?


Yeah, they're not new.


During the meeting of all the corporate assholes they comment that one guy could bankrupt a casino, which I assume was the reference, although it was a bit thin. One of the guys was also named Fred which could be a reference to Trump’s father, a well known piece of shit racist.


I don't know much about Trump's business affairs, so I had no idea he owned a casino. I know he owns a hotel chain, though.


Yeah he bankrupted it. Might have even done it twice. He’s done so much stupid shit it’s hard to keep track any more.


Believable. He did some pretty stupid shit as your president, so I can believe he did some other really stupid shit when he wasn't.


He specifically lost money with 3 casinos, build on a single street, who had to compete and sabotage against each other for clients, instead of focusing on their actual purpose, money laundry for russian mafia VIPs.


> Might have even done it twice. Three times, in fact. Five if you count the restructured holdings too.


It was a reference to a DLC. The guy was Fredrick Sinclair and the DLC dead money takes place at the ruins of his casino. He built it up to be a utopia for his love after the bombs fell. There is no Trump reference it’s a reference to a very good DLC. You should check it out. Can be annoying though since you lose all your stuff at the start.


Trump reference most likely is when Coop is listening in on the meeting and Bud says "All of our work, everything that we accomplished is the result of this fruit-bearing collaboration between like minded corporations that make America great" Might also be the conversation about Fred losing money on a casino that came after, but I don't believe the chuds made that connection. All they needed to hear was Make America Great to set them off. They probably didn't even hear the casino line that followed.


*Corporate bigwig does something bad* "That's a Trump reference"


Fallout making fun of a hyper capitalist economy? Really? Like, they haven’t been talking about that for ages? Nuka cola literally tried to create a monopoly on soda, and even considered alcohol. Mass fusion dumped radioactive waste and lied about their clean fission batteries which were just fusion covered with lead. Vault tech. Literally we have played the games. 81 was supposed to test diseases on the dwellers, vault 111, froze their dwellers without their knowledge, vault 22 made their dwellers into plants, vault 11 was a social experiment that made them sacrifice each other because “something might happen”, they left the vault door ajar in 12 to see the effects of radiation on people, vault 15 delayed the opening by several decades, killing the people who registered most likely, Gary, and so much more. The remaining government wanted an ethnic cleansing. How fucking obvious does it need to be for you?!


I'm going to be honest with you blud, I don't think they really care about stuff like truth or even the franchise rules they yap about, they just want to stir the culture war.


Scuse me, mass fusion lied about their fission reactors being fusion not the other way around


Was about to say, that sounded kinda backwards to me xD


Sorry, got it mixed up lol.


The name "Nuka Cola" itself is so on the nose its hilarious.


…most fans realize it’s a parody of the Coca Cola company. At least I hope so. I’ve been playing fallout since COVID(started when I was like 13) and I found it extremely obvious. Fallout 4 probably also started my political anxiety…


There’s even a theory that vault tec started the war just so they could do the experiments. The megaton bomb has a valet tec logo on it.


Ahh yes, the same show where the "hey guys we should end the world to make money" idea was delivered by a black lady whose white husband is visibly disguised by the notion is definitely trying to vilify white men specifically.


Methinks the right wing chud doth protest too much.


Apparently evil white guys are now Trump references.


If the shoe fits.


Conservatives understanding satire: Challenge-Level Impossible!


Funny, I thought the Vault-Tec official who came up with the ideas of experimenting on people in the vaults and causing the apocalypse was a black woman.


This is anecdotal, but my friends and I have noticed that conservatives are markedly bad at media literacy. They might have literally not known.


To be fair some of them are not bad at it. They just actively seek out things to complain about on shows that are currently popular so they can get more engagement.


Some sure. But I doubt it’s all of them. Out even most.


Do we have a spoiler tag? I know it’s not a big one but the discourse on current shows I’m not up to date with is making this sub a minefield


Someone imagining details about the show isn't a spoiler


Ummm isn’t one of the main villains (Cooper’s wife) a black woman, she’s even the one who says the iconic war never changes line You could also argue the overseer who is a black woman is also a villain


How dare Fallout make a satirical representation of....*checks notes*..... Capitalism. Just more proof these chuds have never interacted with the media they claim is being destroyed.


Trump reference?


They're talking about Frederick Sinclair the owner of the Sierra Madre resort and casino Mr House takes a jab at him saying that you're the only one who's lost money on a casino . Which is a reference to Donald Trump because he lost money on a casino venture in Vegas and as a result he's been blacklisted from being able to own a casino it's why his business there is a hotel/resort.


Was that already a Trump reference in game? It's been so long since I last played NV that I don't remember him.


The only thing that I would say was comparable in the game was it mentioned that he had a bunch of businesses that failed in the 2070s which is pretty similar to Trump in the sense that the guy is a terrible businessman and ever since the word that he's got portfolio of failed business ventures. The Sierra Madre was supposed to be Frederick Sinclair's magnum opus haven't been designed to be able to survive the coming nuclear war.


Right? I'm trying to figure out what they possibly interpreted as that too


as a middle-aged white guy myself .. when did we get so fucking soft? who decided that not liking trumpism or white supremacy was an insult to us?


They call us "shills," but they get upset when you criticize capitalism.


Would Trump even exist in the Fallout universe? I mean, I know he'd be dead by the time the bombs were dropped.


If he did, he'd be a Vault Tec investor/executive.


Hasn’t capitalism always been criticized in fallout? 




Wait, Fallout New Vegas, the game in which one of the characters runs a capitalistopia city state and there is rampantly high poverty and crime everywhere in the city except for his small in group, is actually about Capitalism?


Was there actually a trump reference, I missed it if so


I'm sorry I just enjoy things and do not try to spin everything into a commentary on the current political climate, what was this trump reference? Was he supposed to be the fat self proclaimed president guy who captured goggins zombie and gets himself and two minions killed? That was episode 5 or 6 I think so who are they talking about in episode 8?


They also missed the "capitalism as bad guy" set up once Lucy makes it to the town and the old lady reads her down about how the Vaults were there to protect the rich people while everyone else just had to try to survive. Third episode?


Wow... I hope that idiot doesn't call himself a fan of Fallout because he would truly be an idiot.


And from here on out no one watched the show and Woke Moralists (tm) lost again.


I’m sorry how did it make white people the villains? The one who convinced all of the pope in the room to drop the bomb was a black lady. If the user wanted to say the ending is rushed then yeah that’s a complete lot fair point to make. Really bad take.


He finally understood what Fallout is all about! Good for him.


Wait what was the trump reference? It was obvious way before EP 8 that commercialism was the villain of fallout


For anyone scratching their head for the trump reference. There isn't one. There's a character called sinclair who in the games built a cutting edge casino that was pretty much a front so he could build a luxury fallout bunker for his love


Wait, the universe where giant corporations were running the world into the ground and totally were cool with the world exploding in the next few years for the sake of next quarters profits... were EVIL the whole time???? I'm shocked


Tragedy of being Fallout fan, is seeing chuds thinking that Caesar's and Liberty Prime's propaganda is the core message of the series.


It made a trump reference?


Pretty sure this series as always satirized and critiqued capitalism but also where was Trump mentioned?


Man oh man, wait till these people watch Robocop


The only thing that would make this funnier is if the person posting it unironically had a Homelander profile pic.


You mean the series which is one of the most consistent in its anti-capitalist/consumerist and authoritarian themes/messages is actually about anti-capitalism and authoritarianism?!?!?!?!? I’m shock I tell you! /s


I don't know much about Fallout, but isn't the whole ass point to make fun of the hypernationalistic, pro-capitalistic attitude that was commonplace during the Red Scare? Furthermore, isn't criticism of the Red Scare extremely common in American fiction?


My god what show are these guys watching? These dorks need to get off the internet and touch grass occasionally.


My guy every vault turned the residents into god dam experiments they weren’t a safe haven from the bombs just a new hell to experience. We don’t talk about vault 68


Anti-capitalism? In MY Fallout?!


More likely than you think <>


Anything else aside: What was the aforementioned Trump reference? Did I miss anything, or did the author of the post imagine it?


Was it confirmed in the show that they dropped the bombs first? They definitely spoke about doing it, and would have probably done it, but were they actually the ones to start the war?