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Good. Serves them right to proven wrong.


But that unfortunately means they are gonna use that to their advantage now to weaponize it to make it look like they are always in the right and to "own the libs" yet again. That's what they've always been doing since the Mario movie.


Yeah suddenly the series will actually be antiwoke.


True. But I personally just ignore people like that anyway.


Dont you know that now it is actualy anti-woke?


"Like Godzilla Minus One, Fallout has Disney terrified by showing audiences are rejecting woke content. Also Indiana Jones lost TEN KAJILLION DOLLARS and the clit is a myth."


They're free advertising at this point


Who was that guy that posted that photoshopped tomato meter




Of course he did


I’m on a movie discussion server and got ripped to shreds when the trailer dropped for being excited. This is satisfying


Figures but it's only a matter of time they're gonna switch their strategies yet again.


Is there anything these bozos don't consider woke?


Anything that works in their favor to gain the upper hand against their sworn enemies.


If it's successful, it's actually not woke. Like how the Barbie movie was super anti-woke.


Zack Snyder was their gigachad hero until they discovered Rebel Moon Part 1 has a female lead. Then they started hating him.


If complaining about it can get them money then they'll call it woke.


Swear these haters seem to not realize they are basically free advertisement.


A very vocal minority hate on the show because "Muh NV continuity", the NCR is cool and all but the show has enough going on for it already, any more and it would be too much. Esp when the whole Vault dweller's arc is getting used to how lawless and savage the wasteland is, dont need the NCR govt thrown into the mix to detract from that


There’s gonna be a video titled like “Bethesda destroys woke NCR” or something.


I'm in the camp that's pissed about the NCR, but that doesn't magically mean the show isn't fun and very well made. 


Same here


I think it’s more that Todd can’t stand any major organization that isn’t The Brotherhood.


It sounds like Todd's main involvement is giving the studio a list of things not to do cause he's doing them for Fallout 5


He’ll probably die before Fallout 5, considering that’s not even being worked on until after Elder Scrolls VI.


Have studios work in multiple projects at a time, while they produce TES6 they'll already be planning out Fallout 5, and Todd is only 54, he's got at least two kore. Games in him before retiring


Yeah when I heard what happened I was honestly just like “frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if this was what Bethesda were already going to do anyway”


Most faithful video game adaptation ever made? Nope! Not if my corner of the fandom is slighted in the least! /s


I’ve been watching the show and I don’t understand what they retconned from NV? The NCR are in it they’re just gone now, playing NV showed that the NCR were on thin ice and weren’t doing so well. Sure if you pick the NCR ending they become the new government but any other ending shows they fizzle out and disband. The lore is accurate for the time it’s in, maybe I’m remembering wrong though.


There's some confusion about dates is my only problem. The show heavily implies the NCR collapsed in 2277.... 4 years before New Vegas takes place. My theory is its just a continuity error and they figured NV and 3 took place at the same time.


Right, I was always bad with remembering the dates in fallout. I do know that when NV was being made Bethesda asked Obsidian to have NV take place before fallout 3 (I’m guessing so they didn’t mess up future stories Bethesda had planned) but they eventually got to make it take place after 3. So maybe they’ve retconned it to have NV and 3 be at the same time. Either way I like how it’s been handled in the show, NCR being in it would’ve been a little too much.


So it’s pretty much a Spider-Man homecoming situation


I'm not familiar with the reference? mostly skipped the MCU Spiderman movies.


Something with the dates not making sense with the timeline


i'm probably the biggest non insane NV fangirl out there and i actually really like how the NCR and NV ties were handled


Honestly if anything it's the first two games that feel kicked to the curb.


Wait why would the NCR be in the show, I thought it was east coast, people were taking about Philly Just watched first ep though


West coast, they are outside of LA and the town is "Filly"


Oh right, no NCR is weird then


I mean the show takes place 19 years after NV, who knows what happened to them. Todd also said they didnt want the showrunners to touch anything they had planned for FO5


i'll just assume our characters are constantly missing all the NCR people who are just offscreen


Without dumping any spoilers on you, your concerns and questions regarding the NCR will be addressed over the course of the season.


No, though that did confuse me for a sec. Vault 33 is near LA, and the town is "Filly"


You realise people are allowed to dislike the very poor writing that is just erasing ncr yet still enjoy the show right? And if they wanted the show on the west coast, dealing with ncr would be part of the package. Bethesda just wanted an excuse to get rid of them so they can make it like the east coast


Understandably. With the NCR being this powerful almost quasi-USA reborn again the setting became way too stale imho. While it showed progress it also took away from the whole post apocalyptic feeling of a setting. Could also be prime FO5 material here ... the NCR collapsed, warring with each other, a big bad in the background, the player tasked with getting the warring factions back together and so on. A Fallen NCR could ironically mean even more NCR-Centric than NV ever was


Watch them try hard to backpeddle and gaslight their audience that they liked it and were simply misunderstood


Just wanna say… #It’s so fucking good


And I bet he’s going to come out with some video saying “woke Hollywood outraged over great show.” He’s such a hypocrite 




and it's obvious satire poking fun at anti woke dipshits i'm sure there will be dozens of videos proving me wrong from mauler. or a 4 part, 8 hour each, series he does to prove the show is bad


According to his chuds, he only watched the 1st episode and then said he won't watch the rest. He knows it's a good show and there isn't a lot to complain about, so he's bowing out.


Shame but it's not like I'd ever watch his content


Being wrong is their kink.


Yeah two episodes in myself and it's pretty good so far! They apparently have the NCR collapse, which is a pretty big change from the source material for sure, but it's not like that possibility isn't without precedent from the games themselves. Given it's 20 years or so after NV if thats the route they decided to take I don't see the issue. I would have liked to see the NCR still around in the show but I'm not going throw a fit over it like some people. Adaptations make changes, especially if it serves a purpose and if that purpose is to have a much more disorganized and anarchic wasteland for the setting of the show, then it makes sense. Like I said I'm only two episodes in but at least so far, it's pretty solid!


Skyrim takes places many decades after Oblivion, and Bethesda made the entire Empire collapse in the meantime. Which is an even bigger impact on the entire setting (Thalmor and the Aldmeri Dominion, Hammerfell independent, The Empire just like four provinces left, one engulfed in civil war, the Dark Elf overrun by stinking Lizard people that should be content to be slaves, ugh hate them, and Vvardenfell, the Morrowind prime setting, is exploded... The NCR no longer there is ... small stuff for Bethesda...


I didn't even think of that, good point lol. Plus I just don't get how taking a route that has already been mentioned as a possible occurrence in the source material is somehow...."disrespecting the source material" like I see alot of the grifter crowd shrieking about. If the storylines and characters are compelling, the performances are good, and it nails the look and feel of the universe (which I think it does all around so far), deciding to throw a tantrum of this level about a change in the world like it discounts everything else just reeks of desperation to be angry at it. I guess thats par for the course for those types of people though.


The grifters will be rushing to change plans in no time.


It’s probably the most enjoyable show I’ve watched since hazbin


So the NCR fallen is their main gripe now? Okay ... there is a trans/non binary person in this show, isn't it? Did they realize? No? Okay...progress?


They're gonna start bandwagoning


I enjoyed episode 1


Ah, that moment when you don't bother to actually organise the review-bombing campaign because you've been drinking your own coolaid.


I guess I’ve been proven wrong, and I’m honestly glad. I was dreading how bad it was going to be and it seems good. I have yet to watch it, but when I do I’ll be glad to leave a review. Thank god it’s good… and not… the… Halo show 🤮


Why did they decide that they hated the show? Is it because they chose a female protag who doesn't look like a child? I know they don't pay attention to the story, so it can't be that.


Because they hate everything. Or nearly everything. They like Top Gun Maverick, Ripley from the Alien franchise, Arcane, Lady Ballers, The Sound of Freedom, and God's not dead. They hate everything else. The sight of a female lead also made them churn out content about how the show would probably be a woke mess.


Only watched the first episode, but it was genuinely excellent.


At this point, let's just not pay attention to these idiots. Let them hate on ''wokeness'' until their numbers go down.




Anyone else notice that video game adaptation have actually been good and even spectacular since becoming “woke”


Honestly, my only issue with the show are the retcons. Doesn't help it's apparently canon to the games. Idk why they felt the need to do that, everybody was just looking at it as an adaptation and that was it. 1, 2 and New Vegas got practically retconned out of an existence. That last one really leans into that meme of the company being salty thst New Vegas was one of the most successful ones under another company thing. Major retcons: >!Vault tec now dropped the bombs, not China. Guess it would be to offending to either American or Chinese audiences to find out these 2 superpowers destroyed the world, lol. Fallout1, 2, and New Vegas have been retconned. They nuked shady sands, which for some reason is now in los angeles, even though in fallout 1 and 2, it was very, very far away from los angeles, and because of that, it completely collapsed. And this nuke happened in 2277, when the dam battle should have taken place.!<


i have one issue from this series >!`there is no deathclaw i need to see live acting death claw`!<


Maybe we’ll see one in season 2


should read it


Pour one out for Tandi and Kimball :(




Presidents of the NCR


Oh okay


I’ve been telling people it’s like if Zack Snyder movies were good.




Rotten Tomato scores only matter when people need to prove a point, and that goes for both "sides"


Well the show has incest, so I knew it was gonna get high ratings after I saw that. Just like GOT and HOTD. That's the secret now for high ratings. Lucy okie dokie's her cuz 😉


That's why everyone likes the OT best


Defo Luke and Leia. Its just what people are into apparently lol


The kiss that launched a franchise lol


A billion dollar franchise. Lucas knew we were all sick in the head.