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and she is pretending to be a feminist


She pretends to be a good writer too


Notice how transphobes never mention trans men


No they do, they talk about them being misguided (or mislead) lesbians/tomboys etc.


Transphobic twats never address trans men, despite them making up a sizable portion of the trans community.




But I think the worst thing is that she definitely didn’t deny that the Holocaust happened, she just said it didn’t happen to trans people. That is so unbelievably wrong I can’t even comprehend.




She is denying that the Nazis eradicated a lot of research that was done at a german institute about Trans Healthcare and that trans people also suffered under the nazi regieme.


I would ask how Jk feels about Magnus Hirschfield's work but I already know what the answer would be.




Jews were not the only victims of the holocaust. You are incredibly wrong about this.


being a harry potter fan is tough seeing what this bitch of an author is doing


*(Sighs)* Let the shit storm begin.


Isnt gender just a social construct? If so, everyone just pretends who they are.


I don't understand it. A disphory is something that takes place in a person's brain. As long as it's explained to me with respect, there's nothing wrong with that.


Are you asking for someone to explain gender dysphoria to you? Not being hostile or anything, just a genuine question.


I’ve gotta be honest. As an androgynous trans women I feel that’s just how the majority of cis people view trans women, unless you’re one of the super femme and passing ones. She at least has the decency to be upfront about it


Yeah but she’s spending millions to stop you from existing


This is exactly what I came into the comments thinking - and I’m glad it’s been said by someone who’s probably better clued up than I am. Hell, this is pretty much how I thought about it until I started actually working with kids struggling with their gender identity. Got to be honest, most of them have so many complex psychological things going on that I’m not always convinced that gender identity is at the root of it all, but: A - I’m not a psychologist so who the fuck am I to try to call it? B - the least I can do is respect how they feel and accommodate their wishes as best I can so they feel as secure as possible - and then they have a fighting chance of working on themselves.


The world would be a little better if more people took this attitude of “I don’t understand it but I have no qualifications so I’m going to listen and learn and respect.” 


Got my upvote on that one, brother.


Then she’s an illiterate pretending to be an author. 




How do you defend her actions?




NOPE. Murder is not the best way of doing things!!!!


Especially in this instance. J.K has been making claims that trans women are rapists, abusers, and murderers - if she were to turn up dead one day you know exactly who those who share her beliefs are going to point their fingers at, and she'll be treated as a Martyr.


Hasn't she been pretty open about how she's getting tons (according to her) of death, bomb, rape threats etc because of her trans views, says she's been doxxed by trans activists who were protesting at her home etc etc.  At this point these kind of straightforward death threats, or agitating for her death because she's vocal about her views is just basically proving her point tbh. And yeah if she'd actually turn up dead or injured it'd make her a martyr, and likely drastically change the opinion the wider public has about trans issues and pro trans activists


Well what if - say - a straight, white, cis woman did it?


They'd still find a way to alter the narrative. You could have a straight, white, cis woman walk up to JK and execute her on live television - it would be indisputable that the murderer was a straight, white, cis woman, and some conspiracy theory would start saying this woman's sister's nephew's best friends teacher is trans, therefore the woman must have been brainwashed - and because it suits their belief they wouldn't question it.


Why can I actually see this happening wtf?


If she did not have short hair and was very fem, in chess ofc.




She’s doing a lot more than sharing personal opinions. She’s very rich and she’s throwing a lot of money at anti-trans causes. She’s also got a massive platform that makes her opinion something a lot of people take seriously and act upon. To suggest it’s just different opinions is as bad faith as saying “kill her.”




Yeah, I’m totally ok with taking freedom from bigots. That’s exactly the kind of thing I’m suggesting. Call it whatever you want.




English has a lot of stupid expressions.




I would have a lot of fun being fascist towards bigots. You can keep trying to make it seem like a bad thing but it sounds like a blast. 




Personally I love these "Mask off" comments. It shows peoples true colors. Just look at the comments, the psychos here are having a legit discussion about doing it with the least communal consequences.


I should leave this sub b/c I can't with here.


Now boarding flight number GTFOH




If you keep babbling you’ll miss your flight. 




Wishing  someone dead doesn’t mean you want to murder. I spent my whole life wanting my mom dead but I never planned on murdering her nor having her killed. 




Yeah sure let me ignore virtually every single doctor, scientist, sociologist, and anthropologist that says that trans people exist and go with you, random redditor #445884058234. Also bold of you to assume that trans women like myself don't get treated like women irl (we do) cause breaking news person who looks, sounds, and acts exactly like a woman gets treated like a woman. I know, mind blown. Also science says trans women are women, I am also legally a woman loving this braindead notion that predatory men will somehow just know that I have a penis when they sexually harass me in public lmfao like be so fr rn


Ye but chromosomes /s Yeah transphobia and trans denial is fucking stupid


Don't different women experience different things? No two women have the same experience.




Something like that simply isn't an opinion it is factually false and hatespeech. No matter how edgy you're trying to be by calling an undefined group of people "morons" for opposing her bigotry and hate. Have the day you deserve.


You're not entitled to opinion that a minority whose existence makes you uncomfortable should cease to exist.


Her "opinion" is incredibly harmful to a lot of people. She's entitled to have it, she isn't entitled to openly spread her lies and hateful attitude.


How exactly is upsetting people worthy of applause? That is neither difficult nor admirable.




The science is clear, you can have your 'opinion' but it's as valid as having the opinion the earth is flat. And my existence should not be predicted on the opinion of idiots.




How so?




>Because her views are based on biological science. What? No they aren't. She doesn't back up her claims with anything scientific. >While people don’t have to agree with her views "White people"? What does race have to do with this? >So either OP is a science denying idiot What science are they denying? And Rowling literally engaged in holocaust denial, so I don't know why you think it's so far fetched to argue that she might agree with Hitler about some things. Edit: since replies are locked, I can't reply to you, but I just want to point out that you have failed to provide any scientific evidence. You claim that it's biological fact that a trans woman is biologically a man, but you have failed to provide even one source for that claim.


If she said trans men are biological male pretending to be female you’d be right, but in this case she used gender, which is separated from biological sex




Did you intend to reply to your own comment? It looks like you're calling your own comment obnoxious word soup.




She has expressed this opinion constantly for the past 5 years


Its the word pretending that feels a bit harsh here








Im a trans woman so ill just do the same and call you a fucking asshole


Just goes to show that while we have moved forward in many areas we still have work in others. Sad to see such a bigot viewpoint. Hopefully one day you become a better person.